Hot and Humid

Skin Care Tips for Hot & Humid Climates

There is a definite need to dig deep in races, but realize these athletes were under excellent supervision.


If you can, stay inside during the hottest hours of the day, which are typically from mid-morning to early afternoon. We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. Wear loose, light clothing. To get active while still beating the heat, go swimming at your local pool or get a refreshing taste of winter at an indoor ice skating rink. In order to maximize efficiency of adaptation, the body selectively increases sweating in areas that previously had poor sweat rates. It's best not to stray outdoors when the day is at its hottest. Some articles have YouTube videos embedded in them.

Medical professionals are always at hot races, both at the finish line and throughout the course to make sure no one gets dangerously close to overheating. Just ask the Chicago Marathon race organizers. In , more than people were picked up by ambulances along the course due to heat exhaustion.

It's Hot: Humid vs. Dry Heat - SaltStick Electrolytes & Dispensers

Our point is that a medically-supervised race environment is very different from running on your own, say through isolated trails. With that in mind, take note of these tips to keep yourself safe from the heat this summer:. We recommend light sweaters or smaller individuals consider 1 SaltStick Cap per hour. Heavy sweaters, larger individuals, or those in hotter conditions should consider SaltStick Caps per hour. The best strategy for success is to practice your nutrition strategy during training so you can optimize for what works for you, and then execute that during racing. We provide a complete suggested usage guide here: Training with SaltStick Capsules.

Overheating is not something you want to mess with. Peter Springer, medical director for emergency services for Volusia County, Fla.

How to Survive in a Humid Climate

Springer told ESPN in a article, there are significant negative long-term effects of heat stroke. This last part we know from personal experience: Whether you live in a year-round humid climate near the Equator or you only experience intense humidity during the summer months, your skin does not have to take the heat.

Combat humidity with these simple tips to get your best beautiful skin, so you stay acne and shine free. Pores Are the New Wrinkles.

Health Side Effects of Humidity

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Hot, humid days call for loose, cotton clothing in light colors. Avoid tight jeans and clinging, synthetic fabrics like Rayon or spandex, and go with sandals or canvas shoes to keep your feet cool.


If you've ever wondered why it can sometimes feel stiflingly hot as your clothes quickly dampen on a summer afternoon, humidity is the likely culprit. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of hot: dry hot, in which humidity levels are at or below 40 percent, and humid hot, which includes.

Sleep with cotton sheets. Make sure your sheets are made of light fabric, like cotton, rather than flannels or fleece. Young and elderly people in particular should take extreme care and go very slowly. Increase the time and then the intensity every day. Turning down your air conditioner by degrees every day.

Continue drinking plenty of water and make sure not to go past your physical limits. If you feel yourself breathing heavier than you should or getting light-headed, stop exercising and sit down out of the heat. Watch out for heat exhaustion and heat stroke. You can prevent heat-related illnesses like these by drinking plenty of water, wearing loose clothing, and protecting against sunburn, but keep an eye out for the symptoms just to be safe.

Drink cool water and drop your body temperature with a damp cloth and a fan. For heatstroke, immerse yourself in a cold bath or pack ice and cooling blankets around yourself. Turn on air conditioning if you have it. Air conditioning is the best way to keep your house cool, but using it too often or setting it too low can make your utility bill shoot up. You can also use these general guidelines: Use fans to keep the air moving.

Fans are a cheaper, more energy-friendly alternative to AC, and setting them strategically around your house can lower the temperature noticeably. Try these setups to keep your house cool and comfortable: Turn ceiling fans to counter-clockwise. Keep the windows closed to keep the heat and humidity out. Keep your blinds closed as well to prevent sunshine from heating up your house. If the heat and humidity drop at night, you can crack the windows a bit before going to bed. Remember to close them in the morning before it gets hot and muggy.

Turn off the lights and unplug unnecessary electronics.