Islam, Arabs, and Intelligent World of the Jinn (Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)

Islam, Arabs, and the Intelligent World of the Jinn

The author's access to Arabic sources and her ability to contextualize them make this a compelling and thorough account, enriching our knowledge of Islamic religion and tradition. Product details Format Hardback pages Dimensions x x 23mm People who bought this also bought.

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Islam, Arabs, and the intelligent world of the jinn

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Jinn Created Before Man, From Fire

And among us are those who submitted, and among us are the compromisers. As for those who have submitted, they have sought what is correct. And as for the compromisers, they are firewood for Hell. After having related the negative history between mankind and Jinn, it is imperative to note that the Jinn with the exception of Satan were given a chance by the Almighty to reflect upon their decision and to repent to God before the Day of Judgement approaches.

Islam, Arabs, and the Intelligent World of the Jinn : Amira El-Zein :

Indeed, according to the events in sura 72 verse 72 , some Jinn have already repented and accepted to follow the way of God rather than follow the arrogance of Satan and be punished for eternity with him. They live in our walls and walk round, just as we do. Therefore, within the Muslim religion and Arab culture it is vital not to talk in the bathroom, listen to the radio while in the shower as this may aggravate the Jinn. Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar. Islam and Culture — Looking Beyond the Stereotypes.

Writer Aicha Zaa talks about how stereotypes are often prevalent in the UK today leading to misconceptions about Islam and culture.

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A human is not only born with a jinn qarn but also an angelic qarn. The qarns of the human almost act as the good the angelic and the bad jinn choices humans make in their day to day lives. The qarn act almost as the angel or the devil that sits either shoulder giving you advice. It would make since that the human would have to try to convert his savage jinn, his or her uncivil part of their brain to follow Islam. If the human can get this part of his or her brain to comply with Islamic values, they have completed one of the biggest challenges they had to face: One could also view the qarn jinn as a human figure.

It is allowed to marry a jinn. If you married a jinn and managed to pull him or her away from their savage tendencies you are granted a place in Heaven. So if you can marry a one, what else can you do with a jinn?

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Jinns act just as humans. They get jealous, vengeful, angry and even fall in love. According to tradition, jinns can interact with humans and because humans are porous creatures, can enter into a human and possess them by going to the control center of the human body, the brain. Jinns possess people, usually humans of the opposite gender of the jinn, when they feel the human has wronged them, or have fallen in love with a human. Jinns can also possess humans when the human is scared, stressed, vain, or unconscious.

Just as the idea of the qarn as a metaphor for being rational and having the choice of making bad or good decisions, the concept of being possessed by jinn can mean the same thing. The jinn only react to humans when feeling wronged or in love, both things of which can make one act differently. When a human is possessed by a jinn, it is that human giving into that savage part of their brain. On a different note, the possession of human by a jinn may be early Muslims way of explaining mental illness.

Just like the possession of a demon in Christianity, the possessed act like a different person, act violently and even sound different, the savage mind showing itself. According to traditions, however, some humans did not need fear the jinns.

What is Jinn?

Witteveen The Heart of Sufism: The jinns savage ways lead to the enlightenment, the rise of Islam. When Islam spread outside of Arabia, belief in the jinn was assimilated with local belief about spirits and deities from Iran, Africa, Turkey and India. It is a most confusing mythical feature of the Quran. Sleep paralysis is conceptualized as a "Jinn attack" by many sleep paralysis sufferers in Egypt as discovered by Cambridge neuroscientist Baland Jalal. In tradition, there was a jinn, sometimes called Ibless, that was commanded by God to aid Adam.

Some were considered friends of the invisible beings, the humans just as savage as they are. Poets and soothsayers were believed to be friends of the jinn. The soothsayer would make a deal with the jinn, to give the jinn something it wants in return for information about the future. According to the Prophet, the jinn would then whisper in the soothsayer's ear divinations, it resembling the sound of chicken clucking.

The Prophet then warns the the jinn tend to lie. Such acts of divination are a sin in Islam and other Abrahamic religions. It mentions in the Qur'ran in surra Having to translate the clucking of a chicken into something relevant shows that there is nothing to be gained from divination.

A soothsayer partaking in the act, an act used in preIslamic times, would then be considered a uncivilized person and should just trust in the will of God. Not all jinns are bad. There are Muslim jinn. The Qur'ran reads, as mentioned above, in surra 72, the surra dedicated to jinn, that some jinn listened to Muhammad. They spread the word of the Prophet to their people and they became Muslims.

ArArabic Literature and Culture

These jinns, these savage people that live out in the deserts, caves, trees, people that live far from any city or town, accepted God. God does not care if the jinns are uncivilized peoples, they are his creation. But as time goes on, concepts and principals of a civilization change, as well as the concept of what a jinn is.

As the Islamic empire continued to spread, towns and cities were built with great libraries and mosques. As result of the empires progress, the uncivilized beings started to disappear, so the concept of the jinn evolved into this supernatural entity. Like many religions and theologies, they were created for that time period and place. The jinn may at first been a name for the nomadic tribes that lived in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, their uncivilized nature setting them apart from the average Muslim. These beings eventually become something of a boogie man, something you tell around a campfire at night.

And as time even continues, the jinn made their way around the world, making appearances in the West, becoming kid friendly sidekicks. No matter what the jinns really are, they play a major role in Islam today as way to explain the supernatural and harass or aid humans on their path to God.

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