La espiritualidad de los profetas de Israel (Spanish Edition)

El estudio exhaustivo del Dr. Ellos creen que lo mejor es abordar el tema de manera breve sin darle demasiada importancia. Consideran que los beneficios de estos estudios son muy limitados, y que ser ignorante de estas realidades no es en absoluto perjudicial. Se limitan a decir: Ellos habitan en nuestros hogares y comen y beben con nosotros, de hecho, afectan de cierta forma nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos e incluso nos impulsan a destruirnos a nosotros mismos y a derramar la sangre de otros. El conocimiento adecuado acerca de su existencia puede ayudarnos en la constante lucha para resistir su influencia.

This is a Spanish translation of Ibn Taymiyah's famous title: La respuesta es no. Desde tiempos inmemoriales, el Demonio ha venido atacando al ser humano. Los Mensajes de los primeros profetas y mensajeros fueron confiados a sus sacerdotes y rabinos, para ser conservados y transmitidos a las generaciones posteriores. El conocimiento de estos distintos momentos y sus desenlaces, le inculcan a la persona la importancia de la fe y de las buenas obras.

This is a book in Spanish entitled Steps to the Hereafter. This book is a compilation of Qur'anic verses and sayings of the Messenger of Allah blessings and peace be upon him related to the afterlife. Belief in life after death is one of the pillars of the Muslim faith, and remembrance of it should be present in every moment of one's life in order to help one prepare for the long and final journey.

This book mentions some stages of human life that await every human being, whether believer or unbeliever. Knowing these stages and their outcomes impresses upon a person the importance of faith and good works. Whoever understands the meaning of their existence and the ultimate destiny of every human being will reflect on each of the actions they do today, because these actions are the key to achieving the pleasure of Allah and His mercy.

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This book is an obligation to every Muslim, both male and female, to attain the knowledge of Islam that is necessary for them in their daily lives. There are many books available on various aspects of Islam in English language, but most of them deal with aspects of general nature. There are many rulings in Islam that are concerned with Muslim women only.

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It is the job of every Muslim woman to obtain adequate knowledge of what is addressed to her with respect to her religion. All these specific issues relating to Muslim women, have been compiled in the book which is in between your hands, in the form of questions and answers. Each of the questions presented in it, was addressed to world renowned scholars, both of our time and those who have passed away.

In turn, the scholars answered them in simple language and concise manner, so that Muslims women may increase their knowledge of Islam and, eventually, become close to their Creator. Compilacion de veredictos legales emitidos por Sabios Jurisprudentes del Islam sobre los temas due preocupan a la mujer musulmana de hoy. Una util obra de consulta, indispensble para la mujer musulmana, para la que recientemente haya abrazado el Islam y para la que vive en un pais no islamico. Essential Rulings for Every Muslim Woman. Es un libro que compila veredictos legales emitidos por eruditos Jurisprudentes del islam sobre los temas que preocupan a la mujer musulmana de hoy.

It discusses the idea of zakah and fasting. Other topics are discussed as well in this book on two of the pillars of Islam.

Eventos previos de Cara a Cara

Zakah and fasting are two issues important issues for Muslims today. This book, by AbdulAzeez Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baaz, touches on these two subjects in two essays in order for the reader to understand these topics more clearly. It first discusses the idea of zakah, a pillar of Islam, which is given as a percentage of one's wealth held for one year, and is given on a yearly basis.

Fasting is another pillar of Islam and involves not eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset. Fasting is required during Ramadan and is optional at other times of the year. Belief in the Day of Resurrection is one of the central tenets of Islamic faith.


It is a belief that was preached by all the prophets, and it is a belief that makes sense of a sometimes incomprehensible world. The Day of Resurrection: Belief in the Day of Resurrection and the final Judgement brings benefits in this world, on the individual and social level. On the broader social level, this belief imposes controls on human greed and restrains people from committing transgressions for which they would ultimately have to answer. Drawing upon these sources of Islam, Dr. This is a book which deserves to be on Muslim bookshelves in homes, schools, and Islamic centres, for it deals with a topic of vital importance to every believer.

Es una creencia que fue predicada por todos los profetas, y se trata de una creencia que da sentido a un mundo a veces incomprensible. A partir de estas fuentes del Islam , el Dr. It is a book of hadiths, records of the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad blessings and peace be upon him. The hadiths are organized by topic into chapters dealing with a variety of subjects such as the etiquettes of eating, dress, greeting, travelling, visiting the sick and so on; as well as the virtues of supplications, showing gratitude, remembrance of Allah, seeking knowledge, and performing acts of worship; in addition to warning against what is prohibited in Islam and other matters.

