Gyre Straits

But now a hundred thousand of the Gyre's troops are attempting to scale the city, and ladders are being brought up by the thousands. At Stormwall, more and more ladders go up, though it seems that the entire enemy line falters with Violet of the Crimson Blades shoots at -something- in the darkness that dissolves when an arrow strikes it. Still, it's but a momentary distraction, as the Gyre's forces are trying to swarm the walls in ever increasing numbers as pike men and archers desperately try to batter them down.

At Setarco, the battle is well and truly joined - the captains and admirals of various fleets all working together to deliver what they hope to be a rout to the Gyre's Fleet.

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And it's working, though the lookouts at Setarco can see ships of the Compact sinking into the waves, more of the Gyre's fleet are sinking than the Compact's. Still, there are many wounded, among them Prince Jasher Thrax - bleeding and injured still he stands, doggedly determined to stand against the pretender-king of the Mourning Isles.

At Stormwall, a brutal push by the enemy against the city's walls is beaten back by a valiant rally by Lord Michael Bisland, who leads the defenders in a counter push that shoves off the walls and temporarily forces the ladders off all the walls. Thousands of dead litter the base of the walls below the city, but tens of thousands remain, with the ladders already being raised ontop of their mounting dead. The fighting at Stormwall reaches a fevered pitch, with tens of thousands of the attackers lying dead at the foot of the walls but most now streaming into the city.

The Compact forces have fought street by bloody street but have been driven from the port, and have fallen back to the Crovane castle as a last bastion before potentially surrendering the city entirely. The waves wash over the rapidly sinking fleet at Setarco. The Compact fleet has lost some ships, true - but not anywhere close to the numbers of the Gyre's fleet. No, this was a resounding victory for the Compact who chose to stand together to guard Setarco.

As the Compact carries the day, High Admiral Victus shouts loudly to the open sea, "You come at us swinging Marin, you fuckin' best do better than this. The Isles didn't budge and neither will this Compact. The Compact stands, united and unbowed. Next time," he says with a sneer as the sharks circle below, "bring friends. The city of Stormwall seemed lost, as the defenders were forced back to the castle of House Crovane that stood at the west of the city, with its gate to the mountain passes.

Reinforced by all the defenders, the forces of the gyre swarmed ever closer, and the defenders bleed them for each step, as they drew deeper and deeper into the city until they sieged the castle itself. And then, the Compact forces road out the west, abandoning the city of Stormwall Incendaries everywhere throughout the city went up, while tens of thousands of the Gyre's minions were trying to navigate the confusing castle and the narrow roads.

They died burning by the thousands and thousands, as Stormwall blazed withe a light that could be seen for miles away, and it's said the ash could be detected in the air from as far away as Old Oak. Thousands of the gyre's soldiers tried to hop the walls, only to be ridden down and cut down by the Valardin cavalry waiting in the passes. The city of stormwall was burned to the ground, but of the Gyre's forces that landed, they were killed To The Last. Still, at least a significant portion of that fleet withdrew, and questions remained, what happened to Darkwater Watch?

The bodycount of the Battle of Stormwall is still being counted, but one loss is particularly painful for the Faith of the Pantheon. Armel, the Grandmaster of the Knights of Solace, was among the fallen.

Arx, After the Reckoning

He was killed holding the line at the Battle of the Port, while he and a handful of other Knights of Solace bought time for others to evacuate back to the Crovane Castle. No one really knows how they got there or why they were there, and they don't seem to be able to remember either.

But the one thing they do remember is that Abbas Crownsworn died at sea during the recent battle. From Setarco the lull is interrupted by the approach by a huge monster, tentacled with blue-black, leathery skin. And so many eyes and so very many sharp teeth. They seemed to be seeking out the Choir of Sorrel, Tikva, and Luctia who sing from the Tower but, guarded by Lord Ian Kennex and watched over by Archlector Madeleine, the monsters could not find their prey. And as they struggled to defend the Choir the group tasked with monster hunting by Prince-Consort Talen arrived - Shard, Theron, Corban, Serafine, Adalyn, Leta, Elyse, and Regla - along with a man in a skull mask saved the day, sending the algae-covered monster, and then the tentacle monster it birthed, and then the monster vomited forth along with a stone tablet.

The monsters seemed thoroughly interested in killing the Choir, but they were prevented and so the small team carried the day. For now, Setarco lapses into quiet once more - but an uneasy sort of peace, and the sneaking suspicion that there are more than just ships heading their way. At Setarco, the news from the navy is grim.

What was one fleet has split into four prongs, and three are being engaged by Compact forces, but the fourth seems to be sending its crews at the gates of Setarco, making an end run around the port to come from the side of land. Meanwhile, forces at the gates seem to be dealing with monsters.

  1. Yoga for Fat Guys?
  2. Crisis Updates.
  3. Formed of Clay: (a short novel of ancient Egypt).

Half the Valardin cavalry is dead, having faced and with much difficulty mowed down a pack of the same creatures that killed Lord Killian and Zhayla, Sword of Deepwood. Word has is that Duke Cristoph Laurent led the valiant charge, but he has been taken to the Mercies in critical condition, barely clinging to life. On the water, the naval defense of Setarco is having a rough day.

