The Inspired Word

The Holy Bible is the Inspired and Infallible Word of God
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This, the bible claims, means that the bible is infallible and unerring. So my first thought after reading this was, how do we know that The Holy Spirit worked through these 40 authors? We know that it did because those authors tell us that it did. However, if all of those authors are human and therefore fallible and capable of erring, how do they know certainly that The Holy Spirit did in fact work through them?

What can I do to prevent this in the future?

So to summarise the thought. We as fallible human beings can only know that The Holy Spirit did write the bible on the word of fallible beings who are capable of being wrong about the fact that they were imbued with The Holy Spirit. I believe your interpretation of these two letters is unquestionably wrong. In his letter to Timothy we see that he believes all scripture is the divine inspiration of God, but does not make the same claim that all scripture is the same as prophecy.

You cannot use just these two pieces as the foundation for your claim that the Bible is the infallible word of God, for they do not in fact say that. We can look in the Bible to find examples of when inspired men did works that went against the will of God. From Moses to David we find righteousness is in fact fallible, and therefore to claim that the only time men of the Bible are not fallible is when they are writing it seems absurd to me.

Another problem is that if Scripture is perfect and divine, and that is indeed a tenet of the Christian faith, than we have strayed very far from the teachings of Paul. Creation, angels, the Law, Abraham and Moses, etc. Scripture is breathed out.

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Scripture is supernaturally preserved. But Scripture is not perfect. The crucial element to true revelation is not the words on a page, but how those words live in transformed lives. The blood of Jesus restored fellowship of God with man, and it is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit that reveals truth. There are many witnesses; Creation, the Church, all that is good, and yes Scripture. We must not confuse the witness with the object; Jesus, The Word of God. About Us All Our Articles. Here are two key, powerful verses giving us this direct revelation that all of the Bible has been given direct to us by the inspiration of God Himself through the Holy Spirit: Jesus Christ is the Son of God 5.

The Incarnation of Jesus Christ 6. Resurrection of Jesus Christ 7. The Ascension of Jesus Christ 8. The Doctrine of the Trinity 9. Baptized With the Holy Spirit at Salvation Having said that, good translations of Scripture are, for all intents and purposes, the authoritative Word of God since they faithfully represent what the text says and means.

The point here is that if an error is found in copying, or in some mistranslation in a particular version, it does not mean that the original was in error. While divine Inspiration was both written and unwritten, today we only have the written part available to us.

Scripture is that portion of divine revelation that God intended to be permanent and authoritative. When the word "inspiration" is used in reference to the Bible it means more than the Bible is inspiring literature. It has the idea of God-breathed Scripture.

"It's not just a series..."

This is the claim of Scripture itself - it is not something that humans have invented. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.

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How Do We Know the Bible is the Inspired Word of God?

Search Results in Other Versions. Advanced Options Exact Match. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Daily Bible Reading Plans x. Recently Popular Pages x. What Does Genesis 3: Recently Popular Media x. Today, when we use the word "inspire" or "inspiration," it has the idea of something challenging to the human heart.

We speak of a person giving an "inspiring performance" or someone looking for "inspiration" to begin a new project.

There are several elements that need to be expanded upon. Sometimes the writers of Scripture did not understand all that God told them to write. God Guided The Entire Process God guided with the human authors of Scripture in the various things that they wrote or the sources that they used. Only The Original Manuscripts Are Error-Free The authority of Scripture only extends to the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments-it does not extend to any translations or any manuscript copies. Inspiration Is Now Limited To Written Scripture While divine Inspiration was both written and unwritten, today we only have the written part available to us.

Summary When the word "inspiration" is used in reference to the Bible it means more than the Bible is inspiring literature. When we speak of the Bible being authoritative, it means that it is God's accurate revelation of Himself to humanity. Though humans composed the various books of Scripture, the result was an error-free work in the original manuscripts.

This is because all Scripture was God-breathed. God had His hand on the production in such a way that we can accept the entire Scripture as being trustworthy. Consequently, the Bible cannot be categorized with other literature that causes the human heart to be challenged or inspired. It is much more than that-it is God's divine Word to humanity. Newsletters Facebook Twitter Donate Contact.

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