Des plus acides délires chlorhydriques (FICTION) (French Edition)

Collalion , confran- tatioD. Tresourier , Cnulec tour. Collier de bois portant une sonnaille. I Collier d'allelage. Couroundage , Cou- roundal. Combien , jeu de. Cou munie a r. Coumprcssible , ibla 4 Coumpression. Cuuncau, Couffut , uda Councavitat. Councert Councerlant , anla. Coun fiant , anta.

Coun forme , orma. Coun format , ada. Couv fartant , anta. Coun fus , usa. Couvjectural , ala Coutijectura. Counselhar, Counseilhier , iera. Consumliu , iva , vi. Censumar en bouil- lant. Counle stable , ahla. Contra fach , acha.

It was observed that the protonation enthalpy and Gibbs free energy had been affected by pH of solution. The water budget was considered balanced when inflow and outflow summed to zero. Ange, poisson , ou ange de mer. Espar gna, Boubecha Boumbina. U tel pour jouer.

Counti ibuahle , abla. Counverlible , ibla, Counvertir. Copeaux de la hache. Copulatiu , iva , vl. Coque , enivrer le poisson avec de la. Agacin, Cor de chassa. Char but, uda, ua. S, il, I k Cordonnet. Cornes , qui a perdu les. Cornes , accrocher avec les. Cornemuse, joueur de Cordounet. Herba de la malha. Corps petit ou mau- vais.

Banarut, uda , ua. Corsets , ouvrier qui fait des. Couette remplie de balle d'avoine. Couleuvre de Sco- poli. Coup sur la nuque. Pics et Palacs Coup de soleil. Coup de vin, un petit. Coupable , abla Coupe. Coubla , Par ton. Coupoun , Eicapou- loun. Courir souvent, sans sujet. Courroie des souliers Courroie, coup de. Courtage, Courtaud , aude. Couteau de sage femme. Couteau pour peler les prunes. Couteau, donner un coup de. Coutrier, labourer avec le. Couar , Grouar Descouar.

Fias- Couverture de ber ceau. Couvrir avec un cou- vercle. Couvrir avec des cou- vertures. Crapaud tuberculeux Crapaud ferrugi- neux. Grapaudina , Lou- beta. Arrapulit, ida , ia. Cremar , Cramar, Merlet, Cranel. Cr espar , fiisar. Crever dans sa peau. Crime, accuser d'un Criminaliste. C oc en jambe. Croissant, serpete en Croisure. Crocul, uda , Crow ehut. Croix, exaltation de la. Crollin , fumier de. Crous, exaltation dt la. Crous de M alla. Cuire avec de man- geaison , v.

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Cuisses, claque sur les. Cul, petit ou joli. Culotte, bas, mettre la. Cru , ue, pas cuit. Crud , uda , ua. Pecheiroun , Dour- gueta. Culhit , ida , ia. Cuirs , commerce des. Cuir s, marchand de. Curoir de l'aiguillon Cureta. Curoir des alamfncs Espan. Cuve petite d'osier ou de paille. Cylendrique, ica CYflf Cymaise.

CYN Cynips de l'olivier. Ped de lebre Dada. Dalles, toit fait avec des. Dame de onze heures Damer. Campaneta de mon- tagna. Damoiseau, qui fait le. Danse, chef de la. Desbauchaire , arela, Desbavagi. Desbouloiinar se, Desgevitrat, ada. Desbardai , Dcsma- lounat. Desbardar , Desma- lounar. Descampa ssit , idn. Descamp a s sir.

Declaratiu, iva , vl. Descourdurat , ada, Descourdureira. DEF D 'f;ichcr se. Desgauchit , ida , ia. Deslahrament Debifat , ada, Desla- brat. Demandait e , arela. Disputa, JJemele, DesgoussU, ida, ia. Demoiselle de Numi- die. Demoiselle , se donner Demitla. Dameisela , Doumei- sela. Endenlar, Dent de loup. Despreziament , vl Desapreciat, ada. Deshabilat , ada Deshabitar. Desscssounat , a do. Desservit, ida , ia.

Desunit, ida , t'a. Desunion, De s unir. Deulo- sulfate de cui- vre. Deuto- sulfate de so- dium, Deuloxyde de plomb. Desferroulhat , ada, Desvergoundat, ada. Desvestir se, Dehanat, ada. Debanar, Debanaire , arela. Diablatoun , Dia bloulin. Diana , batterie tambour. Dicton , Diton- Dital.

Title: Des Plus Acides Délires Chlorhydriques. Author: S., Sawed. LanguageCode FRENCH. ISBN: | eBay! Books, Magazines; >; Non-Fiction Books . Please note that first editions are rarely first printings. We do not have. Der Zauber Indiens: Aus dem Leben eines Sufi (German Edition) · Zero is Des plus acides délires chlorhydriques (FICTION) (French by Sawed S. PDF →.

Dimanche des bran- dons. Discortes , eza , vl. Dispareissut, uda , Avarit. Dislrach, acha, Dis- trat. Doigt petit , joli. Dolichos de la Chine. Don, titre honorifique Donat, n.

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Dorade de la Chine. Dorures, Dorychnium ligneux Daurada, Aurada. Pei Sant Peire, Dorsenavant. Dos , se frotter le. Esquina, Dos, Palussar, se. Doulour ou s , ousa. Dramatique , ica, Dramo. Dressoir pour la vais- selle. DRU Dru , ue. DUB Diihitatiu , iva , vl. Pessa oouliva gavota Durance.

Durcit , ida , ia. Duvet , couvert, garni Duvet, Gart. Eau, petit filet d'. Eau de fleur d'oran- ger. Eaux d'arrosage gardien des. Nec , EsbahiL Esbahir. Esbulhit , ida , ia. Espeloufit , ida , ia. EBU Cougnet de bosc. Clausura de bouissQ- uns. E seau far s'. Echelle, tour de Y. Echeveaiix, mettre en Fchevcanx, mis en. Esclaboussat , ada Eclabousser. Desbanatf ada , Es- cornat. Escornura , Berca- dura. Ecuiner, Ecumeur de mer. Escrud , uda , a. Ecuelh , Esteou, Escudela.

Ecurie, Ions les bes- tiaux d'une. EGA Egal , aie. Egueuler, Esbrecat , ada. ELL Ela , ella. Embarras de fil sur travoul. Embrouiller les che veux. Empedoui e Empcdouire s'. Emplatrer , Emplas- trar. Emplit , ida , ia. Emporter s'- Emporter s' , facile- ment. Empressement, ijrand Empresser s'. Empresser s', au tra- vail. Encenta , g roua Enceinte,! Rhooumas doou ccr veou. Ancra de la China. Peira de Sont Vincens. Endormit, ida , ia. Enduire de ciioses sales. Enfant jouflu, niais Pastis. Enfants, qui aime les.

Enfants , qui les amuse. Enfermer dans le ber- cail. ENG Engageant , anta. Enregoui , ia Engourdir s'. Engourdir s' Engourdir s', par le froid. ENI Enigmatique , ica. ENN Ennemi , ie. Enrayer, faire le pre mier sillon. Envelopper s' Envelopper s' de son manteau. Envie, faire venir V Envie folle. Espes , es sa. Espandit, ida , ia. Epaules , rompre les. Herba de la guerra. Epinard de Hollande ou sans cornes. Epine , prendre une. Epingles , fixer avec des.

