Tentado a Dejar la Cruz: Renovando El Llamado Al Discipulado (Spanish Edition)

Even better, He promises to instruct and teach His children in the way they should go. There is no better guide for life than God himself. He loves you and has only good things in store. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart! We admit today that we have a tendency to rely on our own limited abilities. Help us to change and to think first of Your ways, Your paths and to trust in Your unfailing love when we cannot see the way.

El mismo, es de nuestra absoluta confianza por lo cual lo recomendamos; este necesita ofrendantes para su ministerio: Puedes contribuir de esta manera: Banco Estatal de la India. God is with you today. He knows the choices you will make, the consequences you will reap and the difficulties you may face. Rather than leave Jonah to his own failures, God intervened and entered his circumstance to help him grow stronger and wise.

It sprang up overnight and died overnight. But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city? Many times we place my focus in the wrong place and prioritize the unimportant.

Help us to see our world like You see it and to have Your compassion and love for those around us. God has created you in something very special. You are uniquely crafted like no one else. You have been given eternal gifts, blessings from heaven that He wants you to share with others.

You are His hands extended into a hurting world. Heavenly Father, Your love for me continues to amaze. You never qualify or limit Your goodness, but extend it freely to me. Help all of us today to see our role as an instrument of Your peace and mercy. Grant us the discernment to be able to use the gifts You have given us so that others will receive Your goodness. The Bible says in Matthew and Luke that God goes a step further. He has numbered each strand of hair on the 7 Billion plus people alive today. What does that mean for us? He knows your name! Stay Hopeful — Keep Trusting! What kind of disease does Jehovah Rapha heal?

The 1st use Ge The next use is translated "physicians" in Ge Heal rapha my soul, for I have sinned against You. And in Ps The 5 uses of rapha in Hosea refer primarily to spiritual healing of apostate Israel. The need today is not much different from Isaiah's time as described in Is 1: How wonderful in that same chapter Isa 1: Jesus overcame temptation and the devil by Scripture.

And so can you! To live by faith you must know the Word of God. The Bible is the only book that gives you understanding of God and His will. God proclaims the power of His Word: Life-changing faith is always in agreement with the Word of God 1 John 5: But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! All Christians should know: Bible Jun 01, 3 Comments.

Friends, thank you for prayers , once again i was able to finish reading the Bible today, this is my 10th time you can pray for me as i plan to go through it once again Praise God. Hai friends God's calling is same for everyone but,the way God uses everyone is unique. But,there are people who wants to be exactly like other person when they see other prosperous and because of that sometime they fail to know the will of God and the gifting with which God gifted for the high calling to be His disciple and to make other disciple of Jesus Christ and they struggle to use by God.

So,its my suggestion that God created everyone uniquely with different gifts so lets not follow others rather asking God to know His will and the Gift to be used by God mightily. Have a blessed day to all. God this evening I submit all of my friends unto your holy hand. Help them to realize that they are created uniquely with unique gifts and help them to know their gifts to use for your kingdom. Don't look back May 26, And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. She "looked back" and was caught in the destruction.

Jesus warned his followers that when he returned to earth he would be coming suddenly and they should be ready. We are his followers now so we should be ready too. We should not desire our old sinful bad life once we ask Jesus to be our Savior. That is our warning. We can follow Jesus if we keep our eyes on Him. If we are going to follow Jesus as our leader we must be willing to lose our old way of life to find a better life in Christ.

If we look back we will lose our way and be lost. Let's rededicate our lives to Jesus today and follow our leader, Jesus! Our identity in what God declares about us in His Word. Les amamos mucho en el amor de Cristo. A very respectable our contact Natalia from Ukraine, which makes us a coment on your page Cross. This, is what we considerer to be treated is a private matter. My God to bless you. Friends, the youth team from the church is going for outreach on 1st of June, you can pray that, the Lord of the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish bless, their finance , which is at hand now, and all the youths may be able to experience the Lord there in a mighty way, you can pray for their preparation journey, good health and the people they meet there, the enemy has a plan to defeat us but the Lord has a plan for us to succeed , keep praying to see the work of the Lord being magnified in the Hindu dominated people and others in the northern state of Uttrakhand, where there are many religious temples, influencing people there Praise God.

Cry From Hell- Dear friends I want to share one of my experience today.

