Postcolonial Poetry in English (Oxford Studies in Postcolonial Literatures)

The Development of Local Traditions 3. The Settler Countries Part 3: Voice and Technique 7. Techniques of Self-representation 9.

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Voyage and Translation Rajeev Patke was born in Pune, India. He has taught at the University of Pune, and has taught at the National University of Singapore since He has authored a book on the long poems of Wallace Stevens Cambridge, , co-edited several books on literature and culture, and his ongoing research interests include the writings of Walter Benjamin, and the relation between poetry and painting.

Special Features Covers the entire range of contemporary Anglophone poetry Developments in poetry are clearly and concisely linked to their contexts in political, social, and cultural history Shows how a reading of contemporary poetry can affect the significance attached to notions of postcolonial cultures and societies Appropriate for use on undergraduate courses.

22. Post-Colonial Criticism

Click to enlarge Price: Postcolonial Poetry in English Rajeev S. Undergraduates studying postcolonial poetry and literature Part 1: Voice and Technique 7. Techniques of Self-representation 9.

Postcolonial Poetry in English - Hardcover - Rajeev S. Patke - Oxford University Press

Voyage and Translation A gem of an introduction to postcolonial poetics--aesthetically attuned, critically engaged, and felicitously written. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

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To purchase, visit your preferred ebook provider. Postcolonial Poetry in English Rajeev S. Patke Oxford Studies in Postcolonial Literatures Covers the entire range of contemporary Anglophone poetry Developments in poetry are clearly and concisely linked to their contexts in political, social, and cultural history Shows how a reading of contemporary poetry can affect the significance attached to notions of postcolonial cultures and societies Appropriate for use on undergraduate courses.