Rrable a feuilles de platane. Ergot, monter sar ses. Ped de perdris ERR Errant, anle. Escarabce stercoraire Escarhillard, arde. Esclave , ava, Escogrifo. Fouit de courre- geas.

Hordi quarrat, en herba. ESO liecassina de mar. Masca deis amplovat ESP Espace. Esprit de mende rerus. Essaims, mettre les, dans les ruches. Essor , prendre son. Etable, tous les ani- maux d'une, Etahler. Establit , ida , ia. Etamage, qui a perdu Banc. Estanchar, Four cor ai Pounchier. Ether citrique , etc. Ethuse ache des chiens. Estellas que toum- boun.

Cochit, Etoupe du brisoir. Etoupe abondant en , ou de la nature de. Estourdaria, EstourdU , ida , ta. Eucharistique , ica Auqueli. Erba de Sant Clar. EUX Eleis, elous, elas. Eveiller en sur saut. Eventrer, parlant d un sac trop plein. Exemplari, aria Exemplaire, s. Extentiu , iva , vK Extenlion. Extinctiu , iva , vl. Extrait de goulard oa de Saturne. Extraordinairement , Extraordinariament Extravagant, ante. FAB Fabien , n. Talounaire, Faces sious , ousa.

Fagota filtrer le vin. Faisan de montagne, Faisandeau. Feneant , antr Feneantas. Fane des ognons, por- reaux. Fane , qui a beaucoup Fanatique, ica. Farce , filet pour con- tenir la. Pioulin de mounta- gna. Faste Fastidieux, euse Fastueuscment. Faucille, arc de la. Faucon aux pieds rouges. Fauvetle de Provence, Fauvette des roseaux. Faux , manche de la. Faux bois de Sainte Lucie. Bouscarla de canier Couloumbada pichoti Escala sagna. FEC Fecound , ounda. Femme grosse et laide. Femme simple , sans malice. Femme vielle, gro- gneuse. Femme , se marier , prendre, Amoillerar s', vl.

Bottom panel for Description

Ferre de chivau Fer blanc. Ferme , monter une t en bestiaux, Acabalar. Ferme pourvue de bestiaux. Fessar , Fouitar, Fouitaire. Feu de Sainl Jean. Feuilles , se couvrir de. Feuil'os , chute des. Fuec Fuec de jnya. Feoutrar Inu, 27 Feutre. Autre de las caragau- las. Fiente des brebis alta-. Febre inflammaloin Febre jauna. Figuratiu, iva , vl. Figure grosse ou laide. Figure petite , jolit '. Fil qui se croise en tissant. Filer, en train de.

Filets, prendre dans ses. Filet de veau ou de mouton. Filet pour la salade. Filtre fait avec de la paille. Finochou, ocha Finaud , aude. Flambage d'un vais- seau. Fleur du grand sei- gneur. Fleur de la passion. Flour de la passion. Fleurit , ida , ia. Flours arlificielas Fleurs de soufre. Flocon de neige, tom- ber des. FOL Fol , olle. Four an, ana, Fourlan. Fouet, porte charge du. Fouiller, en parlant des pourceaux. Fouler , les raisins , celui qui. Fouler se, une articu- lation. Paraire et Parandu- rier. Fourche , ce que peut contenir une.

Fourcher de la langue. Fripier qui court rues. Fripounet, ela, ot, ota Fripounat, ada. Campanela de moun tagna. Formage sec de cal - leboltes. Froment de Barbarie, Froment gris de souris Froment monocoque. Froumentous , ousa, Frounsit, ida, ia. Fructuous , ousa Frugal, aie. FU Fu , Fue. Fuseau de la lanterne d'un pulls. Fusil , monter un. Ilerha de la cira. Galets, lieu couvert de Codouliera. Galetas j espace vide du Camerat. Galous , ousa Galimafrcya. GAR Garance des teintu- riers.

Garantit, ida , ia. Garnit , ida , ia. Gaules , frapper avec des. Generatif, iva , vl. Serbes, tas triangu- ; laire de. Serbes , les joncher h! Calamendrier , Gcr- mandrea. Gesse sans feuilles Amarun. Gigot, manche Gigot petit. GIG Gigantesque , ca. Giron d'une marche d'escalier. Gironde , dcparle- ment de. Glands , donner des aux pourceaux. Glandulous, ousa, vl Glena. Glisser sur la glace. Gobe-mouche, bec Bouscarla chinsou- t f figue.

Gouitrous, a, Gamat, ada. S06 -Gomme de cerisier. Gonfler en s' embibant. Gorge, petite, rav Gorge de loup. Gorgear , Gavar Gorgeireta. Gousier , Gar ganta. Goujat, valet de jeu de mail. Goujat, mener comme un. Goulut , uda , Gala vard. Gradaliu , iva, vl. Ayranar, Grain de raisin. Graneta Graine de perroquet.

Grana de perrouquel Graine de Canar e. Grana de canari Graine de paradis. Grana de paradis Grainetier. Gras cuit , uile. Grassette de monta- gne. Glet, eta, Amolit, ido. Graltcleux , eusc Grattelle. Gratter la terre les pieds. Gratter, qui a l'habi tude de se.

Ilerba aupaure homt Gratis. Graver sur le bois comme les bergers, Escriouselar. Gravier, petit banc de. Gravure de la semelle des souliers. Gressisme, lisez Grc' citme. Grelot gros, des mu lel. Grelots , faire sonner les. Grimace d'un hahil mal fait. Grimpereau de mu- raille.

Grive hasselle de Bar barie. GrossieretaL Grossit, ida, t'a. Mes de mai, Lagoussar. Gueule grosse ou laide. Gueule petite ou mi gnonne. Guichet , petite porte. Guilhemelar M au maridat. Habitable , abla Habitacle. HAI Hait , ida , ia. Aurelha de St-Piarrc Halot. Hardes, gros paquet Haras, Ega. Hardit , ida , ia. Carcagnaire , areU Fayoou. Harmounious , ousa larmonique. Rrpe , jouer de la. Brausit, ida, ia Havir. Jlebelar , Embesliar, Jlcbraique, ica. Herba deis thouercl Herbar. Hernie , contracter I une. Affrous, ousUf Des- carat. Hiemenis, faire des, Crenilhar. HIL llilaire , n. HIP Kippobosque du che-.

Hippobosque du mou- Ion, liarbin. Hirondelle grise des rochers. Bachelard , jouine- home. V erg ou gnous , ousa. Hoquet d'une person ne ivre. HUG Huche d'un pressoir Mastra. TLD Ildegonde , n. Ferre , ila de. Jlluminatiu, iva, v Illumination. Ilot, Ilota , Ilhot. Imaginatiu, iva, vl Imagination. Impardounalle, abla Imparfait, aite. I Impartial , aie. Jmpatrounisat , ada, Impatrounisar s'. Imperturbable , ablo Imperturhablament. Impoulit , ida , ia. Impunit, ida, ia Impunilat. INA Inabordable , alla. Incoumbuslible , il Incoumode , da. Jncounut , uda ua. Incorporai, ala, v Incorpourat , ada Incorpourar.

