The Bulldog Drummond Chronicles (Illustrated)

One man suspects murder. In a remote village in Ireland, Fr.

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The Bulldog Drummond Chronicles (Illustrated) - Kindle edition by Sapper, Herman Cyril McNeale, T. S. Greer. Download it once and read it on your Kindle . Editorial Reviews. About the Author. 'Sapper' is the pen name of Herman Cyril McNeile, born in The Bulldog Drummond Chronicles (Illustrated). Sapper.

Murder, Mayhem, International Intrigue, and a Ghost are all part of this impromptu romantic weekend. Laugh along as the MacKenzie team work the case. Product details File Size: July 4, Sold by: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers.

Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention adventure bond collection era english war today early fiction novels action tales pulp movies james criminal kindle volume mystery england. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Bulldog Drummond is a fantastic character who in many ways presaged James Bond.

He is a consumate english gentleman in manners, a powerful boxer, a former decorated soldier trained in stealth and strategy, a wrestler trained by a Japanese master, and a huge drinker. Unlike Bond, he is never described as handsome, in fact, just the opposite. He has a group of gentlemen friends with their own skills and assets that join him in fighting crime as private citizens. This collection contains his four adventures with the cunning Carl Peterson, a nom de plume of a European con-man and master criminal.

Peterson is the Moriarty to Drummond's Holmes and both men have a grudging respect for the other's skills, and absolute emnity for each other's goals. You should be warned that there is some casual racism in the books, not atpyical for the 's, but something that sticks out like a sore thumb today.

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If you can put that in its vile and proper place, you can still enjoy these well written, cleverly plotted, and rip-roaring adventures. The author has given Drummond a sarcastic, witty, insult-laden method of speaking that is tremendously funny and unique. I believe a collection of Drummond's insults would sell on its own, and would certainly be useful in the arsenal of any gentleman. One of the many classic early Pulp era developed characters, Bulldog Drummond was often seen as one of the quintessential examples of the post-WWI British genre.

That said, the first two novels in this volume lay the ground work for the series, and the first is much better written than the second. The first is a reasonable adventure tale, even if the main character is a bit too bold and a bit too lucky in his attempt dismantle a criminal conspiracy before it can attempt to profit from the aftermath of WWI, while trying to woo the woman who brought him in to the situation in order to protect her aged and father got entangled with the wrong people because of being financially 'embarrassed'.

The second tale takes the character into a more twisted path of excessive nationalism, vigilante justice, anti-communism, bigotry and anti-semitic direction rather than what was laid out in the first, making it impossible for me to finish. I realize tales of another era have to be considered in the light of the politics and culture of its day, but its obvious that this is an extremist set of views personified rather than a reflection of what was the general cultural situation.

The character is also VERY different than he was later presented in movies and radio serials where he becomes little more than just another private detective type of character of the hard boiled era but with British cultural references and accent. It looks like he took a major re-write to strip away most of the bigotry and nationalism from those media venues.

The Bulldog Drummond Chronicles Illustrated

There are two stories in the volume. The twelve chapters of the first book are called stories but they are simply chapters. In Bulldog Drummond movies, Bulldog usually deals with mundane matters, a murder here and there, an evil uncle trying to cheat his lovely niece of her inheritance, etc. The stories in this book, set in the s, deal with a wide spread cadre of Bolsheviks and bomb throwing anarchists whose sole purpose is to destroy English society and the bourgeoisie.

They are led by an evil mastermind whose purpose is to seek profitable gain from the resulting chaos. Hugh Bulldog Drummond is a wealthy but bored decorated soldier of the Great War. He places an ad in the newspapers offering his services - "Demobilised officer finding peace incredibly tedious, would welcome diversion. Bulldog decides to look into the matter and soon he is up to his neck in murder, Bolshevik plots and poison dart blowing pygmies.

The Bulldog Drummond Chronicles Illustrated –

The stories are pure pulp fiction. The hero has no problem using his strength and skills learned in the Great War to kill evil doers.

Bulldog may fall into the clutches of the evil doers but they either let him go with a warning or he escapes wondrously. Bulldog and some of his friends, who he enlists for the excitement, soon set things right. The master evil ringleader, a man called Peterson, reappears in the second story for more of the same. The stories are a fun read with some of the language and vernacular of s England.

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Bulldog presents himself as a foppish, inane lay-a-bout to the world of decent society but he is a ruthless killer to the underworld. Richard Usbourne liked this, but he also liked P. I like Wodehouse, but this is not in the same leage, not even in the same universe.

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Here is the story of a supposed superhero who can think of nothing but when he can get his next drink. In one scene he has barely escaped death and is hiding on the roof of the house in which he was being held prisoner. The house and the grounds around it are full of assassins, cut-throats, and murderers.

Bulldog Drummond's Bride (1939) MYSTERY

His girl friend is next door with only her father to protect her from these fiends, and he sits calmly smoking a cigarette trying to figure out when and how he can get his next drink of alcohol. It fascinates me how in this kind of fiction E. Phillips Oppenheim is another example the villains are all perfectly disciplined, but the hero smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish, and --admittedly in later works when times became more liberal--spent every spare moment not taken up with drinking and smoking, hoping from bed to bed, and yet are always able to out fight, out smart, and out everything else their disciplined opponents.

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