Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf (Book 1) (Wereworld series)

The Jamie Drake Equation. Four Arms and Wildvine. The Selkie of San Francisco. The Door Before Cupboards Prequel. The Legend of Greg. Welcome to Wonderland 3: Detective Nosegoode and the Museum Robbery. Addison Cooke and the Tomb of the Khan. Hyacinth and the Stone Thief. Nadya Skylung and the Cloudship Rescue. Jake Halpern and Peter Kujawinski. Praise Praise for the Wereworld series: Looking for More Great Reads? Download our Spring Fiction Sampler Now. Bergan gives the two boys the supplies necessary to survive, while also telling Drew that he is the son of the former king, Wergar.

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While on the run, Hector teaches the ignorant Drew of the Werelords and their origins, while Drew muses that the two friends are now fugitives. Hector also reveals himself to be a Werelord as well: Although the Baron himself is welcoming to Drew, he is quickly antagonised by Lady Gretchen , the future Queen of the land betrothed to Lucas and Hector's cousin.

Huth helps Drew prepare for his exile with the help of Hector and Vincent Hector's twin brother , and it is decided that Omir , the desert land ruled by the Jackals, is the best place to lose himself. Hector must also disappear; he is forced to flee to Icegarden ruled by Duke Henrik , who is a friend of Huth's and a resenter of Leopold's rule , given the circumstances of his escape. Drew clashes with Gretchen again, but also stumbles upon her sadly singing to herself in the middle of the night. Upon the day of departure however, the Lionguard appear two weeks earlier than expected: When Huth tries to resist the group, he is killed by Captain Brutus ' silver sword.

When Brutus advances on Drew however, the boy takes Gretchen hostage and escapes by the Redwine river with Hector.

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Upon their journey, Hector teaches Drew more about Lyssia's geography and tells him about King Wergar: When he chose one campaign too many the conquest of Omir, ironically , Bergan refused to assist. Upon his absence, Leopold came forward and took over the relatively undefended country defeating the lingering Duke Bergan in the process , kidnapping Wergar's family and telling Bergan that they would only be safe if Wergar were to surrender the throne and go into exile.

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Drew's strength of character is amazing and only gets enhanced with the trials and tribulations he has to face. Jake Halpern and Peter Kujawinski. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? That provided me with the familiar comfort that I long for in certain stories. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? Could Drew be the one foretold in the ancient prophecies?

Bergan relays the message to the weary Wergar upon his return, his pleas bolstere come to my housed by others Baron Huth, being a scholar as well as a magister, also exploited his superstitious nature. Before Hector can complete the tale, the trio's raft reaches the Bott Marshes. The trio find room in a nearby inn, but after Gretchen goes to freshen up, the boys witness a man being beaten by Lionguard oblivious to the events in Redmire.

Wereworld - Rise of the wolf book trailer

Drew makes a stand against the soldiers, but reveals his identity in the process. When retreating to their quarters, they see that Gretchen has fled: They quickly find the tribe responsible, but a negotiation turns into a bloodbath as a fight ensues and the shaman is killed after saying she has been sacrificed to Vala , the Wyrm Goddess a Wereserpent who supposedly cast her humanity aside and most likely perished years ago. Drew frets about the dead end, but Hector reveals that he has studied the forbidden art of communing.

Rise of the Wolf by Curtis Jobling

Using this knowledge, he revives the shaman and extorts the necessary information from him. When the ceremony goes wrong, Drew slays the zombie before the boys enter the forest and find Vala to be real. Drew is able to overcome her and saves Gretchen after a struggle, but is overcome by the venom he ingested in the process. Gretchen also faints from her injuries, leaving Hector alone in the wild. Hector has been able to treat both Drew and Gretchen and is now heading to All Hallows Bay , having found a horse and cart for use.

It is here that Gretchen realises that Drew is in fact a good person and treats him with respect, also hinting that she has turned her back on the idea of marriage with Lucas.

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Madison I definitely would not recommend this series to younger readers, but it 'Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf' is the first Young Adult paranormal book from. Wereworld has 35 ratings and 4 reviews: Published by Penguin Group, pages, Hardcover.

At the harbour, the boys plan to flee overseas and leave Gretchen to find her way back home having obtained her word that she will not betray them. Logan Vandermause rated it it was amazing Sep 22, Caroline rated it liked it Mar 16, Joe rated it really liked it Oct 07, Nate Bingaman rated it really liked it Mar 08, Alex Phillips rated it it was amazing Sep 22, Seth rated it it was amazing Nov 30, Shellie rated it it was amazing Mar 13, Mar 24, Luz Maria rated it it was amazing. The summary of the book was that Drew is living with his family in the farm.

After the creature was defeated by Drew, the father came in and saw what had happened.

He thought that Drew had killed his mother so he stabs him violently with a sword. Afterwards the father left the place where he thought he had killed his son Drew. Later he looked back and Drew was nowhere to be found.

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My predictions for this book is that The summary of the book was that Drew is living with his family in the farm. My predictions for this book is that Drew will probably kill his father on accident and then he will ask the dark shadowy creature why did he kill the mother. Then the creature will tell him the shocking truth about his family. Another thing is that he will also tell him about Drew himself, then disappear.

Rise of the Wolf

After that discussion, Drew will now know that he is a werewolf. He has to get out of his hometown before he dies. This is the only part of the book I am giving away. This book was very epic and exciting, also with a bit of humor in it. Some connections that I can make were between Drew and me because I can be a bit caring and misunderstood for the things I have done.

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  • The Auditory Cortex: A Synthesis of Human and Animal Research!
  • Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf (Book 1).

I say this because there is a lot of good content in the book especially the fantasy. Lyba rated it really liked it Nov 09, Bryant Silvey rated it it was amazing Aug 17,