Indeterminat , ada Index. Indisciplinat , ad Indiscret, eta. Indissoluble , ubl Indistinct , incta. Indivisible , illa Indoucile,ila. Indu, Ma, Indubitable, abla. Im-promplu , lisez In-promptu. Inscription en faux, jtnscrire. INS Insalubre j hra. Insoutenable , abla, Inspectar. INT Intact , acte. Ilerba de Sant Roch.

INV Invalida , ida. Ionique , ica, lOT lolacisme, vl. IRR Irrationnel , elle. Irritable, abla Irritanl, anta Irritation. Issues naturelles d'un lac. L83 Ivraie del Ivre. Jambon , reste ou os de. Jardinagi , llorlou- la'. Jardinier , fera, Jardiniera. Jauni avec du safran. Jaunir avec du safran. Jean, kan petit ou jeune. Jean de nivela kan-Baptisle , n. Jiet Jet d'une fontaine Raionu. Jeu , se passionner pour le. Jeu, passionne pour le.

Poulit , ida , Joli , v Joliel, ette. Joncs, lieu couvert de. JOS Joseph , n. Joue groste ou laide. Joues en mangant, faire gonfler les. Targar , Louchar , Jostar , vl. Labre , poisson , V. Table latine, au mot Labrus. Lacounique , ie Lacounisme. Lacryma- christ Lacrimal, ala. Lacet , Cordou Lacuna. Lagurier ovale i Mi. JLaid, un peu laid. LAG G cala hr a. Lail, faire venir le, au sein, Avcnar. Lait, qui aime le. Lach deis peissoun Lachairoun, Cardel Laitiroun. Lambinar Biou dcis itas. I Lambourdes, placer des Lambris.

Lambruches, lipu couvert de. Velhouloun , Vclhou- roun. Lamprillon Lamprilhoun , Cm reou. Lange de dessous en laine. Langourous , ousa Langouste commune Langousta. Languissent , enta Lanier. Lard , saler du. Larde , celui qui. Lacrimos , osu vl. LAX L ixatif , ive. Lou, Lous , Las. Lenitiu , ta, vl. Lentisques, lieu vert de. Lous, Lat , Lcis. Bugada, Lissiou Lessive de tanneur Adoub. Lessive , couler la Bugadoun. Lellre grosse cl laide. Lavasse, Lavassi , Raista.

Licou , metlre le. Licilation Licite , Fermes , essa. Lilas de Pcx sa. Limpide , ida , Clar. LIN iv in ordinaire, tn purgatif. Castagna de l'argu Liniment. LinoUe petite , des vignes. Lion, la race des. Courregeola de ba tas. Fi g a doounaz. Rapouchoun salmge LOC Local, aie. Perlas dois accou- chadas.

LOD Lods et ventes. Verme-gros dois en- fants. Louison , n pr. Louvoyer en mois- sonnant. LOT Louyal , nia. Long agi , Renda. LUI Li, el, cou. Herha de la routa. LUP Vessa de loup. Luxurious , ousa 37 I.

Calarineta deis P'- jiiens. Canoun , Magdd- leoun. Mai, du mois de Maienc. Mailler , au jeu de j quilles. Main grosse ou laide. Maigrit, ida , ia. Labour ar , Malhar. Maison petite de cara- Baslida. Maison , grosse laide. Maladies des enfants Maladif, ive. Marx de la terra. Malice, donner de Malicieusement. Mal fusent , enta. Manosquin , ina Manca. MAQ M a que. Marguerite , n, pr. Marguerite grande , fleur.

Marmite de fer fondu. Marque pour marquer avec de la poix. Marroun , Casla- gnolc Marrounier. Hassucdujeuduiu Mastic, ail Palamard. MAX Maxime , n. Jlerba de la routa. Our present review summarizes the PAR 4 structural characteristics, activation mechanism, role in the pathophysiology of diseases and understanding the association of PAR 4 targeting for improved cardiac protection. Partitioning defective 3-like protein Par 3L is a recently identified cell polarity protein that plays an important role in mammary stem cell maintenance.

Previously, we showed that high expression of Par 3L is associated with poor survival in malignant colorectal cancer CRC , but the underlying mechanism remained unknown. Interestingly, reduced proliferation, enhanced cell death and caspase-3 activation were observed in Par 3L knockout KO cells as compared with wildtype WT cells. Consistent with previous studies, we showed that Par 3L interacts with a tumor suppressor protein liver kinase B1 Lkb1. Furthermore, we showed that Par 3L KO cells were more sensitive to chemotherapies and irradiation.

La syphilis congenitale revelee par une fracture spontanee. Le diagnostic est evoque sur les donnees radiologiques et confirme par la serologie syphilitique. Satellite bunches with very low charge form due to rf phase drifts or beam loading change. These satellites, when injected into the booster and then into the storage ring SR , cause bunch impurity at three buckets from the target bucket. Storage ring and booster bunch cleaning was tried but proved to be difficult due to the top-up mode of operation in the storage ring and tune drift in the booster synchrotron.

Recently we implemented a PAR bunch-cleaning system with tune-modulated harmonic rf knockout. Preliminary tests gave a measured SR bunch purity of better than Full Text Available The aim of the present study is to establish the results using the scores obtained from the methodology that was applied for assessing the stability after 2 years post orthodontic treatment and stability in a sample of 69 individuals. After applying PAR index to the collected group of patients, a series of scores were obtained, which were then needed to be evaluated further to establish the results.

The scores were evaluated using the nomogram. A comparison was done between the post treatment and the 2 years post treatment PAR weighting scores to determine if the results were stable after orthodontic treatment. The majority of the orthodontic patients were treated to a good standard and that the results appeared to be stable.

Tuberculose lymphonodale cervicale chez les enfants vaccines par Adoption d'innovations agricoles par le truchement de services Solution volumes finis polynomiale par morceaux pour les For the performance of hydrogen removal, the depletion rate equation of K- PAR developed in Korea is applied. The first two origins provide source for the late 'late' terminology is used because it takes more than one day before calandria tank failure potential hydrogen combustion before calandria tank failure and all the three origins would provide source for the very late potential hydrogen combustion occurring at or after calaria tank failure.

Protease activated receptors PARS mediation in gyroxin biological activity. Gyroxin is a serine protease enzyme from the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus venom; it is only partially characterized and has multiple activities. Gyroxin induces blood coagulation, blood pressure decrease and a neurotoxic behavior named barrel rotation. The mechanisms involved in this neurotoxic activity are not known. Whereas gyroxin is a member of enzymes with high potential to become a new drug with clinical applications such as thrombin, batroxobin, ancrod, tripsyn and kalicrein, it is important to find out how gyroxin works.

The analysis on agarose gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism confirmed the molecules' integrity and purity. The gyroxin intravenous administration in mice proved its neurotoxicity barrel rotation. The leukocytes' adherence and rolling counting indicated that gyroxin has no pro inflammatory activity. Finally, it was proved that the gyroxin temporarily alter the permeability of the blood brain barrier BBB.

Our study has shown that both the protease-activated receptors and nitric oxide are mediators involved in the biological activities of gyroxin. Using a combination of structural work and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we show that Par RC bound and could accelerate growth at only one end of polar Par M filaments, mechanistically resembling eukaryotic formins.

The spindle elongated as a bundle of at least two antiparallel filaments, thereby pushing two plasmid clusters toward the poles Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor u PAR is overexpressed in human prostate cancer and u PAR has been found to be associated with metastatic disease and poor prognosis. AE is a small linear peptide with high binding affinity to u PAR. Intact and cleaved u PAR forms: It is well-established, that the total amount of all u PAR forms is a strong prognostic marker in different types of cancer. Using immunoassays, measuring the individual u PAR forms, has revealed that the cleaved u PAR forms are even stronger prognostic markers and have This review will focus on the mechanism of u PAR cleavage and the functional consequences, as well as the clinical applicability of cleaved u PAR forms Udgivelsesdato: Full Text Available Actin-like proteins Alps are a diverse family of proteins whose genes are abundant in the chromosomes and mobile genetic elements of many bacteria.

The low-copy-number staphylococcal multiresistance plasmid pSK41 encodes Par M, an Alp involved in efficient plasmid partitioning. The mechanistic implications of these differences are not known. Fluorescence microscopy showed a functional fusion protein, Par M-YFP, formed straight filaments in vivo when expressed in isolation. Time-lapse imaging and selective photobleaching experiments revealed that, in the presence of all components of the par MRC system, Par M-YFP filaments were dynamic in nature. Finally, molecular dissection of the par MRC operon revealed that all components of the system are essential for the generation of dynamic filaments.

Full Text Available External signals that are mediated by specific receptors determine stem cell fate. The thrombin receptor PAR 1 plays an important role in haemostasis, thrombosis and vascular biology, but also in tumor biology and angiogenesis. Its expression and function in hematopoietic stem cells is largely unknown. Here, we analyzed expression and function of PAR 1 in primary hematopoietic cells and their leukemic counterparts.

Constitutive Par 1-deficiency in adult mice did not affect engraftment or stem cell potential of hematopoietic cells. Par 1-deficiency did not alter initial leukemia development. However, the loss of Par 1 enhanced leukemic stem cell function in vitro and in vivo. These data indicate that Par 1 contributes to leukemic stem cell maintenance. External signals that are mediated by specific receptors determine stem cell fate.

The double par locus of virulence factor pB DNA segregation is correlated with oscillation of Par A. Prokaryotic plasmids and chromosomes encode partitioning par loci that segregate DNA to daughter cells before cell division. Recent database analyses showed that almost all known par loci encode an ATPase and a DNA-binding protein, and one or more cis-acting regions where the proteins act. Most bacterial chromosomes carry an analogue of the par ABS systems that govern plasmid partition, but their role in chromosome partition is ambiguous.

We have characterized par ABS systems in Burkholderia cenocepacia, whose genome comprises three chromosomes and one low-copy-number plasmid. A single par AB locus and a set of Par B-binding parS centromere sites are located near the origin of each replicon.

Par A and Par B of the longest chromosome are phylogenetically similar to analogues in other multichromosome and monochromosome bacteria but are distinct from those of smaller chromosomes. The latter form subgroups that correspond to the taxa of their hosts, indicating evolution from plasmids. In an Escherichia coli plasmid stabilization test, each par AB exhibits partition activity only with the parS of its own replicon.

Hence, par ABS function is based on the independent partition of individual chromosomes rather than on a single communal system or network of interacting systems. Stabilization by the smaller chromosome and plasmid systems was enhanced by mutation of parS sites and a promoter internal to their par AB operons, suggesting autoregulatory mechanisms.

The small chromosome Par Bs were found to silence transcription, a property relevant to autoregulation. Recent studies have demonstrated that both overexpression of u PAR on podocytes and the administration of su PAR cause proteinuria in mice. A recent study fosters this idea by demonstrating increased su PAR levels in the serum of patients with FSGS and reporting an association with recurrence after transplantation and response to plasmapheresis.

However, this study was heavily biased, and subsequent studies have given conflicting results. Although the experimental work is very suggestive, at present there is no proof that any known human su PAR fragment causes FSGS in humans. We therefore suggest that the measurement of su PAR using currently available assays has absolutely no value at the present time in decision-making in routine clinical practice. PAR -2 expression in the gingival crevicular fluid reflects chronic periodontitis severity.

Full Text Available Abstract Recent studies investigating protease-activated receptor type 2 PAR -2 suggest an association between the receptor and periodontal inflammation. It is known that gingipain, a bacterial protease secreted by the important periodontopathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis can activate PAR Previous studies by our group found that PAR -2 is overexpressed in the gingival crevicular fluid GCF of patients with moderate chronic periodontitis MP.

The present study aimed at evaluating whether PAR -2 expression is associated with chronic periodontitis severity. PAR -2 and gingipain expressions were greater in periodontitis patients than in control group patients. Furthermore, periodontal treatment significantly reduced p PAR -2 expression in patients with periodontitis.

In conclusion, PAR -2 is associated with chronic periodontitis severity and with gingipain levels in the periodontal pocket, thus suggesting that PAR -2 expression in the GCF reflects the severity of destruction during periodontal infection. Structures of actin-like Par M filaments show architecture of plasmid-segregating spindles. Active segregation of Escherichia coli low-copy-number plasmid R1 involves formation of a bipolar spindle made of left-handed double-helical actin-like Par M filaments.

Growing Par MRC spindles push sister plasmids to the cell poles. Here, using modern electron cryomicroscopy methods, we investigate the structures and arrangements of Par M filaments in vitro and in cells, revealing at near-atomic resolution how subunits and filaments come together to produce the simplest known mitotic machinery. To understand the mechanism of dynamic instability, we determine structures of Par M filaments in different nucleotide states.

The Par M filament structure shows strong longitudinal interfaces and weaker lateral interactions. Also using electron cryomicroscopy, we reconstruct Par M doublets forming antiparallel spindles. Finally, with whole-cell electron cryotomography, we show that doublets are abundant in bacterial cells containing low-copy-number plasmids with the Par MRC locus, leading to an asynchronous model of R1 plasmid segregation.

PAR -1 contributes to the innate immune response during viral infection. Antoniak, Silvio; Owens, A. Coagulation is a host defense system that limits the spread of pathogens. Coagulation proteases, such as thrombin, also activate cells by cleaving PARs. Inhibition of either tissue factor or thrombin in WT mice also significantly increased CVB3 levels in the heart and cardiac injury compared with controls. Par mediated recruitment of Amida to the actin cytoskeleton leads to the induction of apoptosis.

Par -4 prostate apoptosis response-4 sensitizes cells to apoptotic stimuli, but the exact mechanisms are still poorly understood. Using Par -4 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified Amida as a novel interaction partner, a ubiquitously expressed protein which has been suggested to be involved in apoptotic processes. Complex formation of Par -4 and Amida occurs in vitro and in vivo and is mediated via the C-termini of both proteins, involving the leucine zipper of Par Amida resides mainly in the nucleus but displays nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling in heterokaryons.

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Upon coexpression with Par -4 in REF The latter results in enhanced phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin II MLC as has previously been shown for Par mediated recruitment of DAP-like kinase Dlk , suggesting that the recruitment of nuclear proteins involved in the regulation of apoptotic processes to the actin filament system by Par -4 represents a potent mechanism how Par -4 can trigger apoptosis.

Partitioning protein Par A oscillates in spiral-shaped structures and positions plasmids at mid-cell. Three independent techniques were used to investigate the subcellular localization of plasmids carrying par 2. A-GFP oscillated in spiral-shaped structures.

Amino acid substitutions in Par A simultaneously abolished Par A spiral formation, oscillation and either plasmid localization or plasmid separation at mid-cell. Therefore, our results suggest that Par A spirals position plasmids at the middle of the bacterial nucleoid Envenimation mortelle par morsure de serpent chez une femme Analysis of clinical features and visual outcomes of pars planitis. To evaluate the demographic characteristics, clinical features, treatment and outcomes of patients with pars planitis in a tertiary referral center in Turkey. Medical records of patients with pars planitis were retrospectively reviewed.

The data including demographic and ocular features and treatment outcomes were recorded. The distribution of clinical findings and complications were evaluated according to age and gender groups. Twenty-seven patients 54 eyes were included in this study. Mean age at diagnosis was Mean follow-up period was Mean BCVA was 0. Ocular complications included vitreous condensation Treatments included topical, periocular, intravitreal and systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressives, peripheral laser photocoagulation and pars plana vitrectomy when needed.

Pars planitis is an idiopathic chronic intermediate uveitis mostly affecting children and adolescents. In spite of its chronic nature with high potential of causing ocular complications, adequate treatment and close follow-up lead to favorable visual outcomes. Overexpression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptors u PAR represents an important biomarker for aggressiveness in most common malignant diseases, including prostate cancer PC. Accordingly, u PAR expression either assessed directly in malignant PC tissue or assessed directly in plasma In this review, we will focus on the recent development of u PAR PET and the relevance within prostate cancer imaging.

Full Text Available The guardian of the genome, p53, is often mutated in cancer and may contribute to therapeutic resistance. Given that p53 is intact and functional in normal tissues, we harnessed its potential to inhibit the growth of pdeficient cancer cells. Specific activation of p53 in normal fibroblasts selectively induced apoptosis in pdeficient cancer cells. This paracrine effect was mediated by pdependent secretion of the tumor suppressor Par Mechanistically, p53 induced Par -4 secretion by suppressing the expression of its binding partner, UACA, which sequesters Par Thus, normal cells can be empowered by p53 activation to induce Par -4 secretion for the inhibition of therapy-resistant tumors.

Four cases of endophthalmitis after gauge pars plana vitrectomy. We report our recent experience with four cases of endophthalmitis one male, three females after gauge pars plana vitrectomy PPV. One was a case of persistent cystoid macular edema caused by branch retinal vein occlusion, whereas the remaining three were cases of epiretinal membrane.

Preoperative antibiotics before the first PPV procedure were not administered in three of the four cases. Endophthalmitis occurred 2—4 days after the first procedure in all cases, for which ceftazidime 2. This was followed by emergent gauge PPV and intraocular lens removal using an infusion fluid containing ceftazidime and vancomycin. After the second PPV procedure, progress was good in three cases while retinal detachment occurred in the remaining case one month after surgery; this case required a third PPV procedure.

Bacterial cultures were negative after the second PPV procedure in all cases. In conclusion, postoperative endophthalmitis occurred in four of cases 0. It is important to minimize the incidence of endophthalmitis after gauge PPV. Stress reactions involving the pars interarticularis in young athletes. A stress reaction involving the pars interarticularis of the lumbar spine was confirmed in seven young athletes with a positive technetium pyrophosphate bone scan. No pars defects were detectable on their lumbosacral roentgenograms, which included oblique views.

The return to normal levels of radioactive uptake on repeat bone scans correlated closely with their clinical course. If the bony reaction is recognized early, it may heal at a subroentgenographic level and prevent the development of lumbar spondylolysis. These early lesions usually show unilateral increased uptake at one lumbar level on the bone scan and, initially, the athlete localizes the pain to the corresponding unilateral lumbar paraspinous area. The ''one-legged hyperextension test'' is positive on the ipsilateral side and aggravates the pain.

Treatment consists of avoiding the aggravating activities and resting. The average time for return to pain-free competition was 7. These developing defects may be the source of considerable prolonged disability in the young athlete, particularly if undiagnosed and untreated. Recent studies investigating protease-activated receptor type 2 PAR -2 suggest an association between the receptor and periodontal inflammation. Furthermore, periodontal treatment significantly reduced p periodontitis.

The polarity protein Par 6 is coupled to the microtubule network during molluscan early embryogenesis. Cell polarity, which directs the orientation of asymmetric cell division and segregation of fate determinants, is a fundamental feature of development and differentiation. Regulators of polarity have been extensively studied, and the critical importance of the Par partitioning-defective complex as the polarity machinery is now recognized in a wide range of eukaryotic systems. The Par polarity module is evolutionarily conserved, but its mechanism and cooperating factors vary among different systems.

Here we describe the cloning and characterization of a pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis homologue of partitioning-defective 6 Lspar6. The protein product Ls Par 6 shows high affinity for microtubules and localizes to the mitotic apparatus during embryonic cell division. In vitro assays revealed direct binding of Ls Par 6 to tubulin and microtubules, which is the first evidence of the direct interaction between the two proteins. The interaction is mediated by two distinct regions of Ls Par 6 both located in the N-terminal half. Atypical PKC, a functional partner of Par 6, was also found to localize to the mitotic spindle.

These results suggest that the L. Identical sequence and localization of Ls Par 6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of handedness. Paternal age related schizophrenia PARS: Latent subgroups detected by k-means clustering analysis. Paternal age related schizophrenia PARS has been proposed as a subgroup of schizophrenia with distinct etiology, pathophysiology and symptoms.

This study uses a k-means clustering analysis approach to generate hypotheses about differences between PARS and other cases of schizophrenia. We conducted a series of k-means clustering analyses to identify clusters of cases containing high concentrations of PARS. Two analyses generated clusters with high concentrations of PARS cases.

The mean paternal and maternal ages were 41 and 33, respectively. These results strengthen the evidence that PARS cases differ from other patients with schizophrenia. Hypothesis-generating findings suggest that features of PARS may include a discrepancy between verbal and performance intelligence, and in females, an early age of onset. These findings provide a rationale for separating these phenotypes from others in future clinical, genetic and pathophysiologic studies of schizophrenia and in considering responses to treatment.

Electron microscope study of vacancy clusters produced by quenching in magnesium; Etude par microscopie electronique des amas de lacunes crees par trempe dans le magnesium. Vacancy clustering in quenched magnesium has been studied by transmission electron microscopy. The nature of the vacancy loops observed, seems to depend essentially on the impurity content of the metal; this effect can be attributed to a variation of the stacking fault energy of magnesium due to impurities.

Un effet considerable des impuretes du metal sur la nature des boucles obtenues par condensation de lacunes a ete mis en evidence; cet effet semble s'expliquer de facon satisfaisante par un abaissement de l'energie de faute d'empilement du magnesium du aux impuretes. Neutrons detection by scintillation; Detection de neutrons par scintillations.

