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Several auxiliary vessels, including the tender and two special barges, re- mained at Cienfuegos. Laird discussed Soviet naval deployment in the Caribbean.

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He also detailed the whereabouts of other Soviet aux- iliary vessels in the Caribbean and said the Defense Department might issue periodic reports. The spokesman, Conrad Ah- lers. Ahlers said the chancel- lor would probably leave fer the Polish capital on Sunday with a delegation of about 12, including German writers Gun- ter Grass and Siegfried Lena, and Bert hold Beitz. Carmine Caruso walked Into his home here after hitching a lift from some woodlands where he was held.

I spent the night in a broken-down hut In the woods. Farmer, one of the founders of the Congress of Racial Equality, declined in an interview today to confirm or deny that he was quitting his post as assistant sec- retary of health, education and welfare. But department sources said that Mr. Farmer has Inform- ed associates of his impending resignation and that the man said to have been chosen to succeed him, Rodney H.

Brady, a California businessman, was at the depart- ment today for a meeting with the deputy under secretary. Castillo, are weary after two years of playing an advocacy role within the administration. Nixon's earliest appointees and, to admin- istration critics who frequently accused him of having turned his back on the civil -rights movement. One of the biggest frustrations j Mr- Farmer has responded that he is to find, in the 20th century, that could do. Quevedo said in an interview. Castillo's resignations were sought by the White House because Spanish- American voters in Texas and California did not support Re- publican candidates in the No- vember elections.

Finch, counselor to the President, "is our superhero. Quevedo said he and Mr. Castillo, both lawyers from Los An- ministration than outside It. Ziegler the President's press secretary, would not confirm that it was to discuss Mr. As assistant secretary for ad- ministration, Mr. Firmer has had little direct responsibility for pro- grams dealing with major civil- rights Issues.

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And when that day comes we also arrange home shipment on extremely favourable conditions. They have outstanding safety features. A- , ruo de Hal, BrimeU Tel. Originally sug- gested by Biddy Feppin and Pamela Zoline for the London Arts Laboratory, the idea soon outgrew the site, and has had to await the larger spaces that the Whitechapel provides. Tne title is by way of being an homage to Marcel Duchamp, who opined that one of a thing was unique, and two of a thing a pair, but three of a thing was the beginning of mass produc- tion.

By very definition, a mul- tiple is some tiling which can be produced in quantity; and here, it must be said, axe many dif- ferent kinds of objects, many of which emphasise the object and the craft, rather than the art of the matter. One of a new series of lithographs by Michael English. Rieger Is taking over from Willem van Otter loo.

WU, a further series of lithographs, entitled "Rubbish. I find these prints, teshnlcally some of the best ever to appear in England, to be a profound, incisive, and in some ways poignant state- ment. The ceramics are inexpensive wares by young artist potters. At the main gallery Is an exhibition of the gallery ar- tists. Especially exciting, to my view, are the extraordinary surreal paintings of Holmes; and the little men sculptures of John Feck, in which bald- ing, bearded and sagacious old naked gentlemen, and their oc- casional ladies, cavort In the most ungentlemanly but enter- taining manner.

No doubt, if he would consent to come down off his. Spain, where he was born. One person who stands up for Dali's integrity is American businessman A. Reynolds Morse who is presently traveling with him in his capacity of friend, mentor, chief collector he and Mrs. Morse own over works by Dali and unremunerated Marshal of the Court. SI fit- New Tork.

A drawing and print show and a must for printmakers.

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Elegance inspires the drawings of Fautrier; each Is one crisp curl of line— the drawings arc better than his wooly gouaches. At this show, the smaller and sparser the work, tire better. There Is an apocalyptic event as gay and dreadful as a fairy tale In a tiny etching by Ensor: The gleaming sculptures made or stainless steel. Ugo's brother Alberto, who studied with Cagli, paints cheery bright abstractions and semi-abstractions with enamel and lacquer and, as his master does, manipulates surface ef- fects with skilL Aldo Caron.

Schneider, 10 Ram- pa Mlgnanelli, Rome, to Dec. Oppenheim fills a showcase with the most impos- sible of multiples: The museum win be housed In an ancient build- ing bombed out during the Spanish Civil War, which is due to be restored and covered with a geodesic dome designed by Spanish architect Emilio Perez Pifiero. In the baroque clutter of his hotel suite overlooking the Tuileries gardens, he sat signing a, sheaf, of several hundred engravings for his Parisian publisher and holding court for a regular Sow of callers.

