Sex Mode. Mujeres en modo conquista (Spanish Edition)

En Que Trabaja El Muchacho 0764928708126 by Indomables De Cedral CD

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How many cases have been filed with the Court of Justice of the European Union with reference to the principle of subsidiarity action against infringements of the principle of subsidiarity? If these cases were unsuccessful, what was the reason for this?

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How many subsidiarity complaints have been made by national parliaments in respect of the fact that the legislative acts to which the complaint relates do not comply with the principle of subsidiarity in accordance with the Treaty on European Union? If these complaints were unsuccessful, what was the reason for this? Regional parliaments have been given greater opportunity to participate in the early warning mechanism, although in contrast to national parliaments, regional parliaments have less time to act. How could the regional aspect be better taken into account in future amendments to the Treaty?

What internal structures does the Commission have in place for reasoned opinions from national parliaments? What resources in terms of staff are available to the Commission for this purpose? The principle of subsidiarity has been invoked to challenge the validity of EU acts before the Court of Justice and the General Court in at least 42 cases and, in other cases, for the interpretation of other provisions, but never led to the challenged EU act being declared invalid. In some cases the Court held that there was no breach of the principle, in other cases the action or plea based on subsidiarity was inadmissible or manifestly unfounded.

The Commission received 34 reasoned opinions in , 64 in , 70 in and, to date, 40 in The reasoned opinions concerning other Commission proposals did not reach the necessary thresholds.

En Que Trabaja El Muchacho 0764928708126 by Indomables De Cedral CD

The Lisbon Treaty has reinforced the regional dimension of EU governance and the role of national Parliaments at EU level has been clearly strengthened in recent years. Before the next European Parliament elections in , the Commission will present its outline for the shape of the future European Union. As there has been no change, the Commission refers the Honourable Member to its previous reply. A number of tools are in place aiming at associating all stakeholders, including regional and local players, in the preparation of proposals, e.

Commission's services can also reach out to regional and local authorities through the Committee of the Regions' networks when an initiative may have significant regional impacts. At the same time, How does it assess the above situation and its impact on the increasing school dropout rate and the exacerbation of educational inequalities in general? Given that the austerity policies are continuing in Greece after , what is its assessment regarding the evolution of child poverty in our country? They are similar to those quoted by the Honourable Member: Statistical simulations using data on income and employment have recently shown that the share of children living at risk of poverty in Greece might increase from Within the context of the 2nd Greek economic adjustment programme important efforts are being made to improve the social safety net.

A single allowance child support was instituted on 1. In a new pilot for a guaranteed income support scheme will start. It should become the ultimate welfare safety net for families and children facing extreme poverty in Greece. Does it have any statistics on the mortality rate in Member States in accidents related to transportation and mobility, both for the general population, and for this age group? Will it promote exchanges of best practices between Member States in order to reduce the frequency of such accidents and, by extension, the death rate from such accidents?

Is it drawing up, or does it intend to draw up in future, a more comprehensive action plan to raise awareness and increase public knowledge parents and students of road safety issues for minors drivers and pedestrians? Are any EU funds available to finance such actions by stakeholders at national level? Given the frequency of fatal accidents related to transportation and mobility in for year-olds, how does it view the proposal that the upcoming European Road Safety Day 6 May, should focus on this issue?

The Commission compiles statistics on road traffic crashes including the number of fatalities per country and age groups. Enhancing the safety of younger road users is very much at the core of the Commission's Road safety policy orientations for Recent actions include the new European driving licence with gradual access for young people to the heaviest motorcycles; the Commission proposal to include mopeds and other powered two-wheelers in mandatory periodic roadworthiness testing; and the efforts to increase road safety for vulnerable road users, e.

Youth road safety was the topic of the European Road Safety Day , which was organised in Lefcosia in cooperation with the Cypriot Presidency. The conference covered issues such as training, accident prevention, enforcement efforts and specific risks such as distractions e. Het Verdrag van Lissabon geeft toelichting bij de precieze verdeling van bevoegdheden tussen de Europese Unie en de lidstaten. Het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie VWEU maakt een onderscheid tussen drie soorten bevoegdheden — exclusieve, gedeelde en ondersteunende bevoegdheden — en bevat een niet-uitputtende lijst van de desbetreffende beleidsgebieden voor elk geval.

Deze waarden zijn echter vaak beschermd door nationale wetgeving en dit valt dus binnen de bevoegdheid van de lidstaten. Wat is het standpunt van de Commissie inzake de verhouding tussen de bevoegdheden van de Europese Unie en die van de lidstaten? Aan wie wordt de bevoegdheid verleend in gevallen waarin het Verdrag de verdeling niet uitdrukkelijk omschrijft?

