The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. The power of now: English View all editions and formats Summary: To make the journey into The Power of Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. From the beginning of the first chapter we move rapidly into a significantly higher altitude where one breathes a lighter air, the air of the spiritual.

Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language and a question and answer format to guide us. The words themselves are the signposts. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private.

The power of now : a guide to spiritual enlightenment

Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Details Additional Physical Format: Tolle, Eckhart, Power of now. Eckhart Tolle Find more information about: Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Similar Items Related Subjects: User lists with this item 35 Autoethnography 30 items by loliner updated about 2 days ago. Linked Data More info about Linked Data. You are not your mind -- ch.

Moving deeply into the now -- ch. The Order of Time Carlo Rovelli. Unlimited Power Tony Robbins. Big Magic Elizabeth Gilbert. Way of the Superior Man David Deida. The Seat of the Soul Gary Zukav. Becoming Supernatural Joe Dispenza.

Living Your Yoga P. Happiness Beyond Thought Gary Weber.

The Last Lecture Randy Pausch. Rise Sister Rise Rebecca Campbell. The Road Less Travelled M. You Are the Placebo Joe Dispenza. Emotional Alchemy Tara Bennett-Goleman. The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes. Other books in this series. More joy, right now. Oprah Winfrey show more. Review quote One of the clearest and most accessible texts on becoming more present than we have seen.

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Essential reading for anyone who might be feeling weighed down by the past or fearful of the future. When he was twenty-nine, a profound spiritual transformation virtually dissolved his old identity and radically changed the course of his life. He is now a counsellor and spiritual teacher. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Jan 31, Jillian rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I've read a few books with similar messages about living in the present, being mindful, and grateful--it's a very zen-like message--but this book was different. Tolle explains that we are not our thoughts. I liked his explanation of being still, and the question and answer form of the book, where he explains how it helps people refocus on what matters.

The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle The book is intended to be a guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and avoiding thoughts of the past or future. May 08, Jeff rated it really liked it. I like Echkart Tolle. I recommend this book if you are into new age spirituality or not. Even if you aren't into spirituality at all, check it out. I sometimes struggle with doubts about him, but I do this with all spiritual teachers. Another reviewer described him as a "pompous fraud" who "steals the classic works of Eastern cultures and repackages them in a poorly-written and impossibly stupid manner.

There are some very useful concepts in this book for me, presented in a very useful way. None of them are new, and E. Tolle says as much. The more I learn about the great wisdom teachings the more they seem to me to be the same, harmonious with each other.

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

So, he is just adding his voice to the harmony. The way Tolle presents the teachings make intuitive sense to me and helps me make use of them. Your mind wants you to think it is in charge, don't be fooled. Be aware of your emotions, they provide interesting guidance and input. There is no reality but the present moment, everything else is either a memory about the past or a fantasy about the future. I would hang out with Eckhart Tolle, and reading his books might be as close as I'll ever get. I think hanging out with the little sprite is cool.

Sep 08, Marcus Knight rated it did not like it. This is an awful, awful book. Sorry, there's no other way of putting it.

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And I can hear people saying already "but it makes me feel better". Whatever makes you feel in control, I guess. Tolle and others like him are squarely in the camp of woo as the great Randi would say! They promote a watered down and ultimately meaningless new-age theology. And of course Oprah loves him. I expected more, but he si This is an awful, awful book. I expected more, but he sits right in there with Deepak Chopra as a prime examples of other equally useless anti-science hokum. Tolle is kind of cultish. We are our egos.

We hold memories of pain for a good reason—to avoid repeating mistakes. That's how we evolved from our ape ancestors. And all his arguments fall down in exactly the same way as every other new-age guru I've ever read with the classic '3 card trick' as a means of argument: The most potent card of all.

It's not abuse; it's not pathetic or ridiculous or wrong; it's a crazy to wise teaching method. So when Eckhart calls you an idiot, it's not because he's an pompous idiot, it's because you have a idiot-complex that you need to evolve past, and he's here to help you see that!