Dali reached far the phone: Having given his order he turned back and amiably, almost hesitantly, started on his routine. Dali having slipped Expanding and diversified International Petroleum Company is seeking the following staff for its newly-formed European Audit Group. Candidates will ideally have Petroleum Industry experience and fluency in a second European language.

He should have the following qualifications: Competitive compensation and good prospects. Construction Mcaagers experienced in erection oE oil refineries, chemical plants or similar works.

Of the body shop until 4: To the Franco regime, to give way under pressure, or at least to be seen to do so, is as much a vice as it is a virtue— in theory, any- way— for a democracy. The Portuguese prime minister has announced the end of press censorship and profound changes in the constitution, as well as in the relations of metropolitan Portugal with what are described as the overseas provinces, Angola. Before the latest cam under way. Life insurance companies in county louth website message now Frank lew and his dad, conor and patrick grant, called the borealis project 7 answered:

Candidates will toe required to assume complete responsibility for overall field operations and will fcc the company's field representative of a project which Is to be guided through to completion in accordance with pre-established schedules and budget. Applicants required to have knowledge of managing field activities planning and scheduling, cost recording and con- trol. Send full resume in English. All replies answered and held confidential. Box D 2 December 1 to ID. The candidate has the option of the following offers: Please send your resume to: Cipher P Please send resume under confidential cover to: Art, he declared, la going to disappear.

Already It 'has be-. Then Its place will be token by architecture. And within architecture it will ulti- mately make Its comeback by way of ornamentation. Nobody knows how to. Compared to Velas- quez for Instance I am mediocre. But compared to all the other painters of our day X am of course the befit.

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As he sees it. He anticipated the return of the monarchy in Spain, he foresaw the -day when painters would reproduce pictures from the wimift books. His methodical delirium Is prophetic. Must be familiar with monthly reporting routines, consolidations, foreign exchange, and computer applications. Post baa , Amsterdam W. Our employees haze been informed Of this op enin g. At this point a young woman and two young men, one of them a.

The young men introduced one another and the girl and all three eat down in a row on the edge of the sofa. I have here an as yet unpublished, document which wfU interest you and which establishes that Jesus Christ was the twin brother of the Virgin Mary. When Christ finally emerged from the Virgin lie had a full beard. The Perpignan t tiOTi is the center verse. I told John Len The phone rang. He saw the steno idle. Other courtiers a were welcomed witi blessing from Dal stopped confessing the stenotyplst.

I walked out wit "It took me 30 ye: This provic the material for l - hut he also uses for hls talk; wl. He - - all a mental trick t ed and which obvt.. U K l an exceedingly shrt fashion. The critic sat down good-humoredly facing Dali and primed the pump. What these people think is extremely im- portant to me. M Cfanrdi Bchool-AU mpeu. Charles-Se- dxy School 9: Missel Sat 5 p.

After the i elites. Turner iugh ail the successive stages — although sourse, not traditionally associated with issionists. At tbe end of his Hie. It is a preparatory sketch 25 inches 1 inches , in brown touches sparingly ie canvas. In the comer are three blobs with Whistler's butterfly signature out- r een them. Macomber of he grandfather of the present owner, from Duret In The full portrait for which y was pointed is now at tbe National Washington, D. This is ay be argued that Whistler's work and iSs British contemporaries has hot yet the proper financial level.

And yet is now very much sought after. Paintings by other lesser British masters who turned out some very pleasant work arc far below the Whistler price level. Rays of pale yellow and red whirl in the front. The meadows blend into the sky so: In my opinion, it is well worth having at that price. To those who do not intend to buy, the Christie's sale may be quite interesting all the same. There are some rare and strange land- scapes by Robert Bevan, who painted at Pont- Aven, among other places. This work, is a hang- over from pointillism, but with wild colors. Stratford East, is both a curi- osity and a disappointment.

According to the pro- gram, it satirized a London builder of shoddy tenements, who was known as Tumble- down Dick, and closed after one night when he hired ruf- fians to attack the stage. Miss Littlewood has said that she chose the play as a method of avoiding libel suits and obli- quely. In the event, her 18th-century pastiche seems to have no relevance to the modem tragedy. The produc- tion is likely to offend only the Cray Liberation front, for much of the evening is given over to homosexual stereotypes with the pursuit of a young worker by an elderly roue.

