Conversations with God - Book 2: An uncommon dialogue

I felt very mad that someone would even suggest someone like Hitler would be in heaven. I had to pull myself away from my preconcieved notions and start the chapter over again because I felt I was being close minded which was not what I wanted to do with the book. It definitely continues to build on the thoughts and ideas of book one. These books are very thought provoking and insightful. I really thought that these books are wonderful reads but this one is the slowest of all of them. If Neale reads this, maybe he can find out why our forgetfulness is key?

This was mentioned but not expanded upon as promised. I would sure like to be able to retain all skills and knowledge that we have learned but forgotten not only in this life but previous ones. It sure seems a shame to waste years of every life to learn new skills and relearn old ones.

It was consistently stated that our forgetfulness is key to the plan, and that we aren't here to learn, yet with our often failing memories we must learn and relearn. It was said that we are here to remember, and that we know all, future, past events and knowledge of everything. Maybe this is what is gained through meditation, but it doesn't allow one to necessarily practice medicine.

It would be great to say I know all about any subject and it be true and socially accepted. It would have been more credible had Neale not mentioned "The Course in Miracles", as the subject matter is very similar. We are constantly evolving spiritually and mentally as a human race: This series seems similar to the difference theologically speaking between democracy and tribal headhunters.

I'm in favor of widened beliefs. One thing has me puzzled. If we exist in all moments seperately, how does our consciousness seem so serially connected? What is the miniscule moment of time or awareness that each seperate one of us endures? When time seems to stand still, maybe it's because this moment is experienced by many of our imagined identities and held in awe by each.

Life changing awareness for our Igniter of Hope Book Club All the CWG Books have been confirming our spiritual path, our path of least resistance. We are forever grateful for these reminders and better understanding of our loving creator. Having the dialogue interrupted twice greatly took away from what would otherwise be a spectacular performance.

Since it was continued at the end anyway, why not just place the entire discussion at the end? Just like the first one it is all at once; simple, inspiring, validating and even hard to hear at some points. No, I would not. If anyone asked me I would tell them not to waste their time on anything produced by these people, beyond the first book the first book was great. Would you ever listen to anything by Neale Walsch again?

He is a good narrator, just not of anything he has written beyond the first book. Which scene was your favorite? I can't think of any. To me that means that any good information was undone with all the other BS in the book. It did have some funny parts, but not enough to have wasted my time.

Neale Donald Walsch: CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD, Book 2

This book did little to increase my interest in the subject matter from this author. I will go back to Eckhart Tolle and other authors like him.

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This book was a confused mess. The best example of this is to have a global government, not individual countries and that the result of this global government would be to take control away from the elites that run things now. This global government would in fact be corrupted and run by the every elites that run things now. Take a look at the UN if you need proof of this.

The interviews that are done with the publisher, the editor, and others add no value to the book, and was a very jarring interruption. Then the author started injecting his political beliefs into the subject and it just spoiled any message. In truth I would fast forward through this drivel hoping the book would get back on track. Then the book started hinting that questions asked in the second book would only be answered in the third book!

I want the eight hours and 35 minutes of my life back! The sense, integrity and truth emanates from every page. Book 3, as with the other two books, is a book that speaks, promotes and endorses unconditional love in a world full of human made conditions. For many years I was a child of a lesser god, but after reading the conversations trilogy, I have been able to dispel the outdated prejudices, bigotry and hatred the fears of ancient rhetoric from my life.

I find it hard to express how much happier, content and fulfilled I feel since I have adopted the teaching from these books. They have answered all my questions about life and the universe and our relationship to everything including our purpose for existing. My vision about everything has changed dramatically for the better.

Some people may disbelieve that these books are a true conversation with God. But even if they are only the religious concepts and philosophical thoughts of a human mind expressed on paper, then they are wonderful thoughts with as much backbone as you could wish to experience. I do recommend that you start with book 1 and listen your way through them objectively. When I first listened to them I felt overwhelmed.

In fact, letting go of some parts has been painful, but if you are yearning for a spiritual awakening, then you need look no further. I found myself through the 3 books, after listening to the trilogy I then play random chapters at completely random. As a dj I listen to a lot of music so the tones of the readers is a big thing for me, the book is beautifully presented with both a male and female speaking the words of God, this has been amazing as I was able to picture a mother and father figure speaking to me, and conversing with me.

