Friday Cleanup In The Locker Room (gay) (The Beauty of Gay Love (Anthology II) [jerk off stories] Bo

The extent to which some are still so offended by sex and sin, even as life literally burns around them, is played for genuine laughs. Uncertain young adults fess up, hook up, and give up in these wryly subversive stories about Mormons doing missionary work. In other stories, two missionaries break the rules by taking jobs as male strippers; another on a malfunctioning airliner insists that God will see him through; a perpetually horny Mormon wonders if sperm donation is a permissible mode of relief; and a duo is given a secret assignment to murder an apostate.

Townsend draws an evocative portrait of the missionary experience and its mixture of exaltation and dejection. This being a Townsend work, stories sometimes culminate in unforeseen gay sex: Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints grapple with the harshness of church teachings in these ironic but heartfelt stories. A man whose niece is missing in a great tsunami wonders why local churchgoers seem indifferent to the catastrophe; a literature student is asked by a church leader to write Amazon reviews of anti-Mormon books—without reading them; and a teacher decides that cruelty is next to godliness, for her students and everyone else.

The author treats Mormon idiosyncrasies with a mixture of fond bemusement and resentment; many stories are about how empty theodicy—theories of why God permits evil—can seem to suffering people. In his great theme of the eternal clash between liberal humanism and religious strictures, the latter usually come off as petty and callous. Countless fibs, evasions, and hypocrisies buttress the verities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in these slyly subversive stories.

Still, especially in his quieter stories about gay Mormons weathering exile from the church, he gets under the skin of his characters to reveal their complexity and conflicts. Gay Mormons struggle for acceptance from a hostile church—and themselves—in these wryly subversive stories. The latter involves a Mormon male prostitute named Houston who has a tryst with a closeted Mormon Republican senator in a Washington hotel room.

These stories foreground usually closeted, usually devout Mormons wrestling with the doctrines of a religion that insists on heterosexual marriage and child-rearing as the sole path to holiness. Many of them are wracked with guilt and fears of hell—an old man welcomes a terminal cancer diagnosis as a release from a life of tormented celibacy, and a Brigham Young student tries electroshock to cure himself of lustful thoughts—while others finesse an accommodation between their sexual longings and their faith: A collection of subversive short stories about members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Townsend, the author of Dragons of the Book of Mormon and the instant cult-classic The Golem of Rabbi Loew , returns with a new collection of sharply intelligent tales revolving around disillusionment with the Mormon faith. In these sympathetic but subversive stories, Mormons have their faith tested in ways both subtle and severe. Other tales feature quieter but still nerve-wracking intrusions: His normally understated critique of Mormon sexism, homophobia and reaction occasionally grows strident: Still, Townsend has a deep understanding of his characters, and his limpid prose, dry humor and well-grounded occasionally magical realism make their spiritual conundrums both compelling and entertaining.

Gay Mormons struggle to reconcile their hearts with their faith in these slyly revealing stories. In the title story, two young men find that their nostalgia for Victorian culture—sadomasochistic fetishes and a cult of virginity—resonates with their Mormonism. Suffused with talk of politics, these stories register the new openness and confidence of gay life in the age of same-sex marriage; many are set in the tolerant milieu of Seattle, where middle-aged characters lead comfortable, dull lives, their ostracism from the church just another muffled ache amid ordinary estrangements and deflations.

His warm empathy still glows in this intimate yet cleareyed engagement with Mormon theology and folkways.

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Funny, shrewd and finely wrought dissections of the awkward contradictions—and surprising harmonies—between conscience and desire. He focuses much of his attention on the struggle between homosexuality and acceptance within the faith, providing a number of stories focused on gay men who have fallen away from the church. Other characters are also struggling with alternate life choices that have placed them outside the mainstream faith.

One couple struggles with the decision to remain childless; a devout man questions his own relevance within the church after being overlooked for a higher calling; a depressing LDS singles cruise leads a desperate man to realize he may be too far outside the norm to truly fit into the Mormon community. Townsend touches on family, addiction, sex and love, concepts that should resonate with all readers. As appropriate for a compilation of stories that present real characters in gritty reality, nothing is black and white.

Townsend condemns facets of the religion yet manages to present conflicted viewpoints with balance. Rather than anger and disdain, he offers an honest portrayal of people searching for meaning and community in their lives, regardless of their life choices or secrets. Townsend writes gorgeous, intimate tales from the edges of one of the fastest-growing religions in the world.

While his many touching vignettes draw deeply from Mormon mythology, history, spirituality and culture, his book is neither a gaudy act of proselytism nor angry protest literature from an ex-believer. Like all good fiction, his stories are simply about the joys, the hopes and the sorrows of people—and here, many of those people just happen to be Mormons.

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Townsend's status as a Mormon could be best described as a gay ex-Mormon who still associates himself with the traditions of his youth. The author reflects on his complicated faith by creating characters that, like him, dwell on the borders of the Mormon community—a nonbeliever stuck in purgatory, a young Mormon ready to shirk his missionary responsibilities, a gay contemporary of Brigham Young uneasy about taking a fourth wife.

For a lesser writer, this challenging range would press fiction into absurdity. But for Townsend—who has a bit of Philip K. This range notwithstanding, Townsend knows the value of mining the single moment, and many of his best stories feature lush descriptions of a simple meal or an intimate conversation.

Further, he has a flair for writing believable dialogue that reveals, among other things, that the gay Mormon experience is simply another aspect of the human experience. A collection of short stories set along the connections of gay life, Jewish life and Mormon life. This collection from Townsend Flying Over Babel , , etc. Obstacles abound—too profusely, in fact; most of these stories suffer because of an emphasis on shocking material. In the long title story, for instance, the burlesque of a rabbi creating a perfect lover out of clay drowns out a rather touching story of frustrated love trying to make itself heard.

In one story, two good-looking young men find friendship through a shared love of the Talmud—but also through a shared love of frantic shagging in the afternoon, which feels hastily tacked on to a more cerebral but also more involving story.

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This is, of course, the signature danger of porn: Townsend is already given to telegraphing his punches: A strong collection, but its internal conflicts—between sensitive depiction of Jewish intellectual life and raunchy tales of porn—ultimately work at cross-purposes. In this novelistic collection of short stories, a gay Mormon missionary struggles to make sense of sexuality and spirituality in s Italy.

Like most young Mormon men, Robert Anderson wants to show his devotion to his church and his God by being a good missionary. The challenges of adjusting as a year-old to missionaries' stringently austere lifestyle and a foreign culture are exacerbated by the shameful, burdensome secret of Anderson's homosexuality.

Nonetheless, Anderson believes that if he's righteous and obedient enough, God will bless him by making him straight.

  • Everything is not Enough.
  • .
  • The Undoing of Death?
  • Being Human: An Entheological Guide to God, Evolution, and the Fractal Energetic Nature of Reality;
  • Johnny Townsend.
  • Celebrity Secrets: Official Government Files on the Rich and Famous.

Surviving earthquakes and a war between factions of organized crime are frankly easier than coping with the despair of finding that no matter how faithfully and diligently he works, he's still gay. But eventually Anderson is assigned as a working companion a beautiful, young Italian who loves Anderson for the kindness and compassion he shows others; that acceptance helps Anderson see that he deserves some of that compassion himself. It's a pleasure to watch Anderson stand up to his bullying roommate and to joke about situations that he previously could scarcely have acknowledged aloud.


That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs. A Normal Life Y tu Mama Tambien Your Pro page is public. The author reflects on his complicated faith by creating characters that, like him, dwell on the borders of the Mormon community—a nonbeliever stuck in purgatory, a young Mormon ready to shirk his missionary responsibilities, a gay contemporary of Brigham Young uneasy about taking a fourth wife. Brokeback Mountain R min Drama, Romance 7. Anthology of four gay-themed stories centered around the idea of first-time crushes.

Ultimately he calmly accepts disgrace because it carries with it such valuable understanding of himself and the nature of the church for which he's been working. Like all short-story collections from Townsend Let the Faggots Burn: An extremely important contribution to the field of Mormon fiction, whose current growth just might make all that explication unnecessary in the future. A chronicle of the tempestuous six year romance between megastar singer, Liberace , and his young lover, Scott Thorson.

Not Rated 85 min Drama, Romance, Thriller. A pair of recently married gay men are threatened by one of the partner's brother, a religious fanatic who plots to murder them after being ostracized by his church. NC min Drama, History, Romance.

  1. New Title 1 (I Was A Child Molested);
  2. Sexuality, Health and Human Rights (Sexuality, Culture and Health)!
  3. Gay Cinema & Television.

Max is gay and as such is sent to Dachau concentration camp under the Nazi regime. He tries to deny he is gay, and gets a yellow label the one for Jews instead of pink the one for gays Four short films explore love, growth, and pain in intimate relationships between men. In "Death in Venice, CA," a stressed-out academic succumbs to the temptations of his landlady's George Camarda , P.

David Ebersole , Terracino.

A collection of 6 gay-oriented short-films. Two main themes are explored here: Unrated 97 min Drama, Music, Romance. A modern gay drama about falling in and out of love, and the rocky road in between. Unrated 87 min Comedy. Whacked-out, muscle-bound, cross-dressing actor Beverly Jackson has been rejected for a role in Pride Playhouse's nude theatrical production of "Balls Out.

Unrated 87 min Comedy, Drama, Music. Casper Andreas , Fred M. R 92 min Comedy, Romance. Billy is a gay fine-arts photographer who falls in love with straight coffee-shop waiter Gabriel. Not Rated 91 min Drama, Romance. Irish writer and political activist Brendan Behan, is befriended as a teenager in a British labor camp by a liberal warden. R 88 min Drama. A devoted husband in a marriage of convenience is forced to confront his secret life. Not Rated 90 min Comedy.

Failed student and perpetual job loser Bowser has always wanted to direct a gay porn film. His parents think it's ridiculous, so Bowser has to figure a way to raise the money for the film himself, which he does, with farcical results. Harrison , Jeanne Scurek. Seven short films in which gay youths and young men negotiate society, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. In several, teen boys come out, perhaps first to a close friend - how will the Matten , Eric Rognard , David M.

Unrated 88 min Drama, Romance. A successful male escort describes in a series of confessions his tangled romantic relationships with his two roommates and an older, enigmatic male client. A funeral rockets John into the orbit of the flamboyant Solange, a B-movie actress best known in Europe for her roles in '80s Italian horror movies. As John follows her into heady whirlwind Not Rated 81 min Comedy. Paul, Matt, and Will in their 30s have been friends for years. They converge at the seaside for the weekend, each with a boyfriend in tow.

Prime Book Box Books . Splendor In Kevin's Hideout (The Beauty of Gay Love ( Anthology) [jerk off. $ GAY FOOT FETISH (The Beauty of GAY LOVE: Konrad's jerk off stories Book 3. $ Friday Cleanup In The Locker Room ( gay) (The Beauty of Gay Love (Anthology II) [jerk off stories] Book 2). Jan 1, 2nd Place in LGBT anthology/collection for the Rainbow Awards, In this collection of short stories, gay members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—and their loved ones—face perhaps the greatest between religion and self-fulfillment that never quite break out of the box.

Paul is with Ben, his companion of five years: Tom Hunsinger , Neil Hunter Stars: R min Drama. Tempers fray and true selves are revealed when a heterosexual is accidentally invited to a homosexual party. Each of the three short films in this collection presents a young gay man at the threshold of adulthood. In "Pool Days," Justin is a year old Bethesda lad, hired as the evening life Compilation of four short films about homoerotic situations involving young men.

Tom DeCerchio directed "Nunzio's Second Cousin", telling the story of a gay cop who forces a gay-basher to Lane Janger 's "Just One Time" was a festival favorite later expanded Anthology of four gay-themed stories centered around the idea of first-time crushes. In these sexy, fun and darkly entertaining boys shorts, we see the hilarious terrors of gay childhood, an Internet hook-up with unexpected motivation and what happens when you hate musicals Not Rated 62 min Drama, Romance.

Jason is addicted to Internet chat rooms and is looking for his dream guy there. Chad is looking a little closer to home. R 80 min Documentary. Shane Bitney Crone's plans to marry Tom Bridegroom in California after the same-sex marriage law is passed takes a tragic turn when his partner of six years accidentally dies and Tom's family refuses Shane from attending the funeral.

Not Rated min Comedy, Drama, Musical. A quirky, romantic comedy about the complexity and frustration of finding a true love in the gay community. Marc is a struggling actor who finds an apartment in NYC by searching the R min Drama, Romance. The story of a forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys, and their lives over the years. R 94 min Comedy, Drama, Romance.

In the palm-shaded oasis of West Hollywood, we meet Dennis, a promising photographer. As he prepares to celebrate his twenty-eighth birthday, he laments, ' I can't decide if my friends are R 81 min Comedy. R 85 min Comedy, Drama, Romance.

Davy and Stu - Gay Short Film ᴴᴰ

A naive teenager is sent to rehab camp when her straitlaced parents and friends suspect her of being a lesbian.