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Last Sunday my sister Daughter who is 10 years old went to Sunday school. After the Sunday School she ran and came to me and asked meMausi means aunty where is hell and how does it look like. I avoid not to tell her and she keep on continue to ask me to show a video of hell and I searched on the you tube and finally show her. She said Mausi means Aunty its terrible I will try not to go hell. She was asking me Mausi then all my friends ,film actors and great men are going to hell because they don't know Jesus. She said oh my God I feel so sad for my friends and I am going to tell her about Jesus and will tell her to accept Jesus so that she will not go to hell.

Again she said Mausi but,her grand paa will scold me if I will tell my friend about Jesus but,still I am going to share her about Jesus. Dear friend see my sister daughter is 10 years old and she wants to save her friend by telling her to accept Jesus its reminded me again to save the lost soul. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. As I promised myself to do all my efforts to save the lost soul. Please,please friend you also try to save the lost soul from eternal death.

Search people who need Jesus may be they are in your own family,relatives,may be they are in your district,in your neighbor,your friend. Just go and share the gospel and save their life from eternal death. Lest do first because Jesus is coming soon. Let us praise the Lord with joyful hearts…..

Father God, Our all expectations are in You , alone …….. Can we pray for the gift of a more obedient heart? The Lord ordered Adam: Does it mean that by this faith we do away with the Law? No, not at all; instead we uphold the Law So, we must believe and obey the Laws word of God through the Holy Spirit Never you mistaken the Laws of God which is the word of God , to the Laws of works refered to by apostle Paul.

We get wrong understanding of this. The whole bible is the Law of God obeyed in two ways Law therefore is any word that comes out of the mouth of God, to be obeyed. Sometimes as we go through our daily lives What is HE waiting for? HE sees all and knows what is going on. Unlike us, GOD can be everywhere at once.

HE is never far from you Sometimes it might seem like HE is doing nothing Sometimes things may happen very quickly and go well When you are depleted of your energy and spirit, rest assured that GOD will come sweeping in and change things in your life. HE will never allow you to go too long, without HIS rescue. All we need to do is remember this. No matter how bad you are feeling, God's help is already on the way.

Patiently look forward to it Eterno Dios Credor del Cielo y la Tierra y todo lo que en ellos hay, Gracias por el don de la Vida un regalo maravilloso para disfrutar de todas tus obras, hechas con amor, Gracias padre por darnos tu perdon y tu paz que sobre pasa todo entendimiento. What an encouraging truth! Now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not. Is my hand shortened, that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver? La alternativa, es por esta columna " Mis Oraciones Diarias " o por sus respectivos emails.

Please note, that in our Cross. The alternative, for this column "My Daily Prayers" or by their respective emails. TANNI , my mother's friend has taken a turn for the worse. For Pastor Rao Rama 1 of the Indian. We need you contact us. I dont can for Cross. Nos urge que se comunique con nosotros. May 06, 2 Comments. Herr, rette meine Familie. Herr, rette meine Frau. Herr, rette meine Kinder.

Gelobt sei Jesus Christus. You always hear my prayer - Thy will be done. You always hear for our own good. Lord, save my family.

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Lord, save my wife. Lord, save my children. Praised be Jesus Christ! For they did not come to meet you with bread and water on your way when you came out of Egypt, and they hired Balaam. However, the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam but turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you. He was just a guy standing on a hilltop, far enough away from the camp to see the whole thing. What difference would it have really made?

Well, obviously on some level, Balaam did have the power to curse Israel—either through himself or perhaps through Satan or other evil agencies that would have been happy to mess up what God was trying to do with His people—but his power was thwarted by God. God took the curse he intended and turned it into a blessing instead. God takes curses and turns them into blessings. In the case of Balaam, He never even allowed Balaam to utter the curse in the first place. But what about Job? God allowed Satan to destroy nearly everything that was important to him: So, this leads us to a truth that, for me, is sometimes hard to swallow.

But it means that, for a variety of reasons, He sometimes allows the curses to come to us. One of the greatest examples I can think of right off the top of my head is the story of Joseph. Joseph was greatly cursed it would seem. He was going to be killed by his brothers, but instead he was sold into a life of slavery, then falsely accused of sexual assault, and sent to prison and forgotten about.

He used them all to save Joseph, his family including his naughty brothers , and the Egyptians. So, are you under any curses today? Praise God—because, in the near future, those very curses are going to become some of His very best blessings to you! Just as He took the curse of being hung on a tree Deut Jesus was healing the 12 years sick women.

