Fatal Error

fatal error

Because your video card is being used all the time, it's difficult to know for certain if it's the cause of the error.

What to Remember

Therefore we always recommend having the latest video drivers on your computer. Visit the manufacturer's website and get the latest software and drivers from them. See the computer drivers page for a listing of hardware companies.

If you have recently installed new software or hardware , uninstall or reinstall that software or hardware to verify it is not causing your issue. With a hardware device, instead of installing the software or drivers that came with the device, visit the manufacturer's website and get the latest software or drivers from them. Disable any TSRs or programs running in the background , since fatal exception errors can be caused by conflicts between two or more open and running programs. Delete all temporary files that may still be residing on the hard drive from currently or previously running programs.


If you have overclocked any component within the computer, set the computer to its factory settings to verify that the overclocked component is not causing the issue. If your computer is running low on hard drive space, your Windows swap file will be unable to increase in size when needed, which can cause errors. Run ScanDisk and run Defrag on the hard drive, as it could be possible your hard drive may have an issue causing the swap file or data files to become corrupt or invalid.

When Should You Throw Fatal Errors?

If this has just started occurring and you're running Windows XP or later, restore Windows back to an earlier copy. This example teaches us two important lessons. Below is a listing of the more commonly experienced processor exceptions ranging from 00 to 0F. About Webopedia Sitemap Account Management. In Objective-C, a runtime exception is thrown if you attempt to access an element that doesn't exist. Systems Monitoring for Dummies:

Verify that all fans in your computer are properly working. If not all fans are working or you do not have enough fans and your computer is overheating, multiple issues, including fatal exceptions, can occur.

If the option is available, enter your computer's CMOS setup and disable the external cache. If this resolves your issue, it is likely that you are encountering a heat related issue. This may require you to consult your motherboard documentation or motherboard manufacturer. Bad computer memory is also a common cause for fatal exception errors. Contrast with fatal system error , an operating system-specific error. Stay up to date on the latest developments in Internet terminology with a free weekly newsletter from Webopedia.

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Java is a high-level programming language.

Fatal exception error

At this point, we need to add an implementation. The strategy for this implementation is using the default Swift fatalError implementation for the production code and a custom one for unit test. We can use a struct FatalErrorUtil which will provide the implementation of fatalError:. So far so good. If we use fatalError in our production code, we can expect the same behaviour of the one provided by Swift.

Search for the error

In the previous section, we introduced a new fatalError implementation. Now, we are able to handle it for the unit tests. With this method, we can wrap fatalError and test if the method under test calls a fatalError function with an expected message. As we may have noticed in the example above, we call a method unreachable which is this one:.

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It means that this function will never finish its execution since will be stopped by either a failure or a thrown error. In this case, a normal fatalError would never complete since it lets crash the application. Therefore, we must simulate a never returning function. We can do it with an infinite loop—like in method unreachable. If we use the approach of an infinite loop, we should call RunLoop. You can read more details about this method here. Then, we must execute the testcase closure in a background thread, since the main one will be blocked by the infinite loop:.

Finally, we must handle the expectation completion to test the fatalError message and restore the default fatalError implementation:.