Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, Vol.
Low temperatures during ontogeny increase fluctuating asymmetry and reduce maternal aggression in the house mouse, Mus musculus. When less means more: The Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.
Immune profiles vary seasonally, but are not significantly related to migration distance or natal dispersal, in a migratory songbird. Withoutabox Submit to Film Festivals. Read more Read less. Effects of antihelminthic treatment on cell-mediated immunity in Gentoo penguin chicks. Share your thoughts with other customers.
Viney, Mark and Riley, Eleanor M. The Immunology of Wild Rodents: Current Status and Future Prospects. Frontiers in Immunology, Vol.
Meerlo, Peter Visser, Marcel E. Light pollution affects behavior, sleep, and physiology in a free-living songbird.
Global Change Biology, Vol. Photoperiod but not food restriction modulates innate immunity in an opportunistic breeder,Loxia curvirostra. Exogenous kisspeptin enhances seasonal reproductive function in male Siberian hamsters. Huber, Nikolaus Vetter, Sebastian G.
Quantifying capture stress in free ranging European roe deer Capreolus capreolus.
Dejardin, Laurence Smolensky, Michael H. Seven-day human biological rhythms: An expedition in search of their origin, synchronization, functional advantage, adaptive value and clinical relevance. Variation in corticosterone response and corticosteroid binding-globulin during different breeding sub-stages in Eurasian tree sparrow Passer montanus. Ecological Genetics and Physiology, Vol. Effects of antihelminthic treatment on cell-mediated immunity in Gentoo penguin chicks.
Yuan, Du Collage, Richard D. Tsung, Allan Angus, Derek C.
Blue light reduces organ injury from ischemia and reperfusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. Geremia, Chris Ballou, Michael A. Maintenance of brucellosis in Yellowstone bison: Ecology and Evolution, Vol. Ectoparasite diversity in the eastern rock sengis Elephantulus myurus: Temporal variation of the cestode, Cotugnia cuneata Meggit, in their host, domestic pigeons, Columba livia domestica Gmelin, Journal of Parasitic Diseases, Vol.
Beyond mice and men: Altizer, Sonia and Lafferty, Kevin Linking anthropogenic resources to wildlife-pathogen dynamics: Radespiel, Ute Schaber, K. Variations in the excretion patterns of helminth eggs in two sympatric mouse lemur species Microcebus murinus and M. Cambridge University Press Online publication date: November Print publication year: Export citation Recommend to librarian Recommend this book.
Nelson , Gregory E. ISBN 0 X. In the journal Science published a report that indicated that light exposure to the back of the knee may reset the human circadian pacemaker. The report was highlighted as one of the top discoveries that transform our ideas about the natural world. A recent report in the same journal challenged the initial data, but the publication of both these reports demonstrates the increasing importance of studies on biological rhythms, seasonality, photoperiod day length , and ambient temperature.
This book is a timely reminder that much information has already been accumulated on seasonal variation in immunity and disease prevalence. It is also an excellent response to the rapid changes in our lifestyles and environment. People have become more mobile. These journeys, especially those involving transmeridian flight with its concomitant jet lag, produce stress aggravated further since September 11 , crowding, air pollution, and climate change, all of which pose significant threats to our biological rhythm and exert a profound influence on our immunity and susceptibility to disease.
In fact, serious infectious diseases, including the transmission of tuberculosis, are described as a complication of air travel. While discussing the mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms, it would be well worth mentioning their genetic basis.
Seasonal Patterns of Stress, Immune Function and Disease by Randy J Nelson, Gregory E Demas, Sabra L Klein, Lance J Kriegsfeld. "As the first book to describe seasonal immune function from an interdisciplinary perspective, [this book] is recommended for undergraduate or graduate classes.
It is now known that clock genes are present in the hypothalamus and that the expression of at least some of these genes is subject to daily rhythms.