Krachtens het beginsel van bevoegdheidstoedeling handelt de Unie uitsluitend binnen de grenzen van de bevoegdheden die de lidstaten haar in de Verdragen hebben toegedeeld om de daarin bepaalde doelstellingen te verwezenlijken. Binnen het kader van de haar toegedeelde bevoegdheden heeft de Commissie de taak de toepassing te waarborgen van de Verdragen en de maatregelen die de instellingen krachtens de Verdragen hebben vastgesteld.

Thus, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union TFEU distinguishes between three types of competence — exclusive, shared and supporting — and contains a non-exhaustive list of the fields concerned in each case. These values, however, are often protected by national law and thus fall within the competence of Member States. To whom is the competence transferred in cases where the Treaty does not explicitly specify the distinction? According to the principle of conferral, the Union shall act only within the limits of the competences conferred upon it by the Member States in the Treaties to attain the objectives set out therein.

Competences not conferred upon the Union in the Treaties remain with the Member States cf. Within the conferred competences, the Commission is given the task of ensuring the application of the Treaties and measures adopted by the institutions pursuant to them. Die Kommission wird den Bericht voraussichtlich im zweiten Halbjahr annehmen.

Alla luce dell'inefficacia delle disposizioni giuridiche di cui al regolamento CE n. Culturas menores ou subutilizadas e culturas especializadas. It compromises not only the competitiveness of the entire agro-food chain, but also the diversity of high-quality agro-food products, along with biodiversity. Given that a coordinated EU approach to minor uses and specialty crops is needed, together with a proper investment scheme, how does the Commission intend to address this issue in its upcoming report? The Commission expects to adopt the report in the second half of The content of this report is still subject to internal discussions within the Commission.

Der Transport bestimmter Stoffe unterliegt dabei einer gesonderten Gesetzgebung. Die Ziele der Richtlinie sind:. Verbesserung des rationellen Fahrverhaltens auf der Grundlage der Sicherheitsregeln;. Ces objectifs sont les suivants:. The transport of certain materials is subject to special legislation. These regulations governing ADR transport are subject to frequent amendments that require regular training sessions and updates.

The objectives set in the directive are:. The directive does not prevent the introduction of topics concerning the transport of dangerous goods, provided these objectives are met. Die Verordnung EG Nr. In the border region between Austria and Italy, ongoing pre-and post transport takes place on the road. Incidents in which the Italian authorities seized Austrian vehicles in response to breaches of cabotage have recently become more frequent.

This directive does not impose time restrictions on execution of combined transport operations. The Commission does not have sufficient details on the matter to be able to investigate the problem raised. It would ask the Honourable Member to provide more details. Bees are critically important to the environment, sustaining biodiversity by providing essential pollination for a wide range of crops and wild plants.

The EFSA report was requested by the Commission, and its conclusions underline the need for immediate action. What legislative measures is the Commission considering in order to deal with the high acute risk that fipronil poses to honeybees? The Commission is currently assessing measures to limit the use of plant protection products containing Fipronil to treatment of seeds intended to be sown in greenhouses and to treatment of seeds of leek, onions and shallots intended to be sown in the field and harvested before flowering.

Bees are not entering greenhouses if no attractive crops are grown there, and crops which are harvested before flowering are not considered attractive to bees. Furthermore, seeds of crops which have been treated with plant protection products containing Fipronil would not be used or placed on the market with the exception of the seeds mentioned above. Tevens heeft de Commissie alle nationale banktoezichthouders verzocht haar tegen eind februari informatie te verschaffen omtrent hun huidige toezichtspraktijken.

Kan de Commissie bevestigen dat er een officieel onderzoek gaande is naar de huidige toezichtspraktijken, die het vrije kapitaalverkeer over de landsgrenzen heen in de weg kunnen staan? Kan de Commissie tenslotte aangeven welke corrigerende instrumenten er beschikbaar zijn om deze obstakels weg te werken en welke verdere stappen zij passend acht?

Kan zij ook aangeven of er inmiddels corrigerende maatregelen zijn genomen ten aanzien van de nationale toezichtsinstanties? Dergelijke maatregelen moeten echter evenredig aan hun doel en niet-discriminerend zijn. In het kader van deze exercitie moet het vertrouwelijke karakter van de gegevens in acht genomen worden.

De Commissie garandeert voldoende transparantie van het mogelijke vervolg van dit onderzoek en zal tegelijkertijd het vertrouwelijke karakter van de ontvangen gegevens respecteren. In dit stadium beschikt de Commissie niet over voldoende informatie om opvallende obstakels in de lidstaten aan te wijzen. De diensten van de Commissie verzamelen op dit moment aanvullende informatie en zij garanderen voldoende transparantie van de bevindingen, voor zover het vertrouwelijke karakter van de ontvangen gegevens dat toelaat.

