God Waits Patiently (Occasional Moments of Wisdom, Volume 2)

I struggled with that for years. I have learned that it is not our faith that saves us; it is the object of our faith. If we depended on having enough faith to feel saved it would be salvation based on works. I like how he remin I like that he admits that not all depression is a spiritual problem. I like how he reminded me of David and his ups and downs. Everyone struggles with periods of spiritual darkness at some point in their lives to various degrees.

The book talks about how sometimes we are so overcome that we don't want to get out of bed and do our jobs. He says we need to get up and do what we need to do while preaching the gospel to ourselves confessing our lack of joy. Mar 07, Ed rated it it was amazing. A fascinating little book, and I agree with the remedy he gives for people who are distressed. We need to get our eyes off ourselves and onto others.

Taking an interest in others, Christians and the unsaved will bring joy to a depressed heart. We were born in sin, so it is natural to be self-centered. When we get saved, God wants us to think of others and to take an interest in others. This is the way that we can defeat depression.

Believe me, there are many other self-centered people that need A fascinating little book, and I agree with the remedy he gives for people who are distressed. Believe me, there are many other self-centered people that need us to take an interest in them. And when we do, you will be surprised that helping others enables us to keep from being depressed and to develop joy in our own hearts.

Plus if the person is unsaved and gets saved, that is a time of rejoicing. Apr 19, Patricia rated it really liked it Shelves: Introduction to a Biblical view of depression in the life of a Christian. Instead of telling the suffering to "stop it! It is a great tribute to him that he did not abandon his friendship with Cowper, though this would, no doubt, have been emotionally easy to do.

Instead, there was an earnest exchange of lett Introduction to a Biblical view of depression in the life of a Christian. Instead, there was an earnest exchange of letters for twenty years. Cowper poured out his soul to Newton as he did to no one else. Oct 30, Joel rated it it was amazing. This book could've been the last chapter of the former. Great for trusting in God through our low moments. Jan 29, Ashley McKnight rated it it was amazing. Short, concise and encouraging. While not diminishing medical aspects of depression, Piper gives real and tangible encouragements both for the one in darkness and those who seek to love those in darkness.

Jun 05, Joel Arnold rated it really liked it. This book 79 pages is short and light enough to read in one sitting when you have a little spare time. You'll probably be done with it in the time it takes to watch a movie and be much better off. Piper provides excellent biblical counsel for people who struggle with depression, doubts, or excessive introversion. Along the way, he provides reorienting thoughts for any believer and direction for counseling others through depression. Whether you have struggled with depression in the past, face This book 79 pages is short and light enough to read in one sitting when you have a little spare time.

Whether you have struggled with depression in the past, face it now, or don't think you ever will, this book is well worth your time. So also 2 Tim. We shouldn't demand that kind of certainty with God when we don't in any part of life. Faith is more certain and dependable than despair. Widen your focus to others.

Jesus felt forsaken - was forsaken - on the cross. God has reasons for allowing us to feel that sometimes too. The words are costly. And so they prove precious. Jul 17, Bridget Carroll rated it really liked it. This is an excellent starting point for studying what the Bible and theologians have to say about mental illness, depression, and melancholy. This takes a very well-rounded view including facets of depression from spiritual to physical.

Piper provides many useful resources, Bible passages, and further reading suggestion which can help open to the door to this topic. I'm rating this 4. While I realize this short book has limitations, I think it is vitally important to ensure people with depression, and their friends, that there will be days, weeks, or months when getting out of bed is insurmountable.

God gives grace for that too.

The Book of Job

Piper skims this in his effort to exhort people to obey God even if their heart is not in it - also an important message. His emphasis on confession may also be a little too heavy for someone currently struggling with a physical mental illness - something to keep in mind as you counsel others. Overall, a helpful book with much wisdom. Jul 09, Tyler rated it liked it. I enjoyed this, but I do not think I would recommend it to anyone in heavy "darkness. He suggests to repent of "gloomy faith" and to repent of the sin of pride or self-pity at the root of it.

