Drugs & Self-Esteem (Drugs 101 Book 9)

Personality and Individual Differences , 26 , — Implicit cognition, sensation seeking, marijuana use, and driving behavior among drug offenders. Personality and Individual Differences , 33 , — Retrieved on September 6, from http: Psychometric properties, relations to the five-factor model, and genetic and environmental influences on its scales and facets. In Stelmack , R. Essays in honor of Marvin Zuckerman pp. The effectiveness of coerced treatment for drug-abusing offenders. Drafting the genetic privacy act: Science policy, and practical considerations.

Inventory of drinking situations. A basic follow-up package.

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In Glaser , F. Inventory of drug taking situations user's guide. Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario. The sense of coherence as a determinant of health. In Matarazzo , J. A handbook of health enhancement and disease prevention pp. Evidence that implementation intentions reduce dietary fat intake: Health Psychology , 23 , — Vulnerability to alcoholic liver disease.

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Theory and treatment of the lasting effects. The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Psychiatric and substance use comorbidity among treatment-seeking opioid abusers. Archives of General Psychiatry , 54 , 71— Peer-group affiliation and adolescent self-esteem: An integration of ego-identity and symbolic-interaction theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 52 , 47— Parenting practices and peer group affiliation in adolescence.

Concepts, Prevention, and Cessation

Child Development , 64 , — In Treatment of adolescent alcohol problems: Research review and appraisal pp. The alcohol expectancy questionnaire: An instrument for the assessment of adolescent and adult alcohol expectancies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol , 48 , — Expectations of reinforcement from alcohol: Their domain and relation to drinking patterns. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 48 , — Characteristics of relapse following adolescent substance abuse treatment.

Addictive Behaviors , 14 , — Stress, vulnerability, and adult alcohol relapse. Journal of Studies on Alcohol , 56 , — Extent of drug use as a function of number or risk factors. Journal of Abnormal Psychology , 91 , — The emerging science of drug prevention. In Sloboda , Z. Theory, science, and practice pp. Randomized trials on consider this, a tailored, Internet-delivered smoking prevention program for adolescents.

The efficacy of motivational interviewing and its adaptations: What we know so far. In Miller , W. Preparing people for change pp. The efficacy of motivational interviewing: A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 71 , — Alcoholism and drug addiction. Journal of Psychology , 96 , — Psychological and physical well-being consequences. Stress Medicine , 16 , 11— Principles of geographical information systems for land resource assessment.

Recent research and some contemporary issues. In Wolman , B. The affect system has parallel and integrative processing components: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 76 , — Effectiveness of a social influences smoking prevention program as a function of provider type, training method, and school risk. American Journal of Public Health , 89 , — Neural and psychological mechanisms underlying appetitive learning: Links to drug addiction.

Current Opinion in Neurobiology , 14 , — Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity , 3 , — Effficacy of disulfiram and cognitive behavior therapy in cocaine-dependent outpatients: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. Archives of General Psychiatry , 61 , — Animal models of relapse. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology , 4 , 11— Meta-analysis of cue-reactivity in addiction research. Addiction , 94 , — Negative affects deriving from the behavioral approach system.

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Taboo topics in addiction treatment: An empirical review of clinical folklore. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment , 10 , — Classically conditioned responses in opioid and cocaine dependence: A role in relapse? In Ray , B. Analysis of a real world network: Using alcohol expectancies to predict adolescent drinking behavior after one year. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 57 , 93— How to stay sober: Amphetamine designer drugs — An overview and epidemiology. Toxicology Letters , — , — A new pair of glasses. Diagnosis, course, and assessment of alcohol abuse and dependence in adolescents.

Recent Developments in Alcoholism , 17 , 5— The impact of child maltreatment and psychopathology on neuroendocrine functioning. Development and Psychopathology , 13 , — Educating the expert society. Getting started with GIS 4th ed. Alcoholism and the MMPI: Journal of Studies on Alcohol , 39 , — Use of the MMPI in identification of alcoholic psychiatric patients.

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Efficacy of brief coping skills interventions that match different personality profiles of female substance abusers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , 14 , — Nijmegen high and low responders to novelty: A new tool in the search after the neurobiology of drug abuse liability.

Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior , 60 , — Future synthetic drugs of abuse. Rapid relapse generally follows treatment for substance use disorders among adolescents. Addictive Behaviors , 28 , — Council for Philosophical Studies. Psychology and the philosophy of mind in the philosophy curriculum. San Francisco State University. New training technique helps alcoholics in battle with the booze. Retrieved December 3, , from http: American Journal of Medical Genetics , , — Genetic contributions to addiction. Annual Review of Psychology , 53 , — Identifying genes for alcohol and drug sensitivity: Behavioral responses to novelty and structural variation of the hippocampus in mice: Quantitative-genetic analysis of behavior in the open-field.

Behavioural Brain Research , 32 , 75— Resolving alcohol-related problems with and without treatment: The effects of different problem criteria. Journal of Studies on Alcohol , 60 , — Only one in three people with alcohol abuse or dependence ever seek treatment. Addictive Behaviors , 29 , — Are disease and other conceptions of alcohol abuse related to beliefs about outcome and recovery? Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 26 , — Cognitive-behavioral intervention for depressed, substance-abusing adolescents: Development and pilot testing.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for smoking cessation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 58 , — In Ott , R. Health risk behaviors of adolescent and young adult siblings. Health Psychology , 16 , — Expectancy challenge and drinking reduction: Experimental evidence for a mediational process. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 61 , — Process and structure in the alcohol expectancy network. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology , 6 , 1— Confessions of an English opium eater.

An example of integral prevention.

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Health Education Research , 18 , — Dual determinants of drug use in humans: In Bevins , R. University of Nebraska Press. Adolescent are not adults: Developmental considerations in alcohol users. Clinical and Experimental Research , 24 , — An overview of controlled studies of adolescent substance abuse treatment.

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American Behavioral Scientist , 39 , — Migration and HIV risk behaviors: American Journal of Public Health , 93 , — A study of normative and informational social influences upon individual judgment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology , 51 , — Their automatic and controlled components.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 56 , 5— Adolescent depression, alcohol, and drug abuse. American Journal of Public Health , 77 , — Behavioral health across cultures. Nucleus accumbens shell and core dopamine: Differential role in behavior and addiction. Behavioural Brain Research , , 75— A six-year evaluation of methadone prescribing practices at a substance misuse treatment center in the UK.

Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics , 31 , — The alcohol abstinence self-efficacy scale. Journal of Studies on Alcohol , 55 , — The process of smoking cessation: An analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 59 , — Stressful life events and co-occurring depression, substance abuse and suicidality among American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents.

Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry , 16 , — Cross-setting consistency in early adolescent psychopathology: Deviant friendships and problem sequelae. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 68 , — The development and ecology of antisocial behavior. In Cicchetti , D. Peer group dynamics associated with iatrogenic effects in group interventions with high-risk young adolescents: The role of friendship in psychological adjustment.

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An Interdisciplinary Journal , 14 , 65— Managing opioid addiction with buprenorphine. American Family Physician , 73 , — Drug abuse prevention programming: Do we know what content works? Sensation seeking, impulsive decision-making, and risky sex: Implications for risk-taking and design of interventions.

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Variability in cigarette smoking within and between adolescent friendship cliques. Role of behavior theory in behavioral medicine. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 4 , — Identity, youth and crisis.

What it is and is not. Drug and Alcohol Review , 14 , — Amygdala and nucleus accumbens in responses to receipt and omission of gains in adults and adolescents. NeuroImage , 25 , — Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , 11 , — Dual process accounts of reasoning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 7 , — A historical perspective on effective prevention.

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Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 82 , 47— Belief, attitude, intention, and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research.

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In Coombs , R. Actions of caffeine in the brain with specific reference to factors that contribute to its widespread use. Pharmacological Reviews , 51 , 83— Modern synopsis of psychiatry Vol. The origin of MDMA ecstacy revisited: The true story reconstructed from the original documents. Addiction , , — A method for diagnosing and planning the treament of adolescent drug abusers the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis instrument. Journal of Drug Education , 19 , — Outcome expectancies and risk-taking behavior. Cognitive Therapy and Research , 21 , — Comprehensive effects of alcohol: Development and psychometric assessment of a new expectancy questionnaire.

Psychological Assessment , 5 , 19— Office-based treatment of opiate addiction with a sublingual-tablet formulation of buprenorphine and naloxone. New England Journal of Medicine , , — A genetic and environmental analysis of sensation seeking. Journal of Research in Personality , 14 , — Maltreatment issues by level of adolescent substance abuse treatment: The extent of the problem at intake and relationship to early outcomes. Child Maltreatment , 8 , 36— Transdisciplinary collaboration as a basis for enhancing the science and prevention of substance use and abuse.

