Steadfast Movement around Micronesia: Satowan Enlargements beyond Migration

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Overnight, many Chuukese Islanders moved to the US territory of Guam in search of employment, and by the year Chuukese accounted for around 5, of Guam's , citizens Guam, Bautista explains, should not be considered a final "destination" of FSM and Chuukese migrants but rather their "reach" 3 , a perspective that leaves room for cultural, economic, and human flows between dispersed migrant communities and their place of origin.

Bautista's working experience with Chuukese on her father's farm eventually led her to Chuuk for undergraduate research in sociology, which eventually culminated in the eleven months of doctoral fieldwork in that forms the basis of this study. Altogether Bautista spent four months in Chuuk, two on Satowan Island, and two in a Satowan community on Chuuk's capital island of Weno, which serves as a hub for Satowanese citizens' movement between Guam and Satowan.

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Bautista employs two theoretical and methodological underpinnings for this study: The first, circular mobility, is taken from human geography, while the second, the idea of transnationalism, is taken from anthropology and sociology. She relies heavily on both sources of literature throughout her book. The book is divided into six chapters. The first gives a brief history of Satowan mobility in its historical, economic, and political context from the Second World War to the late s and includes reference to the author's research methods, contact persons, and field experience in the dispersed homesites of Satowanese in Chuuk and abroad Guam, Chuuk, and Hawai'i.

The title of chapter 1 is a famous Chuukese chant commonly used when talking about mobility and migration today: I would portray it proverbially: Bautista also introduces the reader to the Chuukese concept of the clan hearth falang , the heart of a homesite, which remains the center of lineage and clan activities today. Here Bautista looks at why FSM and other Micronesian citizens have moved to Guam and seeks "to describe the web of social expectations and reciprocal obligations between sending and receiving communities or The survey data she presents on remittances and on patterns of flow and reciprocity between home and reach are among the first for this time period and cannot be underestimated in terms of their value in promoting an understanding of continuity and change in Chuukese social network activities.

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Satowan Enlargements beyond Migration

Considering movement as being steadfast makes this study one of the few undertaken in the Pacific to self-consciously attempt to provide a sense of agency and interconnectivity between transnationalism and circular mobility. Steadfast Movement around Micronesia: Step 1 Review, By Dr. Imagining the Filipino American Diaspora. Its rich ethnography demonstrates the value of understanding how actors understand movement; why they employ opportunities to move at various times in their lives and the pattern of their movements. You can view this on the NLA website.

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Quick Reference Steadfast Movement around Micronesia: Satowan Enlargements beyond Migration (): Lola Quan Bautista: Books. Steadfast Movement examines how people from Chuuk State in the Steadfast Movement around Micronesia. Satowan Enlargements beyond Migration.

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Steadfast Movement around Micronesia: Satowan Enlargements beyond Migration

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