He also states that joy is our responsibility, so maybe one should act more responsibly? Great book for thought, and maybe some truth here, but if you're looking for an empathetic shoulder to cry on, Piper I like Piper. Great book for thought, and maybe some truth here, but if you're looking for an empathetic shoulder to cry on, Piper is not offering his. Dec 01, Jeske rated it liked it Shelves: I of course could not expect much depth from a page book on a difficult subject such as this but i was still quite disappointed by its focus on sin and on duty.

There was little comfort and softness in its overall tone. However, i did like some if the poems he shared and his inspiring idea to live for a greater cause healing this world as one of the things that might alleviate one's own sorrow and despair.

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Apr 11, George rated it it was amazing. A brief and excellent book geared towards helping Christians suffering from long term depression. Here John Piper is gracious throughout and direct as well. I highly recommend it to anyone going through depression or to anyone with a friend going through it and wondering how to help them. Sharing this book with them would be a very good idea. The eBook version is freely downloadable from " www. Jan 05, Elena rated it really liked it Shelves: Take the time to really let the sentences soak in.

Felt it was helpful to those who may experience mild to moderate to depression and those who seek to understand and help others they know who may experience it. May 30, Tatuu rated it it was amazing. Definitely calls for a re-read! Dec 15, Megan Triplett rated it it was amazing. As someone who periodically battles feelings of melancholy and despair, I found this short book extremely helpful, practical and encouraging! Jan 09, David rated it it was amazing. Easy to read, short, and well worth it. Feb 14, Ron Willoughby rated it really liked it Shelves: Thank you Adam Feldman for recommending this powerful little book to me.

Aug 12, Wendy rated it it was ok Shelves: I suffer with minor depression occasionally, and had a year-long bout of moderate depression in my past I can't say that I found this book terribly helpful or encouraging, it was just ok. Only intelligent repentance, living faith, and tangible obedience turn the world upside down.

Then after the cry you wait. Only God knows how long we must wait. We can draw no deadlines for God. He hastens or he delays as he sees fit. And his timing is all-loving toward his children. Oh, that we might learn to be patient in the hour of darkness. We fight for joy. But we fight as those who are saved by grace and held by Christ. Leave to His sovereign sway To choose and to command; So shalt thou, wondering, own that way, How wise, how strong this hand.

Faith is sustained by looking at Christ, crucified and risen, not by turning from Christ to analyze your faith. While we have the light, let us cultivate distrust of the certainties of despair. Fold the arms of thy faith, and wait in the quietness until light goes up in thy darkness. Fold the arms of thy Faith I say, but not of thy Action: If your feelings are telling you that staying in bed is the best thing today, preach to your feelings and tell them how foolish they are.

But then exert your will and get up! First, we must say that joy is part of your duty. Failing to rejoice in God when we are commanded to rejoice is sin. False comforts lead to artificial healing. But the truest diagnoses lead to the deepest cures. So, yes, we tell the disconsolate: He will hear you mercifully and forgive.

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  3. My Own Skin (Becoming Whole: The Making of a 21st Century Man).
  4. The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God!

You are not hiding the hardness of ingratitude, but hoping for the inbreaking of the Spirit. Declare me innocent from hidden faults. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! And we have sins that we know about. It is good news to realize there is a biblical prayer that covers both. The battle can be fierce. What is called for usually is the ministry of 2 Timothy 2: God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.

If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday. The assumption is that there is someone just right for us to marry and that if we look closely enough we will find the right person. This moral assumption overlooks a crucial aspect to marriage.

It fails to appreciate the fact that we always marry the wrong person. We never know whom we marry; we just think we do. Or even if we first marry the right person, just give it a while and he or she will change. For marriage, being [the enormous thing it is] means we are not the same person after we have entered it. The primary problem is Modern man, however, unsure if things like the afterlife and God even exist, has found a replacement: Ernest Becker writes, "The love partner becomes the divine ideal within which to fulfill one's life. All spiritual and moral needs now become focused in one individual In one word, the love object is God Man reached for a 'thou' when the worldview of the great religious community overseen by God died After all, what is it that we want when we elevate the love partner to the position of God?