Continue to search, and you will find. Continue to knock, and the door will open for you. Yes, if a person continues asking, that person will receive. If a person continues looking, that person will find. And if a person continues knocking, the door will open for that person.

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These actions sound so harmless and so easy. But behind these words is the intent of Jesus: We must be persistent and faithful. But before making that persistence our key to acquiring and achieving for ourselves, let's remember Jesus' example in the model prayer in Matthew 6: Jesus is reminding us that if we stay after these, not only will we get what we ask for, but we will also be changed in the process! Father thanks for my life and all the blessing. God I submit all of my friend and help them to keep on continue to pray even its late to get answer.

Authority — God given authority and you have it at your disposal, but you have to open your mouth and use it. When the enemy comes on the attack with ocd or some other matter, you have authority in Christ to tell him to step off because he has no authority in your life or on the lives of your loved ones. You have the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit living inside of you and that is power man and you need to use it. When the ocd attacks, tell the enemy to step off of you that there is no authority there and then turn to God to help you to make it through whatever it is you are facing.

God will help you through it and God will help you break free from ocd and any other thing that the enemy is doing to try and harm you. God promises that nothing will harm you because you have authority over the enemy. His word is powerful and living and active. It has the power to break strongholds in your life and it has the power to demolish anything that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.

Open your mouth and speak out scriptures on what you are battling. If it is fear, look up scriptures on fear and speak them out. Here is a good one — God did not give me a spirit of fear, but He gave me his power, His love and He gave me a sound mind. When you are up against the wall, use your authority through Christ and beat back the enemy.

He has to flee. What did Jesus do in the desert when Satan tempted him, He spoke the word of God back. To speak the word of God, you have to know it. To know it, you have to read it and study it in Bible studies. So, get yourself in the word and wield it because it is your sword. You can and will beat ocd and fear, but you have to use your warfare. His word breaks down everything that would try to stand against you and nothing, nothing, nothing shall in any way harm you.

Now practice it when you need to. God help us to use the authority you have given us. You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. The body of the believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and must therefore be kept clean for God.

It is owned by God: God bought it with a price, you are not your own 1 Corinthians 6: It is to be used to honor God: A holy and pleasing offering to God, an instrument for worship. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Satisfying our physical needs wrongly. In ways in conformity with the cultural norms, rather than in ways that honor God When we give ourselves over to our fleshly appetites, we lose control, we indulge When we act in ways that the body is exalted , c.

Thèmes parents

The last month ending the year before God, died march 28th, therefore we are already in the New year before God, just waiting for the appearing of the New Moon for declaration It looks like the dream has died or the promise will never come to pass. Father this evening I submit all my burden unto you carry for me father also I pray for all my friends those who are having lots of burden and are weary. You cannot encash a cheque if it is not in your name; and you cannot claim a promise if you do not fulfil the conditions. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. CDs access codes etc.

Two common lines of thought to excuse sin in the use of the body: Will you have courage and unashamed to give an account to God? Can you present a sanctified, blameless body before God? May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you ready for house cleansing? Thank you Father for this time and for my life. In jesus name amen. We inform all our beloved fellow servants and Cross. Applications can also use our "My site". Les informamos a todos nuestros amados consiervos y contactos Cross. We love to read stories about people who have responded to hatred with love, but when that very thing is demanded of us personally, our default seems to be anger, angst dread or anguish , depression, righteousness, hatred, etc.

Yet study after study shows that one of the keys to longevity and good health is to develop a habit of gratitude and let go of past hurts. Want to live a long, happy life? It really is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. Your enemy may not deserve to be forgiven for all the pain and sadness and suffering purposefully inflicted on your life, but you deserve to be free of this evil. Apr 25, 2 Comments. Beloved Servants of the Lord, we ask for your prayers for us and our kindred. Also for our Prayer Chain World. May the almighty continue to bless and use with power and anointing.

Be led by your dreams. Negative thinking will destroy your faith and zap your strength. If you have been on those paths they are narrow, steep, deep and difficult. It seems around every bend there is another challenge and the tendency to give up. When there was nothing left to hope for, Abraham believed. If you get your eye on the prize and never give up, you will find the journey just as exciting as the destination. I hope beyond hope for you today that you can renew your strength, brush off your running shoes, and get back on the path. Visa rejected Apr 18, Dear friends thanks all of you for your prayer.

