Cougar Bounty (Cougar Tales Book 2)

The Cougar: Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous

This previous statement has never been verified by the family. In Annie married for the fourth and last time. It was an unsuccessful marriage to a man, 12 years her junior, who drank, stole from the store and sometimes beat her. This man tried to run Annie off a cliff to get the farm but she was wilier than he was and ran him off with her shotgun.

When he left never to return around , he was not missed. In the lighthouse at Estevan Point was shelled by a Japanese submarine. Annie claimed to have seen the submarine surface in the harbour before the lighthouse was shelled and to have found a shell on the beach in front of her land. The garden was a source of income throughout her life, as she sold bulbs and plants by mail.

She also operated a general store and post office from her plot of land. The numbers of cats that she claimed to have killed continued to increase into her old age but in she received bounties for 10 cats. At that time she claimed to have killed 62 cougars and about 80 bears. She killed the cougars and bears because they preyed on the goats and chickens that she raised.

Her livelihood depended upon the regular visits of the Canadian Pacific Steamships Line Princess Maquinna that arrived every 10 days in Hesquiat Harbour from to on her rounds from Victoria to Port Alice.

If the eastern puma was still on the endangered species list, it might make for a regulatory hurdle. But with the delisting in the news, he expects another, immediate side effect: Get our latest, delivered straight to your inbox by subscribing to our newsletter.

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A cougar photographed in the 19th century, before its range drastically shrunk. A new study sheds light on how these extinct felines attacked. After years of trying, one man thinks he will finally find a bird long thought to be extinct. Before they went extinct, great auks were some of the world's most fascinating creatures. It seems that lady cats are righties, but male cats not so much. Subscribe to our newsletter and get our latest, sent right to your inbox. Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

The cougar moves up from vermin to trophy

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So why do people keep seeing them?

Offer available only in the U. Offer subject to change without notice. It's a little earthy and green, but not badly liberal. I enjoyed it, with a grain of salt. This book is an interesting grouping or articles and reports. It could be alot better, because it's quite a bit green and left, but it's interesting as long as you don't assume I agree with the politics or philosophy espoused!

It's grouped into articles by topics, like natural history, encounters, and political positions. Again, not a must read, but it's interesting, and another perspective. This is a photo essay compilation that goes along with a video documentary of the same name. The video documentary was about a pregnant female lion, that was placed into a 5 acre pen, and denned, birthed the cubs, and raised them in there, with artificial kills and other human intrusion. Still, some really interesting thoughts and insights can be gleaned from the video. The book, on the other hand, while having unbelievably wonderful photography, is very liberal, left, and green, and not much of any valuse can come from the pages when you compare with other research and compilations.

Worth the used price for the photography.

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The photography is great, the text is borderline worthless. Get it used, cheap! Robert Redford wrote the forward, need I say more? Another research compilation by a researcher of researchers. Not an expert, but Hansen actually puts together a nice set of information on the Cougar. Left as can be, green as can be, but it's a good compilation of basic Cougar information.

Definitely buy it used, but it's a good layman's book on the Cougar, with some good illustrations and pretty good photography. This is a somewhat short sketch of the big North American Cats as a group. It's good information, just not alot of it.

  • Living in the Kingdom Revised: Reflections on Luthers Catechism (Lutheran Voices);
  • The Big Dance With Death!
  • The Cougar: Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous by Paula Wild!

Real good photography, and a good perspective. Kind of a cursory research of researchers book, only with real good photography. This is a really good biography of Ben Lilly. A great story of a really interesting guy. Quirky guy, hard core, and Dobie does a wonderful job of telling his story and legend in prose.

This is a great story, but doesn't have a whole lot of data about the Lion.

That is until the chapter called "Ben Lilly on Panthers. Most of which has held up to the scrutiny of modern government financed research. A few points were contradicted see Carmony, below but several of his point that were contradicted ended up being proven correct in later studies.

There's really not alot known about the Ghost Cat, but this guy, following behind them in their tracks, was many years ahead of the scientists. He had a couple theories that were a little bit speculative, and later shown incorrect, but some data coming in now is showing that he wasn't far off. Kill sharing, cashing for other cats to find - intentionally or accidentally - Lilly observed it happening before anyone wrote about it or got it on a trail camera.

If you want to know about the hound dog legend, don't pass this one up. This is a great compilation of Ben Lilly's writings, reports, letters, and etc. It kind-of takes the mystical legendary atmosphere away from the man, and shows the reality, which is still fascinating, and as a fellow predator hunter, and a wanderer of the wilds, impressive and inspiring.

There is so much detail and discourse in this book that it can become a little dreary, but it's great information to have. There's a myriad of side notes and expert interjections bracketed into the narrative. It's funny, many recent studies and facts gather e d and observed have eventually proven Lilly to be correct, or at least on the right track, and the bracketed corrections to be soon to be recanted biological theory.

Lilly was either right, or on the right track, and the bios were guessing too.

Gives you a little different perspective on "science. The Ultimate Predator Hunt. Frank C Hibben I highly recommend this old book.

Cougar Annie

Jonathan Kibler This is another houndsman book. Harley Shaw This is a wonderful book for Mountain Lion research delivered in a conversa t ional, enjoyable prose. Harold P Danz Danz's book is a "cougar information" book. Robert H Busch This is another on the modern Cougar books. Chris Bolgiano This is kind-of an interesting book, in that it's a similar, not an expert, not a biologist, just a researcher of research writing a book on a favorite topic like LOTS of the stuff out there on the Puma but this one takes a different tac k , which I like.