Qualité du matériel forestier de reproduction et application des directives communautaires (Actes de

Actes de Colloques

En mars , pays, comprenant un millier de communes, avaient vu le jour. Objectifs de la politique: Du point de vue juridique, le P. Ce guide contient les informations juridiques et techniques essentielles: Parmi les politiques territoriales se trouvent: Diverses mesures fiscales et sociales sont prises en faveur des zones de montagne les plus fragiles pour assurer le maintien ou l'implantation des entreprises et des personnes. Elle anime avec l'Allemagne les actions en faveur de la nature dans les Alpes. Rejets dans les eaux marines: Ces derniers sont maintenant responsables de la conservation des ressources et de la rationalisation de leur exploitation dans les ZEE.

En , le secteur global occupait un peu plus de 70 personnes saisonniers compris: Les impacts environnementaux de ces complexes industriels, en termes d'occupation du sol et de rejets polluants dans l'air et dans les eaux sont importants. Ces estimations, cependant, ne prennent pas en compte l'ensemble des sources de pollution industrielle. Un parc international franco-italien est en cours de constitution dans les Bouches de Bonifacio au sud de la Corse.

Challenges Enjeux principaux - Gestion du littoral: Convention sur le droit de la mer; - Londres: For information on sea and coastline in France, click here. For information on waste disposal, click here. For direct link to the Web Site of the Basel Convention, click here: Emissions de SF 6: Researchers and administrators take a look at the impact of the evolution of knowledge on this subject What is the situation concerning the application of Community directives related to the genetic quality of forest trees? Researchers and administrators take a look at the impact of the evolution of knowledge on this subject.

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Eurojust's costs for movable property and associated costs. Eurojust's costs for postal charges, telecoms and computer infrastructure. Meetings, seminars and representation expenses of Eurojust. Eurojust's costs for data and documentation. Eurojust's operational and expert missions. The strengthening of Aegean Airlines — a headache for Cyprus Airlines. Citizens' concerns over household finances. Cyprus seeks Community co-financing. The two alternatives are as follows… one: Professional training of national nuclear safety experts. Regulation on the single market for electronic communications.

Statements by the Commission's representative on Portugal's Constitutional Court. Interference by the Commission in the domestic affairs of a Member State. On Friday, the Commission announced that it had proposed to the Council to open negotiations between the European Union and Morocco on an agreement to facilitate the procedures for issuing short-stay visas. According to a Commission press release, some of the proposed facilitation measures will apply to all applicants, while others will only benefit certain groups of people, particularly students, researchers and business professionals.

Which countries make up the top 10 in terms of visa applications? In the 10 countries from which most Schengen visa applications were made were: The UK figures are explained by the large number of third-country nationals residing in the UK who require a visa to enter the Schengen area. In Morocco in , most visa applications were made at consulates of France applications, i. Richiesta di reintrodurre il regolamento UE n. In un ristorante di Parigi una donna italiana ha trovato all'interno dell'oliera un topo vivo. Da mesi la maggior parte dei paesi europei chiede il divieto per ristoranti e mense di somministrare olio di oliva in anonime oliere, prive di etichetta e di garanzie antirabbocco per i consumatori.

La Commissione non intende legiferare in materia. An Italian woman recently found a live mouse in the oil cruet in a restaurant in Paris. The story was reported by the main Italian newspapers, which have branded the poor hygiene conditions in which the oil served in the restaurant was stored a disgrace. For months now, most European countries have been calling for a ban on restaurants and canteens serving olive oil in unmarked oil cruets, with no label or guarantees for consumers that they are non-refillable.

The proposal would have been very useful for combating the phenomenon whereby oil bottles are refilled, which guarantees the consumer neither transparency nor safety with regard to the product. Has the Commission assessed the impact on European consumers of the lack of transparency regarding the actual content of oil cruets, not only in financial terms, but also in terms of health protection, given that the refilled product, as well as generally having inferior organoleptic properties, is of lower quality? It has also graciously awarded Google the time to make voluntary commitments to remedy the anti-competitive behaviour that the Commission has identified.

However, rumours have reached the author of this question that the Commission may prefer to close the case before Commissioner Almunia leaves his post next year, rather than providing the necessary critical scrutiny of the commitments Google has proposed. There is no legal obligation on the Commission to close an ongoing antitrust case before the end of a legislature.