My visa is rejected. May be God doesnot want me to go now. I will be waiting for God's timing. Keep on continue to pray for me. I'm very sorry for the late wishes!! Begin a prosperous New , Flying in Great heights like an eagle!!!

Yes, always be an Overcomer! We are still in the 1st Month of the year before the Lord the Passover period Easter as we read in Exodus Late March and greater part of April is 1st Month of the year Follow this link and see how you proclaim these wonderful blessings upon your life, family You shall always remain blessed unto eternity for you are Peter the rock on which Christ has built his Church against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail God WIll make a way for you Apr 13, 1 Comment.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. It will become more understandable as you head down the path he sets before you, but understanding is not a requirement for you to start down the path. One day you will stand in the full light of eternity and view the big picture. In the meantime, do what Proverbs 3 says: God knows what is best for you.

He can see the end result. Evangelist Magdalene Apr 12, 1 Comment. Prayer Apr 12, 4 Comments. Lord, help me to face every storm-even the blinding cloud of my own sinfulness-with the resolution that you are present in the thunder and the roaring, the tossing and the turning. Come craft Christlikeness from my unreliable heart. Take my mortality and dress it in immortality. Your mistakes don't cancel your destiny Apr 11, When we repent, scripture says He takes our sin and casts it as far as the east is from the west and remembers it no more. Always remember, God looks beyond your behavior, beyond your performance, and He sees you for who you really are: If you live in guilt and condemnation, it will keep you from receiving the mercy and blessing of God.

It will limit your life. I may have failed at my marriage, but I am not a failure. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength and I will overcome! As a young man, he had a big dream in his heart. He knew God had called him to help deliver the people of Israel. He started off great. He was passionate and enthusiastic. But one day, he saw someone mistreating one of the Israelites. And in his zeal to fulfill his purpose, he went over and killed that man. He made a mistake. His heart was right, but his actions were not right. Someone saw him, and he had to run for his life.

He ended up spending forty years on the back side of the desert.

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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Rvdo. Ernest R. Flores es pastor de la Segunda Iglesia Tentado a Dejar la Cruz: Renovando El Llamado Al Discipulado (Spanish Edition) - Kindle edition by Ernest R. Flores, Jeremiah A., Jr . Wright. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Tentado a Dejar la Cruz: Renovando El Llamado Al Discipulado (Spanish Edition ) [Ernest R. Flores, Jeremiah A., Jr. Wright] on bahana-line.com *FREE* shipping.

He went through a detour. You had your chance. If you will stay in faith, your destiny will supersede those poor choices. Go out and deliver My people. It looks like the dream has died or the promise will never come to pass. That setback that was meant to destroy you is a setup for a comeback. Glorious heavenly father thanks for your unconditional love and speaking to me through this verse. Eternal life is a life that first of all, had no beginning and then has no end.

That can refer only to the life of God Himself. This is the divine nature that we can now partake of, in Christ 2 Pet. This eternal life is indeed the free gift of God Rom. But the previous verse Rom. So even though eternal life is a free gift, there are conditions for receiving it. In relation to the subject of eternal security, consider the following seven passages of Scripture.

Read them with a totally open mind — for this is the Word of God — and then you will know the truth]: My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. Most Christians do not look at the conditions!

Thus they believe a false teaching. You cannot encash a cheque if it is not in your name; and you cannot claim a promise if you do not fulfil the conditions. If you are following Jesus, you certainly have eternal security. But if you are not following Him, then you are deceiving yourself if you believe that you are eternally secure. No-one can pluck you from Jesus' hand if you follow Him. But you can choose to jump out of His hand yourself at any time — because God will never take away your free will.

But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. We must take these words of Jesus exactly as He spoke them, if we are to know the truth. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions. Can he receive forgiveness of sins after he has died?? There is NO forgiveness of sins beyond the grave. So he will be eternally lost. Jesus made this crystal clear in the parable in Matthew This teaches clearly that ALL the sins that our heavenly Father once forgave us will be placed back upon us, if we do not forgive even one person.

And if we die in that state, we will be unforgiven and therefore, eternally lost. God warned Adam in Genesis 2: But Satan said, "You surely will not die" Gen. Who was right in Eden — God or Satan? Who do you think is right today — God or these false teachers? For we have become partakers of Christ, IF we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end. These words are crystal clear, to all whose minds are unprejudiced by preconceived ideas.

