Go Small or Go Home (Toronto Collection Book 2)

We learn much of the story through the first person point of view from Tess, It works well; we learn of her ambitions, her determination to succeed in them, the way, despite her resistance, she falls in love with Forrest. Both the dialogue and the internal dialogue is believable and differentiates all the characters.

And I was glad there was only a skimming over of the background setting of the story; that of the ice hockey. The descriptions of the settings provide a good sense of place and an authentic background to the story. The whole of the book has a steady pace. I was surprised by the denouement; the open ending f I was pleased there was an epilogue.

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I like an epilogue much as I like a prologue I feel it takes me beyond the perimeters of the story; that there is more to reveal. It's an added layer. The last line without giving any spoilers, I hope "I had all the time in the world. Hopefully we will hear more from these characters.

Editorial Reviews

Preview — Toronto Collection Vol. Soon, she's lost the freedom and joy she'd always found in art. My friends are so mad that they do not know how I have all the high quality ebook which they do not! It was the perf My Review - Heather Wardell has done it again! I liked that this wasn't some kind of insta-love.

May 26, Jess F. From Me to You Book Reviews rated it really liked it. Tess longs to take her hobby of creating miniature scenes and turn it into a fulltime career. However, when she goes for an interview to be Forrest's a pro-hockey athlete who recently was injured massage therapist she knows that it's the right decision to take the job. During their time together, "4. During their time together, they become closer and Forrest lets it slip that his mother owns a popular art gallery and he encourages Tess to meet with his mother to start her career.

Yet, as things get going Tess comes to realize that doing what she loves professionally comes with more strings attached than she might be willing to deal with. As time goes on Tess' relationship with Forrest becomes extremely close but is he willing commit to a new relationship with her? Is Tess able to deal with her massage position along with putting all her efforts into her dream job? Something has to give but what out of Tess' life is she willing to put the most into, and when she does will it all work out in her favor? This intensely complex novel reeled me with Tess' candid commentary and then hooked me with her compassion for Forrest which subtly turns into something more.

My Review - Heather Wardell has done it again! Tess and Forrest just jump right off the pages and the book reads as though it was a movie! The Plot - Usually, I get frustrated with a book that has two different plot lines running. In this case, the hockey part of the book and Tess' art career.

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Heather Wardell did a great job of not only balancing the two, but making me want to know what was going on in each. It was the perf My Review - Heather Wardell has done it again!

Go Small or Go Home (Toronto Series #2) by Heather Wardell

It was the perfect balance of a love story and finding the perfect career for Tess. There were smooth transitions between the two and they truly tied together wonderful in the end. The People - I love that Heather took the time to develop each character individually as well as how they worked together. Plus we got to know the people in each person's life and why they were important.

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This is a step that I see missed so often in books. Kudos to Heather for taking the time and effort to take each life full of people, not just two main characters. Overall - This was a great story with twists and turns that I did not see coming I love that in a book! This book has been on my tbr list for so long I guess I was a little afraid to read it in case it didn't live up to my hopes. I was a little hesitant because I had read another book, but wasn't very impressed. But this book was awesome! I can't believe I waited months to read this! Tess is a massage therapist and is trying to get her career as an artist going.

Forrest is a hockey player who is recuperating from a devastating accident. Both have scars and are fighting inner demons. Forrest's care This book has been on my tbr list for so long I guess I was a little afraid to read it in case it didn't live up to my hopes. Forrest's career is on the line and Tess wants to help heal him physically and emotionally. This book captured my attention early and held it. All of the characters were well developed. I loved how there was this mystery of who was trying to hurt Forrest and how even though there were the obvious suspects there was still a hint of mystery.

All in all, it was great overall, and I will not hesitate to read any of Heather Wardell's titles. Jan 13, Mariel Hoss rated it liked it. The romance within the pages was sweet enough but a little angst-y for me. Both Tess and Forrest were well-rounded characters, written well and kept your interest up This had a lot of extraneous to the romance part events that, intellectually, I understand served to highlight them as well-rounded characters who have lives and "stuff" outside of the romance but I prefer a romance to well, focus, on the romance. Okay but somewhat heavy for my tastes.