We want redemption--nothing less. When you received criticism, you would never be crushed, because Jesus's love and acceptance of you is so deeply 'in there. Nov 18, Sarah rated it liked it. I have teetered back and forth between rating this with 3 or 4 stars, but ultimately gave it 3 stars because of the latter half of the book was found repetitive and also lacking in regards to gender roles within marriage, sex, and singleness. I contemplated 4 stars because I do appreciate the overall picture that this book helps to draw in creating a realistic picture of marriage and appropriate expectations for what it should bring about in your life.

In the first few chapters, Keller proposes I have teetered back and forth between rating this with 3 or 4 stars, but ultimately gave it 3 stars because of the latter half of the book was found repetitive and also lacking in regards to gender roles within marriage, sex, and singleness. In the first few chapters, Keller proposes some fair points about allowing your spouse to be the primary refiner in your life in shaping you to be more like Christ, which is agreeable since all relationships should take on this role and most specifically the marriage relationship.

At times I did feel that this was overemphasized to imply incompleteness and thus a necessary secondary form of salvation that only a spouse can provide rather than the Spirit's direct work in us. The first few chapters address western cultural views brought into a marriage, which are important to consider against the biblical intent of marriage as being a constant matter of submitting to one another instead of choosing a spouse for selfish fulfillment.

But as this book nears the end, it seems quite repetitive and Kathy Keller's chapter on gender roles seemed to take on many views at once without reconciling them to one another while throwing in various worn out cliches. Also, she made what intuitively seems to be problematic analogy of gender roles in marriage the based on the model the Trinity; the wife resembles Christ in submission to the husband who resembles God the Father. The Trinity is one of the most complex mysteries of faith, so it is an difficult analogy to draw and lacks little if any Biblical context whatsoever.

This deserves some further discussion, but I still have to do some further thinking before attempting to articulate it here. Ultimately, I'd recommend giving this book a fair shot; it has some valid points that other typical marriage books fail to discuss or even stereotype, but I think it does become rather unsteady while still trying to remain definitive without well thought out reasoning or counseling toward the end. Jun 09, Caitlin rated it it was amazing Shelves: I wish I had read this book years ago.

I really and truly do. I think I'm going to lend my copy to some of my friends as well. The Kellers tag team through the book, discussing love, sex, and marriage. They offer the cultural narrative, the "Christian" one, and offer an insight to what the Bible really has to say. Instead of being heavy, the book is incredibly life-giving. They talk about sex. They talk about gender roles. They talk about balancing expectations. They talk about divor I wish I had read this book years ago. They talk about divorce. They talk about what choosing to love like Jesus looks like. They talk about choosing a spouse.

They talk about the daily choices to love someone. And it's great stuff. There are tons of books out there for singles. Many of them are good but not many of them are truly life giving. At times, the Christian narrative on singledom is cliched and stale. Well meaning people repeat the same mantras, never quite believing their words.

The Kellers get beyond the cliches and into bold territory. They talk about marrying the wrong person, dealing with your spouse changing, and how your spouse is quite often the key player in your sanctification. I could go on. But just read it yourself.

Mar 10, Erin rated it it was amazing. A "single person's review" It's not just because of the marriage insights. The Meaning of Marriage is gospel-centric [which got my interest and inclined me toward reading it in the first place]. Keller frames marriage in the context of living out the gospel, that the gospel is truly what allows u A "single person's review" Keller frames marriage in the context of living out the gospel, that the gospel is truly what allows us to 'do' marriage.

That while a marriage can survive if the marriage partners are not Believers, the best marriage will have the gospel and the work of sanctification as the focal point. All true and spot-on. Because Keller just unpacks it. Reading this section is either going to be extremely convicting or it's going to break your heart and increase your burden to pray for society's views on marriage to be healed.

