Children Learn What They Live

If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal. If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.

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If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness. If children live with fairness, they learn justice.

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If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect. If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them. If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live. I remember when I was a young child, my mother had a wooden scroll you know the kind they used to print calendars on back in the day in our kitchen of this poem that Dorothy Law Nolte originally wrote back in the mid-fifties.

Those words stuck with me, and it is no coincidence that I have a small copy of the same poem on my refrigerator door and it has been there since I had my son who is now 5 years old. I just keep reading the poem and now this book whenever I have doubts about my parenting skills or a spur-of-the-moment decision that I have made as a parent. I don't know if it is psychological, but I've found that it seems to "keep me on task", so to speak, with my ultimate agenda to raise a morally-conscious young man. So many parents get caught up in the day to day responsibilities of raising a child, such as feeding, bathing, clothing, sheltering, etc.

I've found that this book is a good "how-to guide" for any parent who is interested in helping to develop the moral compass and emotional well-being of their children. If you are a parent, i recommend that you get a copy of this book today, or better yet, you can download a copy of the poem on the internet, and apply it to the everyday teachings of your children!

Feb 04, Julie rated it really liked it. Good and reinforcing of what I know to be true, makes me feel more confidant that I am a good mother. Provide the best example that you possibly can for your children and then let them be themselves and trust in that.

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May 02, Victoria rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book was given as a gift for the birth of my first child, and I found it was very grounding, and not preachy and very motivating as a new parent. As a teacher I also see how the advice in these pages can be translated to my classroom. A great book for parents, and for anyone who works with or around children of all ages! Sep 14, Jared Pangier rated it it was amazing. A book written for parents and equally inspirational for passionate educators, Nolte reminds us all of the power of influence and the need to lead by example.

This book of not-so-common common sense urges parents to raise their kids with positivity, praise, truthfulness, and friendliness--creating an environment of trust and a world of difference in Based on Dorothy Law Nolte's poem of the same name, Children Learn What They Live expands each couplet into a magical recipe for future generations. This book of not-so-common common sense urges parents to raise their kids with positivity, praise, truthfulness, and friendliness--creating an environment of trust and a world of difference in who our future children become.

Every parent and teacher should read and live out this book. Every citizen of the world, for that matter. Jul 17, Megan Close Zavala rated it it was amazing. What a beautiful book! I stumbled upon this serendipitously at a library book sale and finally started reading it last month.

The author has such a kind, comforting voice, free of judgment and full of wisdom. Each chapter is simple and yet profound, and she does a great job breaking down things into manageable steps, empowering you and making you feel as if you too could be an amazing parent. Nov 14, Guilherme rated it it was amazing. It's kind of obvious and nothing super original. But even then, it's such a beautiful read that lives up to the original poem. The kind of book that serves as an excellent reminder of what kind of parent you want to be. Dec 12, Miki Saiki rated it it was amazing.

Dorothy Law Nolte 7words: Of course I haven't had kids yet and havent even thought of it, but this book tells me how to treat students who cannot perform well. We often meet some students who do something wrong or make mistakes.

This book teaches readers not only the way to raise children but also the way to treat complicated students' feeling. Moreover, we learn how Workman publishing: Moreover, we learn how to manage our immatured feelings. We sometimes have kids-like emotions which is hard to manage and handle. This book which tells us how to communicate with immatured kids teaches us how to develop self-esteem in our daily life.

Children Learn What They Live

Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. Bila seorang anak hidup dengan keadilan,ia belajar menjalankan keadilan. Now, if I only had children Read more Read less. I received the poem when my children were young and it kept reminding me how to keep my cool an instill good character. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive.

Do I recommend this book to my friends? I recommend this book to all my friends who will be related to kids in their future. No matter what kind of relationship they have, the way to build up relationship with kids is very universal, I think. To relate to kids, a lot of patience is required.

This book teaches readers how to control their patience building up the relationship with kids. Jan 04, Melania Danciu rated it it was amazing.

Children Learn What They Live

This is a book that reminds you the values you already know, with examples and explanations. I am sure it is a book which I will read from time to time just to remind me that I need to be calm, think positively and learn to repeat several times till the action will become a routine.

And here are the 10 Things that I learned from it: Feb 03, Maya Kenova added it. The book provides valuable tips on how to approach different situations most parents even teachers face with regards to kids. It features short examples, as case studies, that help the reader understand the validity of the arguments.

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CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE. Dorothy Law Nolte. If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. Children Learn What They Live is a poem I became aware of as a young mother in the early 70's. I used to keep a copy of it on my refrigerator.

This book is recommended for parents, but also teachers of all age levels. May 02, Doug Muterspaugh rated it it was amazing. This book really helps you to understand how your actions can affect your child. After reading this book, dealing with children's issues is much less stressful and your results are visible and closer to your desired results! Thank you for a really nice book that you can read over and over during your entire life. A must have for every parent. Aug 28, Lorrie rated it really liked it. So far, so good. This is a book I read when the kiddos were very young.

However, it still applies to the present. As social creatures, we are subject to change as do our ideas and perceptions which evolve from our experiences and willingness to adapt to those changes. Jan 15, Michelle Savage rated it it was amazing. This book is highly recommended for all new parents to help inspire values in children, and understanding the negative effects that inappropriate parenting will have on a child long-term. Oct 26, Michelle Cynthia rated it it was amazing. While the ideas are pretty much common sense, the book holds excellent reminders and plenty of specific examples.

It was a quick read and a worthwhile reminder to be very cognizant of my actions and words around and towards the kids. I devoured every book on the subject that I could get my hands on and came to class each week with a series of questions for my professor. The more I learned, the more aware I became of my surroundings and began to comprehend the mindset of the society I was living in.

I started to understand the significant role that religion played in the politics of every country bordering my temporary home While I struggled to relate to the ideologies that most of the Middle East was built on, I was intrigued to learn more and experience first-hand the Giza Pyramids, a camel ride through the desert, and the ancient archeological city of Petra where Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was filmed. So out of respect for their laws and to avoid being stoned to death, I covered my skin from neck to ankle despite the triple digit temperatures and shut my often outspoken mouth so I could explore some neighboring countries.

This is what you do when you visit or live somewhere with opposing views from your own. You don't have to drink the Kool-Aid and actually believe in the same principles as those around you, but you do need to adapt and follow the rules. In some countries this means covering your boob and ass cracks.

Here in the U.

Children Learn What They Live -The Recovery Version

While we don't have the same level of political unrest here in the U. Our political process is so broken that we can't even get a gun control policy passed to prevent an individual who was listed on the Terrorist Screening Database from buying an assault rifle!

Children Learn What They Live (Inspiration).wmv

We live in a country where a civilian can legally own a rapid-fire assault weapon designed specifically for the military to use for mass casualties. Omar Mateen, who referred to the Boston Marathon bombers as his "homeboys," was placed on a terrorist watch list maintained by the FBI when its agents questioned him in and about potential ties to terrorism.

His investigation was closed once agents determined that Mateen had not broken any laws, yet they then questioned him AGAIN the following year once they learned he had contact with an American who later died in a suicide bombing in Syria. Despite all of this, he still had no problem legally purchasing two guns in the last two weeks from a gun store near his home, according to federal officials. So we are once again left feeling helpless and horrified that senseless mass shootings continue without any sign of change. When will it end?

Do we need to stop going to nightclubs, movie theaters, theme parks, school? Do we have to be one of the families that are directly impacted by this brutality to stop the rhetoric of hate speech? Children learn what they live.