Theology of Prosperity: How to Unleash Your Financial Power

Believe I will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing upon you until it overflows. Mark, do what I have commanded you to do. We need money…lots of money. Do you have anything to say about this? Michele, once and for all, you have NO financial worries because the finances in your house are not your responsibility.

Be a good steward of what I give. Your husband is not your provider. Your school is not your provider.

What is My name? I have such interesting and particular financial provisions laid out for you and [your husband and son]. You would laugh if you could see what I see coming. Smile at the future.

And I you, My daughter. You bring Me so much joy. You are a delight to Me. Just go with the flow. My flow…the river that flows through you. I AM that river. From the course Fulfill Your Financial Destiny , it has become apparent to me through the over verses in the Bible regarding money, that God is very interested in how we view our finances.

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He has clearly spelled out in His Word to me that my viewpoint on money is to be based on His Word and guided by His Spirit. As I journaled about the Deuteronomy I can see from His perspective that He wants to showcase His people so all the world will see that we are the King's kids, a special people blessed by our God to be a blessing to those around us. His intention was never for us to hoard His blessings, but to be a conduit for Him to flow blessings through us to meet the needs of others. And yet, He has left it up to us to choose whether we will accept the blessing.

My attitude towards money should be first and foremost that God owns it all! Everything that I am and everything that I have comes from God.

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I receive all things that pertain to life and godliness, according to 2 Peter 1: Praise the Lord, how rich I am! The next thing that I must recognize in my attitude towards money is that the tithe belongs to the Lord. A tithe is simply the first ten percent of what I earn or receive.

If I have the attitude that I have earned this money myself and it is mine to do with as I please, then I have placed myself under a curse. As a result I have withdrawn myself from His protection and given the enemy direct access to steal, kill and, destroy my financial ability to prosper. Now that I've established my position to receive from God, I can move on to sowing seeds for my harvest. Every farmer knows that in order to have a harvest, he must sow a seed.

One seed will produce many more in abundance if properly watered and nurtured. I can scatter my seed around on good ground and be assured that I will receive a harvest for what I have sown, but I must continually sow and not allow doubts of any kind to sway me away from sowing. To be assured of a bountiful harvest, I must bountifully and continuously sow my seed in faith.

Between my sowing and harvesting, I must water my seed with the Word. I need to speak faith-filled statements about my harvest; for with my mouth, I speak it into existence through the activation of my faith. My time between planting and harvesting then is a time of steadfastness, expecting a good harvest of my seed; a time of focusing on the good things that God has done in my life and thanking Him for them, and associating with people of like precious faith that are moving in the same direction as me. As I have studied this course, God has reminded me of His faithfulness and my need to continue sowing my seeds in faith.

It was difficult having enough money to pay the bills and provide for a toddler who needed diapers and special food. During that time, I attended a revival in a nearby town. On the way home from work the night of the revival; in anticipation of going, I prayed and told the Lord I wanted to be able to give something for the offering, but I only had two dollars in my purse and some change. I didn't know how I would make it through until payday on Monday without any gas in my car.

He very quietly told me to put the two dollars into gas for my car and simply empty the change out of my purse when it came time for the offering. I agreed that I could do that, but when I looked in my purse at my change, there was the silver dollar my father had given me that I always carried with me. He had carried it in his pocket since it was the date of my grandfather's birth, and it was all I had left of my father's. When the offering plate came around, it took me three tries to get all the change, including dad's silver dollar, out of my purse. For every hour you work, I am repaying you for that silver dollar.

It will be yours every hour that you work for the rest of your working life. God is so faithful to do what He has promised! I was so blessed in knowing that God had already multiplied it for His use and had given back to me an abundant harvest for my seed sown! He is so good to me! I will always remember God's faithfulness! Through this course, I have been reminded to continue doing what I know is right and that when I respond to God in obedience and faith that He will bless me more than I could ever ask, think or imagine. We can never out give God. My theology on money, wealth, and prosperity is that God has promised in His Word that if I will listen to His voice and obey His commandments I will be the head and not the tail, blessed as I go out and come back in, and prosperous in every area of my life, with the ability to bless as I am blessed!

And that is what I plan to do! Clare has asked me to relate the story of how we used vision to grow our business. Clare having seen your teaching on vision and recognizing God wanting her to explore this space spent considerable time going through your teaching on vision with me. This shifted our understanding considerably as we had many years ago determined to serve God in the business mountain by "Praying, Hearing and Doing in Obedience".

So for many years now we have waited on God for clear words of insight and instruction which generally are both "heart" and "strategic" in nature. What we realized was that pictures are much easier to work with than words or Scriptures. In other words it's easier to remember a picture than a word concerning the issue or person. He lives in an expensive mansion, has two Rolls-Royces and a private jet.

The titles of his many books include: Dollar once posted an update on his Facebook page, which read: Thus, prayer becomes a tool for forcing God to prosper us. Benny Hinn is another well-known prosperity-preaching televangelist. His worldwide healing crusades attract millions. The documentary Do You Believe in Miracles?

This is not to deny the authenticity of any true testimonies of healing. God is more interested in touching lives than in the vessel he uses to do it. After all, he used Balaam, a false prophet, to bless Israel. Most pertinently, Jesus said that not all who do works in his name will actually be honouring God Matthew 7: Writing in Christianity Today he recalled his lavish lifestyle as one of the Hinns: Rubbing him the right way — by giving money and having enough faith — would unlock your spiritual inheritance.

His grace was not to set us free from sin but to make us rich. We lived the prosperity gospel. But Costi began to have nagging doubts about what he believed: This left three treasured beliefs in tatters. No, Jesus only healed one man out of a multitude. No, Jesus healed instantly with a mere command. I wept bitterly over my participation in greedy ministry manipulation and my life of false teaching and beliefs, and I thanked God for his mercy and grace through Jesus Christ. My eyes were completely opened.

Sometimes you go a little farther than you really need to go, and then God brings you back to normality and reality. If prosperity theology is the real deal, it means any Christian who is sick or struggling to make ends meet is somehow either not exercising enough faith or has hidden sin in their lives, which is keeping them from getting their blessing. I personally know other Christians who attend prosperity gospel churches and believe what they teach. They are lovely people who have a genuine faith. However, their understanding of biblical prosperity differs from mine. Thankfully, I also know of others who once agreed with prosperity theology, but have since come to a realisation that it is flawed teaching.

That would mean that the likes of Paul, who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament but was beheaded for his faith, were failures. I believe that Jesus dealt with sickness and disease at the cross Isaiah However, the reality is that not everyone will experience the full physical manifestation of that healing in this fallen world. The good news is that Christians already have the true kind of prosperity and the best type of wealth: This article originally appeared in the August issue of Premier Christianity. Click here to request a FREE copy of the print magazine.

The Israeli televangelist Benny Hinn has admitted that he sometimes Benny Hinn has admitted his teaching about prosperity has "gone The leader of Hillsong has labelled its success a 'miracle s Protection against the power of curses is offered. Power packets are provided in talismanic forms.

Spiritual power can be packed in material objects and transported, carried and used.

Prosperity theology

Shaman and witch doctors have long practiced such use of spiritual power. A lack of a carefully considered biblically understanding of power is obvious among many prosperity preachers. It is possible that some knowingly use unbiblical practices of delivering power but most appear not to understand the complex and clear teaching of spiritual power in the Bible.

Such preaching and practice about spiritual power is at times in danger of connecting with the very forces of evil the preacher is attempting to attack.

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There is also the real danger that the preacher believes he has a right to spiritual power and gets lifted above accountability for his actions and attitudes. The moral havoc such a view and practice of power produces is all too evident in the scandals about financial and sexual immorality that plague the practitioners. It is her we need to encourage a biblical understanding of power to develop in the blessing movement. There is a clear contrast in the bible of the power exercised by a Pharaoh who was considered as divine and the power exercised the true divine Lord Jesus.