Or more likely, it'll do both of those things, as it did for me. I just found my heart breaking over the statistics and views on marriage in our culture, my generation in particular and have felt an increased burden to pray for healing for my generation, not just myself. It's not about finding the "perfect person" or our 'soul mate' as far as compatibility goes. And once you're married, it's not about that honeymoon image of your spouse that has to remain or else you consider chucking the whole thing. But then, the most personally convicting for the "now", and back to the Gospel-centric message.

As I've read, I've been overwhelmed by God's grace to me. I accepted Christ as my Savior at 5 on my parents' bed in the tiny apartment we lived in in between houses. With 23 years in between, it is SO easy to forget the joy of your initial salvation, especially with the distractions and nitty gritty of life. This book is reminding me anew and blowing me away by God's grace and love toward me. And it's challenging me on just how well I love others. It's reminding me of my call and purpose to love others. And that includes when it's not convenient or easy.

So singles, marrieds, read this book!

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This is a vision and an unpacking of marriage that is biblical and people could rally around. All Christians, especially unmarried ones. This goes on my must-read list for all unmarried Christians, and on my should-read list for all married Christians. In his book Altar Ego , Craig Groeschel said, "If you don't know the purpose of something, all you can do is misuse it.

They not only misuse it once they get married, This goes on my must-read list for all unmarried Christians, and on my should-read list for all married Christians. They not only misuse it once they get married, but they misuse it during their single years by putting their hope in it for eventual self-fulfillment and missing most or all of the incredible and varied blessings marriage provides, most notably character growth.

And although I am married and look forward to applying some of these principals to my own marriage, I believe the book is most valuable to the unmarried; those hoping to marry one day should know what they are getting themselves into, and those planning never to marry should know what they are missing. I came to this book primarily hoping it would help me teach others a Godly vision for marriage in order to understand the Christian doctrine of premarital abstinence.

The book does make a good case for that, but offers so much more as well. The one unfortunate thing is that Keller's writing style is a bit "scholarly" and so may be difficult for Christian teens, who are in need of this book as much as anyone. I expect this will be a book I re-read and reference many times in the future. The book addresses the way the two genders complement and challenge each other, but does not even put a toe into the gay marriage debate; that might likely be a worthy topic for an entirely separate book.

Dec 27, Keren Threlfall rated it it was amazing Shelves: Contents Many marriage books leave me scratching my head, banging my head, or really, really thankful I'm married to the man I am. Timothy and Kathy Keller pack a lot of experience and exegesis into this book, packaged into eight chapters: The Secret of Marriage Two: The Power of Marriage Three: The Essence of Marriage Four: The Mission of Marriage Five: Loving the Stranger Six: Embracing the Other Seven: Singleness and Marriage Eight: The style is certainly Kelleresque, yet unique to his other published works.

Unlike many marriage books, this book is not written with only married couples or soon-to-be-married singles in mind; it is written to a broad audience, but with particular portions of it specifically addressing singles. The Essence of Marriage One aspect of the book that I greatly appreciated was the Kellers's emphasis on the marriage covenant as the foundation of marriage. And really, this is the essence of marriage and the essence of the book. This is spiritualized and then marketed in numerous ways, coming across in emphases including: While Keller doesn't address all of these teachings individually, he clearly notes that this type of misplaced preeminence of romance detracts and confuses the essence of marriage.

Keller speaks of some of the way marriage has come to be perceived in our culture as well as comparing and contrasting with traditional societies: Added to that dynamic, my husband and I also grew up in homes were "The Talk" did not take place, and when the discussion of physical intimacy was scheduled in our pre-marital counseling, we were told that we'd figure things out on our own. Of course, neither could Tim and Kathy Keller, and neither can many who enter marriage similarly. Reading this book helped me in dealing with a lot of the self-imposed guilt and confusion I've felt over this area, in particular.

Somewhat related, I was reminded in yet another and great way in which my husband's patience and gentleness has been manifested toward me over the years as I've wrestled with some of this baggage. It was, as mentioned earlier, also a reminder to me of God's mercy in giving me the husband I have in Daniel. Though only a few days shy of six years into marriage, there are many aspects of our marriage vows that we lived out much sooner than we had anticipated.

