Meaning of "impotent" in the English dictionary
The Hospital

Just as the body, if neglected, grows weaker and finally impotent , so the spirit perishes if untended. All creatures are united to God alone in an immediate union. They depend essentially and directly upon Him. Being all alike equally impotent , they cannot be in reciprocal dependence upon one another.

Meaning of "impotent" in the English dictionary

This book is an investigation into this recently emergent illness, particularly relevant given ongoing UK deployments to Iraq, describing how the illness became a potent symbol for a plethora of issues, anxieties, and concerns. In a world of domestic ennui, deadpan voices struggle to transcend numbness while simultaneously trying to manage the pain of living.

Impotent is both important social commentary and engrossing fiction. This provocative book argues that Western churches have become "women's clubs", that the emasculation of Christianity is dangerous for the church and society, and that a masculine presence can and must be restored. Understanding the novel as both the document and the agent of social change, Impotent Fathers studies how writers in eighteenth-century Britain at once recorded and helped to define a major demographic crisis suffered by the landed elite Contending that smaller nations such as Norway and the Netherlands are more able than larger ones to make progress in bilateral or multilateral negotiations on human rights, this book provides a timely, comprehensive, and provocative survey By abusing their officious authority in their piss-poor attempts to prove their missing manhood.

This book boldly peels off their pants to expose the puniest of these impotent shrimps! Joseph Jr Covino, On the content of social subjects - history, geography, economics, social science - in the British secondary school.

The Impotent Giant has nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican. Sassy and wholly entertaining, In Search of an Impotent Man is a story about a woman who is not afraid to take matters into her own hands and turn the assumptions about romantic love on their head. Gaby Hauptmann, Shaun Whiteside, Join author Paul Wondracek and discover the reality of the Kingdom of God in your life and help you realize that you are indeed Armed and Dangerous.

What else can you do? The whole situation makes you feel impotent.

Synonyms and antonyms of impotent in the English dictionary of synonyms

The minimum wage is indeed lame, in the sense that it's relatively impotent. Earning a minimum wage in was enough for a single person Developing countries should have place at tax table - The Irish Times. The compromise reached in Addis on this issue, which involved very minor changes to the composition of an underresourced and impotent UN We can no longer afford to be divided or be an impotent community.

It is a day to tighten the bonds of unity among us and discard enmity, This time they're ready. This time they'll stop the modernisers in their tracks. Being all alike equally impotent , they cannot be in reciprocal dependence upon one another.

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Nevertheless, this one fact should be apparent: It is a valid form of action for only so long as the Christian is impotent politically or militarily. This book is an investigation into this recently emergent illness, particularly relevant given ongoing UK deployments to Iraq, describing how the illness became a potent symbol for a plethora of issues, anxieties, and concerns. In a world of domestic ennui, deadpan voices struggle to transcend numbness while simultaneously trying to manage the pain of living. Impotent is both important social commentary and engrossing fiction.

This provocative book argues that Western churches have become "women's clubs", that the emasculation of Christianity is dangerous for the church and society, and that a masculine presence can and must be restored.

Translation of «impotent» into 25 languages

The Impotent Giant has nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican. When it goes wrong, it negatively colors our day, makes us feel angry and impotent , curtails our possibilities. This provocative book argues that Western churches have become "women's clubs", that the emasculation of Christianity is dangerous for the church and society, and that a masculine presence can and must be restored. It is the glue of our daily lives. A similar revolving fund could be set up for Germany, for a durable peace can rest only upon a Germany that, while militarily impotent , is industrially active. The definition of impotent in the dictionary is lacking sufficient strength; powerless.

Understanding the novel as both the document and the agent of social change, Impotent Fathers studies how writers in eighteenth-century Britain at once recorded and helped to define a major demographic crisis suffered by the landed elite Contending that smaller nations such as Norway and the Netherlands are more able than larger ones to make progress in bilateral or multilateral negotiations on human rights, this book provides a timely, comprehensive, and provocative survey By abusing their officious authority in their piss-poor attempts to prove their missing manhood.

This book boldly peels off their pants to expose the puniest of these impotent shrimps! Joseph Jr Covino, On the content of social subjects - history, geography, economics, social science - in the British secondary school. The Impotent Giant has nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican. Sassy and wholly entertaining, In Search of an Impotent Man is a story about a woman who is not afraid to take matters into her own hands and turn the assumptions about romantic love on their head. Gaby Hauptmann, Shaun Whiteside, Join author Paul Wondracek and discover the reality of the Kingdom of God in your life and help you realize that you are indeed Armed and Dangerous.

What else can you do? The whole situation makes you feel impotent.

The minimum wage is indeed lame, in the sense that it's relatively impotent. Earning a minimum wage in was enough for a single person Developing countries should have place at tax table - The Irish Times. The compromise reached in Addis on this issue, which involved very minor changes to the composition of an underresourced and impotent UN We can no longer afford to be divided or be an impotent community.

It is a day to tighten the bonds of unity among us and discard enmity, This time they're ready. This time they'll stop the modernisers in their tracks. From Scotland, this impotent fit seems bizarre.