Windows to Heaven

The work doesn't follow the usual post-Soviet standards in writing also "Kiev" instead of the preferred "Kyiv", and the typesetting leaves much to be desired.

Nov 14, C. Michael rated it liked it. A brief introduction to both the theology of icons and some of the most important individual icons in Christian history.


To counter the iconoclasts, the iconodules defenders of icons argued that icons were not worshipped, but venerated, and that veneration was not idolatry. Carol rated it it was ok Apr 25, Paul rated it liked it Jan 13, Home 5 Bedroom Cabins Window to Heaven. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. It skillfully weaves theology, history, and liturgy into a discussion of the development and use of icons that is accessible to all Christians. This is a book that speaks to the mind and to the heart well.

A significant part of the book is taken up by personal reflections and experiences, which will make it more accessible to some readers. References point the way to additional readings for those who want more in-depth treatment of the theological issues involved.

St Croix Catholic Iconographers Guild - Windows to Heaven

The included color reproductions of icons are helpful, though it's hard to appreciate the detail in some. Irenic rat A brief introduction to both the theology of icons and some of the most important individual icons in Christian history.

  1. George Patsourakos -- The Orthodox Christian View of Icons as “Windows to Heaven”.
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  5. Windows to Heaven: Introducing Icons to Protestants and Catholics by Elizabeth Zelensky.

Irenic rather than polemical in tone when addressing readers, the book does point out the shameful disputes over icons from past Christian history. Sep 14, Nathanael Booth rated it liked it. Really, less about introducing icons than about introducing the Eastern Orthodox brand of Christianity, this book talks about the importance of image, of material reality, in light of the incarnation of Christ.

The handling of the icons is interesting—though icons are purportedly timeless, the authors carefully place each icon in its historical setting, illuminating Really, less about introducing icons than about introducing the Eastern Orthodox brand of Christianity, this book talks about the importance of image, of material reality, in light of the incarnation of Christ.

Windows to Heaven: Introducing Icons to Protestants and Catholics

The handling of the icons is interesting—though icons are purportedly timeless, the authors carefully place each icon in its historical setting, illuminating how they are informed by or inform the development of Christianity in the region from which they emerge. I look forward to reading more about Orthodox Christianity.

Jan 19, C. Excellent introduction to 5 icons--their theology and aesthetic. This is a book that speaks to the mind and to the heart well.

Introducing Icons to Protestants and Catholics

Nov 27, Lee rated it really liked it. Not having any theology courses in my background I found this book very educational. It gave me a new appreciation for the history of icons and why they are venerated.

Windows to Heaven

View all 4 comments. Perez rated it it was amazing Jan 11, Ruth Erickson rated it it was amazing Dec 25, Carol rated it it was ok Apr 25, Lindsey rated it really liked it Mar 10, Skip rated it liked it Dec 02, Paul rated it liked it Jan 13, Peter Oresick rated it liked it Jan 02, William Evans rated it liked it Nov 06, Andra Kee rated it it was amazing Feb 24, Bethany rated it liked it Dec 17, Allen rated it really liked it Nov 12, Mike Elliott rated it really liked it Apr 23, Jacob Banks rated it really liked it Jun 26, Lucille Chavez rated it it was amazing Nov 17, Kate Rice rated it liked it Nov 24, Brent Neely rated it it was amazing Oct 26, Annabelle rated it really liked it Jan 02, Leigh rated it it was ok Aug 02, Jason rated it liked it Sep 05, P rated it it was amazing Jan 21, Suzy rated it it was ok Dec 09, Rob rated it really liked it Jan 29, Timothy Braun rated it really liked it Sep 10, Free nights offer represent the least expensive night of the stay.

Call toll free for details. Home 5 Bedroom Cabins Window to Heaven. Be sure to bring the whole family to this 5 bedroom Pigeon Forge cabin.

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Entertain them in the cabin with the hot tub or a game of pool. Then warm up by the fire as you gaze at the stars and the highest peaks in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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  5. The Orthodox Christian View of Icons as “Windows to Heaven”;
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