Karma Chronicles: Road Rage (The Karma Chronicles Book 8)

A full-time traveller, she wanted to visit as many places as she could and make her co-travellers aware of the indigenous art forms of each place. The idea of the book struck her one day while she was going through the entries in her diary. One day while I was going through the diary, I realised it contains amazing, inspiring stories. There is a story behind the title but Lekshmi leaves it to the reader to find out the reason from the book. It is a self-published book. There was a small break as she had to participate in the Mrs India beauty contest.

She resumed writing in January, finished the draft in May, and circulated it in her close circles. The response was good, which encouraged her to print the book. Lekshmi with her book. By the 5th book, my heart would start beating really fast and I would get really anxious during the intense scenes, not because I was scared for everyones safety but because I was so excited to see if they would all die. Cuz honestly, I do not feel bad what so ever. Now based the photo in the back of the book, this author is a grown ass women who, to be honest, reminds me a lot of Wynonna Judd.

She should not be writing a book from the perspective of a 14 year old boy. The author tried to make Nick really funny and sarcastic The main character could never be serious and personally, his "sarcasm" made me really uncomfortable. I felt like the half the time I spent reading each of these books, I was cringing from the horrible dialogue. Also, half of the stuff that Nick did in these was stuff that no normal kid his age would do.

It was just so obvious that these books were written by a woman. Don't get me wrong, it is amazing and extremely important for boys to respect their mothers but the way Nick was with his mom was weird and just off. Not to mention he was always stressing about their money situation and how him and his mom were poor. Like I swear to God, Nick couldn't meet anyone new in the first 3 or 4 books without commenting on how they dressed and how much more money they had compared to him. And those effing, Hawaiian shirts from Goodwill Im sorry, but were those supposed to be cute and endearing?

Was that supposed to be like his signature thing? Like Harry Potters round glasses? I know I am in full out rant mode right now but I just have one more thing I need to add.

As I mentioned before, it was obvious that this was written by a woman because no guy that age acts like Nick. And don't start telling me how I wouldn't know because I just happen to be the same age as him. Like there is this one part where one of his friends from school a girl is being bullied and with his magnificent spidey senses, he discovers that she is going to kill herself.

He runs across all of New Orleans to get to her house and he just happens to get there just in time to talk her down from committing suicide. He then does a huge 3 page speech about bullying and how amazing she is and blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, it was an inspiring speech but seriously?! I just felt like the author was trying to be deep and come up with really good deep and inspirational one liners instead of focussing on the plot. And stuff like this happened all the time. On more then one occasion, there would be a huge battle going and all the characters would just happen to have 5 minutes of quiet time to sit around a camp fire and roast marshmallows and talk about their feelings.

It was lame and I admit to skipping more then one page at a time just to get past the sappy crap. This will mark the end of this review but I swear I could write a whole book about what was wrong with this series.

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If you plan on maintaining your sanity stay away from these. They are a waste of your time. According to Goodreads, there will 15 books in this series but I can promise you I will never pick up another book by this author. Sherrilyn Kenyon has a fabulous sense of humor and her series is often laugh-out-loud funny. He is an easy boy to love. Illusion picks up exactly where Inferno left off, with Nick unwillingly thrown into a different dimension.

Everything is different here: Kody is gone, the history is different, and Nick is, once again, in constant danger. Kenyon expanded the world significantly in this installment, adding a never-ending number of enemies for Nick, and I must admit if all became a bit confusing.

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Help me out here please! The India she rediscovers is full of possibility, but also of failed promises and hopes dashed. View all 17 comments. We appreciate your feedback. Hyogo demands that the Kawakubo Clan turn themselves in when they return the next day. There might even be a giveaway! A lot of things happened, secrets are revealed, new characters are in, Nick is still destined to destroy the world and its all up to him to control his demon powers and save the people he loves.

But the end result was still the same. Not bad for a mostly Middle Grade series, huh? Not bad at all. Jan 31, Stephanie E rated it it was amazing Shelves: It wrapped up the ending to the last book nicely. I am still not happy that view spoiler [Adraian is dead hide spoiler ]. But the alternate world that created for the other Nick was believable. The only think that was not covered that I would have liked to see happen was view spoiler [Bubba asking Cherise out hide spoiler ] , but with everything else that happened, I guess that can wait until the next book.

I'm glad that Nicoda's backstory was f Wow I'm glad that Nicoda's backstory was finally revealed, along with Adarian's feelings. And the "alternate Savitar and Ash"? The book had everything. Looking forward to the next installment! Dec 04, Brittney rated it really liked it. I seriously love all of these. I'm sad there is only three books left. Dec 11, Tangled N Books rated it it was amazing. Book 5 I can't decide what to name this volume [Sorry spoilers Nick's soul is sucked out of his body and into another Nick's body from a different realm.