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It's just not healthy to read books like this. This dualistic zen-style thinking just doesn't hold water in the real world. Humans are not broken, they're mostly just confused. Solutions to human problems will come from realist introspection, critical thinking, rationality and acknowledging of the darkness, e. We can start that process right here, right now—with our egos and pain-memories intact—not in some future idealised fantasy world.

Apologies if this is ranty - but this was a terrible, self-absorbed, arrogant, pompous book. View all 6 comments. I am up at stupid o'clock because my redneck neighbors upstairs are fighting once again. I'm sure whatever it is about, it has nothing to do with "Now". It's got to be about something such as, who took who's cigarettes, beer, and baby mama yesterday and what they plan to do to each other tomorrow in revenge. But what they are really doing is ruining my "now" Eckhart Tolle had an epiphany, or, a complete mental b I am up at stupid o'clock because my redneck neighbors upstairs are fighting once again.

Eckhart Tolle had an epiphany, or, a complete mental break depending on which side of the spiritual fence you sit on. During the time he was a student one of his professors, who's mind he admired greatly up and committed suicide - undoubtedly due to the pressure he and others put on him. How could such an intelligent person choose to end their life? This he put aside, as we all do, and went back inside his head and his anxieties.

Then one night he woke up with an overwhelming sense of dread and anxiety. But instead of taking the same route as his professor took, he heard someone or something say "accept everything", and that's what he did. Just then he felt like he was sucked into a void, just nothing at all. When he woke up in the morning everything seemed brand new and fantastic This book is full of good stuff such as Nothing ever happened in the past, and nothing will happen in the future.

Everything that happens only happens right now If you find yourself in an intolerable situation, you have three options. Remove yourself from it. If you can't do that, change it. If you can't do either, accept the situation completely at least for now. Because bitching about it does no good. There is more good stuff, so read the book if you want to know. There are also lots of silly new agey terms like "Pain body", which is unfortunate since your too busy chuckling to take the serious stuff serious, but I really liked this book and got a lot of good information from it.

View all 8 comments. Feb 01, Stephanie Macdonald rated it it was ok. I was excited to read this book. I am drawn to the power of thought, the law of attraction mixed with letting go of the past and living in the moment. I thought this book would further teach about how living in the now is so important, as present moment really is all we have. However the way this book was constructed was poor. I was like "Hello, I didn't even say that so why am I reading a chapter on something "the book says" I don't understand.

By the end it was as if he is saying we should be mindless, thoughtless drones who pay more attention to the leaves of the tree instead of the fact the tree is falling on us about to crush us. He did have several good points, such as not spending so much time worrying and thinking about the things that have already and have not happened yet. We do need to be more mindful of ourselves in the Now Once we recognize a harmful pattern we can have the awareness to change those aspects of ourselves.

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Living in the present is so important, but the way it was written in this book was just not for me, it was simply as if I was being told what to do and any other way is wrong View all 5 comments. Jun 30, Steph rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Someone at the bottom of the hole with no way out. If you are looking for a self-help book, then go a head and read this one - it may actually help you. Honestly, I couldn't get past the first chapter of this book. An acquaintance gave it to me; apparently he was worried that I wasn't a happy camper.

It's closer to the truth to say that he has a bad tendency to try to change people when they don't fit he pre-determined picture of how If you are looking for a self-help book, then go a head and read this one - it may actually help you. It's closer to the truth to say that he has a bad tendency to try to change people when they don't fit he pre-determined picture of how someone should think, act, and feel.

I put it off several times when he asked if I had gotten to read it, but finally broke down after a few months. The book basically reads, to me, as a religious tome, written by the man who plays the Messiah of an atypical religious group - no second coming or new god here, just a set of ideals and beliefs that you should adhere to.

He tells you in the first few paragraphs that regardless of who you are or what your situation is, 'your life is terrible and you must change it Not my cup of tea in the least. View all 3 comments. Jun 18, Loy Machedo rated it did not like it. Before I start thrashing the book, let me give you a few interesting facts. Its no surprise why every author wants Oprah to recommend their book. So lets start my review. Yes folks, My gazillion dollar book review that may be only people per day may read.