The absence of charge of neutrons and their elevated penetration power make difficult their detection. Techniques vary otherwise with the energy of the particle. Les techniques par ailleurs varient avec l'energie de cette particule. Full Text Available The article analyzes the current status of production planning in company Pars Komponenty s.

The original planning system plans according to production capacity backward without collisions, but for a given type of production does not work in practice. Planning system was analyzed and the main problems were identified, which were high work in progress and material stocks. This article target is to propose a new planining system based on the inclusion of time reserves of purchased material items. New planning system was tested in practise with benefit in reducing both the material inventory and work in progress.

Determination of tritium by counting; Dosage du tritium par comptage. Ionisation chamber assay of tritium in any gaseous mixture is a simple, fast and accurate method. We used the method of relative determination by comparison to a standard rather than the method of absolute assay in which case the constants are known with too little accuracy. The efficiency of the chamber was studied in connection to the pressure inside the chamber and its total volume. The calibration is linear in the range we are taking into account 1 to 80 millicuries.

The reproducibility of the method is good: To end the paper, we describe in detail the apparatus and the ways of proceedings. Nous avons prefere utiliser la methode de determination relative par rapport a un etalon car, dans le cas d'une determination absolue, les constantes sont connues avec une trop grande incertitude.

L'efficacite de la chambre a ete etudiee en fonction de la variation de la pression d'argon a l'interieur de la chambre et du volume total, de cette derniere. L'etalonnage s'est revele lineaire dans le domaine de mesures qui nous interessaient 1 a 80 millicuries. Pour terminer, nous donnons une description detaillee de l'appareillage utilise et du mode operatoire suivi. Clinical outcomes of pars plicata anterior vitrectomy: To demonstrate the safety and outcome of a surgical approach that uses pars plicata site for anterior vitrectomy during phacoemulsification procedure complicated by posterior capsule rupture and residual cortical matter.

Single center, retrospective, interventional, noncomparative study. Medical records of a consecutive series of 35 eyes of 35 patients who underwent pars plicata anterior vitrectomy PPAV were reviewed. Ultrasound biomicroscopic UBM evaluation of sclerotomy site and spectral domain optical coherence tomography analysis for central macular thickness CMT was performed.

The final visual outcome at 2 years was evaluated. The postoperative UBM image of the sclerotomy site at 8 weeks demonstrated a clear wound without any vitreous adhesion or incarceration. Intraoperative hyphema was seen in 1 2. No case of an iatrogenic retinal break or retinal detachment was reported. PPAV enables a closed chamber approach, allows thorough cleanup of vitreous in the pupillary plane and anterior chamber and affords better access to the subincisional and retropupillary cortical remnant with a significant visual outcome and an acceptable complication rate.

Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor u PAR as a promising new imaging target. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in the development of u PAR -targeted imaging ligands according to imaging modality. Pars plana vitrectomy for disturbing primary vitreous floaters: Primary vitreous floaters can be highly bothersome in some patients. In the case of persistently bothersome floaters, pars plana vitrectomy may be the most effective treatment.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of complications, and patient satisfaction, after pars plana. The effects of increased photosynthetically active radiation PAR and ultraviolet radiation UVR on species diversity, biomass and photosynthetic activity were studied in fast ice algal communities. The experimental set-up consisted of nine 1. The total algal biomass, dominated by diatoms and dinoflagellates, increased in all treatments during the experiment.

Scrippsiella complex mainly Scrippsiella hangoei, Biecheleria baltica and Gymnodinium corollarium showed UV sensitivity in the top 5-cm layer, whereas Heterocapsa arctica ssp. The photosynthetic activity was highest in the top 5-cm layer of the PAR treatment, where the biomass of the pennate diatom Nitzschia frigida increased, indicating the UV sensitivity of this species. This study shows that UVR is one of the controlling factors of algal communities in Baltic Sea ice, and that increased availability of PAR together with UVR exclusion can cause changes in algal biomass, photosynthetic activity and community composition.

For permissions, please e-mail: The public voted against both projects. Depth Hermeneutics DH, as proposed by Thompson , was used as the methodological reference. DH emphasizes the object of analysis as a meaningful symbolic construction requiring interpretation. Narrative analysis, as proposed by Motta , was the main research technique used to highlight the movement of construction of journalistic discursive characters.

The narrative identities built by the two newspapers showed that both were against the creation of the new states, but for very different reasons. En 11 de diciembre de , el plebiscito en. The breakdown of the barriers formed by extracellular matrix proteins is a pre-requisite for all processes of tissue remodeling.

Matrix degradation reactions take part in specific physiological events in the healthy organism but also represent a crucial step in cancer invasion. Both receptors have additional functions that are currently being unraveled. Effect of simvastatin and ezetimibe on su PAR levels and outcomes. Brulure par Plaque de Bistouri Electrique: Genes homologous to par A and par B, and two putative parS copies, have been identified in the Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium smegmatis chromosomes.

As in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the par A and par B genes in these two non-pathogenic mycobacteria are located near the chromosomal origin of replication. Results The par AB genes were arranged in an operon. However, we also found promoters upstream of each one of these genes. Seven putative promoter sequences were identified in the orf60K- par B region of M. Real-time PCR assays showed that in M.

However, par B expression was higher than par A expression and remained almost unchanged along the growth curve. Conclusion The majority of the proposed promoter regions had features characteristic of Mycobacterium promoters previously denoted as Group D.

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The hexamer of a strong E. In this paper, a MODIS-derived daily PAR photosynthetically active radiation simulation model from cloud-free image over land surface has been developed based on Bird and Riordan's model. In this model, the total downwelling spectral surface irradiance is divided into two parts: The attenuation of solar beam irradiance comprises scattering by the gas mixture, absorption by ozone, the gas mixture and water vapor, and scattering and absorption by aerosols.

The diffuse irradiance is scattered out of the direct beam and towards the surface. The multiple ground-air interactions have been taken into account in the diffuse irradiance model. The parameters needed in this model are atmospheric water vapor content, aerosol optical thickness and spectral albedo ranging from nm to nm.

The measurements were made at the Qianyanzhou ecological experimental station, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network. Our results show that the simulated PAR is consistent with field measurements, where the correlation coefficient of linear regression between calculated PAR and measured PAR is 0. However, there were some uncertainties in the comparison of 1 km pixel PAR with the tower flux stand measurement. For HIV-negative individuals, little or no prognostic effect was observed.

However, in both HIV positives Mark; Nelson, Lisa K. Nonbacterial prostatitis has no established etiology. We hypothesized that proteinase-activated receptor-1 PAR 1 can play a role in prostatitis. We therefore investigated the effects of PAR 1 stimulation in the context of a new model of murine nonbacterial prostatitis. Ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation was maximal at 2 days. In the tissue, PAR 1 was expressed predominantly along the apical acini of prostatic epithelium.

Profiling gene expression induced by protease-activated receptor 2 PAR 2 activation in human kidney cells. Full Text Available Protease-Activated Receptor-2 PAR 2 has been implicated through genetic knockout mice with cytokine regulation and arthritis development. Many studies have associated PAR 2 with inflammatory conditions arthritis, airways inflammation, IBD and key events in tumor progression angiogenesis, metastasis, but they have relied heavily on the use of single agonists to identify physiological roles for PAR 2.

However such probes are now known not to be highly selective for PAR 2, and thus precisely what PAR 2 does and what mechanisms of downstream regulation are truly affected remain obscure. Among 2, human genes regulated similarly by both agonists, there were clear associations between PAR 2 activation and cellular metabolism 1, genes, the cell cycle, the MAPK pathway, HDAC and sirtuin enzymes, inflammatory cytokines, and anti-complement function.

This is the first widespread profiling of specific activation of PAR 2 and provides a valuable platform for better understanding key mechanistic roles of PAR 2 in human physiology. Results clearly support the development of both antagonists and agonists of human PAR 2 as potential disease modifying therapeutic agents.

One of the challenges in understanding the air quality over forested regions has been the uncertainties in estimating the biogenic hydrocarbon emissions. Biogenic volatile organic compounds, BVOCs, play a critical role in atmospheric chemistry, particularly in ozone and particulate matter PM formation. Despite significant efforts in improving BVOC estimates, the errors in emission inventories remain a concern.

Thus, utilization of satellite observations to estimate PAR can help in reducing emission uncertainties. Satellite-based PAR estimates rely on the technique used to derive insolation from satellite visible brightness measurements. In this study we evaluate several insolation products against surface pyranometer observations and offer a bias correction to generate a more accurate PAR product. The improved PAR product is then used in biogenic emission estimates. The improved biogenic emission estimates are compared to the emission inventories over Texas and used in air quality simulation over the period of August-September NASA's Discover-AQ field campaign.

A series of sensitivity simulations will be performed and evaluated against Discover-AQ observations to test the impact of satellite-derived PAR on air quality simulations. Pars plana Ahmed valve and vitrectomy in patients with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease. To assess the safety and efficacy of a modified technique for pars plana placement of the Ahmed valve in combination with pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease. Thirty-nine eyes with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease underwent pars plana vitrectomy combined with Ahmed valve placement.

All valves were placed in the pars plana using a modified technique, without the pars plana clip, and using a scleral patch graft. The 24 eyes diagnosed with neovascular glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from Fifteen eyes diagnosed with steroid-induced glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from Complications included four cases of cystic bleb formation and one case of choroidal detachment and explantation for hypotony.

Ahmed valve placement through the pars plana during vitrectomy is an effective option for managing complex cases of glaucoma without the use of the pars plana clip. We investigated the effect of solar ultraviolet radiation UVR and photosynthetically active radiation PAR on the development of tropical micro- and macrofouling communities for 30 d. The experimental design involved 3 treatments: Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis demonstrated that different light conditions resulted in the formation of highly different microbial communities.

The lowest densities of bacteria were found under the full spectrum treatment, while the lowest densities of diatoms were found in the minimal light treatment. Macrofouling communities consisted of 13 species and differed among light treatments. In the presence of UVR, communities had low species diversity, evenness, and richness, while in minimal light and PAR treatments, communities had high species diversity, evenness, and richness.

While densities of H. We conclude that UVR and PAR directly control the development of shallow micro- and macrofouling communities by inhibiting the recruitment and growth of sensitive species and promoting the growth of resistant species, but also that these forms of solar radiation influence the surface cues available to competent larvae by altering the development of the microbial community.

The pars intermedia is an area of the vulva that has been inconsistently described in the literature. We conducted anatomic studies to better describe the tissues and vascular structures of the pars intermedia and proposed a functional rationale of the pars intermedia in the female sexual response. Nine cadaveric vulvectomy specimens were used. Each was serially sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome.

Histologic ultrastructural description of the pars intermedia. The pars intermedia contains veins traveling longitudinally in the angle of the clitoris, supported by collagen-rich stromal tissues. These veins drain the different vascular compartments of the vulva, including the clitoris, the bulbs, and labia minora; also, the interconnecting veins link the different vascular compartments.

The pars intermedia is not composed of erectile tissue, distinguishing it from the erectile tissues of the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris as well as the corpus spongiosum of the clitoral vestibular bulbs. The venous communications of the pars intermedia, linking the erectile tissues with the other vascular compartments of the vulva, appear to provide the anatomic basis for a coordinated vascular response during female sexual arousal. It will see as the typical way of life of the rescued past of the memory of old and the meaning of the abundance in the time of the fishing-farmer, the counterpoint with the concept of famitura of the fishing-exclusive of the gift, where the loss surpasses the scope of the strict survival reaching the proper way of life with the weakness of solidarity.

This analysis will be given mecanicamente in the conceptual field of the time measured for the tasks and of the time chronometered for the clock. Le Web pour enseigner par projets et favoriser la collaboration. One is for the first harmonic frequency at 9. This note reports on the design of the MHz RF cavity. Computer models are used to find the mode frequencies, impedances, Q-factors, and field distributions in the cavity.

These codes employ the finite difference method to solve Maxwell's equations. MAFIA is a three-dimensional problem solver and uses square patches to approximate the inner surface of a cavity. The cavity employs a circularly cylindrical ceramic window to limit the vacuum to the beam pipe. The ceramic window used in the modeling will have a wall thickness of 0.

This wall thickness is not negligible in determining the resonant frequencies of the cavity. Each phoswich is made of two scintillating components - a thallium-doped cesium iodide CsI Tl crystal and an EJ scintillating plastic - coupled to a photomultiplier tube. Both materials have different scintillation times and are sensitive to both charged and neutral particles.

The type of particle and amount of energy deposited determine the shape of the scintillation pulse as a function of time. Slow Integration'' plot can be created that produces particle identification lines based on the energy deposited in the scintillating materials.

Using digitizers to record the detector response waveforms, pions can also be identified by the characteristic decay pulse of the muon daughters. A population sample of subjects, free of CV disease was included. Profils des enfants infectes par le vih en debut du traitement Thrombin induces cell proliferation and migration during vascular injury. We report that thrombin rapidly stimulated expression and release of the pro-angiogenic polypeptide fibroblast growth factor 1 FGF1. These results identify a novel aspect of the crosstalk between FGF and thrombin signaling pathways which both play important roles in tissue repair and angiogenesis.

Influence of P-Reactor operation on the aquatic ecology of Par Pond: Par Pond is a hectare reservoir that was constructed in to provide cooling water for Savannah River nuclear reactors. The purpose of this report is to summarize all known studies on the Par Pond system and point out demonstrable or probable effects that can be correlated with reactor operations.

Reactor operation effects the Par Pond ecosystem through: The influence of each of these factors is discussed. Monoradiculopathy and secondary segmental instability caused by postoperative pars interarticularis fracture: Instability can develop after lumbar spinal surgery. What is also known as secondary segmental instability is one of the important causes of failed back syndrome.

In this paper, we described a year-old female patient who was diagnosed with secondary segmental instability caused by left L3 pars interarticularis fracture after a high lumbar disc surgery and was subsequently treated with re-operation. We evaluated the clinical course, diagnosis, and treatment methods for secondary segmental instability caused by postoperative pars interarticularis fracture. Furthermore, we emphasized the importance of preserving the pars interarticularis during upper lumbar disc surgeries in order to avoid a potential stress fracture.