The Commission analysed over a hundred third party submissions in the context of this market test. The Commission has devoted significant resources to this case and is conducting its investigation diligently. Tuttavia, questo riassetto solleva alcune preoccupazioni a causa della razionalizzazione messa in atto. Ottenere da Fiat un messaggio chiaro sull'intenzione di investire anche in questo impianto rappresenterebbe una notizia molto attesa nella provincia di Frosinone.

Come intende agire nei confronti di Fiat per fare chiarezza sui programmi industriali dell'azienda per quanto riguarda lo stabilimento di Piedimonte San Germano? La Commissione ha proposto un quadro finanziario pluriannuale dinamico per il The automotive industry is strategically important for the Italian economy and its development together with the engineering sector on which thousands of jobs depend and are currently hanging in the balance. However, some concerns have been raised owing to the reasons behind the reorganisation.

The Frosinone Province has long awaited a clear message from Fiat as to whether it will invest in the factory. Finally, it is important that Cassino develops an ambitious and well-defined project on enhancing the Alfa Romeo brand and its location to become a competitor to other brands with a greater focus on quality. What action does the Commission intend to take to ensure that Fiat clarifies its business plans regarding the Piedimonte San Germano factory?

What initiatives will it take in the short term to remove the uncertainty surrounding the future of the automotive sector so that production can take place once again? What guarantees can the Commission provide to encourage and reassure business owners to invest in the area? Maintaining the production base in Europe is one of the objectives of the Commission's industrial policy. The Piedimonte San Germano plant is an important production unit for FIAT, which has indicated in several occasions that they do not intend to shut down any of their plants in Europe.

The Commission will also monitor the programming of structural funds ensuring that the funds are efficiently spent in Lazio. Gearing towards certainty, investment conducive environment and growth opportunities is largely contingent on the effectiveness of a stakeholder dialogue. It is therefore important that Piedimonte employees exercise their right to be informed and consulted about FIAT's future plans. This should also permit the relevant authorities and suppliers to take the necessary steps adjusting to any potential future scenarios.

Amongst others, this would allow the Lazio region to prepare a fit-for-purpose operational programme for and anticipate strategic areas of action, in line with the Smart Specialisation Strategy, leading to an improvement of the overall competitiveness of the region. The Commission has proposed a dynamic multiannual financial framework for However, it remains to be seen how it will be implemented by the Member States and other beneficiaries, including the automotive industry. Collective bargaining negotiations are often tricky and in some cases require strike action as a last resort.

It has come to our attention that the Finnish airline Finnair is proposing to train staff as strike-breakers through a recruitment and hiring agency in Spain. This fact has also shocked Spanish aircrew representatives. In principle the training of staff to break strikes ought to be illegal regardless of where it takes place. It is essential that the Commission respond to this state of affairs. Certain Member States explicitly prohibit the recourse to temporary agency workers to replace workers exercising their right to strike.

The Commission welcomes the resolution and recognises the importance of quality education. The EU supports the Global Partnership for Education aims at helping low-income countries with sound policies but insufficient resources to achieve quality basic education and International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All aims at sharing best practices in teacher policies to help partner countries tackle teacher gaps and improve training, management and deployment. The Council Recommendation on combatting ESL invites Member States to adopt comprehensive strategies, encompassing prevention, intervention and compensation measures.

Will she call on the Sudanese Government to stop such harassment and immediately free all of the peaceful protestors, political activists, opposition members, human rights campaigners, medical workers, bloggers and journalists who have been arrested while exercising their right of freedom of expression and assembly? Will she stress that all prisoners must be given a fair trial based on a credible investigation, the right to be defended by a lawyer and respect for the presumption of innocence, and that the Government must allow prisoners to see their families and have access to medical care?

Will she condemn the use of live bullets against protestors, which has resulted in people being killed, a disproportionate use of force and allegations of murder committed by the security forces against protestors? Will she urge the Sudanese Government to stop all forms of repression against persons exercising their right to freedom of expression, whether online or otherwise, and to protect journalists? Those detained should be given the opportunity for a fair trial, the media should be allowed to operate freely and a credible investigation should be conducted into incidents that have led to loss of life, injury and material damage.

On Wednesday, the Commission authorised the Greek airline Aegean Airlines to buy out its competitor Olympic Air, despite the fact that this would create a monopoly on certain domestic flights in Greece. As guardian of competition in Europe, the Commission rarely decides to allow such moves. This year, the Commission blocked a merger between the two Irish airlines Ryanair and Aer Lingus for the second time.

