His Loving Law, Our Lasting Legacy: Living the Ten Commandments and Giving Them to Our Children

His Loving Law, Our Lasting Legacy: Living the Ten Commandments and Giving Them to Our Children
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This is an abridgment of Grudem's highly commended Systematic Theology intended for laypeople and nonprofessionals. A renowned teacher and writer of the acclaimed The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard, one of today's most brilliant Christian thinkers now offers a timely and challenging call back to the true meaning of Christian discipleship. In The Divine Conspiracy, Willard gracefully weaves biblical teaching, popular culture, science, scholarship, and spiritual practice into a tour de force that shows the necessity of profound changes in how we view our lives and faith.


In an era when many Christians consider Jesus a beloved but remote savior, Willard argues compellingly for the relevance of God to every aspect of our existence. Masterfully capturing the central insights of Christ's teachings in a fresh way for today's seekers, he helps us to explore a revolutionary way to experience God—by knowing Him as an essential part of the here and now, rather than only as a part of the hereafter.

Such obedience is regarded as just out of the question or impossible. But, as Willard clearly shows, a faith that guarantees a satisfactory afterlife, yet has absolutely no impact on life in the here and now, is nothing more than "consumer Christianity" and "bumper-sticker faith.

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The author calls us into a more authentic faith and offers a practical plan by which we can become Christ-like. He challenges us to step aside from the politics and pieties of contemporary Christian practice and inspires us to reject the all too common lukewarm faith of our times by embracing the true meaning of Christian discipleship.

Very few people today find Jesus interesting as a person or of vital relevance to the course of their actual lives. He is not generally regarded as a real life personality who deals with real-life issues, but is thought to be concerned with some feathery realm other than the one we must deal with, and must deal with now.

It is regarded as a costly option, a spiritual luxury, or possibly even as an evasion. Each chapter focuses on one commandment, what it prohibits and what it commands.

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In reading this book, I learned that the Ten Commandments are far more than a list of "Thou shalt nots. The chapters are meant to be read by an adult rather than read aloud during family devotions.

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After reading the chapter, the adult uses the personal study and discussion questions, which are helpful for evaluating how well he or she is living out the commandment and preparing him for teaching and leading the family discussion. Ortlund also provides the lesson plans for sharing the commandment with children.

His Loving Law, Our Lasting Legacy

How each family utilizes these lessons is left up to the reader, but I think these lessons will take a full week for my family to accomplish. The bonus for taking a full week for each commandment is that it gives both parents and children an opportunity to put the lesson into practice which is going to include repentance. How each family utilizes these lessons is left up to the reader, but I think these lessons will take a full week for my family to accomplish.

The bonus for taking a full week for each commandment is that it gives both parents and children an opportunity to put the lesson into practice which is going to include repentance. Ortlund also suggests memory verses for the family to memorize together.

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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Why bother with discipleship, it is widely thought, or, for that matter, with a conversational relationship with God? It is written by a mother and her son duo. You don't have to be a super-parent to be a hero to your kids. According to Ortlund, our children need to see and feel our wholehearted love for Christ by our caring, loving obedience to his law.

I enjoyed this book and am anxious to utilize it for our family worship time. I am very happy to recommend it for you and your family. Your email address will not be published.

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Old Testament , Textbook.