Lord Aim we 11, who Is known to his Intimates as Belinda. Hie rest of the plot is as simple-minded. Van Clyster- pump, the rascally Dutch build- er, erects tenements of inferior material in the first act. When they collapse in the second act, he blames the disaster on a workman, and by judicious bribery maintains his own re- spectability.

I have many doubts about. I'm not even sure whether Mr. Chet- wood ever existed. The second act, in. One of tiie conventions of the period was that tbe poor but honest hero was finally identi- fied as a nobleman's son by means of a birthmark. The lord finds out that his lover is his son. It ail seems more is keeping with 20th-century pre- occupations. There is some dancing, and the singing of 25 songs which successfully interrupt the action and keep the plot to a mini- mum. The first is a masked ban that leads into a hilarious love song for four.

My Heart," which ends with the two men leaving hand in hand. The pleasure of the evening lies in seeing a great ensemble in action. Miss Littlewood's company has many virtues, not the least being the delightful With the approach of Bee- thoven's birthday which may or may not have been Dec.

Wallis, here saddled with the uncomfortable role of the rascally builder Van Clys- tarpump, is an excellent clown. Kent Baker has an impudent charm. The company plays ex- cellently together, merging Its talents so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. They do as much as they can with the thin material. But there is little wit involved, and the humor does not have the robustness of the best of the 12th-century writers, but a snig- gering. The jokes tend to be scatological, or at least dependent upon homo- sexual double entendre: It may be recalled that Dr. Johnson, the great philosopher certgebouw Orchestra concerts of Dec.

The Munich Ph ilha rmonic gives an all-Beethoven concert Dec. The production is undeniably pretty — a word I never thought I'd use In connection with theater workshop— but pretty pointless. Other new plays of note in London: Autobio- graphical play, a nostalgic trib- ute to the author's blind father, embodiment of vanished British virtues. Gentle, moving and civilized entertainment.

Superbly directed by Harold Pinter, matched by the per- formances of Vivien Merchant. Timothy West and John Wood. There is nothing on the London stage to match Wood's sardonic passion as Rowan. It stars Julia Foster as Lulu, the beautiful and lustful woman who ends as a prostitute.

The Paris office is under the direction of Princess Jeanne-Marie de Broglie, who will be pleased to give advice regarding sales or valuations. I came away with ression that his work amentaOy an ethical t. LADE - Lens-wheel baec. As Samuel Beckett says with such sensitive penetration: Galerie Sonnabend, 12 Rue Mazarine, to Dec. Last year he was show- ing a machine that makes heart- beats eruptively visible, now It is heart collages and large, multi- colored hearts, six feet high, built rather like giant St.

Valen- tine day candy boxes. Now the original drawings are on display. The exhibition is of con- siderable documentary interest such a collection can not easily be seen but otherwise a bit arid. While paintings by Corneille are on display at the Ariel Gal- lery. La Pochade, close to the Saint Germain Drugstore is ex- hibiting his lithographs. Strong, colorful, decorative and simple in design with occasional straightforward and schematic sexual connotations.

Hennetojn, Th, Netscher, P. Miner, Piet Mon- driaan, A. Wolter and many others. RY 21 New Bond St.. Denise Rene bell Beat, Bid. Christians gilts, Uhe Christinas, snisi be eternal Give master pieces by master artists. Conjured tram gold and precious stonos.

M December 1st- 2 let. Hemps Mi mane Ch'ga — — stories and SIS. Dlv, In S lOqs. Ch'go — — Slocks end Sis. S0 21 ACyanld 1. Trust Co - Bid. A 7 12 Dnch. They exclude local commis- sions and slight variations depending on the type ot transaction. Foreign Stock Indexes Amsterdam.. London Milan Paris - Sydney Tokyo n i.. Yet you may find that you are actually losing ground due to inflation, taxes or Jack of fine for investment decisions. For a complimentary copy of a page report describing this tested plan.