The author tries to give an explanation into topics like: Life in the Now. Now starts my Book Review. All Echkart Tolle has tried to do is splatter some spiritual words, some hard to define concepts, mixed it up with some logical confusion, lots of mumbo-jumbo, defined and twisted words, peppered it with mysticism, cooked it up with some crack pot experience, sliced it with some anecdotes and repeated the same concept is so many different ways — you will assume you are enlightened in the end, simply because your brains are either fried or numb with nonsense.

I mean in a world filled with people who are illogical and confused about the god myth, to the different kinds of gods and different versions of gods, you bring some cocaine induced neutral sounding deep nonsense and the next thing you know — everyone is holding hands, closing their eyes and feeling the warmth of the spirit flow through them — which is nothing but BS!!! I hated the book right from the time I read the first few lines. What a bloody waste of money, time and space these people are with their nonsense.

I think people should wake up, get real and stop following these woo-woo teachers with their nonsensical philosophies. I am as real as they get. Overall Rating Minus 10 out of What a bloody waste of time! May 01, Andi rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: People with busy minds that need to slow down. This book is an excellent guide to shutting of your brain noise.

ECKHART TOLLE .The Power Of Now! A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment...

We let our brains run us mad most of the time, and never really stop to enjoy the space we are in. Always dwelling over the past, or fretting about the future. Instead, be in the now; b This book is an excellent guide to shutting of your brain noise. Instead, be in the now; be present - enjoy what you have right in front of you. Experience it, because in one second it is gone, and you will never have the chance to enjoy it again. Another one of those awesome, life-changing books! Jul 17, Alex Ristea rated it did not like it Shelves: Eckhart Tolle is a fraud and a liar. I read this book because on a fundamental level, I agree with the principles.

Living in the now, and not worrying too much about what has happened or what will happen. I find myself a happier person that I can simply enjoy whatever I am doing, be it having a coffee on a patio, or being with friends, or even something seemingly benign as gro Eckhart Tolle is a fraud and a liar.

I find myself a happier person that I can simply enjoy whatever I am doing, be it having a coffee on a patio, or being with friends, or even something seemingly benign as grocery shopping. Turning my thinking mind off, and concentrating on what I am experiencing in the present. Most of it is unintelligible mumbo-jumbo. The question that came to mind is something he actually included the book is written in a Q and A format.

Eckhart Tolle repeatedly makes unsubstantiated claims, and shows a clear ignorance of probability, the scientific method, critical thinking, and coming to rational conclusions. Mar 27, Susie rated it it was ok Shelves: This book came highly recommended on a blog I read, and it was recommended alongside another book in the same vein that I read and loved - so I thought, "Why not?

Although the book has a handful of insights and important concepts overall which you could probably pick up from ANY book about meditation - you know, things about going through life consciously rather than unconsciously, aware of emotions and separate from judgement, accepting of the present rather than dwelling This book came highly recommended on a blog I read, and it was recommended alongside another book in the same vein that I read and loved - so I thought, "Why not?

Although the book has a handful of insights and important concepts overall which you could probably pick up from ANY book about meditation - you know, things about going through life consciously rather than unconsciously, aware of emotions and separate from judgement, accepting of the present rather than dwelling in the past or future this book is written in the most circuitous, repetitive and bland way possible, using made up buzz words that barely make sense "pain body", "psychological time", "unmanifested" and the author frequently comes across as short-tempered, pompous and condescending, ie "I already told you that!

I was just standing here enjoying myself - in joy in myself. Jun 08, Steven Walle rated it it was amazing. Eckhart Tolle is an excellent teacher. He teaches us a simple concept of living in the now and what happiness and blessings can be gleened from this practice.

It is a very strait forward teaching but with Tolle's dynamic writing style he brings each page to life for the reader. I recommend this book to all. Yesterday is history; Tomorrow is a mystry; Today is a gift from God.