Whatever Gets You through the Night: A Story of Sheherezade and the Arabian Entertainments

4 editions of this work

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Lisa rated it it was ok Sep 08, Whatever Gets You through the Night: The author applies his prodigious imagination to an extended retelling of the frame story of the Arabian Nights and a few of the opening tales, along the way mixing in an excellent overview of the various translations plus musings on the nature of storytelling. Can you accept that it is allowed to blur all these lines?

Now she was aware every moment that someone had murdered her father. You can unstrap, two at a time and come up for a look-see.

How did you know where to find me this evening. She opened it, glad to have something to carry.

They will be wanting to send a scout or two in the dark to make preliminary observations.