Y net asset value per share on 1st December Investment Professionals Administrative Offices: Dow Theory Forecasts Offers. II Stack c dries. I eocn CHS, is toor. B3ft 85 Motorola 4 Vi CJL 79 93'. The Jotrrnatioiial Herald Tribune cannot accept responsibility for tbem. CT in-i Amjn-o P. V - SLo irj A-u-ot Fund CT m Carnet j. I idl Prontfer Grorrrh Fund. Vv2 5 ill GUO. T tc — fdl International Sank. VJ9 I — idi Fund cf! I — Ml' Am. Jap Pd Id' Lotayeue Aosoclate;.. Fuad - iwi Nor Amer.

Bid j — G'obicv'rt DJil-MS — ici E-: Bund Heiect — SP SGatiJn ie-i World Lviur. Unlike the first, it is market decision-making. Pirelli win ernment boards from pursuing inflationary wage its critics is no longer on the analysis of the alent interest in Dun- and price behavior. Me- lon and Pirelli wffl. In turn, that would let the gov- iointlv nwMdflnM low-key appeals far voluntary restraint fail, ernment push more confidently for fiscal and. August, is for cutta an e x c ellen t diagnosis, of the origin and status Republics of wage-price excesses.

Unlike the first, ft is market d more direct in suggesting that Dig business and big labor can kill the goose that lays all the. Rally Moves Into Eleventh Session In an internal struggle os- how to match the need for cutting short the wage-price spiral with Its Republican commitment to emphasis on private market decision-making. Defining the Market Problem But the problem, as the alert Itself details, Is that the so-called free market is not a single monolith that moves in classic response to supply and demand.

McCracken said, t bfo will be unfair to those who come along later and get smaller wage or price boosts than those who gob thefrs earlier. The difference between the administration and its critics is no longer on the analysis of the problem, but in what should be done. McCracken are still betting on the free market plus a little more jawboning. Others say that controls of one degree or another will be necessary.

One could read into- recent comments by Mr. There would be no formal controls, Mr. In turn, that would let the gov- ernment. Domestic Money turning to amaze and confound 30 seemet j almost too good to be true. Money and bank credit expanded history. TT Tronciivv xn little more than sis months, lag a high. The firm, a beneficiary i reasury rurthennore.

This is more tiDnal mortgage market. Per Share 0. But the demand for business loans at the maj-r New York City banks, which nor- mally surges at this time of year, continued tq be notably weak. Many bankers are predicting that the prime rate— the Tniwtmmw rm loans t o the most credit- worthy companies — will drop again before the end of the year. The rate, now at 7 percent, has been reduced four times' so far to The Increase in these security holdings is the most visible sign of the huge pile-up of dollars in the hands of foreigners to the last year.

Interest rates have de-: The case now is being re- ferred to the U. Tariff Com- mission to determine whether the imports have caused injury to U. The Treasury said that between Jan. The Treasury said that the major firms Involved are: Matsushita Electric, Sony, Hi- tachi. Rayakawa Electric, and Tokyo Shibaura Electric.

Stratton, Drexel 58 million Infusion from Krestone. Fire- Such a ratio is considered con- a wfll include four decisions. The post will con- ence here, Mr. Gaines also said both monetary and fiscal poli cy He predicted that both the An spokesman said he could! Stratton confirmed that ptrng activi ties h ave sumption -spending" in rests the beginning. Dunlop s In- personal income, the development.

The invest- Dunlop Rhodesia ana tudes and a lower savings rate. The investment in a stock Firestone. Eow- a number of other currencies vis- money the c ommun ity will want uary. He says the firm not less than 0 f the First National Bank of m u y soon begin to appear. However, we be- trimming. Noyes of Morgan Guar- students of ft. Risk is still there. Will Wall Street Follow? Rises sued from Page 1 they are today. The new bulk of the cutback coming early xnt from 93 percent, limit means that firms will be able next year.

Details were given last rssnesE rose to 53 per- to send up to 3 million francs al- night to 17 unions representing the 52 percent. If the pattern holds, TJB. However, this may be the time to ignore the UK. The FT index then rallied along with U. The divergence is all the more noticeable I nasmuch as the Dow has strengthened since early October.

Perplexing Diver g ence The perplexing thing is that the London market has been quite accurate as a lead indi- cator of trouble throughout the bear market that began in late London prices topped out in September, , followed by the Dow three months later. After a rally, London stocks turned down ag ain to January, ; the US. Following still another rally, British stocks topped out in January, , while U3.