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The Commission concluded that Olympic would have left the market soon in any event due to financial difficulties. As a result, Aegean would have become the dominant player, if not monopolist, on all problematic overlap routes anyway. An analysis of Olympic's business prospects demonstrated that Olympic would probably not turn profitable under any business scenario in the near future.

For this reason, Marfin Investment Group, Olympic's sole shareholder, decided to cease funding Olympic, should it not be sold to Aegean. Unable to secure financing from any other source, Olympic would most likely have gone bankrupt soon. The Commission's market investigation showed that there was no other credible, less anti-competitive, purchaser interested in Olympic and that all its assets would leave the market completely, should it go out of business.

The Commission applies very strict criteria to this type of defence and rarely accepts it. Does the Commission anticipate an improvement in the availability of oilseed crops, with an estimated How does the Commission think the market will progress both in the near future and in the medium term? The price setting in the Union's cereals market highly depends on the world market situation. The decrease of the Union's cereals prices is therefore not solely a consequence of better ending stocks in the European Union.

This represents one third of the domestic use.

Qualité du matériel forestier de reproduction et application des directives communautaires

The forecasted increase 2. The Union will therefore remain a price taker. For the short and medium term forecast, the Commission would refer the Honourable Member to the autumn issue of the Short-term outlook for arable crop, meat and dairy markets which is available on the following webpage:.

Il s'agit d'un adolescent et de sa petite amie. A teenage couple have been arrested by police in Nador, north-eastern Morocco, after they published a photo of themselves kissing on the social network site Facebook. The case involves a teenager and his girlfriend. They were arrested last Thursday for breach of public modesty, after they posted a photo of themselves kissing. The photo was taken in front of the secondary school where they are both students. The social networks were immediately up in arms over the case and several young Moroccan couples published similar photographs on their accounts.

This case has caused a wave of protests and reactions from Moroccan civil society and social media users, which we believe also contributed to the release of the teenagers, three days after their arrest. The EU follows closely Human Rights in Morocco and has an active dialogue with relevant Moroccan authorities on all its aspects. The poor crop season can be attributed to several factors: Does the Commission plan to take any action both on the political front and also on the logistical front, in order to supply or organise food aid to the most vulnerable groups, targeted in particular at the special needs of children and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers?

The Commission is closely following the current situation in Madagascar. The mission reported that the current deterioration in security, political instability, continued deterioration in infrastructure and services due to a lack of investment, underlying deep poverty and recurrent natural disasters represents a concrete threat to food security, especially in the southern regions. It was recommended that humanitarian actors establish robust early warning systems to monitor the food, nutrition and health situations closely.

The Commission is planning to allocate part of its envelope for disaster preparedness in Southern Africa and Indian Ocean to support a monitoring system in collaboration with local actors. A specific attention is paid on households located in areas exposed to the risk of locust. Moreover, according to the Romanian and Bulgarian authorities, small projects with associative funding are the most effective.

In view of the above, what action does the Commission intend to take to encourage the Romanian and Bulgarian authorities to make better use of funds to improve the situation of Roma people? Does the Commission not think that it would be appropriate to encourage the development of small projects, which are the only kind to have shown their added value up to now?

To this end, there is no specific financial allocation for Roma as they benefit from ESF based on their disadvantaged social and economic status and not on their ethnicity. Similarly, under the European Regional Development Fund ERDF the Roma population in Romania and Bulgaria benefits from investments in social housing and integrated urban development targeting also other marginalised communities. The Commission services are in a constant dialogue with Romanian and Bulgarian Managing Authorities about the delivery mechanisms for the projects aiming to improve Roma integration.

Moreover, the Commission together with the Council of Europe has launched the ROMACT project aimed at improving the capacity of municipalities in developing and implementing plans and projects for the inclusion of Roma, including in Romania and Bulgaria. En larmes, il assure aux Malgaches qui le menacent de lynchage: L'homme est mort quelques instants plus tard. Last week, three people were lynched in Madagascar. They included a French man, a Franco-Italian man and a Malagasy man; clearer details regarding the French victim have emerged. According to witnesses, the man was killed by a mob of several hundred people who accused him of being part of a network for organ trafficking, then paedophilia.