In dit verband benadrukt de Commissie de centrale rol van de EBA bij onenigheid tussen toezichthouders. Wanneer de Commissie kennis krijgt van maatregelen die de vrijheden van vestiging en kapitaalverkeer van het Verdrag onrechtmatig beperken, zal zij passende maatregelen nemen. Since the onset of the financial crisis, some actions by national prudential authorities have been put in place with the intention of protecting local banking systems by preventing banks from moving funds to other countries. Furthermore, the Commission asked all national banking supervisors to provide — by the end of February — information about their current supervisory practices.

Does the Commission agree that restrictions on capital movements fragment the single market and are therefore a serious threat to economic recovery and growth? Can the Commission confirm that an official inquiry is looking into current supervisory practices which may prevent free flows of funds across national borders? If so, will the Commission make the results of this inquiry publicly available, with data broken down by Member State? Can the Commission indicate what corrective tools are available to address these obstacles and what further steps it considers appropriate? Can it also indicate whether corrective action has been taken concerning national supervisory authorities?

Restrictive prudential measures may be justified where necessary to maintain the stability of financial markets. However, any such measure must be non-discriminatory and proportionate to its objective. Banking supervisors and the European Banking Authority EBA should cooperate closely to avoid any risk of fragmentation of the internal market by uncoordinated or disproportionate actions.

The Commission Services have asked information from national supervisors about the prudential measures taken in response to financial stability concerns, in order to have an overview of any measure.

Within the framework of this exercise, the confidentiality of the information has to be respected. The Commission will ensure appropriate transparency of the possible follow-up of this fact-finding exercise while fully respecting the confidentiality of the information received. At this stage, the Commission does not have sufficient information to identify any dominant obstacles in the Member States.

The Commission Services are currently collecting additional information and will ensure appropriate transparency of the findings, to the extent allowed by the confidentiality of the information received. In this context, the Commission underlines the central role of EBA in cases of disagreements between supervisors. In case the Commission becomes aware of measures unduly restricting the Treaty freedoms of establishment and movement of capital, it will take the appropriate action to address the issue.

De gematigde oppositie controleerde naar verluidt op dat moment een aantal belangrijke olievoorzieningen in het noorden van het land. Hoewel er inmiddels toezeggingen in die zin zijn gedaan, laat de concrete invulling daarvan nog op zich wachten, met alle contraproductieve gevolgen van dien. De toestemming moet erop gericht zijn de Syrische bevolking te helpen, met name uit humanitaire overwegingen, om weer een normaal leven mogelijk te maken, basisvoorzieningen in stand te houden, de wederopbouw te stimuleren en normale economische activiteiten te herstellen of andere civiele doelen te dienen.

Alvorens de relevante bevoegde autoriteit de toestemming kan geven voor maatregelen met de bovenstaande doelen, moet de lidstaat de Syrische Nationale Coalitie van revolutionaire en oppositiekrachten raadplegen. De bevoegde autoriteit moet ervan overtuigd zijn dat de voorgestelde maatregelen civiele doelen dienen, geen inbreuk vormen op enige sancties of verbodsbepalingen, en niet direct of indirect ten goede komen aan bepaalde personen of entiteiten. The moderate opposition was then said to be in control of major oil resources in the north of the country. While this promise has been made, no implementing rules have yet been issued, and this has had counterproductive effects.

The decision taken by the Council to allow the competent authorities of Member States to authorise the import of oil from Syria provides that such authorisations may be given only subject to specific conditions.

Before the relevant competent authority can authorise any such activities, the Member State must consult the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces and the competent authority must be satisfied that the proposed activities are for civilian purposes and will not breach other sanctions prohibitions, including any direct or indirect benefit to any designated person or entity.

Hat die Kommission finanzielle Mittel zur Entwicklung neuer Behandlungsmethoden bereitgestellt? Acute heart failure is a life-threatening condition and permanently weakens the human body. What action has the Commission taken to inform citizens about the symptoms of this disease, so that rapid medical treatment can be ensured? Has the Commission provided financial support for the development of new treatment methods?

With regard to raising public awareness about risks of heart failure, the Commission is concentrating its action on the key risk factors as follows: Two projects specifically address acute heart failure management: Shisha is a crystalline methamphetamine-based synthetic hallucinogenic narcotic produced by mixing stimulants and toxic substances, such as alcohol, chlorine and even car battery fluid. In view of this, will the Commission state:.

Is it aware of any surveys mapping the significant increase in the availability of this narcotic substance and any link between that and the impact of the economic crisis? Given that, in countries such as Greece which face serious fiscal problems, there have been extensive cutbacks in government spending on drug rehabilitation structures prevention, detoxification, reintegration , how feasible does it rate the action being taken to combat the use of narcotics, which is spreading and becoming more complicated due to the economic recession and worsening social situation?