We are told here that such believers CAN fall away. Everyone who takes sin lightly is thereby despising the crucifixion of Christ and in a sense crucifying Christ afresh. As long as a person has that attitude to sin, he cannot be brought to repentance. If he remains in that state, he will be lost eternally. But there is hope for him if he decides to take sin seriously and thus stops re-crucifying Christ.

Jesus never makes any empty threats.

Does the Lord always speak the truth? We are not to use logic here, but simply accept the words of Jesus as they are. It is true that God knows the end from the beginning and so He knows who will overcome and who will not. But He is speaking to us in human terms here, so that we can beware of this danger of our names bring erased from the book of life.

It is written about the final judgment: Thereby they show their arrogance and their pride.

¿Cómo renovar nuestra comunión con Dios? - Charles Spurgeon

These are matters of extreme importance, because they affect our eternal destiny. So we cannot afford to blindly believe what men teach us and thus be deceived. We must believe the word of God, which is the only light we have in this dark world. Whatever interpretation you may put on any other verse in the New Testament, it cannot cancel out the truths stated clearly in the above verses. This is true - the Lord is certainly able to keep us from falling. But if we do not yield ourselves completely to Him, He will not be able to keep us from falling - for He never forces His will on anyone.

As believers, our relationship with Christ is compared to that of a betrothed virgin, awaiting her wedding 2 Cor. In the next verse 2 Cor. Eve was in paradise and was deceived by Satan — and was driven out of paradise by God. But if we allow Satan to deceive us, we will never enter paradise.

If the bride plays the harlot with the world and with sin, her Bridegroom will refuse to marry her. This is the harlot church referred to as Babylon in Revelation 17 , that is finally rejected by the Lord. If you love the Lord, you will keep yourself pure for Him, even when you find other believers around you playing the harlot with the world and with sin. Jesus warned us that in the last days, "most people's love will grow cold.

This sentence obviously refers to believers for they are the only ones who love the Lord. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. Satan seeks to deceive all of us.

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Here then is the conclusion of this whole matter: We love the Lord, because He first loved us and because He forgave us all our sins. Therefore, by His grace, we will keep our conscience clear at all times and we will love Him and follow Him until the very end — and so we are eternally secure. Every disciple of Jesus who is following Him is eternally secure. But let him who thinks he is standing take heed, lest he fall 1 Cor. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. I will lay down my life for you. I will lay down my life for thy sake.

It is then that we seek Him as to when we are to proceed and then let Him orchestrate the circumstances. Unfortunately, we tend to get ahead of God and even dictate to Him how we are going to accomplish His will. If we accept God's leading and wait so that we can follow Him, He will bring circumstances to do what He has asked of us in such perfection and completeness, we will be astonished. Heavenly Father, there are times when we don't let you lead us in the things You want us to do. We push forward in haste and we wonder why things didn't turn out right. Forgive us for not waiting for You and listening so that we know You have gotten things ready to accomplish Your will, not ours.

We pray in Jesus' name. Is anything too hard for me? Apr 04, 3 Comments. Dear brethren, the Christians of Berea never wanted to be idiots and fools by just blindly following anything in the name of Christianity. Brethren, do you really believe that Sunday the 30th March was really the day our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected from death as celebrated by the Religion of Rome?

I had earlier written that the "Easter" which the Religion of Rome has tricked believers into, is a mystical Roman feast. It has nothing to do with the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ Jesus was arrested on this evening because before the Lord a day begins from Sun set to Sun set killed on Friday and resurrected on Sunday the 17th day If we were to celebrate Passover-Christ resurrection, this pattern would be permanent.

The Roman Religion just celebrated the resurrection of Jesus on the 30th March, how then did they come about this? Follow this link to understand the mystical origin and purpose of this Roman feast which has nothing to do with the True Christ. It is fundamental to remember that Semiramis of Babylon also known as Ishtar , the wife of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz, was the same goddess that was worshiped all over the world in various. The hot cross buns are not now offered, but eaten instead, on the festival of Easter Astarte - Ishtar Further explanations illustrates that Rightly before God, we are in the first month of the year as he commanded in Exodus Is very easy to trace from the Moon which the Lord crated to mark the end of months Psalms The last month ending the year before God, died march 28th, therefore we are already in the New year before God, just waiting for the appearing of the New Moon for declaration Brethren, I'm already a citizen of the New earth to come, that is why my spirit is naturally flowing in living the life that we will live there.