This has been very helpful in helping me better communicate with my mum who is a devout Muslim, I have been able to converse with her about God and not religion. I short these books have changed my life and I am forever gteaful. Take your time with it, it's captivating but take a break from it every half hour and just soak in what you've heard to get the most out of it.

I bought 3 copies. Put your preconceived notions aside.

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The author has written this in such a way that it is easy to follow and understand the subject at hand. It is a good read and leaves you feeling that the answers have been right there all along even though you didn't even know or realize it. It is an uncommon dialogue the author has with God but just may be what is needed at times in life when it seems there is no answer when the opposite is true. The ending is very well worded and lets you know God is always with you. I recommend this book to anyone. I have to credit him for his I truly don't know what to think about this book.

It stunned me that anyone would have the courage to pen something like this. I have to credit him for his bravery in getting this out there. There are some very compelling things here that are worth seriously thinking about. But it's unclear to me whether this is "God" he is channeling or just his thoughts about religion and life in general.

There seemed to be a lot of frustration in the writings, which would indicate that there is so much that is subjective here. Perhaps I just didn't believe it, but something did not resonate with me. Just make a Perfect Act of Contrition. Boy, we really got sidetracked there. We started out talking about Time and ended up talking about organized religion. That includes not just hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, but Hitler as well.

The secret of understanding is knowing the Purpose behind all events. Statements 10 and 11, for instance, beg for further clarification. Why did Hitler go to heaven? I know You just tried to explain this, but somehow I need more. And what is the purpose behind all events? And how does this Larger Purpose relate to Hitler and other despots? All events, all experiences, have as their purpose the creating of opportunity. Events and experiences are Opportunities. Nothing more, nothing less.

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They are simply Events and Experiences—things that happen. It is what we think of them, do about them, be in response to them, that gives them meaning. Events and experiences are opportunities drawn to you— created by you individually or collectively, through consciousness. You are attempting to raise your consciousness. You have drawn these opportunities to you in order that you might use them as tools in the creation and experiencing of Who You Are. Who You Are is a being of higher consciousness than you are now exhibiting.

Because it is My Will that you should know, and experience, Who You Are, I allow you to draw to yourself whatever event or experience you choose to create in order to do that. These souls are drawn to you by you. You are drawn to them by them. It is a mutually creative experience, expressing the choices and desires of both.

Events, like people, are drawn to you, by you, for your own purposes. Larger planetary experiences and developments are the result of group consciousness. They are drawn to your group as a whole as a result of the choices and desires of the group as a whole. Group consciousness is something that is not widely understood—yet it is extremely powerful and can, if you are not careful, often overcome individual consciousness. You must always, therefore, endeavor to create group consciousness wherever you go, and with whatever you do, if you wish your larger life experience on the planet to be harmonious.

If you are in a group whose consciousness does not reflect your own, and you are unable at this time to effectively alter the group consciousness, it is wise to leave the group, or the group could lead you. It will go where it wants to go, regardless of where you want to go. If you cannot find a group whose consciousness matches your own, be the source of one. Others of like consciousness will be drawn to you. Individuals and smaller groups must affect larger groups— and, ultimately, the largest group of all, which is ALL humankind—for there to be permanent and significant change on your planet.

Your world, and the condition it is in, is a reflection of the total, combined consciousness of everyone living there. As you can see by looking around you, much work is left to be done. Unless of course, you are satisfied with your world as it is. Surprisingly, most people are. That is why the world does not change. Most people are satisfied with a world in which differences, not similarities, are honored, and disagreements are settled by conflict and war. Religious differences, in particular, are not tolerated, nor are many social, economic, or cultural differences.

Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 2

Exploitation of the underclass is justified by the self-congratulatory pronouncements from the upper class of how much better off their victims are now than they were before these exploitations. By this measure the upper class can ignore the issue of how all people ought to be treated if one were being truly fair, rather than merely making a horrible situation a tiny bit better—and profiting obscenely in the bargain. Most people even think there is no other natural way to be, that it is the nature of humans to behave in this manner, and that to act any other way would kill the inner spirit that drives man to succeed.

Most people do not see that they are destroying their Earth —the very planet which gives them Life—because their actions seek only to enhance their quality of life. Amazingly, they are not far-sighted enough to observe that short-term gains can produce long-term losses, and often do—and will. Most people are threatened by group consciousness, a concept such as the collective good, a one-world overview, or a God who exists in unity with all creation, rather than separate from it.

Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality. But we seem to have digressed here from the original question. You asked about Hitler. The Hitler Experience was made possible as a result of group consciousness. Many people want to say that Hitler manipulated a group—in this case, his countrymen—through the cunning and the mastery of his rhetoric. But Hitler could do nothing without the cooperation and support and willing submission of millions of people.

The subgroup which called itself Germans must assume an enormous burden of responsibility for the Holocaust. As must, to some degree, the larger group called Humans, which, if it did nothing else, allowed itself to remain indifferent and apathetic to the suffering in Germany until it reached so massive a scale that even the most cold-hearted isolationists could no longer ignore it.

You see, it was collective consciousness which provided fertile soil for the growth of the Nazi movement. Hitler seized the moment, but he did not create it. A group consciousness which speaks constantly of separation and superiority produces loss of compassion on a massive scale, and loss of compassion is inevitably followed by loss of conscience. The horror of the Hitler Experience was not that he perpetrated it on the human race, but that the human race allowed him to.

The astonishment is not only that a Hitler came along, but also that so many others went along. The shame is not only that Hitler killed millions of Jews, but also that millions of Jews had to be killed before Hitler was stopped. The purpose of the Hitler Experience was to show humanity to itself.

Throughout history you have had remarkable teachers, each presenting extraordinary opportunities to remember Who You Really Are. These teachers have shown you the highest and the lowest of the human potential. They have presented vivid, breathtaking examples of what it can mean to be human—of where one can go with the experience, of where the lot of you can and will go, given your consciousness. The thing to remember: Consciousness is everything, and creates your experience. Group consciousness is powerful and produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty or ugliness.

The choice is always yours. If you are not satisfied with the consciousness of your group, seek to change it. The best way to change the consciousness of others is by your example. If your example is not enough, form your own group—you be the source of the consciousness you wish others to experience. They will—when you do. Hitler gave you a golden opportunity to do that. The Hitler Experience—like the Christ Experience—is profound in its implications and the truths it revealed to you about you.

That is why Jews build monuments to the Holocaust and ask you never to forget it. For there is a little bit of Hitler in all of you—and it is only a matter of degree. Wiping out a people is wiping out a people, whether at Auschwitz or Wounded Knee. So Hitler was sent to us to provide us a lesson about the horrors man can commit, the levels to which man can sink?

Hitler was not sent to you. Hitler was created by you. He arose out of your Collective Consciousness, and could not have existed without it. That is the lesson. He held up a yardstick! He set a parameter, a border against which we could measure and limit our ideas about ourselves. Christ did the same thing, at the other end of the spectrum. There have been other Christs, and other Hitlers. And there will be again. Be ever vigilant, then. For people of both high and low consciousness walk among you—even as you walk among others. Which consciousness do you take with you? First, understand that death is not an end, but a beginning; not a horror, but a joy.

It is not a closing down, but an opening up. He thought he was doing bad! If you think Hitler acted insanely and all the while knew that he was insane, then you understand nothing of the complexity of human experience. Hitler thought he was doing good for his people. And his people thought so, too! That was the insanity of it! The largest part of the nation agreed with him!

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By this measure you have come to define yourself, know more about yourself. You cannot know cold unless were is hot, up unless there is down, left unless there is right. Do not condemn the one and bless the other. To do so is to fail to understand. For centuries people have been condemning Adam and Eve. They are said to have committed Original Sin. It was the Original Blessing.

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For without this event, the partaking of the knowledge of good and evil, you would not even know the two possibilities existed! Indeed, before the so-called Fall of Adam, these two possibilities did not exist. It was, literally, paradise. Shall you then condemn Adam and Eve, or thank them?

And what, say you, shall I do with Hitler? You may not agree with this, but it does not matter. You have just learned what you came here to discover. You promised in the first book to explain in Book 2 a long list of larger things—such as time and space, love and war, good and evil, and planetary geopolitical considerations of the highest order.

You also promised to further explain—in some detail—the human experience of sex. Book 2 deals with your collective life on the planet. Book 3 concludes the Trilogy with the largest truths: Taken together, My best current advice and information on everything from tying your shoe to understanding your universe. There is no time. All things exist simultaneously. All events occur at once. This is what is meant by: This information about Time all seems… well, interesting, but rather esoteric.

Does it have any application to real life? A true understanding of time allows you to live much more peacefully within your reality of relativity, where time is experienced as a movement, a flow, rather than a constant. It is you who are moving, not time. Time has no movement. There is only One Moment. At some level you deeply understand this. And when you do also, you often experience one of those life-defining moments. Your science has already proven this mathematically.

Formulas have been written showing that if you get into a spaceship and fly far enough fast enough, you could swing back around toward the Earth and watch yourself taking off. This demonstrates that Time is not a movement but a field through which you move—in this case on Spaceship Earth. One day you noticed that the Earth was not only spinning, it was also flying!

You saw that it was moving through space around the sun. You carefully calculated that it took revolutions of the Earth for the Earth itself to revolve around the sun. So you also decided that every so often one year would have to have a whole day more! Einstein and others realized that time was a mental construction, a relational concept. Thus, it took more minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, and centuries for all these cyclical events to occur recently than it did in !

It was his General Theory of Relativity which expanded your modern day understanding of the co-relation between time and space. You now may begin to understand why, if you make a long journey through space and return, you may have aged only ten years—while your friends on Earth will have aged thirty! The farther you go, the more you will warp the Space-Time Continuum, and the less your chances when you land of finding alive on the Earth anyone who was there when you left!

Obviously, if even more propulsion were available, one could return to the Earth before one took off! That is to say, time on Earth would pass more slowly than time on the spaceship. Increase the speed, and ten years in space might mean ten minutes on Earth. If you were in My place, you could see it All—right now! It may not make good science, but it produces good comprehension. Right now physical objects are limited in terms of their speed —but nonphysical objects—my thoughts… my soul… could theoretically move through the ether at incredible speeds.

And that is what happens often in dreams and other out-of-body and psychic experiences. You probably have been there before! But… if everything has already happened, then it follows that I am powerless to change my future. That is not true. You are always at a place of free will and total choice. Change or alter your behavior so as to avoid the undesired outcome.

It has not happened to you—yet! You are at a place in the Space-Time Continuum where you are not consciously aware of the occurrence. This forgetfulness is the secret of all time. Just step away from it! In that instant you change your experience—and everyone of You breathes a sigh of relief!

You must know—you are now ready to be told—that you exist at every level of the Space-Time Continuum simultaneously. The whole mosaic changes. It is by this device that your soul evolves. In the same way, the future you got help from his own future self, thus helping you avoid what he did not. But now I have another question. What about past lives? You are a being of Divine Proportion, knowing no limitation. A part of you is choosing to know yourself as your presently-experienced Identity. Yet this is by far not the limit of your Being, although you think that it is.

And what is that? You are using all of Life—all of many lives—to be and decide Who You Really Are; to choose and to create Who You Really Are; to experience and to fulfill your current idea about yourself. You are in an Eternal Moment of Self creation and Self fulfillment through the process of Self expression. You have drawn the people, events, and circumstances of your life to you as tools with which to fashion the Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision you ever had about yourself. This process of creation and recreation is ongoing, never ending, and multi-layered.

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I was nevertheless still seeking to illustrate the larger point. The same is true of those who are now reading it. Mar 18, Rana rated it really liked it. Unless of course, you are satisfied with your world as it is. As you keep expanding your vision, you make up new rules to cover that! The whole process will start over again! In Walsch's first dialogue, God notes that "knowing" and "experiencing" oneself are different things.

In your linear reality you see the experience as one of Past, Present, and Future. You imagine yourself to have one life, or perhaps many, but surely only one at a time.

Conversations With God Part 2 of Book 1

You are living this life, your presently realized life, in your Past, your Present, your Future, all at once! In your language you call that premonition. It would be very difficult for you to play this wonderful game of life if you had full awareness of what is going on. Even this description offered here cannot give you that. The Process depends on the Process being complete, as it is—including your lack of total awareness at this stage.

So bless the Process, and accept it as the greatest gift of the Kindest Creator. Embrace the Process, and move through it with peace and wisdom and joy. Use the Process, and transform it from something you endure to something you engage as a tool in the creation of the most magnificent experience of All Time: Those secrets are secrets for a reason. Grant your God the benefit of the doubt. Decide Who You Are—Who you want to be—and then do everything in your power to be that.

Use what I have told you about time as a framework, within your limited understanding, upon which to place the constructions of your Grandest Idea. Most of all, if a way is made known to you to create, display, express, and experience your Divine Self in ever more glory right here, right now, follow that way. And a way will be made known to you, because you have asked. Producing this book is a sign of your asking, for you could not be producing it, right now before your very eyes, without an open mind, an open heart, and a soul which is ready to know.

The same is true of those who are now reading it. For they have created it, too. How else could they now be experiencing it? Everyone is creating everything now being experienced— which is another way of saying that I am creating everything now being experienced, for I am everyone. Then, after the vapors are gone, there is energy.

This manifests as vibration. Movements of the All at a particular frequency. Once—using your linear time as a model—all the matter in the universe was condensed into a tiny speck. You cannot imagine the denseness of this—but that is because you think that matter as it now exists is dense.

Actually, what you now call matter is mostly space. The space between the tiniest particles of matter in all objects is enormous. It is something like the distance between heavenly bodies in your night sky. Yet these objects you call solid. Nothing existed as matter. You, too, can perform the same feat. In fact, you do, every day. Your thoughts are pure vibration—and they can and do create physical matter! If enough of you hold the same thought, you can impact, and even create, portions of your physical universe. This was explained to you in detail in Book 1.

That is the origin of your phrase: Not in physical form. But you will always exist. You cannot not exist.

Conversations with God, Books 2 & 3: An Uncommon Dialogue

You are that which Is. The whole process will start over again! There will be another so-called Big Bang, and another universe will be born. It will expand and contract. And then it will do the same thing all over again. Well, this is all, again, very interesting—but it has very little to do with my everyday life. As I said before, spending an inordinate amount of time trying to unravel the deepest mysteries of the universe is probably not the most efficient use of your life. Like understanding that all things are cyclical—including life itself.

Understanding about the life of the universe will help you to understand about the life of the universe inside you. Life moves in cycles. When you understand this, you become more able to enjoy the Process—not merely endure it. All things move cyclically. There is a natural rhythm to life, and everything moves to that rhythm; everything goes with that flow. Thus it is written: Wise is the one who understands this. Clever is the one who uses it. Few people understand the rhythms of life more than women.

Women live their whole lives by rhythm. They are in rhythm with life itself. Men want to push, pull, resist, direct the flow. Women experience it—then mold with it to produce harmony. A woman hears the melody of flowers in the wind. She sees the beauty of the Unseen. She feels the tugs and pulls and urges of life. She knows when it is time to run, and time to rest; time to laugh and time to cry; time to hold on and time to let go.

Most women leave their bodies gracefully. Most men fight the departure. Women treat their bodies more gracefully when they are in them, too. Men treat their bodies horribly. That is the same way they treat life. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. But if you look at life, if you admit to yourself what you are seeing, have seen, if you acknowledge what is so, you may find truth in this generality. Yet that makes me feel sad.

That makes me feel as though women are somehow superior beings. Part of the glorious rhythm of life is the yin and the yang. Both aspects are simply—and wonderfully—that: Men, obviously, embody other reflections of Divinity, which women eye with equal envy. Yet it has been said that being a man is your testing ground, or your probation. When you have been a man long enough—when you have suffered enough through your own foolishness; when you have inflicted enough pain through the calamities of your own creation; when you have hurt others enough to stop your own behaviors—to replace aggression with reason, contempt with compassion, always-winning with no-one-losing—then you may become a woman.

It is you making that judgment. There is only what Is—and what you wish to Be. Hot is no better than cold, up no better than down—a point I have made before. It just is what it Is. Just as you are what you are. Yet none of you are restricted, more limited. You can Be what you wish to Be, choose what you wish to experience. In this lifetime or the next, or the next after that—just as you did in the lifetime before.

Each of you is always at choice. Each of you is made up of All of It. There is male and female in each of you. Express and experience that aspect of you which it pleases you to express and experience. Yet know that it is all open to each of you. I want to stay with this male-female paradigm for a while longer. You promised at the end of the last book to discuss in much more detail the whole sexual aspect of this duality. Why did you create two sexes? Was this the only way you could figure for us to recreate? How should we deal with this incredible experience called sexuality?

And not with guilt, and not with fear. For shame is not virtue, and guilt is not goodness, and fear is not honor. And not with lust, for lust is not passion; and not with abandon, for abandon is not freedom; and not with aggressiveness, for aggressiveness is not eagerness. And, obviously, not with ideas of control or power or domination, for these have nothing to do with Love.

But… may sex be used for purposes of simple personal gratification? Personal gratification has gotten a bad rap through the years, which is the main reason so much guilt is attached to sex. You are told you are not to use for personal gratification something which is intensely personally gratifying! So you decide that if you feel guilty about how good you feel during and after sex, that will at least make it all right.

The implication is clear. Most people earn money by doing something they hate—or something that is at least hard work, not endless joy! If you feel negatively about it, then you can enjoy it! Guilt is often used by you in your attempt to feel bad about something you feel good about—and thus reconcile yourself with God… who you think does not want you to feel good about anything! You are especially not to feel good about joys of the body. What does not serve you is to become addicted to sex or anything else.

Here are some other things you are not supposed to love. You should really feel guilty if you love these: You should feel the ultimate guilt if you feel that you: All through your life you have been made to feel guilty about. These things are the stuff of life. When you love them, you love life! When you declare that you desire them, you announce that you choose all the good that life has to offer!

So choose sex—all the sex you can get! And choose power—all the power you can muster! And choose fame—all the fame you can attain! And choose success—all the success you can achieve! And choose winning—all the winning you can experience! Yet do not choose sex instead of love, but as a celebration of it. And do not choose power over, but power with. And do not choose fame as an end in itself, but as a means to a larger end.

And do not choose success at the expense of others, but as a tool with which to assist others. And do not choose winning at any cost, but winning that costs others nothing, and even brings them gain as well. Go ahead and choose the adulation of others—but see all others as beings upon which you can shower adulation, and do it! Go ahead and choose being better—but not better than others; rather, better than you were before.

Go ahead and choose having more, but only so that you have more to give. All of your life you have been taught that it is better to give than to receive. Yet you cannot give what you do not have. This is why self-gratification is so important—and why it is so unfortunate that it has come to sound so ugly.

This is not about ignoring the needs of others. Yet life should also not have to be about ignoring your own needs. Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give others. The masters of Tantric sex know this. Oh, boy—You have really stretched the limit here. And I thought You said we were producing this book for others to read. Most people are never ready to hear what God talks about when God is talking about it. They usually wait 2, years. The larger point, restated: Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give to others.

Teachers of what you call Tantric sex—which is a very high form of sexual expression, incidentally—know that if you come to sex with hunger for sex, your ability to pleasure your partner and to experience a prolonged and joyful union of souls and bodies—which is a very high reason to experience sexuality, by the way—is greatly diminished. Tantric lovers, therefore, often self-pleasure before they pleasure each other. This is frequently done in the presence of each other, and usually with the encouragement and help and loving guidance of each other. Then, when initial hungers have been satisfied, the deeper thirst of the two—the thirst for ecstasy through prolonged union—can be gloriously satisfied.

The mutual self-pleasuring is all part of the joyfulness, the playfulness, the lovingness of sexuality fully expressed. It is one of several parts. The experience you call coitus, or intercourse, might come at the end of a 2-hour encounter of love. Or it might not. For most of you it is very nearly the only point of a minute exercise. Most people have a lot to learn about sexuality, and its most wondrous, beneficial expression. I was nevertheless still seeking to illustrate the larger point. The more pleasure you give yourself, the more pleasure you can give to another.

Likewise, if you give yourself the pleasure of power, you have more power to share with others. The same is true of fame, wealth, glory, success, or anything else which makes you feel good. Yet I say it is the road to heaven! Yet I tell you this—no kind of evolution ever took place through denial.