Work-from-Home Moms Devotions to Go

A Simple Stay at Home Mom Morning Routine that Will Transform Your Days

My Simple Stay at Home Mom Morning Routine

Very Important Client who paid for those Barbies. Day in, day out, I have to tell my kids to leave me the hell alone, and I constantly feel bad about it. Do they think my work is more important than they are? But sometimes it has to be. And you know what really feels terrible? So yes, it is a perk that I get to have lunch with them sometimes. And unless I have a video conference call damn you, Skype! But being a work-at-home mom is wrought with all sorts of guilt. This is a pick-me-up for the soul and fuel for a weary heart with the encouraging hope of Christ.

Encouragement for Today For today's busy woman, Proverbs 31 Ministries' devotions provide peace and perspective from God's timeless truths Daily. Girlfriends in God Equipping women for their journey to the heart of God Daily. Pearls of Grace Every woman, every where a living scripture Daily.

Reflections for Moms Encouragement for a mother's heart Weekly.


She Seeks Seeking to encourage, inspire and motivate with topics relevant to today's something woman Weekly. The counters gleamed as the morning sun swept across the kitchen. The dryer hummed cheerfully in the background. Had I just been transported into some other life with daily maid service? I had just completed my morning routine. Then again, probably not. Luckily, making a morning routine is simple, too. It could be anything from working out, to praying, or scrubbing your kitchen sink. Mine is on the side of my refrigerator.

For years, 30 to be exact, making the bed seemed like a total waste of time to me. Making the bed is also a good thing to do when your bed resides in the middle of your living room! Breakfast and Wipe Counters. My husband usually makes breakfast before he runs out the door which helps a ton! That way I only have to focus on feeding the kids and after-breakfast clean up.

Being debt free rocks, but I never want to go back to life without a dishwasher! This routine has been great for my kids too. We eat eggs for breakfast everyday, so the cast iron pan needs to be washed. Get dressed and brush teeth. I know this seems extremely basic.

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However, if you have little ones, you know what a feat it can be to get this done. However, this step is very, very important! I love how this habit has already started building on itself. Now the calm post-chores coffee time has become coffee time with God as I spend time reading my Bible or reading it to my kids. A year ago as Chronic Fatigue settled over me, I could do little more than get out of bed in the morning. It was exhausting just to sit up and read my children a book. I was ultimately diagnosed with POTS Syndrome , a serious chronic illness that affects many women of childbearing age.

After just a couple of weeks, there came a morning where I realized I had finished my whole morning routine without having to check my list once. I just did them! With all of my basic chores out of the way first thing in the morning, I am free to spend time with my kids and then get down to work without the guilt of a mess piled up behind me. Plus, just like with saving money , taking that first baby step gets the ball rolling for completing bigger and bigger goals. I created a free printable to help you create and stick with your own daily routine. It helps so much to see everything at a glance.

I printed mine out and framed it. Click here to download my Morning Routine free printable. I have instilled a routine into my daughter from the age of 2. She is now 4 and can do it without thinking, as I do! Get up 6am- Make Bed-Brush teeth-get dressed including house sneakers.

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But it was worse than that. I applaud your voice today and appreciate you using your blog as a platform for such words. I am trying to figure out where my green smoothies fit into the routine too! For the general public to move towards the following dialogue. Maybe you are an amazing graphic designer, but coding websites makes you want to poke your eye out.

Make breakfast, walk 15yr old to buss top. Workout walking video for circulation and overall health. Switch clothes that have been washing this whole time. Take time for school with 4 yr old homeschooling. When we are away from home it takes a day to get back in, but once we are in it I look at the clock and see, Wow, I have a lot of time left, and a lot has been done. It would be great to have my little ones pick up the routine too. Did you do anything special to help your daughter learn and cooperate with the routine?

I would love to incorporate exercise into my routine eventually. With the tabs down, you can see a picture of each task. Once completed, he tucks the tab in to reveal a check mark and the word DONE! He likes it a lot and I feel it promotes a lot of indepence from him. On the weekends or days with no school, he cant do any playing until his check list is complete.

Thank you for posting this! Perfect timing, it was just what I needed to hear. I definitely need to get a routine in place, and I love that you added something about self-care. Your list is great. I might alternate coffee and green smoothies, depending on what I had. So happy this was an encouragement to you! I am trying to figure out where my green smoothies fit into the routine too! I gotta have my coffee though. I used to keep up with morning routines like this when we had fewer children. Putting that note in was really important to me. Oh, and I hear kids grow up to do dishes someday!

