Release the Supernatural by Meditation on Christ

You can live a life of extraordinary, supernatural power! The secret is actually quite simple. God's power is obtained through a lifestyle of intimacy with Him. Jesus understood the connection between power and intimacy.

The Secret to Experiencing and Releasing God's Supernatural Power — Charisma Magazine

Jesus was constantly flowing in the power of God and releasing it through His life to others. The level of His anointing was in direct proportion to His prayer life. Everything Jesus accomplished in His earthly ministry was birthed out of the time He spent with the Father in prayer. God taught me this truth early in my walk with Him. Both before and during my years in pastoral ministry I would spend hours a day waiting in His presence. At that time I had no idea how God would use me to bring His love and power to thousands. I would often walk into my office at the church as a young pastor to find the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit waiting there for me.

Periodically I would spend all day and night locked in my office basking in the radiance of His glory. One day I felt guilty for spending so much time in prayer. I knew there were practical things that needed to be done. But God said to me, "Matt, if you do not have this time with Me now, you will not be able to walk in what I have for you in the future.

Instantly all the guilt was gone. I knew that my future ministry would be released out of the time I was spending with God. And, of course, the tasks I had to do always got done. After five years of pastoral ministry, during which the anointing of God increased on my life, I suddenly found myself being launched by Him into a worldwide, prophetic healing ministry.

How To Free Your Mind

During the last several years we have seen thousands saved, healed and delivered by God's power. I attribute the anointing I have today to the years of hidden devotion I had with God as both a young person and a pastor. I could write pages of accounts of divine encounters in which the power of God has been released as a result of my cultivating a relationship with the Holy Spirit in my life. One particularly memorable event occurred during a church service in West Virginia.

Suddenly God said to me, "At 9 p. My power will hit this place. I knew something extraordinary was about to happen. I stood at the pulpit and encouraged those in attendance to continue worshiping. Then I instructed the ushers to close off all the air vents.

I didn't want anyone to mistake the air conditioning for the wind of God. The members of the congregation lifted their hands and began to worship with a new fervor. The atmosphere became electrified with a supernatural faith. At precisely 9 p. I could feel a surge of power hit my body as the person of the Holy Spirit swept across the sanctuary. Some could feel a physical wind blowing over their bodies, while others felt a tangible fire.

  • How to Obtain Extraordinary, Supernatural Power! — Charisma Magazine.
  • 7 Ways to Tap into the Supernatural Power of God | What Is God's Will for My Life? - Beliefnet;
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God had invaded the meeting! People ran forward testifying of God's healing power. Many were instantly healed of fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, chronic back pain, chest pain, shoulder conditions, knee injuries, pneumonia and rheumatoid arthritis. As we have allowed the Holy Spirit to move in our meetings since that incident, we have also witnessed the healing of cancer, the opening of deaf ears, the restoration of sight to blind eyes and the ability to walk to the lame, as well as the healing of deep emotions. Let me encourage you to continually develop a lifestyle of intimacy with God.

Do you immediately think of God, or are your first thoughts related to worldly expressions of power—people who possess influence through politics, wealth or celebrity? Perhaps you equate power with good preaching: Sadly, few of us associate power with the Person of the Holy Spirit. This was certainly the case in my own life. In my early experiences with the supernatural, I learned to think of power primarily in terms of phenomena.

August 2018

Power was an "it"—something that happened which could not be explained by the laws of nature. After I was saved, however, I discovered that power is not an "it" but a "who.

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Power is not just what He does; it is who He is. When we fail to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit, we cut ourselves off from the true source of power and end up chasing ever-decreasing phenomena.

7 Ways to Tap into the Supernatural Power of God

Knowing the Holy Spirit, talking to Him, and meditating upon Him—these are the keys to releasing His presence and power in our lives. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself how well you know the Holy Spirit? So many believers fall into the trap of thinking of Him as a glorified Santa Claus who comes to distribute gifts. We relegate Him to this role and completely miss out on the relational intimacy available to us. Jesus placed great emphasis on the Person of the Holy Spirit.

He actually told the disciples it was better for them that He leave so they might receive the Spirit:.

Even in His resurrected body, Jesus can only be in one place at a time. His Spirit, however, can be everywhere.

This is why Jesus said His departure is to our advantage. He wants all men and women to experience a relationship with Him through the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit. And this benefit is just the tip of the iceberg. But if I go, I will send Him to you" John Here Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the Helper.

Other passages describe Him as our comforter, our teacher and our guide see John These are all personality descriptions! And there is more—according to Scripture, the Holy Spirit has a mind, will and emotions see Rom. What does this mean? It means the Spirit is a Person with a personality. He is not a cloud or a funny feeling; He is the expression of God's inner nature.

The question we have to ask ourselves is whether we treat the Holy Spirit accordingly. Do we know Him and talk to Him as a Person? Think about this for a moment: The Father determined it was not enough to send us His Son as a teacher, prophet, healer, redeemer and savior. He did not stop there in His pursuit of our restoration. He had to take His own Spirit, the very depths of His personality, and give it to everyone who said yes. The most precious and sacred thing we possess as humans is our spirit.

It is the core of our being, the essence of our existence, and we cannot give it to another. But the uncreated God is not bound by the laws governing human spirits. He can and does share His Spirit with us!