Even in heaven he is bears the marks if the lamb slain. A Christian preacher a or believer must follow that model of power. We turn to the theme of grace and its relation to the way in which faith and power are connected in prosperity teaching. In Paul our faith is not a merit we bring to God to be rewarded by him.

It is more a sign of our repentance than an asset we place before God to show we deserve his salvation. The rewards of the kingdom are not proportionate to ones faith or service. It is grace rather than faith reward causality that is at the heart of the Kingdom of God. Blessing is presented in Prosperity teaching as a right an entitlement. It is a state one owns and can live in continually.. In the New Testament blessing is not an entitlement based on the assets of faith of a disciple. It is linked to the promises of God, backed by his sovereignty and covenant faithfulness.

They reflect his generous character. On the contrary the believers desires are still subject to sin and his desires of blessing cannot be automatically fulfilled. They may put his spiritual well being at risk. It is better to trust in the blessing God will give freely while continuing to petition as a child does his parent.

Divine union with God is not a distant goal but a starting point. The believer becomes a creator like God himself and can employ faith filled words to bring things into being i. Prayer is not a petition but a claim even a demand that actualizes what is claimed and demanded. Such an assumption of a believers transformed personhood enables a turn to the techniques the believer needs and the habits of faith she must develop. One such habit is tithing that can unlock and release blessing, success and prosperity. It is to be set free to live in victory, health, wealth and joy.

The believer must aspire for and experience material and spiritual blessings. Another aspect of this view of personhood is that believers can have a revelational knowledge that is often very different from sense knowledge. Sense knowledge may say you are ill. Revelation knowledge gives you the conviction that you are healed. There is a high anthropology in prosperity teaching. Christ is the second Adam whose entire incarnate life is before us to imitate.

We must note the practical implications of such a high view of personhood for the believing poor. It energizes and builds up their agency and responsibility. For people who for generations have been slaves and servants of the powerful it is very empowering to know that you are released from that status and identity. But the prosperity teaching fails often to stress the servant hood that Jesus displayed even as the Lord of creation.

We need to draw on the framework of incarnational ethics.

Christian personhood must have this understanding of discipleship at its center. Focus on only the victorious Christ enthroned in heaven where we occupy ruler ship with him and ignoring the life of the sinless Christ here on earth embracing suffering, simplicity and servant hood is to promote a sub Christian and sometimes dangerous version of discipleship.

The projection of a blessing order or right is incompatible with biblical evidence.

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That grace also prevents any gift made to God from becoming a merit that God must recognize. We can and will respond with gifts. We are created to gift. It is much easier to thank God when you are economically comfortable and socially respected. But where should the poor find the grace of God in their lives. It enables them to thank God for his grace before any dramatic answer to prayer and even when that expected answer does not materialize.

The not yet understanding of the Kingdom is necessary to correct the view that all gifts of the kingdom can be accessed in full measure in the yet. It is true that many Christians are too shy and diffident to claim many gifts of the kingdom even in small measures. They accept a weak, struggling faith and discipleship as the norm this side of heaven. We need a holy dissatisfaction with our discipleship and develop openness and even an eagerness to desire that entire God can give us.

We must seek and find. The Kingdom has some provisional dimensions as we await the permanent. There are penultimate experiences of the Kingdom as we look forward to the ultimate. Our Kingdom citizenship is lived in the midst of those tensions enabling us to address the sufferings and uncertainties of life with patience and hope.

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny MP3 Download

(1 Corinthians ) Brother Paul was a tough minded and powerful personality. and Theology of ProsPeriTy: how To Unleash yoUr financial Power. Prosperity theology is a religious belief among some Christians, who hold that financial Kenyon's blend of evangelical religion and mind-power beliefs—what he . Christians today, and that faith and holy actions release this prosperity.

This needs to be a key part of any blessing teaching. In my experience the poor understand the importance of justice.

Prosperity theology - Wikipedia

They recognize that resources and endowments are asymmetrically distributed. They hesitate to judge them as unjustly distributed. To enable them to see it that way is not a solution. It is only an analysis. The poor we work with in India believe that the solution to unjust distribution of resources will not come from the State or its systems. They see systems as people with power anyway.