The DSSSL Book: An XML/SGML Programming Language

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You can get the remaining amount to reach the Free shipping threshold by adding any eligible item to your cart. The book covers the structure of a DSSSL document, its programming language, the groves data model, the query. The book covers the structure of a DSSSL document, its programming language, the groves data model, the query language, the transformation language and the style language. Individuals maintaining DSSSL stylesheets, and technical managers in all types of publishing will find in this book a way to give their documents a professional aspect, and a way to automate document processing in a modern way.

Readers of the book will learn the necessary concepts to understand the DocBook DSSSL stylesheets and will learn the concepts on how to customize stylesheets.

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DSSSL is a standard of the SGML family (Standard Generalized Markup Language, ISO ), whose aim is to establish a processing model for SGML. The DSSSL Book: An XML/SGML Programming Language: Javier Farreres.

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The DSSSL Book: An XML/SGML Programming Language by Javier Farreres

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