Confessions of a Carb Queen: A Memoir

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Many of us have weight we want to lose. For some of us it's that last 20 pounds. Others of us have 40 or 50 pounds to lose-maybe even So how would you feel if you had over to lose? Susan Blech weighed close to pounds.

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This book is the story of her weight loss journey-and her emotional healing. After reaching her top weight, Ms Blech took out her entire life's savings to move near a weight loss clinic. Her memoir is brutally frank. She speaks about her lonely, motherless childhood, her incredible binges, and her numerous unsuccessful dating ventures.

There are passages which are truly laughable, passages that will make you cry, and others that can make you wince, because they really DO speak to the experience of being obese and feeling desperate. I really applaud Ms Blech' s honesty, and I feel it may inspire many people who struggle with food addiction. There was only one aspect of this memoir that I feel needs to be addressed.

People need to remember that when it comes to food plans, one size does NOT fit all. The food plan the clinic used for it's clients pretty much just included rice, fruit, and vegetables-with fish once a week. Many people who read diet memoirs try to copy whatever it is the author did-but most doctors today would not advise anyone adopting a food plan that cuts any food group out entirely. Well, I thought this book would be a kind of funny and at times sad - but either way, maybe inspiring and definitely relatable. I did not get that at all. The frank descriptions about her sex life didn't bother me, but the methods she used to lose weight are extreme and sound unhealthy to even me.

I honestly feel like the author needed serious psychiatric help not saying that flippantly to be mean, but the book showed a lot of deep-seated issues, not just a food thing and I honestly hope she got help. Either way, there is no inspiration or fun, just a really sad story of desperation and extreme, ridiculously expensive methods of MAJOR yo-yo dieting.

May I recommend instead - "Half Assed: As I'm on my own mega-weight-loss journey, I thought this might be if not inspiring, then certainly relatable. What I got was a book that was full of triggers [those with weight to lose or eating disorders certainly know what I mean by triggers!

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Completely disturbing memoir about obesity. Oct 25, Mandy rated it it was amazing Shelves: As someone who used to be morbidly obese and still struggles with Binge Eating Disorder Jul 06, Ashley Burke rated it liked it. It was pretty good. Not my favorite in this genre, or type. But it was a good honest look at what she went through. Apr 09, Carolynne rated it liked it Shelves: This started out an interesting account of Susan, a woman with a very serious weight issue.

Confessions of a Carb Queen: A Memoir

While I was very interested in watching Susan attempt to take control of her life and her health, I was really turned off by her jumping into bed with a different man every month. I don't know why an intelligent woman like her would think that she would find a marriage prospect by conducting phone sex with men she meets online and then having sex with them at their first and usually only meeting.

I also This started out an interesting account of Susan, a woman with a very serious weight issue. I also am confused about Susan's relationship with her father. She gushes about how he's the bestest and most supportive Dad, and yet he seems completely disinterested in her, oblivious to everything that is important to her.

I can totally relate to a woman trying her whole life to earn the approval of her father - sadly, it seems to be very common. Being the carb queen I am, this cover caught my attention. It is definitely a book worth reading if you are addicted to carbs or if you have just been battling weight all of your life.

Susan's story is sad, yet inspiring. There are some pretty good healthy recipes in the book also. Confessions of a Carb Queen takes you on Susan's riveting emotional journey from being a body builder to weighing pounds, then Being the carb queen I am, this cover caught my attention. Confessions of a Carb Queen takes you on Susan's riveting emotional journey from being a body builder to weighing pounds, then her journey to save her life by losing the weight. To read the rest of my review visit http: Anyone struggling to lose a significant amount of weight. Whew, this book is not for the faint of heart!

I can't decide if Susan Blech is incredibly courageous or embarrassingly foolhardy in telling the reader about her food addiction, family dysfunction, sex life, and weight loss journey. I have to confess I'm slightly disappointed that the weight loss is done through a clinic and took over 2 years at the clinic, but that's my hang up as I got excited when I read that Susan had lost over lbs. Kind of puts the experience in Whew, this book is not for the faint of heart! Still, I found quite a bit of inspiration in Susan't story and applaud her honesty in telling it.

Oct 31, Mary Ellen Carlson rated it really liked it. This was a very honest account of Sue, a woman who finally decided at age 38 that enough was enough and set out on a journey to lose pounds without surgery. She was addicted to salty, greasy fast foods and went on binges every night. She worked from home to avoid being out in the world, and needed to learn to eat right, exercise, and love herself in order to finally change into a strong, confident woman.

Confessions of a Carb Queen

The author writes candidly of her food binges, internet dating, and fat sex during her v This was a very honest account of Sue, a woman who finally decided at age 38 that enough was enough and set out on a journey to lose pounds without surgery. The author writes candidly of her food binges, internet dating, and fat sex during her vulnerable, self-loathing periods, but she has a good heart and wants to be loved.

When she learns to love herself, she is able to change her life and really start living again. I was inspired by her story.

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Aug 29, Ellen Keim rated it liked it. This wasn't the best book I've read by a formerly fat person, but I did like it. The author is brutally honest about her life, even down to detailed descriptions of her binges. All I can say about them is: One theme that consistently pops up in these weight loss books is that of self-acceptance.

