The Coming Pandemic Catastrophe

A single sneeze or cough would send half a million virus particles flying through the air.


The US army suffered terrible losses. Nurse Shirley Millard wrote in her diary in April I thought influenza was a bad cold but this is much worse.

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The authorities were slow to react but were understandably distracted by the war and at the time the nature of flu was misunderstood. It was wrongly thought influenza was the result of bacteria rather than a virus.

  • The Next Deadly Pandemic Could Be Unlike Any Threats We Know, Say Experts;
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  • The big one is coming, and it's going to be a flu pandemic - CNN!

In a cruel twist it was the young and healthy who suffered most. With this strain the harder the body fought against the flu, the worse its symptoms. People began wearing masks but they offered little protection and only added to the eerie, apocalyptic atmosphere. There was no cure and no one was immune. Spain was badly affected and the name Spanish flu stuck.

In one famous cartoon the flu was depicted as a skeletal woman wearing a death mask and flamenco dress. In Britain Whitehall chiefs were reluctant to impose quarantine regulations on trams and buses or shut public places such as theatres for fear of damaging morale.

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Experts say it's not a matter of if, but when a global scale pandemic will wipe out millions of people. And we are grossly unprepared for the next. The Coming Pandemic Catastrophe [Grattan Woodson MD] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The human population has never been more.

This disorganised, stiff-upper-lip approach allowed the flu to spread although some places fared better than others. However in Newcastle, mines and docks almost ground to a halt as 70 per cent of the workforce fell ill. The German army was also decimated by the flu, which was known as Blitzkatarrh and affected almost , men during the summer of The flu pandemic lingered on and delivered cruel twists.

One of the last fatalities of the year was William Leefe Robinson, 23, who had won a Victoria Cross for becoming the first pilot to shoot down a German Zeppelin. Armistice Day celebrations, which brought tens of thousands of people together, also caused a spike. But in the aftermath of the war the battle fought on the home front against flu was largely forgotten by most save a handful of scientists.

Experts now know that the strain was H1N1, which is a relative of later outbreaks including avian flu. Advances in health, improved communications, vaccination programmes and antibiotics for treating secondary conditions all mean that we are better equipped now. It became a race against weakening economies, infrastructure and communications. Would they find a vaccine first?

One-Hundred Years after Influenza Catastrophe, Is the U.S. Pandemic-Ready?

Or would society collapse? Containing it is virtually out of the question.

With 15 million simulated deaths in the US alone by the end of the first year, the outlook was grim. Eric Toner, a senior researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health Security, spent years preparing the simulation, taking every effort to make it as realistic as possible. Grizzly bear, her two cubs killed trying to cross highway. By Jamie Seidel, News.

View author archive Get author RSS feed. There are countless examples of movies, like 's "World War Z," where the world falls apart because of a mystery virus. But it easily could be. After just one year, the worldwide death toll hit million. No vaccine had been discovered. The simulation was stopped after a period the equivalent of 20 months. And the body count was expected to reach million. Instead, the emphasis was placed on realism. This would result in a coma, and often death.

These were the questions constantly being posed.

  • One-Hundred Years after Influenza Catastrophe, Is the U.S. Pandemic-Ready? | The Lancet USA Blog!
  • The big one is coming, and it's going to be a flu pandemic.
  • The Next Deadly Pandemic Could Be Unlike Any Threats We Know, Say Experts.

The virus was found to be spread by the mucus being blasted into the air by coughing. Scientists dubbed the weaponized virus Clade X.

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Did circumstances warrant air travel to be suspended? In the team's final analysis, they say the pathogen responsible for the next deadly global pandemic will probably spread via a respiratory mode of transmission, and would be contagious during the incubation period, prior to the development of symptoms or when people only show mild symptoms. In fact, scientists say we are overdue for the next big one. One-hundred years later, the planet has four times as many people, and far more of these people have access to quick transportation around the world. What is The Lancet?

But, by the time the true threat of the virus was identified, it was too late. Instead, such a response takes decades.

He says he chose a hypothetical virus that was only moderately contagious and moderately lethal.