Schonberger The London Stock Exchanges. A major decline could follow, he feels. The Milan index aped out in is now about 10 percent under owed by the its May level, hitting its later. After low on Nov. Following Sydney 7 percent. Brussels 6 ritish stocks percent, Germany 3 percent, ouary, , Paris and London 2 percent, began their Why have these petered out? Straus attributes ft to nths after- economic stringencies in those natioa5.

Strauss sees it, the relationship divergence between UJS. Give an ELBA membership io family or friends. No duty, postal buy —and orders aren't res- If buying the bool Of Other chaises. Write for free booklet Our members simply tell us what they want and pay the current U. No minimum order, no an- nual minimum, no restrictions. That pays for everything except the retail price of books you order. And you can buy as many or as few as you wish. Books come to you by fast mail, properly wrapped.

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J St L baste, lb is Saver H. July b. Sept, '71 , Oct. Orange julro ifrozeo concentrated: SepL T1 41J5 b. European Gold Markets Dec. G5 — 8. Komatsu Kubota Z Wts. B5 Mar Dec ; Jan ; Feb 85; March Box , CH Geneva 1, Switzerland. Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary wards. Three plump tears he upon the old soul's cheeks and lines of desolation furrow hls brow and draw down the comers. But the beholder is not meant to grieve..

He had, financially at. TUs huge album of more than representative specimens of his work Is. Buechner, the director of the Brooklyn Museum, ' in. Unlike many of his colleagues painters - with publishers instead of galleries he lives in- and for his work and so he 'makes it important. During the 47 years of ids association with the Post he produced -covers, using such sure-fire subjects as Thanksgiving dinner when sev- eral generations foregather to eat turkey with gfblet gravy, circus parades, budding love, bandaged big toes, Pickwickian merrie gentlemen singing Christmas carols.

The con- tents were as. Rockwell illustrated stories for all these magazines and more; he has painted ' advertisements for blameless and solidly American products, for Orange Crush and Coca-Cola; Parker pens. Max- well House coffee. He has painted portraits of all presidential. In a way Kecnue Font apparatus Bases of bone tissue: But the time for. This is a fine n an attic chock-a-bl artifacts of folk baseball bats and. River, sau - sure, weighing 55 contained in five j: St Tea 88 Shvular 88 Dispute settler down: S Wnmir , News?

Toward the end of the round each fighter was cut over the right eye. Napoles opened with sev- eral jabs and a sharp hook. But from then until the ben rang they slugged it out,, with Backus' open- ing the cut that' eventually brought hta ; the- title. In two other night games, Houston plays at- 'Miami win. Steve Worster of the Longhorns, the key.

He bad won For Backus, a southpaw, who has done most of his fighting in the Syracuse: Bis record since- com- ing out of retirement is The new c h a mp ion. Basflio, former welter champ, kisses nephew Billy Backus after he won title. Bogs opened two cuts on Duran's face by butting— one between the eyes in the tenth round and the other over the left eye in the 11th.

It was Bogs's first match outside Scandinavia. His won-lost-drawn record is , whfie Duran stands, at Cerdan's wdpviost-drawn record now is Lr No. If skiing were to go— and the Nordic nations are reported to favor such a move also — the Winter Gomes could not be expect- ed to survive, which is what Hodler moth, Calif. Brun- dage also attached a list of more t. Hn 50 skiers, including virtually Che entire French, Swiss and Austrian teams, who he said "openly and blatantly" broke the Olympic code by allowing use of their names and photographs for advertising.

But he did not ex- plicitly say that these skiers would be disqualified from the Games. But the Gamecocks, picked to wind up on top of the college basketball heap last season, failed. Everyone pointed to next year, which is now. Are you listening, UCLA? Tom Owens John Roche last night helped the second-ranked Game- cocks open their season with an - walloping of Auburn. Of course pro foot- ball has never before had a playc! Which eight will qualify? The Raiders and Cowboys figure to- be the qualifying. Oakland knocking out and Dallas edging San Fran- cisco by-, percentage points.

They will ttiIm the Injured safety, Jerry Stow all. The Lions, with points, an the highest , scoring. They are without a touchdown la their last 31 quarters and. Tam Landry, the coach, says in speaking of won-lost records: Myron Potties of the' Rams says: The 49ers need this one niter losing their lust two.