Substance Use and Misuse , 39 , — For whom does Alcoholics Anonymous work? International Journal of the Addictions , 30 , — Depression, suicidal ideation, and substance use among continuation high school students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence , 27 , — Contextual determinants of drug use risk behavior: Journal of Urban Health , 80 , 50— Retrieved June 20, , from http: The importance of this early use is that it places the child on a deleterious trajectory for future drug use.

If a child smoked tobacco or drank alcohol, they were 65 times more likely to use marijuana than a child who never smoked or drank. Children who used marijuana were times as likely to use cocaine compared with their peers who never used marijuana. Addiction develops from a complex interplay between the individual, the agent drugs and alcohol , and the environment. The initiation of first drug use is determined by interactions between social, cognitive, cultural, attitudinal, personality, and developmental factors. The earliest influences to smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs may come from the family.

Factors that are related to drug use during adolescence include poor self-image, low religiosity, poor school performance, parental rejection, family dysfunction, abuse, under- or over-controlling by parents, and divorce. Risk factors for the development of externalizing disorders are found in the preschool years. These disorders may initially present with relatively mild behavior problems and progress to severe symptoms such as stealing, aggression, and substance abuse.

Temperament difficulties may exacerbate childhood troublesome behaviors and result in an insecure attachment with the child's primary caregiver. Difficult temperament, characterized by moodiness, negativity, poor compliance, and provocativeness, may lead to the child being criticized and ostracized by parents. The resultant parent-child interactions may lead to the coercive model of parenting that is often present in families who have children with substance abuse and delinquency.

Hyperactivity in childhood imparts a higher risk of later development of adult alcoholism and substance abuse. Childhood aggression has been reported to place a child at risk for adolescent substance abuse. Peer influence plays a pivotal role in the initiation of tobacco and drug usage. Peer cross-pressure, 48 that is, the opposing influences on individuals exerted by the choices they make or by their socioeconomic standing or social group membership, may play a role in initiation of drug use.

The study by Robin and Johnson 49 on peer cross-pressure found adolescents believed their peers' general attitude was against drug use. With the exception of alcohol, there was a direct relationship between peer cross-pressure and subsequent drug use; the lower the acceptance of drug use, the less frequent the drug use.

Addiction and Recovery: A How to Guide

The higher the perceived risk, the lower the drug use. Adolescents whose drug use is influenced by peer pressure, in the absence of psychological dysfunction, are more likely to stop using drugs. Biological children of alcohol-dependent parents who have been adopted continue to have an increased risk 2- to 9-fold of developing alcoholism. The transmission of type II alcoholism, from father to son, demonstrated a high heritability despite environmental factors. It was hypothesized that this receptor gene, located on the qq23 region of chromosome 11, may confer increased probability for the development of alcoholism.

Other studies suggest that the dopamine D 2 receptor locus may serve as a gene that modifies expression of severe psychiatric disorders, rather than being a marker for alcoholism.

  • Drug Abuse;
  • The Social Importance of Self-Esteem.
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Illicit drug use by men has twice the reported prevalence rate of women's drug use. The trajectory for these patterns of drug use may be found in childhood, where drug use is generally higher in boys than in girls. In their long-term study, Block et al 30 found that there were remediable psychosocial and behavioral risk factors in 3- and 4-year-olds that predicted drug use during adolescence.

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Notably, risk factors differed by sex. In short, for girls, the absence of resiliency ie, skills that allow a person to cope with adverse situations and the lack of self-control during early childhood predict both marijuana and hard drug use in adolescence. In boys, lack of self-control is strikingly important. Involvement with harder drugs seemed to represent an extension of the behavioral characteristics that predisposed to marijuana use in boys, while in girls additional psychopathological characteristics were usually present when harder drug use was evidenced.

In another study, Luthar et al 66 reported that women who abused drugs had a higher incidence of internalizing problems, eg, depression, anxiety, and withdrawn behaviors, during childhood and had more severe psychiatric symptoms as adults. Conduct disorders were found more frequently in men who were in treatment for drug abuse. Childhood abuse has been implicated as a significant risk factor for later substance abuse.