When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God--And Joy by John Piper

My husband has faithfully, selflessly loved and served me through those times, both tragic and triumphant, and this book gave me a deeper depth in the appreciation of his commitment and love. I remember at a time when we had just come through a painful, difficult season of life from external sources , I saw an article in Time Magazine called "Who Needs Marriage?

And yes, I know, our marriage is still quite young and has many, many more seasons of life to grow through, permitting death do not us part. There were many additional areas in which the book was helpful, refreshing, encouraging, and challenging. I was glad to be able to read this at the same time as my husband, and it is one we think we will return to through the years.

Final Thoughts Of course, the emphasis is not merely on physical relationships in marriage, and to draw that out as the bulk of the book really does disservice to what this book is all about. Contrarily, he takes time to explain both in a way that brings clarity to some of the harmful and hurtful misapplications in both areas. Like many books by Keller, readers will be challenged to think about more than just the specific theme of the book, and to yearn for a deeper knowledge and walk with God.

Beyond a careful handling of Scripture, Keller also draws on the wisdom of theologians, philosophers, and numerous books, past and present. And, of course, not only does this book reflect the imprimatur of C. Lewis on Keller's teaching and writing, but he also shares how C. Lewis was a common thread in influencing the early relationship between Tim and Kathy. Certainly, there are aspects of the book with which I don't agree, Scriptural connections that I don't necessarily see, and analogies which I think break down. But, none of these are issues that I believe would detract from the overall message of the book, even in areas in which there are notoriously dichotomized perspectives among Evangelicals.

Jan 30, Heidi'sbooks rated it it was amazing. The chapter on Loving the Stranger is worth the price of the book. I think many young people go into marriage believing it's all love and romance. They are surprised when they realize that they didn't really know their spouse at all.

Also, the struggles of the early years of marriage are real. Here is some real encouragement to understand it's all part of the process of growing together. Marriage reveals character flaws "This is an excellent book for newlyweds, singles and long married couples. Marriage reveals character flaws that go unnoticed in more casual relationships, causing distress.

But, through working together in Christ, marriage can produce a much stronger character in both spouses. There is also a very good chapter on singleness and seeking marriage. The Keller's Christian viewpoint theologically is that the genders are complementarian, however they are practically egalitarian. The book is organized around the passage of Ephesians 5: Jan 24, Amariah Dixon rated it it was amazing.

I highly recommend this book for any newlyweds, engaged couples, those considering marriage, and those who are already married! Much of it is common sense, which many, unfortunately, do not possess. His Biblical principles are spot-on an I highly recommend this book for any newlyweds, engaged couples, those considering marriage, and those who are already married! His Biblical principles are spot-on and he explains things without being extreme!

That one is more for those who are dating, but both are what every couple needs. I'll be adding some quotes later from this book by Keller. He Timothy Keller is a great author, and someone whom my parents enjoy reading, so I would basically recommend any book by him! He is not a dangerous man.

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He knows his faith and what he believes and is firm in it. That is what I admire. He believes love is not solely based on emotion and he is correct! As I mentioned, I'll put down some quotes by him from this book. Paraphrasing --"the man and woman are both equal in the marital relationship. Neither is above the other. The husband's love is a sacrificial love, similar to that of Christ, as is the woman's'. The man and the woman submit to each other out of love.

When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God--And Joy

Jul 17, Bill rated it it was amazing Shelves: Can I give this book 6 stars?! This is a powerful, helpful, encouraging book because it brings the power of the gospel to marriage. Typical Tim Keller -- warm, clear, addresses Christians and non-Christians equally, culturally well informed and relevant, speaking from firm theological convictions without seeming overly dogmatic.

Kathy Keller's influence is evident, meaning the book should be accesible for both men and Can I give this book 6 stars?! Kathy Keller's influence is evident, meaning the book should be accesible for both men and women. Good sections on singleness, friendship, sex and gender roles. Manages to be theological, practical and interesting, which is a tough combo.

The only thing stopping me from blanket recommendation is Tim Keller's professorial style, which might lose a few people. But this is the book I will recommend on marriage from now on. There is also a lot of repetition of bible verses used in the same context with very similar examples , as well as quotes from C. Lewis which I did not mind, but non-believers and others might not appreciate this as much. Also, I think the book did a fair job explaining our prospective roles as husband and wife in a way that DID NOT promote sexism, but it was done in somewhat of an apologetic way, under the umbrella of grace and an all-loving God, without taking into context that some readers may read this and criticize gender roles as oppressive to women.

It could have been more direct and hard-hitting and unapologetic.

Yes, the bible says that women should serve their husbands but it also says that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church. Small points, but some things to keep in mind. Everyone is unique and different and special. Therefore, we all face different struggles and hardships. There are some powerful and moving examples to help couples see how a particular couple namely, the authors and some of their friends overcame certain struggles, but there is no one size fits all solution. Don't go in assuming that whatever solution worked for one couple per this book will work for you.

It takes hard work on both sides. It takes a rewiring of the understanding the purpose of marriage on both sides. It takes faith and prayer and service to each other. It takes selflessness, sacrifice, and prayer. This book did a great job outlining the meaning of the sentiment I just expressed through the Word.

Only determination, grace, hard work, sacrifice, and commitment on both you and your spouse's end to make marriage successful within the meaning of the bible. If you keep that in mind while reading, and you have realistic expectations of what this book is meant to be: Apr 04, Denis Ispan rated it it was amazing. Well documented book and very good Biblical foundation. Dec 31, Tom rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is one of the wisest books I've read on marriage. Tim Keller is a pastor in New York City, leading a church of thousands that includes a large presence of singles.

A few of the features that help this book stand out among the crowd of Christian marriage books are For example, he explores how people are increasingly and simultaneously cynical about marriage and idealistic about what they t This is one of the wisest books I've read on marriage. For example, he explores how people are increasingly and simultaneously cynical about marriage and idealistic about what they think marriage is.

Cultural expectations are both far too low and far too high. Among many other things, this means that Keller will not allow us to idolize our spouse or idealize "true love.

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What they argue for from their interpretation of scripture is complementarianism. That is, that God created male and female differently, in such a way that marriage is a union of similar, yet different beings, for the betterment of both. While I don't follow the Kellers down every one of their implications, I do think this is the best place to go for a careful description of the best potential for husband and wife to serve one another in truth and love.

As one example, the Christian church honored single-hood as a God-blessed option for life. This in a pagan culture that generally frowned upon widows who hadn't remarried, and singles who had never married. Mar 28, Nathan Schneider rated it it was amazing Shelves: Tim Keller, alongside of his wife, Kathy, writes a great book on marriage, sex, and singleness.

Keller, a pastor in New York City, elevates the place of marriage, sex, and singleness, while at the same time challenging contemporary idols that both non-Christians and Christians often hold on to as they relate to relationships. His work is biblically grounded and very practical.

He does an effective job of grounding each of these relational elements in the glory of God. Marriage points to the grea Tim Keller, alongside of his wife, Kathy, writes a great book on marriage, sex, and singleness. Marriage points to the greatest marriage, between Christ and the church. Dec 26, Alicia rated it liked it. I got this book as a gift and I liked it, but I had some serious issues with the stereotyping going on in the book. It seemed as if every few pages, the author was saying that non-Christians are sex crazed and only care about money.

I feel like loving others shouldn't be an 'us versus them' thing However, I'm definitely too biased because my husband and I lived together before we were married and don't go to church much because of some bad experiences. However, this would be a good book to acc I got this book as a gift and I liked it, but I had some serious issues with the stereotyping going on in the book. However, this would be a good book to accompany a Bible study, as it will provoke discussion and debate. Feb 02, Leah rated it did not like it Shelves: I hated this book so much I couldn't bear to finish it.

If you're looking for a traditional, anti-feminist view of marriage that is Jesusy enough to make you barf, this is it. Our marriage counselor recommended this book for us to read as a newly married couple, but we couldn't stomach it and it definitely isn't "us. Dec 11, Jessica Manuel rated it it was amazing.

