A Companion to Contemporary Britain: 1939-2000 (Blackwell Companions to British History)

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Companion Early Twentieth-Century (Blackwell Companions to British History) British Society Since The Penguin Social History of Britain Start reading A Companion to Contemporary Britain - on your Kindle in under a. A Companion to Contemporary Britain covers the key themes and debates of Volume 11 of Blackwell Companions to British History.

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Series: Blackwell Companions

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Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion. A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations , on the part of the author or publisher.

For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere "lists" of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place.

A Companion to Contemporary Britain, – | Reviews in History

Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification eg. Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the "works" in question. So, the Dummies guides are a series of works. Living Standards and Consumption: Welfare, Poverty and Social Inequalities: Janet Fink Open University. Roy Lowe University of London. John Welshman Lancaster University. Re-writing the Unwritten Constitution: Andrew Blick Political Researcher. Aldrich University of Nottingham. Steven Fielding University of Salford.

The Rise and Disintegration of the Working Classes: The Growth of Social Movements: Holger Nehring University of Sheffield. The Politics of Devolution: The Politics of Northern Ireland: Britain in the World Economy: Schenk University of Glasgow.

A Companion to Contemporary Britain, 1939 - 2000

The End of Empire: The Anglo-American 'Special Relationship': Hopkins and John W. Simon Ball University of Glasgow. Select Bibliography show more.

Review quote A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Year "This companion makes it easy to survey subjects quickly for the latest and best historiography, and provides lots of avenues by which to travel for further knowledge. Informed, wide-ranging and up-to-date syntheses cover what might be regarded as standard subjects like the Second World War More importantly, there are chapters on topics ignored by most histories of Britain; for example Its breadth of subjects is compelling, and the quality of its contributions Praise must be given for a consistently informative volume, which places so many interpretations and discussions in one place.

Overall, Addison and Jones can congratulate themselves for editing a superb collection, one that can reasonably lay claim to being the foremost textbook on contemporary British history. His books include The Road to As a textbook, however, the volume has unfortunate weaknesses alongside the undoubted strengths outlined above. These include a rather curious lack of political history, an overall focus on what is of interest now, at the expense of what was considered important at the time, and a problematic index.

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In this they have certainly succeeded, but surely some space could have been reserved for a treatment of the developments in British politics over the period. Certain vital areas of political activity are treated in other chapters—such as the economy, devolution, and Northern Ireland, or the decline of two party politics—but the reader is left with no overarching understanding of changes in political culture, or how the issues discussed in the book were contextualized at the time.

This is not to suggest that this excellent book should have included chapters on every postwar British Government, but to draw attention to a couple of important consequences of excluding political history in its broadest sense.

There is a list of votes cast in British general elections, but that is, of course, not the same as the politically more important seats won. For example, due to the vagaries of my GCE A Level syllabus, on my first day as an undergraduate I myself knew rather more about the German imperial chancellors than I did about postwar British prime ministers.

It certainly cannot be expected that new undergraduates will know who Sir Alec Douglas-Home was, when Harold Macmillan was prime minister, or which party was in power in although from recent enquires amongst first year undergraduate students, they will know a great deal about the Third Reich and Elizabethan foreign policy.

Bestselling Series

Even one chapter on the general narrative of politics would have enabled readers to locate the various debates, initiatives, and setbacks in their original context. This general ambivalence to political history may be the reason behind some other omissions. Naturally, even in a book with some thirty contributions and containing the best part of pages, not all aspects of the period receive the treatment they deserve. Although it is a major strength of the volume that it avoids an over-concentration on the period before , which understandably dominates the research output of historians of contemporary Britain, it would be immensely useful to have lucid analyses of these issues readily available to students.

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One of the challenges of teaching this subject is enabling students to conceptualize the differences between Britain today and, say, The role and power of the unions, and the active role of the state in industrial and incomes policy, are relics of a lost world and characterize a great deal of the period between and The index is nothing less than shocking.

A potential reader, if he looked at the index alone, would be left with the impression that there is no mention of, to give a few examples, Enoch Powell, Peter Thorneycroft, Nigel Lawson, or Michael Heseltine. If students cannot find what they want in an index, they will go elsewhere for information.

These criticisms are not meant to detract from the real qualities of this volume.