Girls seem to be more influenced by environmental factors in the home. Unkempt, crowded, noisy, disorderly conditions where there is little emphasis on conventions and religion are very potent predictors of later drug use in girls. Eighth-graders who took care of themselves after school had a significantly higher risk of using alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Children who were quick to anger, perceived themselves to be stressed, were resentful of parents' absence, or from families with conflicts had high drug use rates.

These findings were confirmed by later studies including that of Chilcoat and Anthony 70 who studied youths and found children in the lowest quartile of parent monitoring initiated drug use at earlier ages. The percentage of children aged 12 to 17 years who have seen people selling drugs is higher in the African American community than in communities with a majority of white or Hispanic children More African American children aged 12 to 17 years are exposed to people who are high or drunk Despite this exposure, African American adolescents have a lower reported rate of drug use than their white peers.

Youths living in the most disadvantaged areas were more than 5 times as likely to be offered cocaine as compared with those in more advantaged areas. Protective factors are characteristics within the individual, the family, and the environment that advance one's ability to resist adverse outcomes.

Protective factors for the pediatric population include growing up in a nurturing home with open communication with parents and positive parental support. Protective factors instill the individual with resiliency. Resiliency is the property of an individual to overcome a negative set of life circumstances. Adolescent resiliency is associated with high intelligence, low novelty-seeking behaviors, and avoidance of friendships with delinquent peers. The Challenge Model 81 , 82 uses the principles of resiliency to focus on individuals' capacity to respond and manage their lives.

A chaotic family environment does not necessarily cause a child to be forever damaged. Where the risk-protective equation implies the tallying of factors, the Challenge Model asserts that individuals can achieve beyond the negative factors in their lives; in essence, resiliency. The Challenge Model delineates 7 principles that facilitate an individual's adaptive and healthy development. These include insight, independence, relationships, initiative, humor, creativity, and morality. As conceptualized in the work of Newcomb and Felix-Ortiz, 83 consideration and attention to both protective factors and risk factors are fundamental in developing effective prevention strategies.

Prevention efforts prior to were based on an information-deficit approach. The assumption was that children lacked adequate knowledge regarding the effects of drug use. Thus, prevention efforts involved the dissemination of information. During the s through s, prevention efforts focused on social and interpersonal influence models. The theory underlying this approach postulated that youth experimented with drugs and alcohol because they had not fully developed their own internal value system to resist external pressures.

The prevention programs of the s offer a comprehensive systems approach. They are research-based, age-appropriate, culturally relevant interactive resistance models. These prevention programs promote protective factors while reducing risk factors using school-based curricula that include social resistance skills training and normative education.

Active learning techniques are the primary teaching modality, as opposed to passive didactics. Small-group, role-playing, and interactive learning techniques are imperative in these programs. Prevention curricula have been developed for children from preschool ages to young adulthood. Young children are increasingly likely to feel pressure to drink alcohol and use drugs. The adolescence period represents the greatest risk for substance abuse. Programs in prevention have developed a new nomenclature to denote the target audience and focus of the program. Programs are designated as universal , selective, or indicated.

Universal interventions are designed to address a general population, such as a community or school. Selective curricula target an at-risk population, such as those curricula that are designed for children whose parents have drug or alcohol dependence. Indicated programs target individuals who already demonstrate the problem behavior or have other high-risk behaviors related to initiating the target behavior. Research on the effectiveness of prevention curricula have generally focused on universal programs that target children in junior high and high school. One researched intervention that targets the elementary school child is the Seattle Social Development Project.

Based on the theory that the greater the number of childhood risk factors the greater the likelihood of child delinquency and drug use, the Seattle Social Development Project employed a model of intervention focusing on both family- and school-based interventions in grades 1 through 4 to enhance protective factors against delinquency and substance abuse. The study by Hawkins et al 98 supports the presence of reduced incidents of drug use, antisocial and disruptive behaviors, and improved school performance following the implementation of the Seattle Social Development Project.

Despite DARE's popularity in US schools, studies have found little difference in drug use patterns among students who have participated in the curriculum compared with cohorts who have not received the DARE program. Life Skills Training was found to be effective in lowering tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use in a 6-year long-term randomized field trial involving New York State students in 56 high schools. Life Skills Training uses resistance skill training in a broader framework of self-improvement and interpersonal social skills development.

Recent studies supported the effectiveness of the program in minority inner-city populations.