God expects all his children born again to live it now, but unfortunate Satan has seduce many to call then Jewish Laws that had being nailed on the cross by Jesus. You can clearly see this in this text: I will be one of the people there as the Lord will see me through so long as I read his word and meditate on it day and night, as to do all that is written in it, for spiritual success and prosperity as He has commanded in Joshua 1: Brethren, I strongly believe in every word of the Lord, and live by it.

Most often we are so overcome by our need, it becomes our focus. That's when unrest, worry, and fear begin and we become discouraged. God will answer our prayers when we seek Him and He see that the time is right to bring the answer. Our faith in that will keep us from becoming discouraged and anxious when we don't see immediate answers to our prayers. Heavenly Father, please forgive us for getting our focus off of You and your majesty and allowing ourselves to fix our minds on our petitions and needs.

Help us to trust that You know what is best and You will always hear and answer our prayers. Give us peace in knowing that the answer may not come when we think it should or in the way we think it will. We pray this in Jesus' name. Gift of deliverance Apr 03, 2 Comments. Lord Jesus has given me the gift of deliverance spiritual gift in these days, when i pray and lay my hands some fall down, falling down is the sign of being healed , or receiving the power from the Lord, you can pray that Jesus give me good knowledge and wisdom, and lead me to the people and use me, so that more people be blessed by me, and i may glorify Him , thank you Lord for this new spiritual gift God bless!

As children of God, we know that there is no sin that the blood of Christ cannot cleanse. His hand will reach out to the vilest of sinners. For those who feel that God does not hear nor answer their prayers, we can assure them that God hears all prayers and answers each one. The answer may not be what was expected but it will surely come. His ears are never closed or deficient in hearing us. Heavenly Father, how thankful we are that you are able and willing to cleanse us from all sins by your great hand.

We praise you that you are always listening to our prayers and the answers are on the way. Help us to encourage others with these truths and let us be comforted by your Holy Spirit when our faith becomes weak. God wants to be YOUR best friend! No matter what qualities you look for in a friend, God is overflowing with all the qualities that make best friends the best! God is my best friend. God never messes up and He loves me even when I do. Is God your best friend? What is your favorite thing about your friendship with God? Happy Easter to you all. Mar 31, 1 Comment. Christ is our living Lord.

Easter means man can choose new life: Jesus died, was buried, and rose again to bring life to everyone who believes. To know Christ personally means to be resurrected with Him in newness of life. This was the best day of my life! On this very sacred day for Christians around the globe, I and the children and staff of Mag childcare center wish for you all a very blessed Good Friday and we pray that you will find the magnificent joy that is in the love of Jesus Christ! Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blame upon Himself So we could be with Him in paradise.

God truly wants us to give our first and best to Him. This is not because God needs our money, time, or resources. Rather, we need God! When we give a half-hearted offering to God, we open our heart to serving other things. The Scripture is very clear on this matter, we cannot serve two masters.

Financial freedom is rooted in deciding up front who you will serve. Are you going to serve God or are you going to serve yourself? Where does your best and first fruit go? Often we come to God when we are in a financial crisis. Although God cares about this crisis, we must be careful not to try and make God serve our crisis.

Freedom comes from finding out how to serve God, not in trying to get enough religion to fix our temporary problem. Financial freedom is like all freedom; it is rooted in surrender to God. Financial freedom is more than dollars and cents; it is a way of being. We give a tremendous amount of our life energy away for the purpose of acquiring money. Where that money ends up says a lot about who we serve.

It is rather easy to tell who we serve by what we do. I encourage you this week to follow your dollars.

Bienaventurado el que guarda las palabras de la profecía de este libro.(Apocalipsis 22:7)

Take an inventory of your life. Where do you spend all your time? How many hours do you work including your commute? What percentage of your life energy do you spend on acquiring money? Where do you spend that money? How many of these decisions are informed by God? Does God get your first and best energy, time, and money? Or does God get your left over resources?

Are you more likely to call in sick to work or to God? When trouble comes, who or what gets short changed? Freedom is found in embracing the reality that I live best when I give my first and best fruit to God. Prayer for Syria; and that we may act Join me in praying for the displaced and refugees from the Syrian crisis; pray that all aid agencies may receive what they need to alleviate suffering and that we in the 'wealthy' world will do what we can to help and support.

