Kalte Asche (David Hunter 2) (German Edition)

Do I have to read this series in order? Marco Lupis In my opinion the answer is yes. See 1 question about Written in Bone…. Lists with This Book. Feb 22, Gosia rated it liked it.

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After enjoying the hell out of "The Chemistry of Death" I was very eager to start reading the second book about Dr Hunter. I don't really know where to begin. The book starts interestingly enough: Some of the characters in the book were so cartoonish I was afraid I might injure my eyes with all the eyerolling.

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Here's your token single mother with a After enjoying the hell out of "The Chemistry of Death" I was very eager to start reading the second book about Dr Hunter. Here's your token single mother with a dark past, there's your incompetent and drunken police officer who is completely oblivious to the most obvious facts, there's your spunky young journalist who "just wants to get to the bottom of things".

The only reason we know that the retired detective Brody is "meticulous", is because we are told so about ten times, without actually ever really witnessing it through his actions. Dr Hunter is equally infuriating with his sixth sense telling him multiple times "something doesn't quite add up" but we never really get to find out why until it's too late. Beckett, let your readers join in on the fun, let them think a little! And then the plot Formulaic albeit entertaining at first, but then within 50 pages it's plot twist after plot twist after plot twist to the point where it was giving me a major headache.

What's even worse, by the time I got to the end of the book I realised I don't even care anymore what happens to Dr.

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Hunter or, for that matter, who the killer is. I gave the book 3 stars because it's still a kind of entertaining read. The reason I'm so harsh is because my expectations were high after Beckett's first David Hunter book. Sadly, "Written in Bone" wasn't half as entertaining as I wanted it to be. Es gab so viel coole Wendungen in der Geschichte! Hat mir sehr gut gefallen! Like tiny hairs buzzing on the back of your neck, creepy! It provides a telltale record of injuries, neglect or abuse.

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It's clear to him that this was no accident, this was murder. Ships with Tracking Number! The hero, a forensic anthropologist, is not quite smart enough to figure things out before we do, but that is part of the wonderfully sustained tension. Simon Beckett is married and lives in Sheffield. Great condition for a used book!

But in order to find what was written here, first I had to be able to see it. David Hunter for help. At first, David refuses, wanting to continue his journey home. He wants nothing to do with it.

Written in Bone

But David's sense of duty to help the deceased find his or her way home is too much to turn his back on. After all, David will only there to assist the local police in setting the perimeters of sex, approximate age, and, with any luck, the cause of death. Then the case will be turned over to them to carry in whatever direction is necessary. It's only supposed to take a couple of days, then he can return home to his wife.

But things don't go that way. Not by a long shot. Written in Bone by Simon Beckett takes place in the Western Isles, a coastal island chain that's separated from the Scottish mainland.

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Kalte Asche (David Hunter 2) (German Edition) eBook: Simon Beckett, Andree Hesse: bahana-line.com: Kindle Store. Kalte Asche (David Hunter 2) (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Simon Beckett, Andree Hesse. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC.

The small, sparcly populated island of Runa is even more isolated which sets the scene perfectly for an eerie, ominous feeling, beginning from the very start and becoming more nightmarish and terrifying as the story goes on. The story has plenty of twists and turns that kept me completely unbalanced throughout, all the way to the startling conclusion. This is the second book in the David Hunter series and I loved it just as much as the first book, The Chemistry of Death. Both books are chilling, with likable characters, a rapid pace, and lots of authentic forensic evidence.

I'm a huge fan of factual forensic science and this series has plenty of it! I devoured the story from beginning to end and the disturbing, macabre factor is off the scales! I am looking forward to the next book in this series! Aber umgehauen hat es mich trotzdem nicht.

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Von Anfang bis Ende spannend, wobei sich mehrere Interessante Themen verflechten und die Spannung immer mehr aufbaut. Alle Charaktere, die Stimmung auf der Insel und die Umgebung sind so toll beschrieben, dass man praktisch dabei ist.

Mar 04, Hannah rated it really liked it Shelves: Excellent, gripping police procedural mystery. A slow start, but midway it takes off and there are several twists at the end that took me totally by surprise, especially the final few paragraphs - WHAT??!! Gruesome in places, and a plot twist that's creepy to say the least, but a quick and satisfying read. View all 6 comments.

Monatsrückblick Januar 2016

See today's deal or sign up for the newsletter. Kindle Edition File Size: Rowohlt E-Book; 1 edition 5 October Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

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