My Time for Dying

The lyrics were lifted directly from Blind Willie's work.

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In My Time of Dying is a traditional gospel music song that has been recorded by numerous musicians. The title line, closing each stanza of the song, refers to a. Jesus going to make up my dying bed. “In My Time Of Dying” is Led Zeppelin’s longest song ever, with a studio album song length of 11 minutes 6 seconds. All four of the members of Led Zeppelin were listed with the credits of the songs, despite being a traditional gospel that.

In addition to being arguably the finest slide guitar player that ever lived, Blind Willie Johnson was a Christian Evangelist. The more you learn about music, the more you will appreciate this fact. General Comment Great song.

In My Time of Dying

Love Page's work in it. General Comment This is easily one of my favorite Zeppelin Songs. The main emphasis is about a man who has recently died. He is pleading to the saints Gabriel, Peter to let him into heaven. I do not think the band tells us whether he makes it into heaven or not, but I could be wrong.

In My Time of Dying Lyrics

General Comment I guess the reason that they don't tell you if he makes it or not is that they never actually finished the song! I've always wondered what it would sound like if they did Nope it was not originally done by him. It was a traditional song, nobody knows who wrote it.

Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become

It certainly existed before he recorded it. Flag FranknFurter on August 27, General Comment i think it is about people expressing that certain activities [sex, drugs and rock 'n roll] are not 'sins.

In My Time Of Dying

It's about him on his deathbed seeking justification for his life, owning up to his SINS such as the ones you said above, which are definitely sins. Flag mrbaker on August 12, General Comment I believe the song was also done by Bod Dylan.. I like kingmikeking's interpretation too.. It was but the versions have different lyrics in places. Like many blues song's, ones which people claim were written by Robert Johnson etc, are actually traditional blues.

These artists may have been the first to record them, but they certainly weren't the first to perform them. That's how the blue's used to work, people would put there own spin on a song. Now people shout plagiarism, but don't understand how it worked.

Certain Songs # Led Zeppelin - "In My Time of Dying" -

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Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. List of cover versions of Led Zeppelin songs. D Sudden Axis Disorder. It keeps shifting gears, over and over. If you like Pride And Fall, you may also like:.

Page also included the song as part of his solo Outrider tour. Hadusek believed the track "descends into a droning blues that sounds exactly like its title.

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Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. List of cover versions of Led Zeppelin songs. Bob Dylan Album notes. Archived from the original on December 11, Retrieved July 28, The Best of Blind Willie Johnson. Discography Awards Bibliography Songs written by Dylan.

Rare Performances from the Copyright Collections. The Complete Album Collection Vol. The Royal Albert Hall concert Vol. Rare and Unreleased — Vol. Another Self Portrait — Vol. The Basement Tapes Complete Vol. The Cutting Edge — Vol.

Trouble No More — Tarantula Writings and Drawings Chronicles: The New Basement Tapes.