Does it intend to promote and finance actions to inform and raise public awareness about the effects of shisha use? It can be inhaled or injected and it is frequently used in combination with alcohol. There is no information on its toxicity, but users self-reports suggest it can cause severe health and social harms, including loss of consciousness and violent behaviour. Police seizures confirm that it is readily available and easy to produce in home laboratories. Drug-demand reduction is primarily a competence of the Member States, which develop and implement policies on drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction, to reduce the use of psychoactive substances and the harms that they cause to individuals and society.

A person from one EU Member State committing a serious offence in another can automatically be deported for imprisonment to his or her country of origin;. That person can be banned from re-entry to the country where his or her offence was committed. No consent of the sentenced person to the transfer to his home country is required when the sentenced person: In particular, a re-entry ban may only be issued, following an individual assessment, on grounds of public policy or public security.

It must comply with the principle of proportionality and be based exclusively on the personal conduct of the individual, which must represent a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society. Where such orders are enforced more than two years after they were issued, Member States shall check that the individuals concerned are currently and genuinely a threat to public policy or public security, and shall assess whether there has since been any material change in the circumstances.

La donna, detenuta negli Urali, ha cominciato uno sciopero della fame per protestare contro il presidente del tribunale, che le ha negato il diritto di partecipare all'udienza in cui si doveva discutere della sua richiesta di liberazione. Sta scontando, con un'altra esponente del gruppo, Nadejda Tolokonnikova, 22 anni, una pena di due anni di detenzione in un campo di lavoro per vandalismo e istigazione all'odio religioso, per avere inscenato una protesta non autorizzata contro la fusione tra il potere dello Stato e quello della Chiesa cantando una preghiera punk anti Putin nella cattedrale ortodossa di Cristo Salvatore a Mosca lo scorso febbraio.

All'origine del rifiuto del tribunale, oltre a una serie di aggravanti, il fatto che la presenza di un bambino minorenne — cinque anni — non ha impedito alla madre di commettere il reato. Solo Yekateria Samoutsevich, 30 anni, evita il carcere e beneficia della condizionale ottenuta grazie alla strategia difensiva messa in piedi dopo un cambio di avvocati: Le sentenze sono state ampiamente criticate da Stati Uniti e Unione europea e da esponenti di spicco del mondo dello spettacolo in tutto il mondo.

Parole has been refused for one of the musicians in the punk band Pussy Riot: Currently being imprisoned in the Urals, she began a hunger strike to protest against the president of the court, who had denied her the right to attend her own parole hearing.

Along with another member of the group, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, she is serving a two-year sentence in a labour camp for hooliganism and incitement to religious hatred for staging an unauthorised protest against the collusion between the power of the State and that of the Church by singing an anti-Putin punk prayer in the Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow last February.

In addition to a number of aggravating circumstances, the court justified its refusal on the basis of the fact that having a young child of five had not deterred the mother from committing the offence. Only Yekaterina Samutsevich, 30, is not spending time behind bars, having been given a suspended sentence — after switching lawyers, she came up with a new defence strategy, i.

The remaining two members of the group, fearing persecution after the February protest, left Russia and thus escaped arrest. The sentences were widely criticised by the United States and the European Union, and by prominent members of the entertainment industry worldwide. Public opinion in Russia has generally been less supportive towards the women.

The issues pertaining to this case in particular and to freedom of expression in general have been raised with the Russian authorities. The EU Delegation in Moscow has also been following this case very closely, regularly meeting with the lawyers of the group members that were on trial, and also observing the trial in court. The EU maintains a close relationship with a number civil society organisations dealing with human rights issues, notably through the Human Rights and Democracy Network, and therefore has regular contacts with the organisation referred to by the Honourable Member.

Carta europea dei diritti delle donne nello sport. What steps will the Commission take to encourage increased participation among women in sports, guaranteeing equal access to sporting activities, particularly for girls and women, including disadvantaged groups, and to support and encourage gender equality in the decision-making bodies of international and national sports federations and the representation by the mass media of sport for women as being an original phenomenon, thus eliminating gender stereotypes?

As a follow-up to the policy initiatives mentioned by the Honourable Member, the Commission is organising an EU conference on Gender Equality and sport. The conference will focus on topics such as gender equality in management positions in the field of sport, ways to promote the participation of girls and women in sport, the prevention of sexualised violence and harassment in sport, and the elimination of negative gender stereotypes.

The Commission considers that policy initiatives such as these are the most effective way to follow up on the content of the Charter. Tuttavia, nel tentativo di procedere a consultazioni con tutte le parti interessate, la Commissione ha tenuto due riunioni di consultazione a maggio e giugno Can the Commission indicate how it intends to reconcile this enhancement and recognition of the role which these organisations play as a whole with the constraints included in the call for proposals, which would lead to concentrating projects in the hands of large non-governmental or civil society organisations at the expense of small and medium-sized ones?

What steps will the Commission take to make sure that there can be true broad-based participation in the call for proposals, such that those EU Member States characterised by the presence of small and medium-sized non-governmental or civil society organisations will not be discriminated against? Small and medium-sized European non-governmental organisations and civil society organisations will be able to participate in this call for proposals by forming coalitions.

