Being a Woman - Naturally

In most coral reef fishes, males defend territories, and the females decide to breed with males depending on the size or quality of their territories. Only the toughest, most aggressive fish are able to obtain these territories, so by choosing these males, females can ensure that they are getting "good" sperm i. The few males that are able to defend territories breed with lots of females, so in terms of number of offspring produced per individual, it pays to be a male, because your reproductive success goes through the roof.

So in this scenario, animals can maximize the number of offspring that they can produce if they start out female when they are too small to successfully defend a territory -- at least they can reproduce as female -- and then change sex if and only if they see a vacancy or are big enough or tough enough to beat up a dominant male and take his spot. If the fish were unable to change sex because their sex was predetermined at birth by sex chromosomes, then many males would go their entire life without reproducing if they never got large enough to defend a territory.

Wouldn't it suck to be such a wimpy male? It turns out that there are many freshwater fish that display exactly this crappy strategy, in which sex is determined by genes and the mating system is such that many males go their entire life without breeding because they never make it to a size that would make them competitive.

Why these fishes have not evolved the ability to change sex like their marine cousins is a real mystery. Besides their crazy ability to change sex, another really unusual feature about clownfish is that in these species, the females are the alpha sex. Female clownfish are larger and more aggressive than their male partners, and the males do most of the fanning and tending of the eggs.

If the males are not doing a good job, the females let them have it.

For example, I have seen females pushing and nudging males back toward the nest rather than allow them to grab a few more bites to eat. The reason that the dominance hierarchy is switched in clownfish has to do with the fact that clownfish are monogamous and partner for life. In a monogamous mating system the males will breed regardless of their size. Even the puniest of males get to breed in this system. The size of the females determines the number of eggs she can lay; larger females can lay more eggs.

So to maximize the total number of offspring the pair can produce, it pays to have the females be the larger sex. In naturally occurring monogamous relationships, a great strategy is to have the female be the alpha in the relationship, and the male the beta. In my lab at the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, we are studying the brain, behavior, gonads and hormones of these unique creatures to hopefully unravel some of the mysteries of how social experiences coordinate entire sexual transformation.

Over the past three years we set up 2, gallons of marine aquariums and now have numerous breeding pairs of a species of clownfish known as the false percula, Amphiprion ocellaris , which looks exactly like Nemo. We are raising the larvae up to adulthood and using the laboratory-raised progeny for our experiments. Check out our clownfish sex video:. I am right inline with ppl that are taking chemical hormones. This page may be out of date.

Save your draft before refreshing this page. Submit any pending changes before refreshing this page. Ask New Question Sign In. You need question details - what do you mean by "naturally transition"? Any gender transition will have a large element of the artificial, as you will need to, at a minimum, learn a new way of behaving if you expect to be accepted as a woman. Learning a feminine way of speaking is thoroughly artificial, and hormones give you none, and surgery very little, if anything, in the way of tone change.

When it comes to the physical transition, there is nothing natural about it, as hormone replacement therapy will use chemical testosterone blockers, and derivative estrogen sources delivered via gel, pill or injection, feminine facial features will require surgery to change the bone structure that HRT can't change , and if you want to have a vagina, you will need to undergo surgery. That is the best way that I found.

A few that make a huge difference in how you are perceived although you need to be careful - doing these while presenting male will, at best, get you labelled "gay", and at worst will make you a target of bullies as a submissive man: Keep your arms down at your side, your hands in your lap when seated, cross your legs at the ankle or, if at the knee, then with knees touching, keep your knees close together when your legs aren't crossed, keep your feet close to you when seated.

If someone else yields to you, accept graciously. Don't make a show of anger about being displaced unless it's a woman of lower perceived status than you, and then do it quietly. Don't swear, or if you must, then do so sotto voce, or with mild euphemisms. Choose the most polite way to refer to anything, and avoid male specific terminology.

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Emphasize with rising and falling tone "singsong" instead of volume. Women, even tall ones, go faster by speeding up the cadence, not by lengthening their stride.


Any gender transition will have a large element of the artificial, as you will need to , at a minimum, learn a new way of behaving if you expect to be accepted as a. EDITOR NOTE: Charli asked to be addressed as "she" throughout the entire piece. When Charli Darling, who lives in Manchester, United.

Learn to accept hair in your face, and brush it away in an unhurried fashion, with a graceful flick or sweep of your hand or head. If you must scratch your face, do so by pressing a finger nail into the itch. Make sure that you are adjusted before stepping out in public - if you aren't, then get to a private place before you start moving things around.

Naturally Occurring Sex Change and the Rise of the Alpha Female | HuffPost

That's all that I can think of off the top of my head Note that these are all VERY stereotypically feminine, but when you are trying to overcome a set of subconscious masculine triggers, the more definitively feminine you present, the more you will overcome the other things that you can't change. When you don't have masculine traits to dispel, you can break any of those rules, or even many of them, and still be taken to be feminine.

Thank you for your feedback! I want to start my transition from male to female. What should I do first?

The Divine Nature of Women Naturally – A Challenge of 21st Century

What are the hurdles for a middle aged male to female transsexual to start transitioning? Can I use herbs for male-to-female transition? I am a male and I want to transition to female. What are some of the things I will have to give up after transitioning to female? I wish you well , John. What you're pondering is going to be the wildest emotional and physical roller coaster ride you're ever going to be on, and the ride never stops.

I myself moved to a new neighborhood with a new name and a new gender marker. I'd lost track of her after she retired a few years ago and had no idea where she had moved to. Bear in mind we haven't seen each other in several years and she literally took me by surprise. What's new with you?

Don't strive to be some sort of idealized woman, instead be the woman you know you really are inside. Everyday that passes will be a little more exciting and challenging, being a woman isn't for the faint of heart!!! There is no natural transition. Plants are not going to do anything except for making your wallet lighter.

I think you should question what your mannerisms say about you now. I spent a large portion of my adult life between 18 and now 45 carefully restraining my urges to act like myself, feminine, when I was around other people that expected me to act male and at time consciously forcing a male persona that just wasn't natural.

At that time I didn't think I was hurting myself in anyway because I had accepted that having male parts must make me male and that what I was doing was the right thing to do.

Naturally Occurring Sex Change and the Rise of the Alpha Female

But all this faking it and acting and pretending led to undo stress and prevented me from developing. Instead I spent my years just managing to keep up appearances. It's not difficult to act yourself. If you are a girly, girl then you will do girly girl things naturally. The secret to transition into the best girly girl you can be is not to hinder yourself like I did trying to be something your not because others expect that of you. Just remember that there are all types of female mannerisms.

  • Women are promiscuous, naturally!
  • .
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  • Father of five naturally turning into a woman - Telegraph.

Some girls are not girly girls; some are tomboys or bookworms or hippy, etc. You have to embrace the feminine that comes natural to you. Do you like wearing lipstick? Do you like wearing loose flowery print dresses then wear that? Do you like wearing trousers and long john tops. Then do that even if it doesn't look feminine if it feels right to you then you should embrace it.

It will take you a long way to transitioning into the woman you were meant to be. Thank you for the A2A. Related Questions What is the best age to start male to female transition? What does it feel like to lose male privilege while transitioning from male to female?