Caleb discovers the alt-scaredy-cat-Nick from retro replaced his bbf. Nick in alt-world ask the help of Devereaux sisters and protection. All 5 girls gifted, seemed to be Nick's best option in bringing him home. There are 2 reasons Nick was sent to another dimension 1. To kill at a Book 5 I can't decide what to name this volume [Sorry spoilers To kill at a realm he's weakest. During Karma Devereaux's summoning, Nick summons Kody.

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She appears and fights Thorn to release him from a choke hold; discovers she's actually a ghost died many years in the future. The sisters Tabby, Mandy, Karma may not be his ally after all; they seem to be working with Thorn for the dark side. It's sad because they're the only ones who believe him on this side. Thorn is against him in the alt-world. There are also no Dark-Hunters because Nick doesn't need Kyrian when he has Bubba, his natural father in this world.

Later finds out, Bubba and Mark also fight demons in this realm. The kicker is that while his mom is the same, she is accepting and can see demons. Turns out her direct boss Srasha, the one who sorely wants Nick dead, has joined forces with Laguerre M's general to split the Arel a being of goodness brought back to fight M.

The Malachai 7 generals are released from their prison as the first Malachai's precautionary "up yours" to end it all after the death of each Malachai; only the heir can stop them from rampaging. The world has 3 days to get Nick back into his body and time. Ch15 is everything and more. Nick goes translucent and pulled into his father's realm of nothingness.

He's already dead but still existing. Adarian lectures him and teaches him to call demon to do his bidding by saying their true name 3x. He learns to gather info from the ether and his own true name given to him by Adarian. He sees Adarian's suffering at Noir's hands and meeting Nick as a toddler for the first time; then discovering the closeness of the baby wanes his deadly powers.

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In a rage, he sees Cherise's love and affection directed at Nick and he was has all the power and malevolence doesn't have any of Cherise's affection. He understands that if Nick never existed, he would never see Cherise again. Andarian then sees Nick with Cherise's blue eyes. He holds him, wipes the blood from his head and hand, and kisses his cheek. Meanwhile in the alt-world, Kody ask her bosses to bring Simi into this world for help.

Nick learns and summons Caleb using his summoning name; Caleb and Kody unbind his powers to fight Thorn and his army. And he fights like a boss; Kody and Caleb are astounded by his skills, how did he learn them? He is suddenly marked with the symbol of Noir and Azura.

Did he accidentally accept them as master, when? It's getting kind of tricky and complicated now. So Srasha and gang can follow Kody when she uses her powers. If she teleport back to Nick's realm they could trace him. She gets Nick to return home with Caleb and Simi. She is left alone in that world drifting unable to leave. More weirdness finds him when he returns.

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He meets one of his Sarru-Ninim Livia, his vampiric bitey seductive general, and his Sarru-Dara Xevikan, the oldest and first, his hair and eye color rep each of the six primal gods. Seeing the hurt in his eyes, Nick allows Liv and Xev to stay in the human world. Caleb and Nick seals the portal and Caleb tearfully tells his history between him and Xev; Xev is kicked out of Caleb's house and goes to live with Nick.

He meets Cherise and tears up at her motherly warmth and love. To repay the kindness shown to him by the now troubled Nick, he goes into the in-betweeness to retrieve Kody; is jealous of the love of both women for Nick; how?? Only a god can bring her back, gasp at who he is. Mar 07, The Window Seat rated it it was amazing. If you are a fan of the Dark Hunters, and have resisted the pull of The Chronicles of Nick, let me tell you it is time to start reading Infinity - because the two series have started to overlap and the latest release, Illusion, is one no Dark Hunter fan should resist!

Now, this book has soooooo many secrets revealed - both for the world of The Chronicles of Nick and the Dark Hunter world, that I must put a spoiler warning on this review - even though I won't reveal any secrets and talk around the If you are a fan of the Dark Hunters, and have resisted the pull of The Chronicles of Nick, let me tell you it is time to start reading Infinity - because the two series have started to overlap and the latest release, Illusion, is one no Dark Hunter fan should resist!

Now, this book has soooooo many secrets revealed - both for the world of The Chronicles of Nick and the Dark Hunter world, that I must put a spoiler warning on this review - even though I won't reveal any secrets and talk around the plot. So consider yourself warned. This review is also a little different because this book, I read with my son and I will share his thoughts and opinions as well. He usually "reads" The Chronicles of Nick on audiobook - he is a huge Holter Graham fan - so we read this together since at 9, this can be a little over his head in terms of the need to concentrate on the reading.

