The Liturgy Betrayed

The Betrayal of Christ’s Mystical Body

If such is the case, it win be necessary to modify the rite or to suppress the element within it that could cause the faithful to deviate toward a too sentimental or too subjective belief, which, by that very fact, is detached from the common Creed. The four components of the Eucharistic liturgy The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council teaches that every liturgical act is composed of two sorts of elements.

For the liturgy is made up of unchangeable elements divinely instituted and of elements subject to change. These latter not only may be changed but ought to be changed with the passage of time, if they have suffered from the intrusion of anything out of harmony with the inner nature of the liturgy or have become less suitable Sacrosanctum Concilium , no. This excerpt from the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium shows that the liturgy has never been something that is hermetically sealed and immune to all deviation; over the centuries it has in fact been possible to introduce into it some elements that were ill suited to the intimate nature of the Church's official worship.

In order to frame the issues properly, we must learn to distinguish between the "unchangeable elements" of the liturgy and the "elements subject to change". The unchangeable part of the liturgy or the "essential component": In every liturgy there is an "essential component": If one of these elements is missing, there is no celebration of the Eucharist; there is nothing left but a simulation of the Mass. The parts subject to change include The "substantial" components: Every liturgy includes a "substantial" part, which, in itself, is not necessary for the Eucharistic liturgy but which is found in more or less developed forms in all the Christian liturgies.

This part is made up of psalms entrance antiphon, gradual or responsorial psalm, Communion antiphon as well as readings from Sacred Scripture Old Testament, Letters of the Apostles, Gospel. It also includes the use of incense, the vestments, posture, and gestures of the officiating ministers, the different prayers, and so forth.

This comprises the manner in which the "essential" and "substantial" components take place or are supposed to be carried out.

The "modal" component depends to a great extent on the traditions of the local churches. It determines the order of the ceremonies and thus allows us to distinguish between large fan-lilies of rites the Roman rite, the Ambrosian rite, the rite of Lyons, the Maronite rite, the rite of Saint John Chrysostom, etc. Unlike the essential and substantial parts of the liturgy, the "accessory" component is not codified: The "accessory" component is used to enhance the elements of the three other components of the liturgy; it appeals to "good taste" and to "common sense" and thus includes everything that appeals directly to the senses in order to indicate the degree of solemnity of a celebration: Even in the liturgy the Church does not wish to impose a rigid uniformity in matters which do not involve the faith or the good of the whole community.

Rather does she respect and foster the qualities and talents of the various races and nations. Anything in these peoples' way of life which is not indissolubly bound up with superstition and error she studies with sympathy, and, if possible, preserves intact. She sometimes even admits such things into the liturgy itself, provided they harmonize with its true and authentic spirit SC Still, in order that the "accessory" may be introduced into the liturgy and yield its fruits, care must be taken to fulfill two conditions: Did Jesus "invent" a Christian liturgy?

Christian liturgies, whatever their forms may be, have their origin in the words spoken by Christ on Holy Thursday: Should these words of Jesus be considered unique, original, "revolutionary"? Must we see in them a regulation that obliges believers to depart from the religious framework of the Jewish era in order to invent something entirely new? In the time of Christ, indeed, all of the Jewish laws had become identified with liturgical regulations that Mary, Joseph, and then Jesus himself observed faithfully.

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For more than thirty years the Church has been torn apart by a conflict that revolves around the question of Liturgy. In this instructive and. The Liturgy Betrayed [Denis Crouan, Marc Sebanc] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. For more than thirty years the Church has been torn .

Christ simply wanted to fulfill, to complete these commandments with a supreme law that summarized them all: We are looking forward to the translation of the new liturgical books as they become available. We are still working with Rome. Rome still has to give recognitio and confirmatio to the texts that we have proposed to them.

They have to be translated faithfully and the bishops have very clearly stated their position in the resolution which you have before you. In their own statement, the New Zealand bishops said last month: The Pope says nothing at all about time directions in his text.

Rather, he wants proactive engagement from the bishops. They voted that Missal in by large majorities. They never voted it out: That Missal therefore exists in limbo, on a Vatican shelf. But if ever there was a rupture, it was the imposition of the Vatican instruction Liturgiam Authenticam in , overturning the principles which for more than 30 years had governed the liturgical translations. It is evident to most of us that in appointing a commission to review Liturgiam Authenticam, and in writing Magnum Principium, Pope Francis is inviting the bishops, on our behalf, to choose a better way.

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The liturgy betrayed

Who came up with the historicity argument and why would explain a lot. We should appreciate the pressure under which Francis is exercising his ministry and respect him even more for it. How out of line appears our Catholic belief that Jesus Christ, our Messias and Redeemer, founded a Church and that membership in that Church is a necessary condition for salvation.

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Take; eat; this is my body which is given for you. The Words of Institution of the Roman Rite Mass are here presented in the official English translation of the Roman Missal in the form given in the following italicized text. Your email address will not be published. The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium referred to the liturgy as the "source" and the "summit" of the Church's life no. Part of a series on the.

This is looked upon as simply an intolerable doctrine. John Paul II, accompanied by several cardinals, preached from the pulpit of a Lutheran church in Rome, took part there in a heretical service, and recited a prayer composed by Luther.

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  • The Liturgy Betrayed by Denis Crouan (2000, Paperback).

John Paul II sent a representative to the laying of the foundation stone for the biggest mosque in Europe at Rome. John Paul II sent a representative to the laying of the foundation for the biggest mosque in Europe at Rome. He further participated in pagan rites at Kara and Togoville. During his visit to India, as one could see in the media and on television, John Paul II received from the hands of a Hindu priestess the sign of the Tilak. Catholics have always believed that God the Father sent His Only-begotten Son into this world to divinely reveal to mankind for all time the way of salvation.

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Jesus Christ worked the most stupendous miracles to prove His divine mission, founded one true Church with the authority to infallibly teach the truths necessary for salvation and gave that Church the means to sanctify its members by means of the seven sacraments and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In spite of all this, false ecumenism holds that all these things Jesus Christ accomplished are not really that essential and that all religions must also be considered to have the means of salvation.

It was for this reason that the Catholic Church, prior to the Second Vatican Council, had forbidden Catholics to take active part in non-Catholic worship. Canon of the Code of Canon Law legislated:.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider - 'The Renewal of the Liturgy'

The rejection and condemnation of Christ by the chief priests nearly 2, years ago closely resembles the present rejection and condemnation of His Mystical Body, the Catholic Church, by the modern hierarchy. To the leaders of the temple, Jesus Christ was a false Messias; to the modern hierarchy, traditional Catholics are schismatic and excommunicated. What must have been the tremendous confusion and disunity of the Apostles when their Master was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane by the chief priests and was condemned by Caiphas the High Priest for blasphemy! The Apostles were indeed bewildered and scandalized: Jesus, their Beloved Master, in Whom they had placed all their trust and confidence, was cruelly scourged, crowned with thorns, and finally crucified amid the jeering and mockery of the scribes and Pharisees.