In the introduction, Keller states that this book is for those who have experienced the notion that the honeymoon is over and have fallen back to Earth with a thud Read my full review here: Jul 05, Ben Flegal rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is the single best book on marriage I have ever read. Most marriage books tend to explain a few verses from scripture, but mostly consist of a husband and wife usually the husband speaking for himself and his wife giving practical insight into how marriage can work better.

Such books are helpful, but they are often greatly lacking in the theology department. This book, however, is a Biblical theology on marriage - no more and no less - and is the only one I have ever read or found. Tim Ke This is the single best book on marriage I have ever read. Tim Keller and his wife, Kathy, do an amazing job in both exegeting and applying the scriptures, frequently rejecting the cultural perspectives of both the world and the church in favor of the teachings of God. This book also differs from most marriage books in that it is not written only for married couples; Keller makes it clear in his introduction that the book is for the married and the unmarried.

His purpose is to give all a proper perspective of what marriage is so that we can better understand God's word and better live our lives accordingly. It is possible that other books exist which do this, but I have never read one. If there is one book every couple should read either before they marry or sometime in the course of their marriage, I believe this is it. Jul 09, Craig Dean rated it it was amazing. A must read for married, or unmarried, Christians. A book full of unapologetic biblical truth and cutting insight.

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This is a practical and compassionate book, and it is truly impactful to anyone who yearns to be a better spouse. As I approached the end, I was stunned when my wife turned to me in tears and said, she was so happy to have her husband A must read for married, or unmarried, Christians.

As he states in his book, this is not just a book for married people; but the unmarried as well.

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But, none of these are issues that I believe would detract from the overall message of the book, even in areas in which there are notoriously dichotomized perspectives among Evangelicals. Then after the cry you wait. It takes faith and prayer and service to each other. The Essence of Marriage One aspect of the book that I greatly appreciated was the Kellers's emphasis on the marriage covenant as the foundation of marriage. I read somewhere once that all the books published on sex do not indicate that America has a handle on sex; the plethora of books in fact indicates that America has a problem with sex. If your feelings are telling you that staying in bed is the best thing today, preach to your feelings and tell them how foolish they are. This is one I will keep right by my Bible to refer to if ever I happen to need encouragement in the midst of a dark period.

And I wholeheartedly agree, as this book will definitely give singles a correct, non-fairy tale tainted look on the many aspects of marriage. Sep 03, Jade rated it it was amazing. This is by far the best marriage book to grace this pair of eyes. While other marriage books focus on the day to day actions or what you can do, The Meaning of Marriage focuses on the big picture and the heart of marriage.

This is my second time reading it and I doubt it will be my last. Aug 25, Igor Putina rated it it was amazing. Great book, recommend it highly to anyone who likes reading and wants a healthy perspective on marriage. Feb 03, Linda rated it it was amazing. Tim Keller never ceases to amaze me with his prolific works and his profound insight into marriage. Accompanied by his wife, Kathy Keller, this book will now be deemed by me as the holy grail of marriage books due to the brilliance of painting a picture of marriage that is glorious, joyous, heartwrenching, and sanctifying, which is what God intended marriage to be.

One of my favorite passages on marriage is in the chapter called The Mission of Marriage. In marriage, each person says to the other, Tim Keller never ceases to amaze me with his prolific works and his profound insight into marriage. In marriage, each person says to the other, " I see all your flaws, imperfections, weaknesses, dependencies. But underneath them all I see growing the person God wants you to be. But if you don't get excited about the person your spouse has already grown into and will become, you aren't tapping into the power of marriage as spiritual friendship.

The goal is to see something absolutely ravishing that God is making of the beloved. You see even now flashes of glory. You want to help your spouse become the person God wants him or her to be. When two Christians who fully understand this stand before the minister all decked out in their wedding finery, they realize they're not just playing dress up.

What they're saying is that someday they are going to be standing not before the minister but before the Lord. And they will turn to see each other without spot and blemish. And they hope to hear God say, "Well done, good and faithful servants.