The Pilgrim City: St Augustine of Hippo and his Innovation in Political Thought

The Pilgrim City

Hollingworth, Miles

Augustine's de Civitate Dei. Two Cities And Two Loves: Parrish John - - History of Political Thought 26 2: Payton - - Studies in East European Thought 54 3: Augustine; a Collection of Critical Essays.

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Markus - - Garden City, N. Pecknold - - Modern Theology 28 2: A Headless Body Politic?: Augustine's Understanding of a Populus and its Representation.

Von Heyking - - History of Political Thought 20 4: Peter Kaufman - - History of Political Thought 30 1: Tataryn - - Studies in East European Thought 54 3: Monthly downloads Sorry, there are not enough data points to plot this chart. Sign in to use this feature.

Hollingworth, Miles [WorldCat Identities]

This article has no associated abstract. Augustine in Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy categorize this paper.

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History of Western Philosophy. Science Logic and Mathematics. This book will be of great value to all who have come to rely upon Augustine for insights into political thought and who still ponder the responsibility of Christians in civil society.

A Journal of Bible and Theology,. His mastery and comfort with the body of Augustine's work coupled with judicious and illuminating quotes of the primary sources makes Augustine's political theology come alive to both new and seasoned readers.

Volume 41, Issue 2, 2010

Hollingworth focuses on the impact Augustine's thought has had on Western political theory and evaluates the authenticity of the various political theories that claim the Augustinian mantle. He does so by drawing on writers throughout history that parallel or serve as foils to Augustine's ideas including Dostoyevsky, Rousseau, Luther, Marx, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, and others.

This is a refreshing approach to Augustinian studies… The Pilgrim City is a strong and unique contribution to Augustinian political theology.

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Language English View all editions Prev Next edition 3 of 4. Parrish John - - History of Political Thought 26 2: Toward an Augustinian Politics. And on the other hand, he does not seek to achieve an ideological perspective on the proper relations between Church and State. Request removal from index. Two Cities And Two Loves:

It can be used in graduate and upper level undergraduate courses on political theology, history medieval through early modern , and political science. The Journal of the College Theological Society. Pilgrim City is full of insight and verve, and Hollingworth is clearly a scholar on the rise. The book is well written, though occasionally obscure, and well researched You can unsubscribe from newsletters at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any newsletter.