The language isn't the problem, it is the sustained concentration that the stories require that I would say for reading, it is at a typical 5th grade level at least, though the content will keep even adults engaged. For the full review, please go to http: Aug 12, Nickyrian rated it it was amazing.

Karma for Beginners

This book just earned 10 supernova stars. Most of the characters were from the Dark-Hunter series i. No dull moments at all. It's very entertaining because of the usual Nick's smarty remarks. The story was written perfectly. I was floored to find out the lineage of Kody. Five down 8 books more to go. I don't think I can't wait another year for the 6th installment. Oct 26, Yvenande rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I mean, the woman has written 35 books in her Dark-Hunter series.

I repeat a series of 35 books. At this rate, the Dark-Hunter world has probably has taken on a life of its own; she probably couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

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Seriously, even if they don't remember exactly who a character is, you can throw any name from the Dark-Hunter world and no matter how obscure a character it is, the die-hard Kenyon fans will know the name and have some sort of emotion attached to that person, whether good or bad. That is because the woman has a way of writing the most vibrant and incredibly complex characters, and you even love the bad guys sometimes because they're just as awesome and fully fleshed out as the good ones. Sherrilyn Kenyon has an incredible way of showing you how the smallest decisions can affect lives in unimaginable ways.

Not only that but her characters have been through and seen some ridiculous shit in their usually very long lifetimes, they've each been through some imaginable pain and betrayal the likes of which would cripple a regular person. No one writes a redemption story like Sherrilyn Kenyon because the woman does not scrimp on the pain; to this day, I can never re-read the first half of Acheron.

I've tried but the first time I read it traumatized me so much, when I touch that book, I only read the second modern half. I just can't read that first part ever again, my heart can't take going through that again. No one can suck you inside a story faster and better than Sherrilyn Kenyon and keep you crying and laughing through it all. I usually tell people that I have a hard time picking a favorite author, you know what, that's wrong. Sherrilyn Kenyon wins that spot by sheer force of numbers; JK Rowling has written seven of my favorite books but Kenyon has written over seven times that number, so she wins.

Actual Review of Illusion Illusion left me with the same feeling of euphoria that all its predecessors in this series have. The books in the Chronicles of Nick just light up all the pleasure centers of my brain. You have action and adventure, a complex plot that you can actually follow, amazing dialogue, and even more awesome and bad-ass characters, what more can a person ask for?

I can wax all sorts of poetic about this book and series, but what it really all comes down to is Nick Gautier, the main character. Here's the blurb to the book, which is pretty much self-explanatory. Nick has gotta be the purest most beautiful soul I've ever read about. Even characters in this book who are supposed to hate him agree on that fact. He's just as good as a person gets and it's all thanks to a little five-foot-nothing woman who loves him to pieces, Cherise Gautier.

I love Nick's mom, she's an amazing character that has the fate of the entire world at her fingertips and doesn't even know it. Seriously, she literally has the most powerful evil being in existence for a son who worships the ground she walks on. Cherise Gautier has done with absolutely no effort what some of the most powerful beings in existence are trying with all their might to do, enslave Nick Gautier, and its a willing enslavement too, and that just cracks me up.

If she only knew what she could unleash on the world, she would be like: Nick also has some of the most bitching dialogue I've ever read. Everything out of that boy's mouth is quotable, whether inspiring or just hilarious. Which brings me to the writing in this book, which is fantastic. It is witty and sarcastic at turns, hilarious and inspiring in others, or just all of that at once. Acheron Parthenopaeus I want some serious points if I spelled that right may be the most awesome, bad-ass character Sherrilyn Kenyon has ever created but Nick is the coolest. You love Acheron but there is no way anyone can really relate to such a larger-than-life character.

Nick is far more relatable or at least fools you into thinking you could react the way he does, but I have honestly never met a year-old who says the clever shit he does. Seriously, every time he starts talking, I laugh in admiration because who says shit like that. There is no year-old that is that cool but somehow Kenyon makes you believe it. The things Nick say makes you go: He knows it too but he doesn't care. He doesn't care because he is the freaking Malachai and In this book, we also find out who exactly Nekoda is.

I figured it out like 10 pages before it was actually said and I actually squealed because I loved it. You get to see a glimpse of her childhood and her being loved and coddled as a child by the most dangerous men and women in the universe, who for some reason have all converged on New Orleans. Credit Standards And Terms Siderations in automobile financing, not only because of the relatively high amount of the loan but also because deprecia- emphasis to standards pertaining to contract terms.

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