It always seems that self-acceptance comes not necessarily from the weight loss, but from breaking the cycle of self-destructive behavior. This author manages to capture what This wasn't the best book I've read by a formerly fat person, but I did like it. This author manages to capture what it's like to have a hole inside yourself that you think can only be filled up with food.

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She doesn't sugarcoat her story and that makes it all the more powerful. She doesn't make it seem easy, but she does make it seem possible. Nov 21, Jodi rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.

At first I was unsure about this book. I started reading this and found it very hard to read. As I got into the book I could not put it down. I actually got on the treadmill twice today. I realized that I eat when I am lonely, sad, bored or emotional. I told my friend about this book and told her about the emotionally eating. I spoke with her tonight after another emotional interaction with someone and she helped me get thru it. I am grateful for this book and that the woman had so much courage At first I was unsure about this book. I am grateful for this book and that the woman had so much courage to write this.

No I am not pounds, but I can lie to myself that food will make it all better and that tomorrow I will start on the treadmill.

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Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Confessions of a Carb Queen. Many people who read diet memoirs try to copy whatever it is the author did-but most doctors today would not advise anyone adopting a food plan that cuts any food group out entirely. What an amazing story! What makes a good FPS? She explores the psychological component of overeating and the connection between her own binge eating and the aneurysm that left her mother brain-damaged and paralyzed when Susan was a toddler. Want to Read saving….

No I don't look fat, my clothes just shrunk. What a great find! Jan 04, Andrea rated it liked it Shelves: What an amazing story! This book was not at all what I expected and I think that made it even better. When I got the book I was thinking it was going to be a story of how Susan overcame eating too many carbs and lost weight. I don't want to spoint the book for anyone but it reads more like a novel. It describes how Susan came to overeating, what she did to gain so much weight, and what she had to do to overcome it and the things she learned about herself and other people along the way.

It is a v What an amazing story! It is a very honest and laugh out loud realistic view of life, dating, and discovery. Some people may in previous reviews stated they were bothered by the frank details, I didn't think it was a big deal. May 11, Kristi rated it really liked it. This was one of the most brutally honest books I've ever read. It was downright graphic and disturbing in parts, but gave such an intense, moving portrait of what it feels like to survive obesity. Susan Blech's perceptions of herself and deep-felt pain and shame made me understand the constant struggle of morbid obesity in a new way.

Her horrific, ongoing self-dialog was devasting to hear. I think she is incredibly brave to tell her entire story in such detail. I hope her journey has continued a This was one of the most brutally honest books I've ever read. I hope her journey has continued and her inner voice now speaks in love instead of despair. Jul 18, Susan Bazzett-Griffith rated it it was ok Shelves: I really thought I would like this book more than I did.

The writing was on about a fifth grade level not the subject matter, clearly, but the adult material, combined with the poor writing made reading this book unpleasant.

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The author's voice, though generally honest and forthright, was at times very grating. I disliked the random recipes thrown in here and there, and though her story was somewhat compelling, I had a hard time taking it seriously because the writing was so juvenile. Barely tw I really thought I would like this book more than I did.

Apr 03, Shannon Renee rated it it was ok Shelves: I would have given this a 1. I didn't have many expectations of this book other than "looks good I'm not expecting Biggest Loser transformations here. Still I come away feeling cheated. This book was more about sex than food.

I don't want to see your sex life on paper. I want to know genuine feelings. Don't give me funny quips if you're doing a book on struggling. Jul 27, Melanie rated it really liked it. I expected horror stories of how many carbs this has or what that food does to you. While it's in there, this is more a story of emotion and self-discovery. Susan learns some lessons to help her build a better life. I can see myself in some of her excuses. At the moment I don't have her strength or desire to drop the excuse.

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Her response makes me think about it though! Now I want to look her up to see what's happened to her since her book was published. Jun 04, Spook Harrison rated it really liked it Recommended to Spook by: Really, really liked this one. Blech is a true writer, and is brutally honest in communicating her story, so honest that it brings one to tears. Her drama is easy to relate to, because though we all haven't been in identical situations as she has, the reactions of others who assisted her in those times are the same.

So good I didn't like having to put it down. Jul 04, Teena in Toronto rated it liked it. It was good and I enjoyed it. Susan's account was very honest Susan moved to Durham to join the Rice Diet Clinic. She was there for more than two years. The program sounds extreme to me but you gotta do what you gotta do I just read some reviews on Amazon and some readers condemned her for apparently gaining some weight back. I've found that it's easier to lose weight than it is to keep it off. Aug 29, Cristina Garcia rated it it was amazing Shelves: While Susan frustrated me to no end relationship-wise , I really enjoyed this book.

Its different from the other weightloss-memoirs I've read because it focuses on emotional-eating, not just how they lost weight. So you have an idea just imagine a foodie's nightmare on steroids. I'm so happy for Susan and I wish her the best on her lifelong journey. Jan 12, Gato rated it liked it. Good book - I have to say, the binge scenes were like 'food porn'. Recommended for anyone with a sense of humor who has ever struggled with weight.