The Power of Humility: Living like Jesus

Winning on the Inside. The Christian Life set of 3 books. The Blessing of Humility.

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The Power of Humility: Living like Jesus [R.T. Kendall] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Power and Freedom of a Humble Life Pride is. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. R. T. Kendall is author of the best-selling title Total The Power of Humility: Living like Jesus - Kindle edition by R.T. Kendall. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

Discovering God's Will for Your Life. Fifty Days for an Enduring Ministry of Encouragement. Why Should You Deny Yourself?

Finding a Godly Mate: Biblical Principles for Singles. What the Church Forgot to Remember. Prayers and Promises for Grads. Compiled by Barbour Staff. Life Choices and Life Paths. Something Happens After Prayer. Praying with the Servant.

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More Info Add To Wishlist. The Basics of Christianity. Jim rated it it was amazing Jun 02, Written in the same style as his Jealousy—the Sin No One Talks About, Kendall tackles the problem of pride, bringing out into the open the challenges a majority of people face in overcoming the pride and self-righteousness that were introduced to mankind by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Quotes from The Power of Humi Be the first to ask a question about The Power of Humility.

The Basics of Christianity. Who Is the Holy Spirit. The Culture of God's Kingdom. These Are the Days of Elijah. Holy Spirit, Is That You? Whatever Happened to the Gospel? Sermon on the Mount, The. In The Power of Humility , R. Kendall challenges us to look deeply into our hearts and motives to recognize the pride and self-righteousness there. Using personal stories and enlightening examples from the Bible, he demonstrates how pride interferes with a close relationship with God and reveals how to overcome pride and become more like Jesus.

Kendall is author of the best-selling title Total Forgiveness. Known internationally as a speaker and teacher, Dr. Visit his website at www. Living like Jesus - eBook. What would you like to know about this product? Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next hours.

You can unsubscribe at any time. Living like Jesus by R. Living like Jesus 4. Jesus gives us the perfect example of a powerful life lived without conceit, smugness, or arrogance. So why do we not want to admit to our pride? It is because of our pride!

Christian Humility

In The Power of Humility , R. Kendall challenges us to look deeply into our hearts and motives to recognize the pride and self-righteousness there. Using personal stories and enlightening examples from the Bible, he demonstrates how pride interferes with a close relationship with God and reveals how to overcome pride and become more like Jesus. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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To ask other readers questions about The Power of Humility , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Power of Humility. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. May 30, Sunflower rated it it was amazing Shelves: Kendell, the author of, "Jealousy-The Sin No One Talks About", returns with a look at pride that, with the same easy going, but to the point style, addresses a sin that probrably is both lightly spoken of and can subconsciously slip into a person's life without an individual realizing it. In, "The Power of Humilty", R. Kendell, looks at pride from a biblical sense and though shares that there can be "good pride", there is addressed the type of prid Pride Kendell, looks at pride from a biblical sense and though shares that there can be "good pride", there is addressed the type of pride where as he shares in an excerpt, "I therefore define pride essentially as taking oneself too seriously.

Taking oneself too seriously is the common denominator in all proud people. It describes those who resent criticism, who are insecure, who cannot laugh at themselves, whose need of praise is constant, who see themselves as overly important, who fancy themselves as being very special to God and think God bends the rules for them , who tend to blame others for their problems, who hate taking the blame, who cannot bear not getting the credit for the good they did, and who have an insatiable need to prove themselves.

The Power of Humility: Living like Jesus - eBook

Kendell, it is look, at what point does pride become a hinderance into the Christian walk. For anyone who uses social media, this felt to be an interesting book, as truthfully, social media is about "selling an image of oneself", a form of self-promotion and as one may see, lately, more pastors seem to be addressing both the issue and impact of Facebook and other forms of social media on the Christian walk and relationships.

Not talking down or to,Kendell really addresses the type of pride that can affect an individual such as: There is social pride keeping up with the Joneses , spiritual pride self-righteousness educational pride impressing with degrees ,theological pride, when one feels superior because of their rightness of doctrine, but this is just a few of the types of pride that Kendell addresses and what is wonderful about his writing, is that its not belittling and Kendell shares how to learn from Sermon of the Mount among other examples of the bible and more than anything, this book isn't about being judgemental or feeling like being on a guilt trip, but seeking to help the reader ask questions to themselves and honestly see how God does not like pride that is self-righteously and about the self.

There are examples of tragic figures who, because of pride, lost focus on our Father in Heaven and focus a little too much on themselves and their personal achievements and with the book, "The Power of Humilty", Kendell seeks to remind the reader This is a book that needs to be read with a teachable and open heart, and not for the easily offended, but for those who truly seek to be released from the sinfullness of a broken nature and be made whole in and through our Father in Heaven. Feb 21, Mary rated it it was amazing.

This book has completely made me re-evaluate how I consider myself in light of my faith.

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I can't give a higher commendation than that! RT manages to cover quite complex theology in a way that doesn't intimidate the reader, and I can't image anyone coming away from this book without feeling richer for having done so. A real treasure now on my bookshelf! Apr 18, Christy Lockstein rated it really liked it.