We can only hope: I have nine ages 8mo, 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, Yes there are a lot more variables but you can totally have a routine. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this. I am 28 with a 3 year old and no hubby to help and I work from home so as you can imagine, things often feel quite messy and overwhelming in my home. Plus finding a balance between work and house work seems impossible at times.

Working from home means none of the commute–but a double serving of guilt.

Maybe I will give this morning routine a shot and see if it helps! You can definitely rock a routine as a single mama.

Is It Better for Moms to Stay at Home?

You gotta pep yourself up and be gracious to yourself. It also is surprising that once you stick to your routine your child will soak it up amd become so helpful. I know you can do it! Thank you for this! Also check out this one that I love: Now though, she has school and we are effecient and ready for the day by 8, with a routine similar to this. Completely changes our days! When I had my first little one I felt like super mom always keeping things tidy and clean and had time to do things with her.

My second one was born and the fog rolled in! Not to mention my first is neat and calm and my second is a sweet little tornado! I also own over rental properties and my husband is a commanding officer in the coast guard! I feel like a failure at being a wife and mother and I need help!! I have been really working at getting back into a morning routine.

I think I do better if coffee and devotional time is first. Thank you for the nudge to make the bed! I needed that and it does make a huge difference! I have been thinking I need to post about the rest of the routine beyond just the morning. It varies by day, but I fit work in during naps and after the kids go to bed.


Before that, I would clean or declutter one area of the house each day before lunch. I fold laundry after they wake up from nap. My husband helps a lot with dinner prep. We also have an evening routine that is much the same as the morning.

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We work together to get the kitchen cleaned up and dishwasher loaded and help the kids clean up all their toys. At least when things are going as planned, I wake up to a clean kitchen and house. Then it starts all over! This is so great, Shannon! I think I needed a reminder that so much of routine is simply deciding what to do and doing it. The stress is not ok! We are in day 10 of our new morning routine. Coffee is part of my morning ritual. I zombie walk to the machine and get it started before I do anything, then make my bed and get dressed.

By then coffee is brewed and I have around 15 min of down time before the boys wake up. Oh I can sooo relate! I am so glad I came across this! I joined a support group this month specifically for helping and encouraging each other to be better around the home. I love that you scheduled in some self love as well. I am so happy you found the post, I hope it will be an encouragement to you!

I was definitely on the scramble, scramble, collapse routine before too, and my new morning routine has truly made such a huge difference!

I hope you can find a routine that works well for you too! I do not have kids yet…and have often looked forward to their addition to my life because I felt it would give me a sense of purpose and worth. This is sadly unhealthy and I have realized it. Your morning routine practice is spot on and DOES make all the difference in a day — kids or not. Although I never took it to the next level and thought to incorporate my goals and make it a regular, daily thing — I now most definitely will! Thank you so much for inspiring me to get a head start on this!

I will be a much happier, healthier, more productive mom, and human, because of this! Such a simple and interesting article. This is just what I wanted with the current situation of my life. I have a 3 year old and never felt I did justice to the role as a home maker. Our simple morning routine has continued to make a huge impact in our home, but I want to emphasize for other moms who might be reading that there really is a season to let the toys stay on the floor. I think the word you want is probably initiative or maybe momentum?

This is something I feel I need to do. Do your kids go to daycare while you work from home? If not, what do they do while you work? The idea of a routine is just as appropriate to working outside the home moms! I love that your morning routine helps you spend more quality time with your little one. Thanks for sharing Christin. I think absolutely anyone mom or not could really benefit from the extra peace that comes from a morning routine.

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CWAHM Video Devotions To think about your health and strength and is it time to go to bed yet? .. You can be contacted by Work At Home Moms (& some Dads) who will explain to you how they are working from home and how you can, . This company employs mostly work-at-home moms. The biggest benefit is that employees get to be part of a company whose mission they.

Now if I could just get in the habit of doing my evening routine consistently! I love this routine and think it could be useful for us but seriously I struggle with when to shower. Just curious if you get a morning shower or do you end up doing an evening or other time of day one. Thanks for Your post! I am sure to someone outside this season of life, getting a shower seems like a matter of course, but this is something I really struggled with when my second was born.

How do you take a shower when you have a baby and a toddler who need your constant attention? I finally started making it a priority though for some much needed self-care.