Why it Pays to be a Christian

Christ Pays the Ransom, But To Whom?

This rapid and much-documented shift in media consumption is helping to put the writing on the wall for the big-hitting agencies. The production of high-quality moving content and lots of it can never be effectively serviced by agencies set up to deliver strategy, outdoor, press and a handful of TV ads for their clients each year.

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Furthermore, with a keener focus on ROI and efficiency of spend, clients are even more reluctant to pay for that roof, several floors above. Some businesses have even established their own in-house studios: Unilever did exactly that through a partnership with Oliver last year. But this suffers from the same issue. And, without the best talent, the quality of the output will naturally be limited.

Enter a new solution: They typically establish themselves by working on production and post-production of projects on behalf of other creative agencies. High quality, high impact The importance of high-quality production values is one of the fundamentals of effective marketing.

Attracting and retaining the very best creatives, directors, animators, 3D artists and producers is crucial to their continued success because it ensures that everything they create is of a quality that their clients demand. Another tithe was brought to Jerusalem for festival purposes Deut. The third tithe was required every third year to assist the poor Deut.

This year was called "the year of tithing," Deut. When the Israelites had completed tithing of the increase of the land, they were to give this tithe to the Levites, strangers, orphans, and widows. For the most part the tithes of the Old Testament were of crops and livestock. This shows God would rather have the goods than the money. How many times have you heard that preached? How many pay their "tithes" in goods today?

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The law is an unforgiving taskmaster and tolerates nothing but obedience. Beware all ye who boast of tithing because the Bible will show you a liar. God could show you a thousand places where you have failed to tithe. Do you tithe your garden crops or anything else you grow or raise? Do you tithe all interest of any form you accrue from savings accounts or capital gains? Do you tithe the yearly increase of the value of your home, jewelry or other assets? Or if you sell your home or any other property do you tithe any increase in value?

And you call yourself a tither?

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The "tithe" comes off the top Lev. It should be clear from above the Law only brings bondage; but, glory to His name, Christ by His blood freed us from the curse of the Law Gal 3: Their "logic" is completely unscriptural and self-serving. If these fellows would stop and think a little they would realize the ignorance of such statements and reconsider their position. But, as we said, most only repeat what they have heard and have never fully studied the issue. They take confidence in thinking, "Dr. So-and-so is a godly and scholarly man and that is what he believes, so it must be right," without looking into the matter in the Scriptures themselves.

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I have observed this attitude on many occasions concerning different subjects. They simply trust another man's word. The New Testament Method. This article is not meant to be a discourse on Christian giving but on the misuse of the Old Testament tithe.

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As we have seen the tithe was primarily a tax on Israel to support Judaism and is not mentioned in connection with the New Testament believer. The New Testament method of giving, however, is not under the threat of law and retribution but from thanksgiving and heartfelt desire 2 Cor. The simple fact is Christians are not commanded to tithe. The Bible strongly suggests Christians give but never stipulates as to how much. Maybe God would have him give more or sometimes maybe less! That is, the Old Testament tithe can be an example before Christians, but not a law.

No one can judge a believer either way.

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The amount each individual believer should give is entirely between him and the Lord 2 Cor. Adapted from an article by Dave Combs. There is no mandate anywhere in the New Testament for tithing. The word "tithe" or "tithes" appears eight times in the New Testament, and each time it is used is in reference to an Old Testament event or a concurrent Jewish practice. The epistles contain numerous admonitions, exhortations, and rebukes because of numerous sins and spiritual problems, but one is never mentioned for failure to tithe.

If Christians are supposed to tithe, then what about circumcision, worshipping on Saturday, observing the holy convocations Passover, Feast of Tabernacles, etc. Shouldn't pastors conduct heave offerings when they receive tithes as well?

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They learn it from hearing other preachers or teachers. Those involved in full-time ministry should be supported by the people they serve 1 Cor. They were practicing racism under the cover of religion. Give Jooste and the facts a chance before we become hysterical. It is recorded Abraham only tithed this one time in all his years.

The statements Jesus makes about tithing Matt. A plain interpretation of these passages doesn't reveal any command that tithing should be continued into the Church Age, which began at Pentecost. Christians who mandate tithing are making the same mistake as the Judaizers. In fact, the Apostle Paul stated in Galatians 5: Today, circumcision is not an issue in the Church, but tithing certainly is. If the Apostle Paul were alive today, he might very well have written Galatians 5: For I testify again to every man that [tithes], that he is a debtor to do the whole law.

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A person who is a "debtor to do the whole law" describes an unsaved person seeking justification by trying to keep the law. Undoubtedly, the Judaizers of Paul's time used God's command to Abraham that he be circumcised Gen In much the same way, many of the modern Judaizers use Abraham's giving a tenth to Melchizedek after the defeat of Chedorlaomer Genesis The Levitical priesthood has been replaced with the priesthood of believers 1 Pet 2: So from this perspective, all that we have, money, possessions, spiritual gifts, belong to the Lord, not just a tenth of our income.

Since NT giving is discretionary, and not based on a demand of a set percentage, this should dispel the common notion that one-tenth of our income is somehow "holy," as if God is some sort of a divine accountant. Those involved in full-time ministry should be supported by the people they serve 1 Cor.

A careful review of New Testament giving reveals to us that our contributions should not only be to support our local ministries, but also meet the basic needs of poverty stricken fellow Christians Acts 2: There was organized giving within local congregations to care for believing widows and orphans who had no other family to rely on Acts 6: The Apostle Paul had ample opportunity to use the word "tithe" or at east mandate it as a standard to be preserved, but instead Paul gives us new rules for giving, which would supersede the Old Testament law for giving.

Christians must not pay tithes

Many think believers in Christ should tithe (defined as giving 10 percent of one's income), and many use the language of “tithes and offerings”. This spring's Gospel Project for Adults and Students will lead participants through the “Atonement Thread,” which helps people put the Bible.

If there is any single verse in the New Testament that nullifies the "tithing in the Church age" doctrine, it would be 2 Cor 9: Love is to be our motivation, not compulsory legalism Hosea 6: