The Great Betrayal

Dominating the Battlespace with Rhodesia's famed Selous Scouts. A White Boy in Africa. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? The Saul Marshall Thrillers: The Saul Marshall Thrillers Boxset. It claims you were found hanging from your light fixture: Most Successful Artists of all Time.

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Quotes from the Most Successful Artists of all Time. A story behind the suffering of a Sri Lankan migrant worker in Saudi Ar This story is inspired by true events faced by Sri Lankan female workers who have being migrating to Middle East countries as housemaids. Most Successful Scientists of all Time.

Quotes from the Most Successful Scientists of all Time. Is it voodoo, vengeance, or pure villainy? Detective Scott Drayco aims to find out as he races to solve a mysterious music code left at a crime scene. A step by step practical guide to implementing stoic philosophy and face the modern life challenges with joy and wisdom. From Publishers Weekly Smith, the white prime minister of Rhodesia who engineered the country's unilateral independence from Britain in and led resistance to the black majority until Zimbabwe was born of post-civil war negotiations in , has written an unrepentant, heavily detailed account of his leadership.

Copyright Cahners Business Information, Inc. Blake Pub; 1st edition edition June 1, Language: Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. Life is a story of betrayal and creation. The video content is inappropriate. The video content is misleading. The ad is too long.

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Ian Smith blamed everyone but himself. I spent hours interviewing him for a book I was writing in the early s and he never once smiled or told a joke. Mar 13, Sue Robinson is currently reading it Shelves: He claims that "our black people" had the best education, health, housing, services, etc. Is it voodoo, vengeance, or pure villainy? On the other hand, Smith has little time for those who resort to violence for political ends.

The audio is poor or missing. Video is unrelated to the product. Please fill out the copyright form to register a complaint. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention ian smith majority rule south africa great betrayal robert mugabe british politicians ian douglas douglas smith reading his book rhodesia was betrayed read this book rhodesia and in zimbabwe smith is a great smith book rhodesia than smith government african rhodesian political racist.

Ian Smith has sadly been proved right

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Totally readable, very believable.

Good history of how the UK Governments of the time looked after their own interests and did not honour their word. Rivetting reading covering the infamous past. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. Anyone interested in decolonization should read this. I read this book in a library edition. Wow, I was woefully ignorant of Rhodesian politics and the truly magnificent man, war hero, and political philosopher named Ian Smith. Based on what I had read in the news media in the USA during the s, I formed so many false opinions and images of the Rhodesia-Zimbabwe debacle.

What a sad, shameful story.

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Smith proved to be correct in the end. An imperfect democratic republic became an evil dictatorship by the s and remains so. The behavior of the U.


The Great Betrayal: The Memoirs of Ian Douglas Smith is a autobiography written by Ian Smith, focusing on his time as Prime Minister of the British. The Great Betrayal is a autobiography of Ian Smith, former Prime Minister of Rhodesia. The Great Betrayal may also refer to: The Great Betrayal: Fraud in.

Smith's book is a superb story of modern African, humanity's deadly obsession with race, left-and-right political hubris, the demise of both empire and Britain's moral authority, a look at the natural desire to follow one's own national star--and all with a very bittersweet ending. This is an interesting bio from Ian Smith. He proves himself to be a man of high character--pragmatic, courageous, reliable, and a bit prosaic. He was a man who believed firmly in colonialism and in bringing the benefits of Western Civilization to primitive societies such as the ones in Africa.

Unfortunately, Britain and whites in general had started to lose faith in the superiority of their civilization and pulled out of their colonial project, leaving white Rhodesians stranded to fight their own battle to save their country with those other "rogue" states, South Africa and Portugal. The British politicians favored communist terrorists over their own kinsmen. Ian Smith was a middle of the road conservative and really did not support racist policies in government, although he was a race realist regarding the abilities of native Africans.

He believed in a policy of gradually giving blacks majority rule once they had been sufficiently prepared for a government system created by whites. That would require high rate of literacy that blacks did not have. African blacks' IQ has been estimated to around 70 by Richard Lynn. A lot of them did not even know what a constitution was. Even this policy would require faith in being able to educate blacks enough to be able to rule responsibly.

As bad as white government can be; black majority rule is worse. Giving blacks majority rule in a democratic system will still make any country go into decline.

It is not solely the Western system that makes for good government, but it is the intelligence and character of the best white people that makes for good government, if you can elect them. Once Mugabe and his cronies took the seats of power, they started using their power for their own selfish ends. Smith shows well how communists operate with their deceit, violence, and oppression.

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Smith did have high praise for African's tribal system of government, which he thought was better in some ways to the Western system. The British politicians were not much better.

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It seems whites use their higher intelligence merely to manipulate weaker parties in a lot of cases. Intelligence has to be wedded with high character for good statesmanship. I think Africa would have been better off with a white minority colonial government than it is with the black communists. Colonialism does require that if the natives violently resist, they must be put down or it will not be safe for whites to live there. Rhodesia had too few whites to be able to establish a white colony there, especially after Britain turned against them.

The Great Betrayal (disambiguation)

Rhodesia was not an apartheid state like South Africa and they allowed anyone of any race to vote. Smith complained about the declining moral standards of the commonwealth saying that they allowed communist dictatorships with human rights violations to join an organization that is supposed to uphold the principles of democracy, decency, and fairness. British politicians were more worried about offending communist "allies" than letting Rhodesia become an independent country and lifting sanctions against them. To others he is a demon, a reactionary whose intransigence long delayed majority rule in an important corner of Africa.

The truth, as this revealing and long-awaited autobiography reveals, lies somewhere between these two extremes. Ian Smith's story begins in a small African town where he was brought up with a strong tradition of service to the community. He was shot down over Italy and escaped by hiking over the freezing Alps in his socks. He entered politics in , shortly after the war ended. He vehemently believed that the plans of Whitehall were not in the best interests of his people and finally declared unilateral independence. His dramatic rebellion against the Crown forfeited the support of the British establishment, but earned him the admiration of many ordinary people.

Smith devoted his life to defeating sanctions and the armed onslaught of African Nationalists. He finally managed to bring majority rule to Rhodesia in The marxist Robert Mugabe took over the reins of power shortly afterwards, exactly as Smith had warned he would.