Handbook of Citizenship Studies

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From women's rights, civil rights, and sexual rights for gays and lesbians to disability rights and language rights, we have experienced in the past few decades a major trend in Western nation-states towards new claims for inclusion. Not only are the rights and obligations of citizens being redefined, but also what it means to be a citizen has become an issue of central concern.

Handbook of Citizenship Studies (eBook, PDF)

As the process of globalization produces multiple diasporas, we can expect increasingly complex relationships between homeland and host societies that will make the traditional idea of national citizenship problematic. As societies are forced to manage cultural difference and associated tensions and conflict, there will be changes in the processes by which states allocate citizenship and a differentiation of the category of citizen.

This book constitutes the most authoritative and comprehensive guide to the terrain. Drawing on a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge, and including some of the leading commentators of the day, it is an essential guide to understanding modern citizenship. He is an editorial board member of Gender, Place, and Culture: He has authored several articles on urban political geography, political theory, queer theory, and health politics. His current interest is in political theory and the changing locations of terminal care. Geographies of Metaphor from the Body to the Globe Routledge, He has a history as an editor of political journals, and is chair of the editorial board of Australian Universities Review.

Handbook of Citizenship Studies

He has published widely on the histories of citizenship, personhood and ethics. He taught at the University of British Columbia from until his retirement in His recent teaching and research interests have concentrated on Canadian federalism, the Charter, the Constitution, and Aboriginal issues.

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To include a comma in your tag, surround the tag with double quotes. Communitarianism and Citizenship Gerard Delanty As the process of globalization produces multiple diasporas, we can expect increasingly complex relationships between homeland and host societies that will make the traditional idea of national citizenship problematic. He teaches American constitutional law and American political thought, with special interests in issues of citizenship and racial, gender, and class inequalities. Ecological Citizenship Chapter Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Wood, Citizenship and Identity London:

Four recently published collections of his essays are: Constitution, Government and Society in Canada ; Disruptions: Williams and Charter versus Federalism , which explores the tensions between these two pillars of the constitutional order. His latest book is Citizens Plus: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State His research focuses on environmental ethics and the ethics of community development. Curtin's most recent books are Chinnagounder's Challenge: His publications include Civic Virtues: He the Chief Editor of the European Journal of Social Theory and author of many articles in journals and chapters in books in social theory, the philosophy of the social sciences and the historical and political sociology of European societies.

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His books include Inventing Europe: Nationalism, Identity, Ideology co-authored with P. O'Mahony, Macmillan, , Social Science: His interests include comparative social policy, political sociology, sociology of law, and methodology. Gran's current research focuses oncomparative social policy as it is formed in the intersection of the public and private sectors.

He is the author of Cities Without Citizens: Modernity of the City as a Corporation Montreal, , with P. Wood, Citizenship and Identity London: Sage, , [Page ix] Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship Minnesota: Cultural Citizenship Toby Miller Multicultural Citizenship Christian Joppke Ecological Citizenship Deane Curtin City, Democracy and Citizenship: Historical Images, Contemporary Practices Cosmopolitan Citizenship Andrew Linklater Index.

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Not only are the rights and obligations of citizens being redefined, but also what it means to be a citizen has become an issue of central concern. As the process of globalization produces multiple diasporas, we can expect increasingly complex relationships between homeland and host societies that will make the traditional idea of national citizenship problematic.

As societies are forced to manage cultural difference and associated tensions and conflict, there will be changes in the processes by which states allocate citizenship and a differentiation of the category of citizen.

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'The contributions of Woodiwiss, Lister and Sassen are outstanding but not unrepresentative of the many merits of this excellent collection'- The British Journal of. 'The contributions of Woodiwiss, Lister and Sassen are outstanding but not unrepresentative of the many merits of this excellent collection'- The British Jou.

This book constitutes the most authoritative and comprehensive guide to the terrain. Drawing on a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge, and including some of the leading commentators of the day, it is an essential guide to understanding modern citizenship.