The Happiest People Cry the Hardest

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The Happiest People Cry the Hardest is a book of poems that explores the solitary experience of being alive and at the same time, the interconnectedness of all. The Happiest People Cry the Hardest [S. H. Vafai] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Happiest People Cry the Hardest is a book of.

Many were leaving that night. The airport was busy again.

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It was his first time to travel alone yet he asked his father not to drop him off. He did not want his father to see him weak and vulnerable because it was his decision to leave after all. Airports evoke a range of emotions for those who live in two countries. His mother was already crying since she really did not want his only son to leave. Yet the boy was too numb to feel. He knew it was time to say goodbye. Mixed emotions suddenly filled him yet sadness was definitely prevailing.

Everything he saw then was gloomy. The boy kept re-assuring himself, "This is my door of opportunity, my way out of this mess. He was lying to himself because he thought he was leaving the only life he knew. The boy grabbed his luggage, ticket, and passport, waited in line and never looked back.

He did not want his mother to see him like that. He broke down and started to cry. He looked around and saw himself in men and women who were also leaving. While still in line at the entrance, the boy saw a man in his jean jacket closely carrying his two-year-old girl.

The man was leaving for a two-year contract in Dubai. Next to him was a young woman, leaving her family behind, just weeks after her graduation. She was petitioned by her aunt to be a caregiver in Canada.

They were saying their goodbyes over and over again. The girlfriend was leaving for Hong Kong for the nth and final time. It was her only console for leaving him again.

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But emotions were not left outside. The boy recalled how he wanted to stop time on his way to the airport that afternoon. They are happy as clams because no one notices or bothers them. They have to pull more weight to make up for the low performers. Many of the best workers are stressed out and feel undervalued—often because, in fact, they are.


Which Workers Perform Best on the Job? Extroverts are often considered to be good workers. Yet a new study published in the April issue of the Academy of Management Journal cites research indicating that extroverts also tend to be poor listeners, and not particularly receptive to input from others. A Forbes post quoted some conclusions made by Bendersky concerning how extroverts perform in team work environments:.

Neurotics, on the other hand, were superstars who perform better over time at their jobs, as Bendersky told CNN:. Neurotics can actually be motivated to work really hard especially in collaborative situations.

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Memo Read Round the World: The Heart of My Immortal. Mirror Mirror on the Wall. Vanishings From that Neighborhood.

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