Many of the chapters start with verses of the Qur'an relating to that particular topic. This book is sold as a two-volume set.

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Este libro reune algunas aleyas Coranicas y dichos Profeticos autenticos con el objective de brindarles ayuda a aquellos que transitan el camino hacia el Paraiso, para que se purifiquen interna y externamente. En esta obra puede encontrarse una guia practica xobre las diferentes normas de conducta tales como el ascetismo, la purification del character y del Corazon. Ademas, el autor desarrolla otros temas muy interesantes para quienes buscan la verdad.

This book attempts to offer strength to people today to aid them in their struggle to maintain emotional and spiritual equilibrium in a demanding world during trying times. At a time in which the Muslims are beset with trials from every periphery and within, comes this heartening book rooted in the commandments of Allah the Exalted , the Sunnah, and the excellent guidance and examples of the Muslims that have come before us.

The author of Don't Be Sad illustrates through the Qur'an and the Sunnah how every modern spiritual ailment can find remedy in Allah's Book or in the life of the beloved Prophet blessings and peace be upon him. Don't Be Sad is an absolute must-read for all people. It is full of practical advice on how to replace sadness and disappointment with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how Islam teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world.

So take heart and hold firmly onto the rope of Allah. Vivan la vida - como debe ser vivida -, plena, feliz y productivamente. No se trata de un llamado hacia afuero, sino hacia adentro, hacia lo que su alma ya conoce; usted debe confiar en sus talentos y desarrollarlos, debe superar las dificultades y vicisitudes de la vida, a la vez que se concentra en lo positivo y en el buen destino que se alcanza con una actitud positiva. A Critical Review of the Authorship Theories.


Hamza Njozi examines the three theories and comes to a firm and logical conclusion. This is a two-volume set of books in Spanish entitled Islamic Jurisprudence. The first volume covers worship, discussing the legitimate rites of worship that Allah has ordained for us. The second volume covers topics related to human transactions and interactions.

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Islamic Jurisprudence Fiqh is the study of the different opinions and rulings deduced from the original Islamic sources—the Qur'an and Sunnah—so that Muslims can put Islamic teachings into practice in all aspects of their lives. Therefore, these volumes deal with fiqh topics covering all areas of human life, offering answers for every question with knowledge and wisdom. This fiqh includes the rulings about rites of worship, human interactions, trade, contracts and international policies. It includes as well the administrative laws of justice, war and peace. This work aims to convey in simple terms, the basic precepts that every Muslim should know and apply in their daily lives.

This book joins the list of books offered by IIPH for Spanish speakers, as part of its effort to contribute to the diffusion of Islam knowledge and improve the quality of information available about Islam. This book was not intended for the average person, but for the student of knowledge; therefore, it is not easily understood by those without the requisite learning. That there is one and only one God is the basis of all monotheistic religion. Yet, despite the simplicity of this belief, many people who claim to believe in one divine Creator have fallen into errors which negate their testimony of faith.

However, this book was not intended for the average person, but for the student of knowledge; therefore, it is not easily understood by those without the requisite learning. La Jurisprudencia Islamica Fiqh es la cienca que estudia cada uno de los distintos dictamenes y los deduce de sus Fuentes originales: Como por ejemplo las familaries, las comerciales, las contractuales, las politicas y las internacionales.

Como asi tambien los prcedimientos crinales y las administracion be justicia, la Guerra y la paz. El esfuerzo empenado en ests trabajo tiene como finalidad transmitir de manera sencilla y concias los preceptos basicos que todo musulman debe conocer y aplicar en su vida diaria. Este libro se suma a la lista que IIPH presenta a los lectores de habla hispana en su deseo de contribuir a la diffusion del Islam y mejorar la calidad de ensenanza de lis musulmanes. The Compendium of Knowledge and Wisdom. En este sentido, es un excelente ideario para predicadores, que debiera ser consultado antes de predicar sobre cualquier pasaje.

Caminar con los Padres de la Iglesia. Dieciocho temas, variados, centrales, claros e incisivo. Lo sagrado y lo divino. Grandes poemas religiosos del siglo XX. Para el estudio personal, o en grupo. Found at these bookshops Searching - please wait We were unable to find this edition in any bookshop we are able to search. These online bookshops told us they have this item: Tags What are tags? Public Private login e. Add a tag Cancel Be the first to add a tag for this edition. Lists What are lists? Login to add to list.