DC Universe Online: Player Vs. Player Strategy Guide

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You are not allowed to request a sticky. Also, any guides ideas fir rifle? Stay Connected and Follow Us on: T2 and 3 are bought with marks of tactics T2 costs less but is less effective , and T4 is bought with marks of strategy. Choose from flight, super speed, or acrobatics.

Neverwinter27 Neverwinter27 6 years ago 1 Anyone have a link to a guide that can help players use a Legend characters powers and how they function? Starbolt Starbolt 6 years ago 2 Neverwinter27 posted Merc Merc 6 years ago 4 sorry to highjack thread but any tips with Future Batman? Defeat oponents to score points Capture and hold: Capture points on the map and defend them to decrease your oponents points faster than yours Capture the flag: Some don't fit into the groups above.

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  • Alter-Ego: Nine tips for PvP in DC Universe Online.
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Suicide Squad Why am I as a hero in the villain team? Why am I as a villain in the hero-team?

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Welcome to the Suicide Squad! This option is enabled by default in the game's options. The server can put you in a team of the opposing faction and players from the other faction can be put into a group of your faction as well.

Behave yourself, because Amanda Waller does not tolerate deserters! PvP trinket What can it do? Legends-PvP is easy to learn! Characters All characters have the same potential to win.

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But they still have their strengths and weaknesses. Someone who thinks Robin and Harley are weak is makes a grave mistake.


Never underestimate your oponent, our you might end up with a madly laughing Harley Quinn looking down on you! Character guides I honestly couldn't explain it better than Gemminess the Gamer in her videos. Marketplace characters If you buy a character in the marketplace, it will be available for all or your heroes and villains on your account.

Marks of Legend After playing a few matches, you will obtain Marks of Legend. Winning a match grants you a lot more marks than losing.

Legends PvP

Some Legends will require a DLC as well to unlock. Arena-PvP You want to fight other payers with your character and show off your fancy costume? DC Universe Online is set in the present day, but the opening cinematic sequence takes place in a gritty, war-torn future depicting a final battle between the world's greatest heroes and villains.

This battle takes place in the ruins of Metropolis, and features the deaths of several well-known DC Comics characters. The battle culminates with the death of Superman at the hands of Lex Luthor. Luthor stands back to proclaim his victory, only to see Brainiac's warfleet fill the skies.

The scene then shifts to the present-day Justice League Watchtower, where the future Luthor is telling the story to the present-day Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.

Luthor explains that the only reason he was able to kill Superman was that Brainiac had been slowly stealing power from the Earth's heroes over time. Brainiac intended to use the stolen energy to create an army of metahumans under his control, to facilitate his conquest of Earth.

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