Dear brethren, we are according to the command of our God that we must obey: This month is to be the first month of the year for you", ending the year to begin the New year before Him. You can read ahead to verse Is the past over period Easter which is March-April I have really been asking myself the question: Why we should accept this period March-April as "Easter" when the people of Israel left Egypt for the promised land and in which Christ died, but not accept it as 1st month of the year as God commanded As such, the 1st is from Friday 29th March which certainly is beginning New year before the Lord We start expecting the coming out of the New moon from this day forward.

We can then celebrate as led in spirit -Deut Therefore, the past over feast when our Lord died on the cross will normally be on Thursday 11th April We started preparation with a complete 7days fast drinking only water , during which we humble ourselves for stock taking of the ending year, to better enter the New year spiritually in a wonderful way with the Lord Below is end of year program and guide lines on how to spiritually work it out in stock taking: Spiritual, Economically etc in 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages. Very important for individual Christians and Ministers of the word to benefit from one or two things Today, I pray that God will prosper you and empower you.

I pray above all things that your soul will prosper and be in good health. I pray that as the mountains surround Jerusalem that God will surround you with his favour. I pray that when you go for any interviews or meetings that God will give you favour in the sight of men.

I pray that God will put His words in your mouth and that you will prosper and be successful. I pray that He will energize you to achieve more for yourself so that you can empower others. I pray that the Almighty will transform your life and that all your disappointments will turn into joy. Your mourning will be turned into dancing again. I pray that this year will not be like any other year for you but that it will be your year of Jubilee.

This year will be your year of rejoicing. God will visit you and meet you at your point of need and all your expectations will not be cut off. You will not be disappointed and whatever may come in the form of disappointments, God will turn it around for your good. I pray today that you will be the head and not the tail, that you will be above only and not beneath. I pray that all the years that the cankerworm has stolen will be repaid back to you. Your health will spring forth speedily. All your enemies will be disappointed and the Lord will perfect that which concerns you.

My verse for you today is in Isaiah May the joy of the Lord never depart from you and your household now and forever. Peace is the word "shalom" in Hebrew. Its definition includes wholeness, health and prosperity. So when you walk in divine favour and peace, you walk in blessings in every area of your life!

But how does the undeserved favour and shalom of God increase in your life? It is not by your labouring or toiling to earn it. The Bible says that it comes as your knowledge of Jesus and His finished work increases. It comes as you learn more about and believe that through Jesus' one sacrifice at the cross, God removed all your sins, gave you His righteousness as a gift and put you in Christ to enjoy everything that Jesus has. God's favour is multiplied in your life when you simply believe that the favour of God that is on Christ is also on you because of what Jesus' work at the cross has accomplished.

Today, you don't have to struggle for favour. Just release it by speaking forth God's Word in faith. On your way to work, say, "God's favour surrounds me as with a shield. Dear brethren, let's pray the Lord to open our minds to understand the meaning of the word " Going up to heaven after rapture will just be temporal and then we will come down after the thousand years There is no place in the bible that says immidiately after the rapture, we will come back on earth We clearly see our coming back on a New earth as a Holy City in Rev.

Many people are confussed with Rev. The secret to understand this text lies in the understanding of the word " Many misunderstand it to be human beings in the physical world which we know had all been destroyed by fire on the day of the Lord rapture as indicated in 2nd Peter 3: The bible refers the rapture day saying: It will be like the day of Noah when water came and destroyed everyone It will be like the day of Sodom and Gomorrah , the day lot left Sodom, fire rained down from heaven and kill everyone. That is how it will be on the day the son of man is revealed" Luke If that day of rapture is going to be like this, then where will human beings come again from to be on earth t for Thousand years after which Satan will be released to seduce them?

So, we foolishly accept that Satan will come out on the physical earth and go all over the world gathering human beings as his armies to use and fight God! Follow this link and carefully read down to where you have the heading: God Himself will be our strength, courage, power and glory. He will personally interfere on our behalf.

Placing His loving hand in our hand. Change is not easy sometimes. As we see Spring approaching, the season of winter will once again change into the season where new begins. Fields of flowers will begin to blossom. The grass will begin to grow, changed from the brown into beautiful blankets of green. God never lets go of painting His beauty for us. He will never let go of our hand when we have change come in our life either. Like the newness that God's love brings in Spring, He will bring hope and peace to our heart through our darkness hour.

There is an old song that goes, "The Darkest Hour Is Just Before Dawn", and dear friend, what the enemy has caused for your harm, God is bringing the dawn of a new day. About the Author Rvdo. Customer reviews There are no customer reviews yet. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon.

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