Boston beeause their remaining runners. Bill Rnysri and Uoyd Pate, are lust getting acquainted. Ron Johnson 13 lit lor the Giants. All the Packers have behind Bart Starr, shaking oil a sore arm and sore knee, is untried rookie Frank Patrick. The Eagles are respectable. Tim Bos- sovlch looks great at middle linebaelmr. He didn't have much finesse. I was surprised he was that in- effective. If any are easy.

That leaves an unused rookie. Frank Patrick, for quarterback insurance. Willie Richardson, will bo back for the Dolphins. The Jets can run on the injured Raider defense. But, the y ail said they. It best suits his' expressicas. The showing also includes paint- ings of auto racing and rugby but they are all given a No. For the artist, they- do not have the camp- mass' of centralized action, of bodies clashin g within a small area.

Hodler said that he wrote Bnm- dage that "We expect — and that's jthe word I would like to under- line, 'expect'— a final and ir- Callfamla toppled Utah Sl;! Excerpts from the lUlgi lce hockey or bobsledding as well. Zn his letter last month, Brun- dage charged that ten skiers, involving the top twenty teams in the Associated Press poll last night. South Carolina was picked No. Owens, , scored 28 points got 16 rebounds and Roche, who plays the backcourt, put in 17 points and added five assists.

Tam Hiker, , added 23 points and 16 rebounds for the Gamecocks. Gilmore pulled down 34 rebounds, a regular-season record in New York's Madison Square Garden, and scored 28 paints in the Jack- sonville success. Sharp-shooting Harold Fox added 29 points and bad 11 assists for the Dolphins, who boast two seven-footers in Gil- more and Pembrooke Burrows. In the opener of the Garden double- header St Joseph's topped Man- hattan. Southern Cal's victory was paced by Paul Westphal, who scored ten of his 17 points In the second half.

Western Kentucky hammered a half-time lead with a tight defense, then held off an Old Dominion second-half comeback. Twardzlk was the team's leading scorer last season.

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Poo Welch scored 23 points to lead " Houston's season-opening victory over Northwestern Loui- siana State. Jacob's Personality took 3-year-old colt honors and Jean-Louls Levesque's Fanfreluche, a victor in- seven stakes, was the leading 3-year-old filly. Fort Marcy regained the title he held In and The Rokeby Stable-own- ed champion closed his campaign with.

Meanwhile, at Illinois, in an on- a gain off-againj comedy between coach Jim Valek and the athletic association's board of directors, Valek was finally dis- n iKs ed effective immediately, with his salary to be paid through next Aug. A threatened strike by mini' players brought Valek back to finish the schedule in midseason. The convention is reviewing the matter. WaynesburE Bi, Slippery Rock Dartmouth 78, Stetson CCNY 79, Queens Maine 80, Vermont South Marshall 98, Coilf. Western Kentucky 06, Old Dominion Western Caro 87, Neumann Commonwealth CTemfon C7, Furman Missouri 80, Idaho Southwest Pan American 38, Tesas A.

Houston 81, NW Louisiana Par West Southern 'California 90, Utah If there broken at Mammoth and that the ten skiers would be permitted to compete in FIS events this season. Ashford became the first black umpire in the big leagues In when he was promoted from the Pacific Coast League, and he has been the only one. There were recurrent reports that players were critical of his work, particularly behind home plate. But he dlsnissed these, as well as any racial overtones, when he appeared at the winter base- ball convention to announce his retirement.

The American League retirement age is Bob Gibson of St. Orr, Bucyk; Marshall, Goyclte. Louis 3 MahovUch 2. Lapointe, Tremblay; Crisp, Loren ts, Ecclestone i. France vbo via forward. Fluent English and Italian preferred Lt. Wetlway Development GmbH S. Ex Military Personnel pre- ferred. Bristol Television i Nederland N. Available for interview Dec. For resume, interview os info. Spanish, experienced in real estate and investment, seeks lnterestliu: Based in Germany, will travel. Inst 5 years in Germany Frankfurt area.

Has assumed full range management responsibilities, aireetlon sales, distributions. II you are a salesman, down on your luck, single, have a car, are ambitious but not greedy, and want an opportun- ity to make money, write us at once. English speaking, seeks past Paris. Monthly or quarterly visits anywhere in Eu- rope. Heavy in- ternational Accounting. Writs; Box 20,, Herald, laris. Spanish, Italian, wide musical knowledge, reeks Interesting po- slioa, Write: German nationality, vorfe- ' North Africa.

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