It's the fourth book by Heather Wardell I've read and so far the one I like the best. I didn't read them in the right order but it's not really an issue, I don't mind spoilers if the reading is good. Even though I wasn't so sure about the hockey context to start with, it captured me and I found it worked very well.

The background was well built and credible, the characters deep enough and also credible. I like the recurring hobbies such as crocheting, reading and swimming I can total It's the fourth book by Heather Wardell I've read and so far the one I like the best. I like the recurring hobbies such as crocheting, reading and swimming I can totally relate ;- and I love the idea of a series that tells the story of each character one at a time.

This way the readers get to learn more about each character and spend more time with the ones they like. A pretty clever idea, really. Wardell's descriptions of an artist at work to be very true to my own creative swells and dips. I too, lost myself and my creative reward when I turned my passion into my work. So I found even more reason to get invested in this character's professional and personal journeys. I do, however, wish that I had a work crush nearly as hot as I think Forrest must be after all I've read about him! The author crafts great, fleshed out characters and I will say I felt I learned a little bit about hockey along the way!

Considering I knew enough to fit on the tip of a sharpened pencil before, though, perhaps you shouldn't take that part of my review to heart if you are a hockey fan. A great book, very emotional and yet enjoyable read. A more 'realistic' romance than usual, two very fragile people connecting in spite of themselves. But he presents very natural, as part of being a whole person.

Both characters were very well represented. Very grounded and real and easy to envision. She tries to become commercial with it but the way she uses it to emotionally heal herself makes that difficult. An interesting struggle that mirrors the struggles going on elsewhere. A very touching read. Gosh darn it, I wanted to love this book, but I couldn't I loved Tess, loved Forrest, but the whole connection of the two left me cold.

Nothing felt complete even at the end. It is like forcing a puzzle piece in where it doesn't belong. It looks like it fits but it actually doesn't and you can t complete the puzzle. I also could not get into Tess's art. Even with the very detailed descriptions of the art, I found that I couldn't envision it nor did I feel that the author ended the book with that Gosh darn it, I wanted to love this book, but I couldn't I loved Tess, loved Forrest, but the whole connection of the two left me cold.

Even with the very detailed descriptions of the art, I found that I couldn't envision it nor did I feel that the author ended the book with that conflict really handled in the book. Have read this authors work before and enjoyed. Hoping for a better one next time I couldn't put the book down.

I just finished this book in record time, at least for me it was record time. It combines three parts of my life that mean so much to me. Hockey, being a girl, and reading. What a marvelous way to thread together a story about embracing what life should be all about. Living life on your own terms. Something most of us miss when searching for what we want to be when we grow up. I completely enjoyed the story. Now I can't wait to pick up the next one. I don't think I expected to love this book as much as I did.

Since I don't particularly have a strong passion for hockey, art, or swimming, it took me a little while to get into the book. But as I kept reading I could not put the book down.

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Tess and Forrest are such alive characters that I felt like they were real. I teared up a some points, and this book really touched my heart. Great job, Heather Wardell. Your books never cease to touch me. I have to say it is very rare now in days that I give a book a 5 star. Hell I cried and laughed! I have to admit I have one more book by this author and if that one is as good as this she will become a must read author for me!

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I had a little trouble reading this one, as it didn't seem to flow that well for me. I thought the story was interesting enough, but I was left wanting more at the end Loved, loved, loved this book. If you haven't read any of Heather Wardell's books you should really get on that! They're amazing with fantastic characters and a wonderful stories. I'll be posting a full review in the near future I don't think find the subplot of stifled creativity quite as strong as I'd hoped, but the description of the art inspiration and the development of the relationship between Tess and Forrest is beautifully written.

Too long and rambling. Side stories that never really went anywhere. I was enjoying it for the first few chapters and then it let me down. Another great story by Heather Wardell! I can't wait to read another Thanks again Heather for sharing your stories with us. We all have stories to tell, but not all of us can get them out to share Not my favorite from Wardell.

It doesn't help that I keep reading her books put of order. Rereading my own book? Yup - I'm making a page for my web site of connections between my books so I need to reread them all to make it happen.

Maybe it's the hockey player--Forrest--but I just found this so entertaining. This book was beyond amazing. Heather Wardell kept me in it and was glad that she wrote it from 1st point of view. I can't believe I waited months to read this! Tess is a massage therapist and is trying to get her career as an artist going. Forrest is a hockey player who is recuperating from a devastating accident.

