The Ayin

However, this may be imprecise.

Don't Forget the Ayin

In Israeli Hebrew except for Mizrahi pronunciations , it represents a glottal stop in certain cases but is usually silent it behaves the same as aleph. However, changes in adjoining vowels often testify to the former presence of a pharyngeal or epiglottal articulation. As well, it may be used as a shibboleth to identify the social background of a speaker, as Mizrahim and Arabs almost always use the more traditional pronunciation. Ayin is also one of the three letters that can take a furtive patach patach ganuv.

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photo1.jpg - Picture of The AyIn Biri Church, Istanbul

This article is about the Semitic letter. For other uses, see Ayin disambiguation. Goldwasser, Orly Mar—Apr Pre-Islamic Poetry and the Poetics of Ritual , pg. Cornell Studies in Political Economy.


Cornell University Press , Classical Modern Standard Maltese [a]. Biblical northern dialect Mishnaic Medieval Modern.

The Northwest Semitic abjad. Retrieved from " https: According to Jewish midrash, this divine light is far greater than the light that emanates from the sun and stars. Though concealed in the Torah, the spiritual eye can behold the presence of this radiance, but only by means of inner eye given by the Ruach HaKodesh. Allegories of Ayin Ayin is sometimes described as having two eyes that connect to a common "optic nerve" that leads to the brain.

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The two eyes represent choice or the actions of the will i. We can choose whether to use the good eye or the evil eye to perceive things; we can choose to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.

Ayin like the letter Aleph is a silent letter. It is said that Ayin "sees" but does not speak, and therefore represents the attitude of humility or anavah. Anavah begins with an Ayin, as does the word for service avodah and yoke ol.

On the other hand, Ayin can represent idolatry avodah zara as well as slavery avedut , both of which are born out of the heart of envy. When the eye is evil ayin ra , it becomes a slave to the purposes of sin and the yetzer hara the evil impulse. As Rashi said, "The heart and the eyes are the spies of the body: The eye reflects the world outside and reveals the world inside. A person's outlook reveals their inner character.

This is part of what Jesus meant when He said, "The eye is the light of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

The ayin is the sixteenth letter of the alef-beis. According to the AriZal, the ayin is a vav contained in a nun. The nun represents humility. The vav signifies Torah. Ayin is an important concept in Kabbalah and Hasidic philosophy. It is contrasted with the term Yesh ("something/exist/being/is"). According to kabbalistic.

According to the Talmud Shabbat a , the good eye of Ayin looks toward Samekh in the alphabet and stands for the acronym semokh "support" anaiyim "the poor". That is, the ayin tovah "good eye" will manifest itself in benevolence and charity toward others. On the other hand, the ayin hara "evil eye" will look to the letter Pey mouth , considering how it might consume for itself in greed and envy.

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The Gematria of Ayin The letter Ayin can be represented as the number 16 from its ordinal position within the Alphabet , as 17 from its component values of Yod 10 and Zayin 7 ; as 70 from its number within the alphabet , as from its plenary spelling: Ayin 70 , Yod 10 , and Nun 50 , and so on. The value is thought to be suggestive of the ladder selum of Sinai, both words which equal , which suggests that the spiritual eye sees the Torah as the means of approaching God.

Of particular interest, however, is the number 70, since it occurs frequently within Scripture and Jewish tradition.