In tears, he told the Malagasies who were threatening to lynch him: The EU's Head of Delegation in Madagascar has expressed regret for the loss of life and great concern about such violence.

Euroforest - Démonstration de matériels forestiers

The issue was discussed at length at a meeting with the Prime Minister. The EU Delegation on the ground has been following the situation closely and it is understood that this event has no connection with the ongoing electoral process in the country. It appears to be an eruption of extreme violence where the local population has taken law into its own hands.

The Malagasy authorities have reacted promptly by deploying additional security forces to re-establish law and order, to investigate the circumstances and to arrest the perpetrators. Some presumed participants of the incident have already been arrested. Le budget de l'agence Frontex n'a pas subi de diminutions drastiques. Can the European borders monitoring agency help Member States to regulate migration?

Created in , Frontex is the agency responsible for supporting operational cooperation between Member States in terms of the management of external borders, assisting them in the training of national border guards, undertaking risk analyses and organising joint operations to return illegal immigrants to their countries of origin. Does it not think that such migration policy budget cuts are also to blame for the Lampedusa disaster? The legislative proposals for the establishment of both Funds, including the final amounts, are still under negotiation. The budget of Frontex has not been subject to any drastic cuts.

The tragic event that cost the lives of over migrants nearby Lampedusa cannot be linked to a lack of financial resources for Frontex. Indeed, the naval and airborne assets which have been deployed in the ongoing Hermes Joint Operation of Frontex, participated in the rescue operation and contributed to saving of life of people. Does the Commission agree that governance is becoming increasingly remote from the electorates of the nation states and even from the electorates of the EU?

To whom do such staff owe their allegiance and on whose authority do they operate? Does the Commission agree that one of the aims of international regulation as described above is to facilitate international trade and global governance and to diminish the authority of the nation states and even supranational bodies like the EU? Why does the Commission not seek to defend itself when it is criticised by the media for introducing new regulation by pointing to its global origin? In recent years there has been a rapid development of regional and global value chains: Thus, the development of international standards can reduce costs for producers and contribute to more growth and employment.

This is why the Commission is supportive of international standardisation and play an active role in international bodies working in this field including in the World Trade Organisation WTO work on principles on international standardisation, which call for transparency, openness, impartiality and consensus in the creation of international standards. Finanziamenti europei per immigrazione. Durante tale periodo di programmazione, l'Italia ha ricevuto in totale milioni di EUR nell'ambito di programmi nazionali, ripartiti nel modo seguente: Lampedusa ha beneficiato in particolare delle misure di emergenza stanziate nel quadro dell'ERF: La base giuridica dell'ERF prevede che questi fondi siano utilizzati entro sei mesi.

Yet another tragedy has recently taken place off the coast of Lampedusa, in which hundreds of people transported by unscrupulous merchants of death lost their lives in a vain and illicit attempt to reach European soil. How much EU funding has been allocated to dealing with the landings emergency at Lampedusa since , and what is the source of this funding?

Have any special procedures or restrictions been established for the use of these funds by the Italian authorities? These funds must be used according to the ERF legal basis within a 6-month period. Un recente rapporto del Mental Disability Advocacy Center MDAC di Budapest in merito all'implementazione delle misure previste dalla Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sull'eliminazione di tutte le forme di discriminazione contro le donne, ha riscontrato come negli ospedali psichiatrici della Moldova siano costantemente violati alcuni diritti fondamentali.

Camere da 40 mq condivise da donne, stanze da bagno e toilette prive di carta igienica e tamponi, iniezioni continue di sedativi e degenti costrette forzosamente al letto: Ha la Commissione sollevato, o intende sollevare, la questione nel corso dei suoi dialoghi di partenariato con il paese dell'Europa orientale?

A recent report by the Mental Disability Advocacy Center MDAC in Budapest regarding the implementation of measures provided for by the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, found that certain fundamental rights are being constantly violated in psychiatric hospitals in Moldova.

Unfortunately, cases of sexual violence and forced abortions must also be added to the list. Is the Commission aware of these facts and the circumstances of people with disabilities, women in particular, in the Republic of Moldova?

Altri titoli da considerare

What financial instruments will it make available to SMEs in the sector? Websites of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators. The Princeton Guide to Evolution. In which European countries is the problem most acute and in which is the trend considered to be most unfavourable in terms of their future demographic? Microsoft's buyout of Nokia's mobile division.