Se utilizan las bases de datos de los sistemas de monitoreado on-line de la turbina. This work show the study in small steam turbine capacity of generation in cubans thermoelectric power station to relative with statistical influence between steam process parameters regarding absolute vibration parameter, in the steam housing measurements.

Themselves use database as steam on-line monitoring systems. Expose the existing relation between the principal selection parameters for this study. Efficacy and safety of the pars plana clip in the Ahmed valve device inserted via the pars plana in patients with refractory glaucoma. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the pars plana clip PPC in the Ahmed valve tube inserted via the pars plana in patients with secondary refractory glaucomas.

Prospective and interventional case series that included 10 patients with secondary refractory glaucoma. The pars plana vitrectomy and the implant of the modified tube were performed during the same surgery. Control of intraocular pressure IOP and the development of intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated during the follow-up. Follow-up time was twelve months in all the patients. The complications that occurred were transient hypotony in three cases, choroidal detachment in two cases, and one case of intraocular hemorrhage.

No case of tube extrusion or tube kink was observed. Our data suggests that implantation of the Ahmed tube modified with the PPC via the pars plana is safe and effective in patients with secondary refractory glaucomas. We discuss this mechanism in relation to recent models for MinDE oscillations in E. The study points to an ancestral role for the presented pattern types in generating bipolarity in prokaryotes and eukaryotes Prokaryotic plasmids encode partitioning par loci involved in segregation of DNA to daughter cells at cell division.

A functional fusion protein consisting of Walker-type Par A ATPase and green fluorescent protein Gfp oscillates back and forth within nucleoid regions with a wave period of about Outcome of early pars plana vitrectomy in exogenous endophthalmitis. To evaluate the role of early pars plana vitrectomy PPV in cases of exogenous endophthalmitis in terms of final visual outcome and to determine association between various study variables and final visual outcome.

Place and Duration of Study: Intra and post operative complications were recorded and best corrected visual acuity BCVA at 3 months post operative interval was taken as final visual acuity. Maculopathy macular scar, macular pucker , corneal decompensation, corneal opacity and raised intraocular pressure were the major complications associated with compromised visual outcome. With the advancement in vitreoretinal surgical techniques and availability of more sophisticated viewing and illumination systems, early and complete vitrectomy for post operative or post traumatic endophthalmitis results in favorable visual outcome and early rehabilitation.

Intrinsic and integrative properties of substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons. The GABA projection neurons of the substantia nigra pars reticulata SNr are output neurons for the basal ganglia and thus critical for movement control. Their most striking neurophysiological feature is sustained, spontaneous high frequency spike firing. A fundamental question is: Recent studies indicate that these neurons express tonically active TRPC3 channels that conduct a Na-dependent inward current even at hyperpolarized membrane potentials.

SNr GABA neurons have a higher density of INaT , contributing to the faster rise and larger amplitude of action potentials, compared with the slow-spiking dopamine neurons. In SNr GABA neurons, the rising phase of the action potential triggers the activation of high-threshold, inactivation-resistant Kv3-like channels that can rapidly repolarize the membrane.

These intrinsic ion channels provide SNr GABA neurons with the ability to fire spontaneous and sustained high frequency spikes. Thus, afferent GABA and glutamate synaptic inputs sculpt the tonic high frequency firing of SNr GABA neurons and the consequent inhibition of their targets into an integrated motor control signal that is further fine-tuned by neuromodulators. PAR -1 and thrombin: Progression of melanoma is dependent on cross-talk between tumor cells and the adjacent microenvironment. The thrombin receptor, protease-activated receptor-1 PAR -1 , plays a key role in exerting this function during melanoma progression.

PAR -1 and its activating factors, which are expressed on tumor cells and the surrounding stroma, induce not only coagulation but also cell signaling, which promotes the metastatic phenotype. Several adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, and proteases have recently been identified as downstream targets of PAR -1 and have been shown to modulate interactions between tumor cells and the microenvironment in the process of melanoma growth and metastasis.

Inhibiting such interactions by targeting PAR -1 could potentially be a useful therapeutic modality for melanoma patients. The passive auto-catalytic recombiner PAR , which can recombine flammable gases such as hydrogen and oxygen with each other to avoid an explosion in case of a loss-of-coolant accident LOCA , installed in the primary containment vessel does not require a power supply or dynamic equipment, while the existing flammability gas control system FCS of most BWRs as an outer loop of the primary containment vessel needs them to make flammable gases circulate through blowers and heaters in the system.

PAR offers a number of advantages over existing FCS, such as high reliability, low cost due to much smaller amount of materials needed, good maintainability, good operability in case of a LOCA, and smaller space for installation. Developmental DNA elimination occurs in a wide variety of multicellular organisms, but ciliates are the only single-celled eukaryotes in which this phenomenon has been reported. Despite considerable interest in ciliates as models for DNA elimination, no standard methods for identification and characterization of the eliminated sequences are currently available.

We present the Paramecium Toolbox for Interspersed DNA Elimination Studies Par TIES , designed for Paramecium species, that i identifies eliminated sequences, ii measures their presence in a sequencing sample and iii detects rare elimination polymorphisms. Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please e-mail: The objective of the present study was to confirm the expression and localisation pattern of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor u PAR focusing on its possible clinical relevance in patients with urothelial neoplasia of the bladder.

Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumour-tissue blocks from patients treated with radical cystectomy were analysed. Separate scores were obtained for cancer cells, macrophages and myofibroblasts at the invasive front and in tumour core. We were able to confirm, in an independent patient cohort, the tissue expression and localisation pattern of u PAR as investigated Contamination des eaux de puits traditionnels par les nitrates sur le La contamination des eaux souterraines par les nitrates est un A newly created object-oriented program for automating the process of fitting molecular-mechanics parameters to ab initio data, termed Par Fit, is presented.

Par Fit uses a hybrid of deterministic and stochastic genetic algorithms. Par Fit can simultaneously handle several molecular-mechanics parameters in multiple molecules and can also apply symmetric and antisymmetric constraints on the optimized parameters. The simultaneous handling of several molecules enhances the transferability of the fitted parameters. Par Fit is written in Python, uses a rich set of standard and nonstandard Python libraries, and can be run in parallel on multicore computer systems. As an example, a series of phosphine oxides, important for metal extraction chemistry, are parametrized using Par Fit.

Par Fit is in an open source program available for free on GitHub https: Infection par le VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein en Molecular mechanism of bundle formation by the bacterial actin Par M. The actin homolog Par M plays a microtubule-like role in segregating DNA prior to bacterial cell division. Fluorescence and cryo-electron microscopy have shown that Par M forms filament bundles between separating DNA plasmids in vivo. Given the lack of Par M bundling proteins it remains unknown how Par M bundles form at the molecular level. Here we show using time-lapse TIRF microscopy, under in vitro molecular crowding conditions, that Par M-bundle formation consists of two distinct phases.

At the onset of polymerization bundle thickness and shape are determined in the form of nuclei of short helically disordered filaments arranged in a liquid-like lattice. These nuclei then undergo an elongation phase whereby they rapidly increase in length. At steady state, Par M bundles fuse into one single large aggregate.