Both have scars and are fighting inner demons. Forrest's career is on the line and Tess wants to help heal him physically and emotionally. This book captured my attention early and held it. All of the characters were well developed. I loved how there was this mystery of who was trying to hurt Forrest and how even though there were the obvious suspects it wasn't an open and shut case.. All in all, it was great overall, and I will not hesitate to read any of Heather Wardell's titles.

Plenty of other people have summarized the plot, so I won't rehash that. I've never read this author before.

Go Small or Go Home

She does a good job of making you feel like you know the characters. They are complex and make for pretty enjoyable reading. The main character, Tess, was I had a hard time picturing her. She was an artist, a massage therapist, and a competitive swimmer? She was sometimes really really annoying. Just because a character is annoying doesn't mean it's a bad book, in fact probably the opposite could be argued.

But because of some of Tess' annoying thoughts or choices I lost interest in the book at times.

  • Toronto Collection Vol. 1 by Heather Wardell.
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And the way the author described the lead male, Forrest, I couldn't shake that she was making him an emotional weenie. I feel like what she wanted us to see what a real and hurt man going through a very rough time, but sometimes she over did it and he came across If you have grown tired of authors portraying men as having no feelings and just being pigs, then you will love this book!

There were other characters though that peaked my interested. I hope the author wrote a book about Magnus. The reason it wouldn't get more is because the dialog wasn't exactly witty. And in fact lots of the interaction between the two main characters was childlike and awkward. I look forwarded to reading something else by her and see if maybe other characters bring something different to the table. Wardell is definitely a better writer out there than many around her, but she's not exactly top of my list. I did appreciate though that her story had heart and wasn't just fluffy crap.

I mean this is definitely an easy read, nothing too deep- but for the chick-lit category it has more heart than some plotless pieces of junk out there. Tess ends up becoming the massage therapist for Forrest a star on the Hockey team. Or someone who was traded to the team who had promise, but then after a car crash that killed his fiancee and other unfortunate injuries, he has not reaaly been able to play. Her job is to get him back in competitive form.

While at first things start out rough eventually she and her client seem to get along. Maybe a little too well as she really shouldn't get involved with someone she works for. And her whole life isn't about giving massages because she is also a competitive swimmer and likes creating miniatures in her spare time. While looking better Forrest's comeback has some hurdles as there appears to be someone trying to sabotage him. Can he find out who before it's too late? And why did he and later on his mother react so weird on first meeting Tess?

Overall a great novel set in the sports world. For someone so bad in gym, I sure like some of the novels set in baseball, hockey, footbal world etc. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. I like to keep a book in my bag, in my car, on my desk, kitchen table, etc. This is a good one to pick up and read a little here and there just for fun. I didn't like the title for starters so I almost didn't buy it for that reason. However, I had already read and enjoyed 'Life, Love and a Polar Bear Tattoo' by the same author which I really enjoyed, and this one was easy to read from the start and was one of those books where you want to find out what happens to each of the characters.

Some of the characters in 'Go Small or Go Home' were just a little too melodramatic for my liking. Forrest who calls their son Forrest? The ending could be predicted but then, I guess we all want to read a happy ending so there aren't too many choices for an author. Buy this book if you want a light, easy read with an ending you can probably guess from the start, but not if you want something to really sink your teeth into that will stay with you for years to come.

I'd give it 3 and a half stars. One person found this helpful. This is another great Heather Wardell book! The title tells a bit in that the lead character, Tess is an artist of miniatures. I truly do not know anything about miniature art except it looks difficult to do but now i feel like i can understand the thought and process that goes into it. Tess also is a massage therapist that is hired to work for a star hockey player with "issues". Some physical and some mental. Her art is a main focus because it is her passion and massage, even though she is excellent at it, is her job. I was drawn to her healing qualities as a therapist and also her passion with her art and her drive to compete as a swimmer.

She has a lot of energy and drive.

Toronto Collection Vol. 1

Enough for 10 women and I loved to share that energy in reading about her life. As usual there is a love story to be had and that is also very volotile and interesting. That is a great part of the story that does not cumulate until the very end. Very good book, i highly recommend! See all 42 reviews.