Unfortunately these provisions, which have had an impact on many people of Hungarian origin in Slovakia, are in serious violation of EU human rights conventions, as they prescribe restrictions on the use of Hungarian, impose sanctions and deprive certain individuals of their Slovak citizenship. Yesterday the parliament in Bratislava voted against amending the anti-Hungarian language law, and there has been no reaction from Brussels on the merits of this issue.

What action is the Commission taking in the matter of the discriminatory Slovak language law? How does the Commission intend to prevent the future adoption of similar provisions restricting the rights of nationalities, which have a serious impact on relations between Member States? Within the scope of European Union law, the Commission ensures that Member States, when implementing this law, respect fundamental rights laid down in the Charter. In particular, the Commission has no competence over the definition and recognition of national minorities, their self-determination and autonomy or the use of regional or minority languages, which fall under the responsibility of the Member States.

What proposals will the Commission put forward regarding the fair allocation of EU funding to minorities in Romania? The Commission's legislative proposal for common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for the period includes a requirement that the Member States and the Commission shall take appropriate steps to prevent any discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation during the preparation and implementation of programmes.

The allocation of funding will be agreed between the Commission and each Member State based on an analysis of disparities and development needs with reference to the thematic objectives included in the legislative proposal in order to contribute to the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In this process, specific needs of geographical areas most affected by poverty will be taken into account. Under the shared management principle, EU co-financed programmes are implemented in accordance with the institutional framework of the Member State. Decisions on administrative reform and decentralisation are a competency of the Member State.

Existe um mercado emergente de estimulantes cada vez mais complexo potenciado pela Internet e pelas novas tecnologias;. It is planning to present the new proposals by mid Drug-demand reduction is primarily a competence of the Member States, which develop and implement policies on drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction, to reduce the use of psychoactive substances.

The Commission complements and supports Member States' action by promoting the development of innovative approaches and the sharing of best practices, and by funding research, through EU financial programmes. Jovens europeus — principais causas de morte.

Drug-demand reduction is primarily a competence of the Member States, which develop and implement policies on drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction, to reduce the use of drugs and the harms that they cause to individuals and to society, including drug-related deaths. What information does the Commission have following discussions with the Portuguese authorities and with the stakeholders concerned?

The Commission has, following contacts with the Portuguese authorities and relevant stakeholders, gathered the latest relevant information on the Salgados area. This area had been identified as an Important Bird Area by Birdlife International in but the information at the time was not sufficient for the Commission to request its designation. The Commission is currently analysing data related to recent monitoring of the Salgados area which does indicate that the wetland has ornithological values.

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On this basis, the Commission intends to seek further clarification from the Portuguese authorities on the coherence of the decision not to designate this site within its Network of Special Protection Areas. Sub-Saharan Africa has maintained a solid growth over the last few years despite the slowdown of growth in developed economies. Prospects remain broadly positive in the near future. Risks affecting this outlook — especially for middle-income countries — include, nevertheless, prolonged weak growth in developed economies, including in the euro area.

Other downside risks include a slowdown in major emerging market economies, shocks on commodity prices as well as adverse climatic developments and internal conflicts. The analysis made and the economic outlook proposed provide a solid basis for policy-makers. This annual report is one of the important sources for information and analysis on the situation of the African economy.

The Commission is aware of the findings of the effects of vitamin C on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In order to assess whether vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the outcome of tuberculosis treatment in humans, including at which doses, randomized clinical trials should be done. Currently, no clinical trials testing the effect of vitamin C on the outcome of treatment of tuberculosis have been registered in the World Health Organisation's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. Is the Commission aware of any study that demonstrates and proves that goji berries have beneficial properties for human beings?

Which studies are these? The link between goji berries and other health effects has not been evaluated by EFSA as there have been no relevant requests. The respect of EU legislation on nutrition and health claims is to be ensured by the relevant control authorites in the Member Sates. The Commission has concerns that the companies may have colluded in reporting distorted prices to a Price Reporting Agency to manipulate the published prices for a number of oil and biofuel products, and that the companies may have prevented others from participating in the price assessment process, with a view to distorting published prices.

At this stage, it is too early for the Commission to take a view and draw conclusions about the findings of the investigation and to ascertain whether certain EU Member States are more affected by the alleged infringement than others. The Commission will seek to finalise the investigation as quickly as possible. The Commission has no information that could confirm these figures and is therefore not in a position to comment on them. Does the Commission believe that this discovery could bring forward the creation of an HIV vaccine? These antibodies are important because they are capable of preventing infection by the majority of HIV strains.

The Commission considers that this finding, like other scientific developments published in high impact peer-reviewed scientific journals, has the potential to help progress HIV vaccine research towards the development of an effective vaccine. The Commission will continue to follow closely the development of new tools as they emerge. However, it deserves to be mentioned that several research steps are required to move from the tool developed to the creation of a HIV vaccine, and success is impossible to predict at this stage. The EU framework for addressing trafficking in human beings considers children as the most vulnerable group.

It sets forth a series of robust provisions for the assistance, support and protection of child victims, especially unaccompanied child victims. Finally the Commission is funding numerous projects targeting children at risk in countries of origin, destination or transit. The EU supports comprehensive health systems and promotes universal coverage for a basic package of care, improved human resources for health and better access to medicines and supplies. The Commission believes this is the best and most sustainable way of improving access to essential basic health services of which maternal, child health and family planning services are core components.

Strong ownership by the partner countries and respect for human rights related to SRH are essential in advancing maternal and sexual health. The EU is currently supporting programmes on SRH through a number of instruments including thematic programmes and the MDG initiative from which several maternal and child health projects are being implemented by our Delegations.

According to the scientist, there were strong indications that it would allow water, pesticide and fungicide consumption to be reduced. The Commission welcomes innovative solutions that contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact of agriculture, and to the minimisation of industrial waste. In addition, under the new rural development policy, the Commission has proposed specific measures for pilot and demonstration activities that could be funded under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EAFRD and implemented via Member States on the basis of their Rural Development Programmes.

In this context, testing whether using biodegradable plastic saves water, pesticides and fungicides could be supported. However, the Commission does not consider at present creating any incentives for the use of biodegradable plastic in agriculture. This paper also pays attention to the use of biodegradable plastic. Any future steps the Commission may take in relation to plastic waste policies will depend on the evaluation of the Green Paper consultation.

Employees who have sought help and who have taken antidepressants tend to take two to three more days absent from work than the average employee. For the time being the launching of the projectiles has not led to any further escalation. The EU continues to watch the situation carefully. The Commission is aware of techniques for creating stem cells from human skin. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent. Illustrating the importance of the technique, the Nobel Prize press release states: The Commission would concur with this statement.

The results presented were obtained using cell cultures and mice as a model. They broaden the knowledge on one of the pathways involved in tumour suppression.

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Further research is required to assess the importance of this pathway in humans and its potential as a therapeutic target in melanoma and other cancers. Does the Commission have any similar study with figures illustrating the situation in Europe? Carne processada perigosa para consumo humano. Oriel writes clearly, argues convincingly, and uses theory judiciously. The study is a most welcome addition to Golden Age studies.

Dos son los grupos que pueden beneficiarse de este tomo: A Bibliography New York: Garland Publishing , rather than an expanded new edition. The work is in great part an update. The greatest portion of it is a listing of items that have appeared since the earlier publication, up to the recent run of Quincentennial pieces on the expulsion and on Columbus.

There is also a short appendix of corrections to entries in the bibliography. The new and newly discovered items add up to a page compilation, almost twice the bulk of the original page volume with its entries. Sephardic studies is a sprawling and unwieldy field, and Singerman has done well to delimit his scope.

Though he leaves many areas uncovered, he is explicit about his exclusions and consistent in making them. As in the earlier volume, Singerman limits his coverage to Jews who were in Spain and Portugal. This rule excludes studies of the Sephardic diaspora communities that developed after the expulsion as well as such New World topics as crypto-Judaism in the colonies.

Thèmes parents

This may be fiction, it may be historical fiction, but it was a good read if one is interested in the history of Castile and Aragon back in the 's. Symbolic ecology and social practice. However, the budgets for financing these campaigns have been drastically reduced. Hazardous nature of work in wastewater networks in France. Please try your request again later. Un acercamiento a las nociones de cuerpo y persona entre los tobas qom del chaco argentino.

The compilation focuses on themes distinctive to Spanish and Portuguese Jewry. On this basis, it largely excludes those activities, such as Biblical and Talmudic scholarship, Kabbalah, and literary creation in Hebrew, that belong more to the broader world of Jewish intellectual life than to Jews in Spain and Portugal.

In the compilation, the restrictions on subject matter are less severe than in the listing. The volume includes many items on the Inquisition, earlier mostly excluded, and lists bibliographies on the international Sephardic material Singerman does not himself cover. While a number of research areas are closed off, there is an unusually inclusive one: Jews in Spanish literature.

This specialized work is not very similar to David M. A Research Bibliography , which is strong in the language and folk culture studies that Singerman largely excludes. Singerman covers only certain fields, but he does so with extreme thoroughness and accuracy he is a bibliographer by profession. Unpublished dissertations, articles in small newspapers, and obscure monographic studies all turn up. Spanish and Portuguese Jewry is a thoroughly researched and organized compilation that should definitely be acquired by libraries, although not in isolation from the work.

Individual researchers will benefit from it to the degree that its coverage coincides with their agendas. While it is for a specialized set of readers, Spanish and Portuguese Jewry is a scrupulous work of bibliography that comes close to being exhaustive within the categories it treats. University of Texas at Austin. In Conversaciones y poemas: The author omits poets who published significantly before and includes only the most prolific poets of the s and s.

Though their responses differed greatly, more than half of the poets said that they had received fair treatment from members of the publishing establishment. Some feared, however, that despite appearances, anti-feminine biases may still exist among publishers, critics, and readers. In answer to the second question, all but a few poets rejected the idea of a specifically feminine form of writing. Among the seven women born in the s, all published their first books of poems between and The two youngest poets, Amalia Iglesias Serna and Luisa Castro , published their first volumes in and , respectively.

Despite the fact that few of the poets identified themselves as feminists, nearly all expressed a firm belief in their own personal liberation both as women and as writers. Such a conviction, Ugalde concludes, unites the growing number of women poets whose marginality has evolved into a heightened sense of artistic independence. Likewise, a wide range of poets, including Golden Age writers -especially the mystics- and several members of the Generation of , has influenced their works.

Although Ugalde tends to emphasize stylistic diversity, she also perceives a commonality among the women interviewed. Concomitantly, their poetry encourages the autochthonous self to emerge and to rebel against the limitations of a patriarchal society. By retouching mythological or Biblical figures such as Eve or the nameless wife of Lot, many women poets challenge traditional views of womankind.

In addition to feminine issues, Ugalde addresses a large number of topics related to the life and work of each poet. Her questions regarding the writing process and the essential ingredients of their craft elicit especially interesting responses. She also asks many specific questions about the organization of their books, the meaning of titles, and the relationship between their lives and their writings. The seventeen poets chosen by Ugalde are not only engaging conversationalists but very talented writers. The small sample of poems -included as an afterthought- substantiates this impression.

The publication of another book on Rulfo, whose works have been examined from practically every conceivable perspective, suggests that the editor felt that this set of articles filled a particular gap in the body of critical material on Rulfo. While the longest selection does treat los espacios directly, the remaining articles seem to approach the topic only tangentially, if at all. The brief introduction does little to establish a unifying theme: During the trip, Rulfo would presumably identify the geographical and human sources of his fictional world. While the trip was satisfying personally, Covarrubias concludes that nothing of literary significance came out of the experience: The question which arises, then, is why the editor chose to include this account in his collection.

Another introductory essay, a comparison of Rulfo and Azuela, presents some interesting generalizations, but again seems out of place. Of the remaining eight items, only four relate to the theme of the title, while the others treat a variety of themes: While each of the articles has merit as an individual expression, as a set, the grouping seems somewhat capricious and unfocused.

After subjecting the reader to a rather ostentatious display of critical terms, the author arrives at the conclusion which most readers would probably have reached intuitively: In spite of the needlessly complicated language, however, the article does contain some valuable observations about the narrative process. Having read this article, the reader feels that any further statements on the topic will be superfluous. In summary, the collection brings together several essays which are, in general, interesting, informative, and well-written. However, the variance in theme, style, critical approach, and quality raises the question of whether the offerings might have shown to better advantage as individual publications, rather than as components of a somewhat loose, unfocused collection.

Thus Fenwick describes the two-volume work comprising 11, unannotated entries for some 42 countries: English, nineteen countries; Spanish, twelve; Dutch, four; and French, three. All these countries are accessed through an author index. The daunting bibliographical task makes scholars opt for more manageable units of culture, e.

More typical are English-Speaking Caribbean: These titles can supplement the present work mainly because of more data over a smaller number of authors. Yet Writers of the Caribbean , in spite of the unwieldiness of the subject, does contribute. Perhaps a single focus on one country in Fenwick will manifest some of the reference qualities.

The compiler has picked up many younger authors born in the s, and though some may be famous, others have not as yet achieved the recognition to be noted in a major reference source. Also women, at least in Mexico, seem to share more bibliographical space with twenty percent of the entries devoted to them. Surely this attention both to new writers and to women merits both praise and use.

Finally, the recency of Writers of the Caribbean makes it mandatory. The book, however, has some problems. A bibliographer in an introduction has an obligation to note the genealogy of the work and hence its justification. A listing of previous bibliographies with some critical comments as to their limitations will often imply the reason for the existence of a new reference. Instead Fenwick relates a history of this colorful area, yet fails to note the sources for the large number of citations.

Such a confidence assures the user that the compiler consulted the most valuable libraries and books extant. Several questions might well be asked of Fenwick in the introduction. Who is a writer and what constitutes a nationality? How much literary creation entitles a writer to an entry? Should a Puerto Rican living in Mexico be listed as Mexican? Useful would be brief introductory essays to each national culture.

In bibliography either option can be justified -the large unannotated type such as the one at hand or the smaller, but in-depth treatment of a manageable cultural area. Ultimately users probably must depend on both types to satisfy their bibliographical needs. Thus Writers of the Caribbean should be consulted simultaneously with the bibliographies of Jordan, Herdeck, Hill and Paravisini-Gebert. Nothing could be further from the truth. For a review of the video series, see the Multimedia Section of this issue. True, it is an introduction accessible to the layperson; but it is by no means simplistic or facile.

On the contrary, Fuentes confronts key issues with a perspective that will no doubt prove interesting and valuable to specialists in the field. Could the dreams of Felipe Montero perhaps be those of Carlos Fuentes? The bulk of the book is a carefully reasoned, meticulously detailed history of the culture and civilization of Spain and Latin America. Unearthing the buried mirrors of Amerindian and Mediterranean traditions, Fuentes holds them up to one another across the Atlantic Ocean and chronicles in four hundred brief but constantly fascinating pages the infinite images that the two cultures reflect in those facing mirrors.

The final section takes a look at the present and the future, at a third great center of Hispanic culture in the United States that is making its presence increasingly felt. Between the lines and in the margins -like the writing in the margins of that greatest of all Spanish writers, Miguel de Cervantes- are to be found several themes that rise above the rest of the work.

Borrowing these terms from the bullring, Fuentes alludes to them in describing the two warring political traditions that mark Hispanic civilization: He points out the successive instances in which the former has won out over the latter: A second overriding theme that runs the length of this book, as it runs the length of Spanish history, is the question of the Other.

Hispanic peoples -in Spain from its very beginnings, in Latin America from the time of the Conquest, and in the United States today- have always been faced with and comprised of different races and systems of belief. This question was no less pressing in the years following Independence. And it was equally real in the struggle between the landed and the landless during the Mexican Revolution.

Today it is equally present in the United States, as the Anglo population faces a steadily-growing number of Latino citizens in its midst. Fuentes pulls no punches with his American readers. He offers criticism when he feels the need and praise when praise is due. It is an Oedipal struggle of sorts which must be played out in order for the Other to be accepted and integrated into society.

Historically, the authoritarianism of the fathers has won out in the Latin American political tradition brought over from Spain. In the patriarchal heritage of Hispanic culture, the father has always dominated, in whatever form he might appear, cacique, caudillo, dictador , or macho. In a move of mythic dimensions, the son must subvert the power of the father, so that both can stand together side by side as equals.

Perhaps the horror of Felipe Montero at the end of Aura is Oedipal in nature, as the sumptuous young woman he believes he is about to make love to turns out to be the maternal figure of Consuelo Llorente. The act brings down Macondo, that mythopoetic macrocosm of Latin American society. It opens the way for a new society. The dilemma of the Other is particularly urgent for the Hispanic population in the United States.

The options, to Fuentes, are clear, and the lesson is there, clearly stated, for all of us to learn: His ultimate prognosis is hopeful: In the Introduction, Francesca M. In the selection process the translators took into consideration the quality of the plays, the reputation of some of the authors, the potential found in other less known dramatists, and, above all, the staging possibilities of these works 5.

By and large, the translations are well done and flow smoothly. A couple of examples are: Despite these shortcomings, the English rendition of the anthology is commendable for its high quality and fluidity. The Introduction and Notes serve as important keys to an appreciation of the Cuban theater in the United States.

This Introduction surveys the historical background of Cuban playwriting from its beginnings to the contemporary exile literature. However, the translations sometimes lack additional clarifying notes which would help us to understand certain cubanismos , syntactical structures, and necessary historical and cultural events used as background information in the plays. All this was nicely done in the original Spanish lyrics included in the Notes at the end of the play Screens by Dolores Prida. The Selected Bibliography is quite helpful also.

It attests to the effort of these Cuban playwrights to propagate their voices in the melting pot of the American culture. Before the translation of each play, the editors include biographical data on the authors as well as a valuable explanation of their writings and thematic approaches. Due to the few translations of Cuban plays in the United States, this anthology has accomplished its purpose. It can be considered an important tool for Anglo audiences who wish to learn more about the Cuban theater outside the Island. For academic and professional theatrical groups, the book provides an opportunity to stage these short plays in English.

Instructors at the secondary and university level planning to teach a course in translation on the contemporary Hispanic theater should consider this edition as either a text or reference source. The articles are drawn from the different enterprises of history, ethnography, anthropology, and literary criticism by professors in Spanish, English, French, and Comparative Literature. The articles in this work provide fresh interpretations of the encounter from both perspectives -that of the New World peoples and the European.

Published in Spain in , the Libro copiador provides a version that differs significantly from the one that served as the original, and for all practical purposes only, representation for almost five centuries. The encounter of incompatible peoples from perplexingly different cultures mandated that they could only negotiate through death and complete destruction. Despite defeat, the Americans were never assimilated to the European new world order.