Has the Commission raised this issue, or does it intend to do so, during partnership dialogues with this Eastern European country? The Commission is aware of several reports e. Vervolgvraag fraude met uitkeringen en toeslagen in Nederland. Het antwoord van de Commissie d. De Administratieve Commissie bestaat uit een regeringsvertegenwoordiger van elke lidstaat, en wordt geadviseerd door de Europese Commissie.

The first question to the Commission asked whether the Commission was aware of the report that Eastern Europeans are committing large-scale allowance fraud in the Netherlands, as confirmed by the Dutch Secretary of State for Finance? The Administrative Commission is composed of a government representative from each Member State and is advised by the Commission. It promotes cooperation between Member States on social-security coordination. There have been reports in the media recently on the low level of implementation in Spain of European funds made available for the period Could the Commission also specify for the EAFRD the amounts and the level of implementation in each autonomous region?

These payments represent The Commission has declared repeatedly that it is vital that the new regulatory authority for markets, energy and competition is independent. This minimises political discretion, as an open call, assessed on merit, allows anyone who so wishes to apply and forces the CNMC which, in any case, can use discretion when making the appointment to justify its final choice on objective grounds. Does the Commission believe that this practice by the CNMC is consistent with the principle of independence from political power, which is vital for it to carry out its functions properly?

The same Directive provides that Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities have adequate financial and human resources to enable them to actively participate in and contribute to the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications BEREC. However, the procedure for the appointment of management positions is a competence of the national regulatory authority under the relevant national legislation which establishes, amongst others, the competence of the Board of the CNMC in this regard.

The shipwreck off Lampedusa did not only cause the loss of hundreds of human lives. It also caused European policy on political asylum and migration to sink without trace. The citizens of Europe and of the entire civilised world felt shame and indignation about this incident. The worst thing is that such incidents were expected and everyone felt that something much more tragic might happen.

What does it intend to do to ensure a single, effective, pan-European policy on political asylum and migration? How can it help the countries of southern Europe, including Cyprus, which are under the most pressure from migratory movements and asylum-seekers, to cope with the burden caused by this situation? What does it believe must be done so that the resultant economic, social and administrative costs are borne equally and fairly by all the Member States of the Union? What measures are being taken to ensure a fair geographical distribution and proper social integration of all legal migrants and asylum-seekers in the Member States of the Union?

The Commission shares the sentiment of the Honourable Member in relation to the tragic deaths of many hundreds of migrants in the Mediterranean in recent months. As a direct consequence, a Task Force for the Mediterranean has been set up that will look at ways to prevent the loss of lives at sea and to avoid that such human tragedies happen again.

Qualité du matériel forestier de reproduction et application des directives communautaires (Actes de colloque) eBook: Daniel Terrasson: bahana-line.com: Kindle. Qualité du matériel forestier de reproduction et application des directives communautaires - What is the situation concerning the application of Community directives related to the genetic quality of forest trees? Actes de Colloques.

The legislation comprising the second phase of the Common European Asylum System was adopted in June this year. The new rules are designed to provide better access to the asylum procedure; lead to fairer decisions; ensure that people in fear of persecution are not returned to danger; provide dignified conditions; and better access to integration measures. The task ahead will be to ensure effective and uniform implementation across Member States. The EU has also been developing a comprehensive policy on legal and irregular migration.

The EU has many actions in place to assist Member States facing pressures on their asylum system, including through relocation. Financial solidarity on asylum has been available through the European Refugee Fund However, there are no plans to create a distribution key or other mechanism to divide up asylum-seekers and migrants across Member States. The Commission is aware that, due to its geographical proximity to the events in Syria, Cyprus is particularly exposed to the risk of a mass influx of persons in need of international protection.

In this context, the Commission is currently discussing with the Cypriot authorities approriate measures to support Cyprus, including through additional EU funding. The Commission has already committed itself to strengthening the role of financial instruments within cohesion policy in the upcoming programming period Parliament has warmly welcomed this initiative on a number of occasions and, in various texts, called for immediate legal clarity and increased transparency with regard to the introduction of new, innovative forms of financing.

As one option has always been off-the-shelf financial instruments which regional and local authorities still unfamiliar with such instruments would find easier to use, there have been repeated calls for legal clarity and the timely introduction of appropriate rules applicable to such off-the-shelf instruments.