Having dispatched one fleet, now they find themselves confronted by an even bigger one. And while the earlier fleet was haughty and dismissive, relying on sheer numbers to carry the day which didn't work out at all this one split into four smaller fleets. The Compact's fleets moved to engage three of them, while the fourth one sailed around Setarco to make landfall and attack the city by land rather than brave the port defenses.

The battle itself was brutal, harder than the last. The burden of competence in battle is your enemy ceases to underestimate you. And even from the towers at Setarco, through spyglasses they see the Red Serpent start to sink. And then it lurches forward somehow, straight into the center of one of the Gyre's sub-fleets and Fire just belches out of the sinking ship, engulfing the Gyre's fleets, and some of the Compact with it. The rest of the report goes unread in the square, and unpropagated, because someone, somewhere, has probably made some bizarre error while transferring actual events to paper to be spread among the people of the Compact.

And everything is likely just fine. Or well - there are still pirate fleets out there that the Compact is fighting. The battle isn't over yet.

  • Cry of the Elemental;
  • Arx - Gyre Straits, Come the Fleet;
  • Subtropical gyre?
  • Terminology (our suggestions)?
  • Sargasso Sea.
  • Nares Strait - Wikipedia;

And the gates of Setarco are still being assaulted by This is all gibberish. Reports from Setarco are sketchy and the messenger service is openly scheduling retraining on communications and message running, but for now they're publishing the reports with disclaimers at the bottom.

Story Emits

I don't know what happened to Lord Darrow. Panic from the handful of civilians that had thus far refused to evac was a problem, but Count Thesarin Riven managed to restore order and get them out of the way of the incoming troops, while a short and brutal battle at the docks secured that from the last attacking by ship. Enemy ships are ablaze, but fire rains down in return, and Prince Edain Valardin and Prince Jericho Valardin are seen on the beach shepharding particularly short sighted infantry away from falling boulders. Contrary to previous theories, results indicated the area has a wide variety of prokaryotic life. Introduction to Marine Biology.

Or they are, but not like that. Glass sharks don't grow that big and anyway - you know what? Even the disclaimer is ridiculous. Send those heralds to training. It's confusing and difficult, being in one place and only hearing snippets of information from far-flung places where loved ones fight and perhaps die. It is more of a slow drift of cooler water that rarely exceeds 10 centimetres about 4 inches per second.

Associated with these currents is coastal upwelling that results from offshore Ekman transport. It carries about 30 million cubic metres about 1 billion cubic feet of ocean water per second through the Straits of Florida and roughly 80 million cubic metres 2. Responding to the large-scale wind field over the North Atlantic, the Gulf Stream separates from the continental margin at Cape Hatteras. After separation, it forms waves or meanders that eventually generate many eddies of warm and cold water.

The warm eddies, composed of thermocline water normally found south of the Gulf Stream, are injected into the waters of the continental slope off the coast of the northeastern United States. They drift to the southeast at rates of approximately five to eight centimetres two to three inches per second, and after a year they rejoin the Gulf Stream north of Cape Hatteras.

Nares Strait

Cold eddies of slope water are injected into the region south of the Gulf Stream and drift to the southwest. After two years they reenter the Gulf Stream just north of the Antilles Islands. The path that they follow defines a clockwise-flowing recirculation gyre seaward of the Gulf Stream.

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Among the other western boundary currents, the Kuroshio current of the North Pacific is perhaps the most like the Gulf Stream, having a similar transport and array of eddies. The Brazil Current and East Australian currents are relatively weak. The Agulhas Current has a transport close to that of the Gulf Stream.

It remains in contact with the margin of Africa around the southern rim of the continent. It then separates from the margin and curls back to the Indian Ocean in what is called the Agulhas Retroflection. Not all the water carried by the Agulhas returns to the east; about 10 to 20 percent is injected into the South Atlantic Ocean as large eddies that slowly migrate across it. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind.

The premiere episode of Jonny Quest , "Mystery of the Lizard Men," involves a spy ring operating in the Sargasso, underneath the nonexistent derelict ships. Hammer Film Productions ' film The Lost Continent based on a Dennis Wheatley novel, Uncharted Seas , depicts travelers lost in a Sargasso Sea infested with carnivorous seaweed, giant crustaceans, and descendants of Spanish conquistadors ruling over other trapped people, descendants of those mired in the weed centuries before.

Fred Andrew's mystery novel, Plato's Pond , features the fictitious land of Gaia, which is a continent in the middle of the Sargasso Sea. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A region in the gyre in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. Not to be confused with Saragossa.

For other uses, see Sargasso Sea disambiguation. Encyclopedia of the Oceans. Retrieved 27 June Introduction to Marine Biology. Retrieved January 7, Retrieved January 7, — via OceanService. Your First Atlantic Crossing: A Planing Guide for Passagemakers 4th ed. Field Enterprises Educational Corp. A Sea Within a Sea: