Building Better Erections: Get Hard, Stay Hard

Boost your erection naturally – five simple ways to stay harder for longer

The team tested erectile dysfunction sufferers and discovered nearly half of them had low levels of the sunshine vitamin and only a fifth had optimal levels.

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Scientists at Johns Hopkins University studied 3, healthy Americans and those who had a vitamin D deficiency were nearly a third more likely to have issues with getting hard. The most relevant clinical question then becomes whether correcting the deficiency could reduce risk and help restore erectile dysfunction.

7 ways to get stronger erections

Eating humble blackcurrants is one of the best way to stave off penis problems. Eat These 3 Things Instead. Plus, losing weight and quitting smoking can only stand to improve your sexual prowess. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking supplements or herbs. There is no evidence that mild or even moderate alcohol consumption is bad for erectile function, says Ira Sharlip, MD, a urology professor at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. High cholesterol or high blood pressure can damage blood vessels, including those that bring blood to the penis. Watch what you eat.

You can get a little bit of vitamin D from foods like oily fish, eggs and cereals but for most people the bulk of their vitamin D comes from sunlight. So the summer snack has a similar effect to taking the ED drug — but without the dodgy side effects.

1. Quit Smoking

To make your own natural homemade Viagra, slice a watermelon into small pieces and scoop it into a blender — aim to make about one litre of watermelon juice. Pour the watermelon juice into a saucepan and bring it to boiling point while squeezing in the juice of a lemon.

2. Maintain a healthy weight.

Korean red ginseng is believed to boost penis potency and act as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction. In particular researchers found that it had a small but significant effect in helping guys maintain erections and achieve successful penetration. It can be used as an alternative to medicine to improve sexual life in men.

Not only does coffee boost your metabolism and get your blood pumping, it can also make you last longer in the sack.

How to Have Stronger, Harder Erections

Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Centre at Houston found that lads who downed the caffeine equivalent of two to three cups of coffee each day were less likely to have erection issues compared to non-coffee drinkers. Several kinds of drugs used for the treatment of high blood pressure, as well as some antidepressants can have an impact on your sex drive and ability to get an erection.

While there is no concrete link between alcoholic beverages and ED, regular heavy drinking can cause ED as it can lead to nerve damage and an imbalance in the the male sex hormones, studies have found.

Recreational use of anabolic steroids among athletes and bodybuilders has been proven to be a cause of ED, as reported in this article in the Western Journal of Medicine. It happens because anabolic steroids literally shrink the scrotum, leading to lower levels of testosterone. Smoking has a negative effect on your entire body and increases your risk for high blood pressure, heart conditions and many other chronic diseases. And it damages your blood vessels, ultimately leading to weaker circulation, which, yes, you guessed it, can lead to ED.

Before the advent of modern medicine there was not much one could do about erectile dysfunction, but nowadays men suffering from ED have a number of options. He is also consultant at Tygerberg hospital, where he is a senior lecturer at Stellenbosch University.

Protect Your Erection: 11 Tips

He has a keen interest in oncology, kidney stones and erectile dysfunction. The information provided does not constitute a diagnosis of your condition.

1. Watch what you eat.

You should consult a medical practitioner or other appropriate health care professional for a physical exmanication, diagnosis and formal advice. Health24 and the expert accept no responsibility or liability for any damage or personal harm you may suffer resulting from making use of this content.

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Related articles 7 scientific ways to cure erectile dysfunction Before the advent of modern medicine there was not much one could do about erectile dysfunction, but nowadays men suffering from ED have a number of options. What to Read Next. Questions posted to Erectile Dysfunction Expert. To prevent spam please solve this simple math problem: