This wonderful new 2nd Edition of Rima Rudner's self-help book welcomes readers into her life and makes them feel at home. This new revised edition adds insights into how to get happy and stay happy despite how much more stressful our world has become with the advances in technology and the fears of global terrorism. She shares new insights that can lead to inner-peace and provides "Happiness Tools" that make this book a must read for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their lives.

Readers find out how to reverse the self-defeating habits and behaviors that are sabotaging their joy of life. For those who feel stuck and are constantly searching for answers, the author teaches her readers how to stop wishing something good will happen and how to make it happen. She stresses that happiness is not about what happens in one's life, but one's attitude about what happens in one's life.

Editorial Reviews

The Book of Total Happiness: Total Happiness [Prince Gabriel] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. An American Soldier, a Scholar of high. This wonderful new 2nd Edition of Rima Rudner's self-help book welcomes readers into her life and makes them feel at home. This new revised edition adds .

This easy-to-read, casual, and often humorous book is rich with examples and advice that can transform unhappy lives in joyful adventures. Rudner provides a list of razor sharp "Happiness Rules" in the final pages of the book to be used as a happiness jump start every morning. Choose to Be Happy helps readers regain their self-esteem, overcome guilt, fears and worries, triumph over failure and frustration, and let go of past hurt and blame. Sadness is replaced with joy, hate turns into love, and negatives into positives. Readers discover their inner-beauty, purpose, and authentic selves. Read more Read less.

  • Yin & Yang: Why You Will Never Achieve Total Happiness.
  • Choose To Be Happy: A Guide to Total Happiness by Rima Rudner!
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See all free Kindle reading apps. I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle? Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Customer reviews There are no customer reviews yet. Share your thoughts with other customers. We have been socially conditioned to believe that a new car or a bigger house will bring happiness, and of course they do — they give a little boost for a short time, and then the happiness goes back to the level where it was before the purchase.

How much do the aforementioned things cost?

Where is the location of Your Total Happiness?

That might be the problem, because it is much more difficult for greedy people to make money if no one wants to attend the hollow rat race anymore just to get a new car, new brand clothes or a luxury apartment that one even really does not need. These things have been thoroughly researched, but still we believe what the advertisers tell us, and even the success of nations is still measured by Gross Domestic Product GDP , whereas it should be measured by Gross Domestic Happiness. Trying to work with clients who overwhelm themselves and try to pull me into it!

Now I can just point them here for lessons in how to achieve balance, priorities, and productivity along with some ideas for rest and relaxation!

See a Problem?

I think there is definitely a yin and yang that you talk about in life. In many ways, I think the roller coaster ride is a necessary part of life in order to help us grow. Additionally, without a little bit of a roller coaster ride, life just might not be that interesting. I just found my way to your article from Srinivas Rao who retweeted it my way. I agree with and resonate with everything you say. So I do believe No!

Choose to be Happy: A Guide to Total Happiness: Rima Rudner: Books

I completely agree that happiness can be achieved. It completely depends on how you look at it. The perspective I used in this article is one where total happiness cannot be achieved. We all have our own experiences of life and different words mean different things to us. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Very thought provoking and interesting! Hi Henri, just popping in to say hi.

Following your blogging journey with interest. Yes, we have to avoid getting caught up in the little dramas. I quite like the design of it. It took me a few years to really start realizing what I had been reading about being in the now, too. Hello Henri, I just discovered your site and I am anxious to read and learn more. What you write about acceptance is key. Learn to sit back and enjoy and you will learn to be happy. I think that lasting inner peace is happiness.

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  • Choose to Be Happy: A Guide to Total Happiness: Rima Rudner: Books.
  • Choose To Be Happy: A Guide to Total Happiness.
  • Choose to Be Happy, A Guide to Total Happiness, New Revised Edition by Rima Rudner | BookLife.
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If we all knew to look for that, and make the changes within ourselves that we need to to find it, we will. Thanks for a wonderful post! You have no idea how badly I needed to read something like this today..

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I agree we can have total peace, but happiness I think its possible. Its just acceptance of everything, then everything becomes these great symphony, everything is just great. Its our mind that resists somethings, but till we change our thinking we will be in hell, losing the awareness of heaven. This I can attest to. I used The Work by Byron Katie. You also get access to my newsletter, where I send out the occasional article, video, or promotion to help you dance toward your dreams.

Expectations To be at peace , your expectations have to be fluid. There is no good without bad. There can be no forward without backward.

Shinzen Young - Total Happiness (parts 1-5)

Acceptance Life is a rollercoaster ride. Growth I still remember being 16 and embarking on the path of personal development. While total happiness may not be possible, total peace is. Thanks for stopping by, Jean!

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It has always been here. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. Having proper expectations simply means that you have an accurate view of reality. Return to Book Page.

Good article once again. I have nothing more to add. Henri, I think there is definitely a yin and yang that you talk about in life. Thanks for your post and thanks for letting me contribute to the discussion and learning.